267645 , � � � . ������ CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL`�FILE NO. F 1 N A L O R D E R BY i;,�`.� t =�' . �'r'c.�...�..,....��--1 File No. ��T In the Matter of ��Ml�� ��M� � ���t1� i46�t�t� I�l'b i�ll �IiRR�� �il1�C'C 1�1L� i�LM AR �'�M �. �L"� �� �PM►�. � �iiH �'M'�• A►Z�o� e+oai��z�at d�ci�ra�nqs �od si�w�alks �rs"o N�sas*�r. �-Q34� � ' under Administrative Order �x�� approved ��� �• ���� ������ under Preliminary Order approved .1UL � 1976 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed imprdve- ment and has fully corisidered the same; now, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sairi`t Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it �` FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate c.�w• all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 3 1976 Yeas Nays i ied Pas ed b uncil Sec�etary Hoz�i "�'y Hunt In Favor By �evine � AUG 5 1976 Roedle� Against Sylvester Mayor Tedesco PUBLI ED AUG 141976 �u�� wM��a - c;��c�e,k . , G I T Y O 1�' s A I 1�'� ���►.U I. - . � ���� F.+air^�'=%Finance Dept. Gehary— Daptr . � �. . , vi��r•tc�s c�k TIiL•' ri.1YOH � � ' � � �%%� No: �` / :/r.. / ) - 1�, -� f � , AU1I�INISTRATIVE OPDC2 �_�, _ � ,t' ^`���` �;pate: APR 9 1976 � �d� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE�, � � . !n the matter to re�ra;3e. pave and canstruct concrete cu�b and gutter, construct 1lghttng system on EDGEf�TO�! STREET froc� Payne Avenue to Case Ave. Atso, canstruct driveways and sidee,ralks �yt��re necess�ry. The Department of Finance and �ianagem�nt Services is hereby directed to brtng LhTs matter before the C�ty Caunctl for pubiic hearing. The Director of the Departc^�en� af Puhlic klorks ts dTrected to set up a nei�hborhaad lnformatIon meettng. " - � , Otig. cc: odg. cc: REG . � . . . . . � DlD W AN • gLW JFK ' , GKS . D i E .,,«. RG�' . _ �CtF":_ � . JFS `�p}0 ' ��l TJE •1 p��i { - •' 'R.H.R.� � � • ' P.5.0. APPROV�D AS TO FORM � � > � ' ',��.: � �� : ,.� c � r'-�-. Assistant City Attorney jI)ypartmeni Flead� ` • _� �i� • ., e - �. ' . . � ... +l � / ' _/�i. .F, .. .. .. . ... Date \ _-'f/.� �j/ r� /�-,_°� '' Ad�ninistrativr.i.�.sista�at to May�r � . . . . - :, . : -. -T- �- .,, EXPLANAT`IQN• OF ADMINISTRATIVE �RDERS. � / . . ' . � S IO�3S AND ORDIN�INCES � � �1 �- . � oLU�r , - '������.� _ _ . , � . __. . , : _ , . . . , � '._- -- _ _��� �:, : . . � UNIT .. ACTION� f If�fT1A� ` 'DATE � � - Date• - � � - - -- Sureau . �� � / -�!� - � Marcl� 16, .19�b _ . � Divis;qn y ', .: . � .^ . ' . . . . . Asst: Dir. .� - -_ -�G. _ - - TO.• TSQMAS.S� fiELI�EY. CITY. BDMINISTRA►Tt3R ; Director. � 1 . _ �_ � . . C . .. ;.. . . , :,_ - - _ . lerical � i � - - �' � Daniet J. Du�ford . � - .. . ...�WY� � . :, .'. . � ...� �.. ' .. .,. `�. �•..� ....,.. ..ry� _. .. .. ...... - � �. . �EDGERTO� STRfET'. f rc�a Pay� Rva. .ta f.�ss� ave. �C T tY Rro1 e�t-.A'03�kA}- ,` ,� - - - " - - . � : - - :� , _ . . . :..; _ _. . ,_ . _ ... _ _ _ _ _ . -- � � - - �•It7N �t3P.5'.TEIx. ' . A�#t�i s trst{�ta 0 rder ta s�t up a gub 11 c , AP�r�rs�I- of att.ac�d _ . hdsrfrtg.-. _ . _ : � - _ . . , - .. - _. . . - ..- _ . . : : - . . .. �_ . _ . . . . _ . _ _ - - _. _ . . . _ . � _ .. . . _ , � __ , : _ .. -. - . . . . - _ , . : . _ . ,. . �. . . . -. -� �� � � _ • .. .. ... . . ; . . . . .. . " . . . ' . . . . � .P _ ` PURPOSE AND RATIDNALE FOR TSIS: At;SDN r Edgert.sn Stroet. i� presentl X an �I 1 ed: = streat.origtnaily gradsd tn 1887 to a 30 fcat widtfi. {n�ocdefi to pr�covtda foc ttre -: i ncreast nq t raff i e voi cu�at a�d ta proyl d� for ths pn+per a�a t nt�art�cs a� tfii s strest}�i t, � .. � ; pr�cpcs+�d that ragradlrrg and� pa�etess,� �ta a width o� 40 fest st�ov.id l�•und+��^take�, conatat�e curb and gutter c.a�str►�ct�d, and .al l driVaw�+/s aet� most ot th� ,dratriag�e�atrnctuc+e� re- -_ plar.ed. The prop�rsed ia�proveiase�t wrwld alleviate tt� �rist�ng draiaage prablem� and --� � � ` wou l d f ac t t i tste Lhs propef nav�t of t!� .i ncre�s i ng traf f tc vo[�sass. �n add�t toir, _ this imp�aa�ent w�auld restor� tl�s boutevards that ara ptes�ntly being used for pattctng..- ATTACffi�iENTS: . . AdminTstrative Order � _ � - - . . Engirtaering Re�daticr�s - � - - CLT/ET/ck. ` " _ - �-- � . - : APP�VP,�: - _ � - � . Thomas J. Ke ley. City ' trato= - - • - . � , . : _� � � _ � = .. . - .�� � �.� . . ��._. .. . . .. 's�iT�Y�T'_ ..s. �' .r.` �.r . . ��n .. , .:�1�FR.�: .- �.... —_ .. . . w . . .. .. _.'r _�,!'.. . .,.�. � � SUMIMARY QF ENGINEERING RECQIfiMENOATtQNS , ', : . . . - , - �'d d� . �R� � . Advisability and D�sirability� � . _._._ , tMPROVE _�. EDGERTON STREET from Payna Avenue to Case Avenue (Ci'ty Project P-0344#1) . EXlSTING COMDiTIONS Edgerton Stre�t frotr: Payne Avenue to Cast Avenue is presently an oiled street ef variabTe roadhed a�idth rnith a macadam base in the certter 16 feet o�iginallY 9racled in 18$7 to � 30 foat width. From Gase Av�nue to t vy Avenue, the rcadbacf I s pres�tly 40 feet Hi de and cc�ns i sts of b i�Cuc�f- nous pave�r�t with concrete curb and g�tt.er, constructed in I970 under the Census Tracts 9 and 10 contract. The existing traffic cou�t is 3sOt30 veh i c1 es pe:r day, wi tft a 20 yea r proJ ected es t imate of l 1 ,000 ve#�i c 1 es per . day. Edgerton Street is not a ttuck route, and t�e�efore, carri�s a negltgible amount cf' truck trafftc. -�' SPEC{AL CONSIDERAT[E3�lS . Th t s propased i mpr�vas�er�t cons t sts af w i den t ng th� p resent 3fl foo t`o i i ed . street ta k0 feet a+�d will confvrm tcr th�s impr�tKtnnent a� Edgertasr Street _ fran Cas� Avenuc to i� Avenue as part cf th� Census. Tracts 9 and l0 . p ro1�� t 19�7�r i 971}• . PROP{�Sf� CMPRflVEMENT _= � trt order to prav€de for the tncreasing traffic voium�e aad to� provicte for tfis proper maintenance ef this strect, It is proposed tfiat regradtng artd paving to a widtfi of 4Q f+eet shouTd be un�ertaken, concre�e curh and yutter constructed, and ai1 driveways and mcst af th� drainage structures- �eptaced. Sidewall�� rr�wld b�,� anly affected at tbe quadra�ts and as necessitates! by tha construct;on of driveways. There a�e 4b trees on tfter /, proposed improvemaTrt ancf appraxi�ately 5 of these trees wi i l have ta b� (�� removed due to tht canstructior�. Those trees removed witf be re�taced' whercver feasible wfth t�ees of a mi�imtins diam�ter af 2". The propased improvea�rrt woutd alTsviate the existing dr�inage pro#�le�s an� wauld factlitata the proper nx�vement of the incre�sTng traffic vvTumcs. in add�tion, this improvement wouTd restare the beulevards that are> preser�tty be;ng used for parkirtg. � COSTS AND F I N�iN�t N6 Estimated C�sts Estimated Canstruction Cost $173,75Q Engineering at 12.5� 21 ,730 (nspection at 2$ 3,48� . Firtance 1 ,150 Traff ic 2:,QDt3 Parks 3E#0 - Lighting 32 000 � - Tatal 23 � OQ � . K . . . . _ _ , • - . - ----- .___ _z_. __ __ --___..._._�__ _ . ____._----: ------ --------- ._.��.___-._____:--------�---- -- . _2 � �- . . . . . - - � � _ . . . EstiRated Finanding • - '`t=���',� '" - ' ' . � � �4�� � . � - . County Aic! 1975 ' �' $ 32,OQ0 � _ County Aid 1975 • . 202,400 - � . Totai . S23+�0 _ . REGOMMEMDATtOM - - i t t s the eng i neert ng recamenendat i orr that th i s prolcct� be approved.. _ ' � Respectfui ly� sub:ai tted, . . , . Dan i e� .�: Oucrford - _ -. � Ct rectar af Rubt ic �/orks: - � . � ' . . . - - . : - . : - � . . . - �� . . : - _ . . • . f��,���? . •, r � ClTY O� SAtNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WQRKS DANIEL ). DUNFORD April 13, 1976 _ DiRECTOR f','�- E i 7�'�7 Mr. Roger Mattson D i recto r of F i nance Room 109, City Natl BUtLDING Attention: Paul Desch Re: P-0344A EDGERTON STREET Pa ne Ave. to Case Ave. P°0344B EOGERTON S (vy Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. Dear S i r: Attached herewith are copies of the following: 1 . Administrative Orders D-26$7 and D-Zb8$ 2o Engineering Reports 3. Maps At your earliest convenience, please bring these matters before the City Council for a public hearing. For convenience, please schedule both projects on the same day. Yours very truTy, L ` �� Claude L. Thompson Public Works Desigrr Engineer ET/ck Attachments _.--'-�� � - � ;, � ,^ ..�. �„ • , cc: J. William Donovan f�"yY .` :�,_� �` � �'•' '� . - !��`.� �''1 �,,.n 1' :_� . . � . -r.. ^'t; `^� �.�:' .i.1. g�_." ..y �� 1...� �. � i•� . . r� y. '� � ,;, i�� >i ^C�' �--1 i..+ e' f . � � ��',i .�s �f �+:sz, � i .,, - �-' � � ,�i ���:'.>., � � .'-T � ' i �,., _ �i _� 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510Z �O _ ...._.........�....�...,...N.r....� � 3--- �.9--_�2 : . �a . �'-�,�� - i � . r�� . _ . . . , . . ... . � � �� . . .. . - l�d�s�lra - � � � ! ; ��`� - r�� : � • �;�c ,�4� -,/ R V EI �1 �1{ l7 " Q I i . _ �' �! �7 e � � ��ln�.w� � w�N� a��w..�.�.•R��e�. �..w�+,... - �' ' $ �� " � , g � .. e � :.`..� : i _ � R ----'� ' :rr -"--�4i�E..,� _..�_ _.:..�t.� .i_..�.. !.r' �' -� — • - ' • � - � - � .'T . , �.�, 'a-�---�,.-,1, _ �----.. .� , _� —, +� u i��� u ir u i: :r ia l a�• +�a •:rt I I j. .�'� � t I : i � '��.� • • �� �xr:w�n��.+.,.w.�:i..n...��q , .. -u .• � /! Y � q N II . 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