267630 WHITE - GTV CLERK `'} PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ������.� CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE �t�YSR � Flle NO. ' � . Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. /�O ` � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordinance approving th.e terms and conditions of a 1976-77 Collective Bargaini.ng Agreement between the City of 5aint Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and tlie American Federation of S�tate, County and Muni.cipal Employees District Council 91, Local 1842, repre- senting t1�.e technical employees of t1�.e City of Saint Paul and Independent School District No. 625. WHEREAS, the Counci.l, pursuant to tlze provxsions of Section 12.09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the "Public Employees Labor Relations Act" recognizes District Council 91, Local 1842 of the American Federation of 5tate, County and Municipal Employees as exclusive representative for those classes of positions within tlze City of Saint Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 74-PR-7-A for the purpose of ineeti.ng and negotiating the terrns and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the City and tlie Exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and WHER.EAS, the City through designated representatives and the ex- clusive representatives have met in good faith and have negotiated terms and conditions of employment for such personnel as are set forth in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City, Independent School Dietrict No. 625, and exclusive representatives; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA.INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Collective Bargai.ning Agreement dated as of the effective date of this Ordinance, between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and Local 1842, District Council No. 91 of the American Federation of 5tate, County and Municipal Fmployees, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized admi.nistrative officials of tlie City are hereby autlzorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City. 1 - COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt '�� oedler Against BY � Sylvester Tedesco � Form Approve� by ty; t ey Adopted by Council: Date � � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY / By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by yor for Subm' si�n to Council By BY � — WHITE - CITY CLERK COIlI1C11 �`��'���� PINK - FINANCE Y: .� CANARV -�DEPARTMENT GITY OF � SAINT PAITL BLUE - I�ANOR File � NO. � ' OrGLZIZG�IZCP. Ordinance NO. I K>D�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That the wage schedule in the Agreement shall be in force and effect retroactively to the dates set fort�h in the Agreement and in accordance with the expressed intent of the agreement of this Council contained in Council File Number 266410. Section 3. That any other ordinance, rule or regulation in force when said Agreement takes effect, inconsistent with any provisions of the terms or conditions of said Agreement is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: C ai rman Civil Service Commissi n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PERSONNEL OFFICE Hozza �_ In F'avor Hunt Levine � Against By Thomas D. Gleason, Director Roedler Sylvester Tedesco 7 �976 Adopted b ouncii Date A�G 1 Form App oved y Ci 'At ey Ce ' ied Pa by ouncil Secretar�y BY B � �976 Approved by Mapor for Submission to Council Approv by Mayor: Dat gy By pUBLISHED AU6 - .� __ { , _ __ b __ � �. _ __ _ o . , . ������ 1976--1977 AGREF�MENT BEZWEEIV THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, --. ._. ------- Tf� II�IDEPENDENT _SCHOOL--DISTRICT N0. 625- - _ ; � . AND � � _.. _ _- - ----- -- - - -- : i ZOCAI, ITNION 18�2;- DISTRICT COUNCIL 91, + - - -- --- - - _ _� OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, � E � COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL ENNIPIAYEES, AFL-CIO � , ; �`a � � ���� ' � INDEX ARTICLE TITLE PAGE , Preamble iii I Recognition i II Check 4ff �+ III Hours of Work 5 IV Work Breaks 6 � V Holidays 7 VI Grievance Procedures 8 VII City Mileage 12 VIII Mileage-Independent School District No. 625 13 IX Vacation �-�+ X Insurance 15 XI Working Out of Classification 16 XII Seniority 17 XIII F�nployee Records 18 XIV Bulletin Boards � 19 XV Wages 20 XVI Maintenance of Standards 21 XVII Leave of Absence 22 XVIII Military Leave of Absence 24 XIX Management Rights 25 XX Discipline 26 XXI vacancies : 27 XJ{II Terms of Agreement � Appendix A Al . - ii - '' . ; PREAI=SB L �; This !iGP�:'�LF'iV`� entered into by the CZTY of Saint Paul, and the independen�t S.^_�o01 District �{c�. C25, h�reinaffer re�erred to as the T'�IPLOYER, and Local Union 1842, afiiliated with Council pl, and the �erican Federation of State, County and l�iunicipal �nployees, A�'L-CIO, hereinafter reierxed to as the U1�JZON, has as its purpose the promotion of harmanious relations bet;�een the EMPLOYER and the UNIOPJ, the establishment of rates of pay, houra af work, and other conditions of employment. - iii - As�TICLE I - RECCGiVITI0IV 1.1 Th� �I.Fi�Y�� recognizes the UPnO�`I as th� sol� and exclusive bargaining agent for th�a pu�ose of establiUhing sa?aries, ��rag�s, �^.�urs and other conditions of cmpZoy�nz,z� for all cf its en�ployees as autlin�cl in th� c�rt?fica�ion b� the State of Minnesota, Bur�au of Me�.iation S�rvices, dated Ju�.�r �2, 1973, zn Case Pio. 74-PR-7-A and as �i�r�d�d and as set forth i,i Section 1.2 b�low. 1.2 The bargaining unit covered by.this AGREE�'�EPIT shall consist of �he fol.lo��ring: 1�.1. re�;ular and probationary technical personnel who are employed by the City of St. Paul or who have t:eir "terms and conditions � of employtnent`` establis��d by the governing body of the City of St. Paul in the classific�tions of: Accoun�ing Clerk IIT Co?urnunity Or�anizer rLccountir_g Clerk (Vocationa2 Corsumer Assistant (Tnstitute) Constuner Lnvesti�ator I Accounti.ng TPchn3.ci�n I C�ns�er Investigator II Accoun�in� Technician II Dental Assistant Accountir� Technician III Dental Hy�ienist Adminis�rative Aide--Community Electronic Data Pror,essing Services Program Analyst Affirm�t�ve Action In��estigator Electronic Aata Processing Prograramer Affirr���ive Ac-t�on D.fficer-- F.•ngineerzr_g Aide I Depart�ent of Human Rights Air Pollu�ion Technici.an I Er_gineering-Aide IT Air Poll.ution Technician II �gineeri�g Draftsman I �rchite�t�.;s�l Draftsr�an I Er_gineering D.raftsman II rlrc�it�ctural Lraft��nan II E�gineering Inspector Kssessm�r_t Clerk II F�eld R�presentative-�H�:man Rights Dept. Assistan+ Supervisar of Assessments General Library Asszstant Child Development Techr.ician Grapr.ic Arts Technician--City Planning Cl.inzc Coordinator--�outh Service Housing Aid� I Bureau Hous:i.ng Aide II Clinic Irarse Hausing Technician I , _ 1 - � . . _ , ,n ��'���� Ai3TICL�. I RECGGTdITION (CO.TiI.ti I�U� fiousi.n� Technici�n TI S�nitation Ins�;�ctor II Tnstructor of A.;ts end Crafts Senior X-ray Technician znstr�nent:�ar: S�ecial Student A�tzndant Laboratory Tec�uiician Staff Coordinator Library Assistan� Superv7.sino Dental Hygie:�ist Model G�.�ies �°chnician. I Supervisor of Assess�e�t Acc�?��ts I�:ode1 C��ZLJ Tecr.r.ician II Sz:sveyor I Personn4l Technician-- Testing Laboratory �id� I l�od�l �?ties Testing �saborator�,� Ai�3e II Plan �a�v.ner--Public Buildings Testing I�boratom,� Tec:uiician r Planning Aide I Testin� .T.,aboratory Technici�n II Planning Aide IT Traffic Engineering Aide II Planning Assistant I . Txaffic Technician I Plannin� Assistant II Traf�'ic Technician II Planning Tecr.nician I Traffic Technician ZII Plar�ning Tectlnician II Utilities Investigator I Practical rJurs� Utilit:ies Investi�ator II � Pro;ram Caardinator-- Valuation and Assess�ent ���.ide I Youtn Services Bu.reau Va].uation and Assessment Ai.de II Pro�;ra�snming Manager Valuation ar.d Assessment Technician SI Public Address Operator Valuation ar.d Assessment Tec:�,nician III P�.iblic Buildin�;s Technician II Valuation Technician Publir. Build.ings Technzcian III �ater Depart�nerxt Tec�nician I Public Tnforrlation Tecnnician Water Department Technician II P�zblic Works �echnici�n I Water D�partment Technician III Public Wo.rks Technician II Water Laboratory Aide Public Works Technicia� IzI X-ray Technician �ecreation Leader Youth Center Supervisor Recreation I,�ader II Yonth Services Counselor Recreation Leader III Youth Ser=rices Supervisor Research Analyst-- Youth S�rvices Bureau Sanztarian �'�ide I Sanitarzan Aide II Sanitation Inspector I Z.3 11ny prsse�t or fu.ture employee -vrho is r.ot a ITj7IQY ��mber sha11 be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by tt� UNION, and upon notification by the UN.LQN, the ��PLO`i�R shall. check off said fee fror� the earnix!gs of the e�loyee and transmit the same to the UNION. In no instance shall the required cantribution exceed a pro rata sha.re of the specific expenses incuxred for services rendered by the representat�.ve in relationship to negotia�i.ons and ad�inistration of grievance procedures. - 2 - ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION (CONTINUED) This provision shall remain operative on�y so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as otherwise legal. 1.4 The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issue against the City as a result of any action taken or not taken by the City under the provisions of Section 1.3 of this Article. - 3 - ARiIC.i� II - C��CK OF� 2.1 The u�s'LU'�R a�rezs to deduet the UNIOPT m�mbership initiation fez assessments and once each Month dues fror� the pay cf thos� e;�ployees *�l?o individual7.y requsst in t�rritin� th�t such deduc�ions be made. �e amounts to be ded�acted shall. be certified to the �.2P£,OiR by a representative of the tTTdTOi� and t.ze aggre�ate deductions of a11 e�ployees shall b6 xemitted tog�ther wzth an itenized statement to the representative by the first of the succ�eding month after such deductions are made or as soon thereafter as is possible. 2.2 The UTJION agrees to indemnif'y and hold the EMPIAYER harmless against any a.nd all claims, suits, orders or jud�ments bxo�ight or issued against �he CITX as a result of any action taken or r.ot taken b�r �he CITY unde.r the provisions of this Axticle. , - �+ - � � %� ����:� ARTICLE III - HOURS OF WORK • 3.1 The normal work day shall be seven and three/fourths (7 3/4) conse_ ative hours per day, excluding a forty-five (45) minute lunch period, 15 (fifteen� minutes of which shall oe paid. 3.2 The normal work week shall be five (5) consecutive normal work days in any seven (7) day period. 3•3 For employees on a shift basis, this shall be construed to mean an average of thirty-eight and three-fourths (38 3�4) hours per week. 3.4 This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of work per normal work day or per normal work week. 3•5 Time on the payrolZ in excess of the normal hours set forth above in this Article shall be "overtime work" and shall be done only by order of the head of the department. 3.6 All employees in this bargaining unit shall be recompensed for work done in excess of the normal hours established above in this Article by bEin� granted compensatory time on a time and one-half basis or by being paid on a time and one-half basis for such overtime work. The overtime rate of one and one-half shall be computed on the basis of 1�80th of the bi-��ee?�ly rate. 3.7 Normal work schedules showing the employee's shifts, work days and hours shall be posted on all department bulletin boards at all times . It is also understood that deviation from posted work schedules shall be per- missible due to emergencies, acts of God, and overtime may be required. - 5 - ' F�.`�T:LCLE �1 - WOt�.'� BR�AY" 4.1 Rest Feriods. A17. employe�s F�ork schedulcs shall provide for a fif'tezn (15) minu�e rest periad during each one-half shift. The rest period shall b2 schedulea b�� manaGe�en� a� approx.:�r�at�ly the middle of each on?-half shift when:ver this is ieasa�ble. �+.2 If an emplo�ee is scheduled to wor� a flzll. ha�.f shift bAyond his re�lar quitting tir�e, he shall b� �ntitl.ed to the rest period �hat occu„rs during said half shif't. - 6 - . � � ������ . ARTICLE V - HOLIDAYS 5.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recognized and observed as paid holidays: New Years Day Columbus Day Presidents' Day Veterans' Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day Two floating holidays Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the Yeolidays listed above, on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shell be observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidsys listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding l�nday shall be observed as the holiday. 5.2 The floating holidays set fortt► in Section 5.1 above may be taken at any time during the contract year, sub�ect to approval oP the Department Head of any employee. 5•3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an employee's name must appear on the peyroll on any six working days of the nine working days preceding the holiday; or an employee's name must appear on the payroll the last working day before the holiday and on three other working days of the nine working days preceding the holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day for the purposes of this section. It is flxz�ther understood that neither temporary, emer�ency nor other employees not heretofore eligible shall receive holiday pay. - 7 - ARTICLE VI - GRIEVANCE PROC'EDUR�S 5.1 The EMPLQ`�R shall recogrize ��ewar�?s selected i n accordance with Uf'ION rules and regulstions a:: *,=:e grievar.ce representative of the bargaining unit. The UNION shall notif;,� tne EMpLpyER in writing of the names of the stewards and of their su^cessors �ahen so named. 6.2 It is re�ognized and ac�e�ted by the EMPIqyER and the LJNION that the pro- cessing of grievances as hereinafter pro�rided is lir�ited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The steward involved and a �rievi�g eaployee shall sufFer no los� in pay when a grievance is processed during workir.g hours, provided, the steward and the employee have notified and receivsd the approval of their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence would r.ot be detrimental �c the work programs of the ENIPLO�A. 6.3 The precedure established �y this krticle shall be the sole and exclusive procedure, except for thF appeal o° disciplinary actior. as provided by Article }� for the pro�essing of grievance, wY:ich are defined as an alleged violation of the terms an�3 conditions of this AGREE2+�NT. 6.4 Grievance shall be resolved �n conformance with the following procedu*e: Step 1. Upon the ocrurre�:ce of an alleged violation of this AGREENL�NT, the employee ir.volved shall attempt to resolve the matter on an informal basis ►.-ith the employee's supervisor. If the matter ia not reso?�ed to the employee's satisfaction by the infonnal discussion it nay be reduced to writing and referred tc Step 2 by the UIJION. The written grievance shal? set forth the nature of the grievar.^e, t'r.e fa��ts an wl�ich it is based, the - � - ARTICLE tlI - GRZEVANCE PROCEDURES alleged section(s) cf the AGRL'EMENT vielated, and the relief requested. Any alleged violation of the AGREENIENT no�� reduced to writing by the UI�TION within seven (7) calendar days of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance, shall be �or.sidered waived. Step 2. Within seven (7) calendar day� after receiving the written grievance a designated E1�LO��R supervisor shall meet with the UATIOIQ Steward and attempt to resolve the grievan�e. If, as a result of this meeting, the grievance remains unresolved, the F?�IAYER shall rerly in writing to the UIJION within three (3) calnndar days following this meeting. The Ui'ION may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the EI�IAYER'S written answer. Any grievance not referred in writing by the tJI�iIO'� within ser•en (7) calendar days follo�ing receipt of the EMPIAYER'S answer shall be considered waived. Ste . Within seven (7) calendar days follawing receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2 a designated EMPIAYER supervisor shall meet with the tTNION Business Manager or hi.s deeignated representative and attempt to resolve the grievance. WS.thin seven {7) calendar days following this meeting the II�LO�R shall reply in writing to the UNION stating the EMPLOYER'S answer concerning the grievance. If, as a result of the written response the grievance renains unresoZved, the UI�TION may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred to i:� writing by the UN�ON to Step 4 within seven (7) calendar day^ following receipt of the EMPL(3YEn'S ansNer shall be considered waive�.. - 9 - - . AI;TIC7�E: VI - GRIEVANCE PROG`EDURES Step 4• If the �ri^-,:,::�e �e�;ains unresolved, the tJNION may within seven (7} -�aler,der days af'ter the response of the II�LOYER in Step 3, 'r.; written notice to the EIyIPI,pyER, request arbitration of the gr�evar.�e. The arbitration proceedings �hall be conducted b;- an arbitrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the EEt�i,py=:F and the U1�TION within seven (7) caler.dar days after notice has been given. If the pa rties fail to mutually agree upon an arbitrator within the said seven (7) day pericd, either party may request the Public IInploy�ent Relation Board to submit a penel of five (5) arbitrators. Both tre EN�LpyER and the UNIpN shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The tJDiION shall strike the first (lst) name; the ENlPLpyER shall then strike one (1) name. The proces� will be repeatefl and the re�naining gerson shall be +he arbitratcr. 6.5 The arbitrator shall have no right tc amend, modifyr, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this AGREEIulE1�1T. The artn trator shall consider and decide enl,y the specific issue submitted in writing by the E1�IA�R and the U1�iI0:� a.^.d shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so �ubmitted. The arbitrator shall be witheut poti:er to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or m�:dif�ring or varying in any way the applicat`_cr o� laws, rules, or regulations having the fo-ce and effect of law. The arbitrator's �ecision sY.all be subr.:itted in writin� wit:�in thrity (3Q) days fGl?OW_!:� close of the he.�xing of the submission of briefs by the parties, whi^never be later, ur_less the part�es agree to an extension. The decision ��:all be based �olely on the arbitrator's interpretation or applicati�r. -.° the expresa terms of this AGREEI�NT and _ �p _ ARTICLE VI - GRIEVANCE PROCIDURES to th^_ facts of the grievance presente�. The decision ef the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the EMPLOYER, the iJNION, and the employees. 6.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the Et�LOyER and the UAION, provided that each party �hall be responsibile for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either pary desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause auch a record to be made, providing it �ays for the record. 6.7 The time l�nits in each step of this procedure may be extended by mzztual agre�ment of the EI�LOyER and the UNTION. E,g It is understood by the UNION and the ENIPIAyER that a grievence may be determined b,y either the grievance procedure of this contract or by the provisions of the Personnel Rules of the City of Saint Paul. If an issue is determi.ned by this �rievance procedure it �hall not again �P sut�mitted for arbitration under the Personnel Rules. If an issue is de;.err.iined by the provisions of the Personnel Rules it shall not again be �u�mitted for arbitration under this grievance procedure. - ii - . � � ��� �: W� �`�t.T.T.CL;� VII - CITY 2ffT�i,t1GE 7.1 Autou�ob�.le P.eimbursernen� Author:ized: Pursuarit to Chapter 9?A of the St. Paui Le�is�_at�ve Cc�e, as arr�era�ed, p�.�tainirg to rei�burse�ent of City officexs and er�;�loyees for t?�e ;�se of their o-�rn auto�obiles ir� ttie perforrLance of t:^�eir dutie�, the fo�.lo�+rin�; provzsiorss are adopted. 7.?_ �:ethod of Gomp�.�ta�ian: To be eli�ible for such re�irabu7•sem�nt, all officers a�d employees must xeceive w.ritten a��thorizatior_ from the Mayor. Reimbu.rsement shall be madz in acco:dance with one of -the followir.g pi�ns: � Type l. ror those offieers and employess who are required to use thelr o-�rn automobi.les occasionally for off:icial City business, reimbursement at the . rate of 13 cents ior each mile driven. Ty��e 2. For those offic°rs and emplo3rees who are required to use their own automobilAs on a re�ar � basi:, on Cit;� business, reimbux�sement at the ra�te af �2.50 for each day of work, and. in addition thereto �t the rate cf 6.5 cer_ts for each mile driv�n. 7.3 Ru1.es and Pegulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations �overn- ing the procedures fox ?utcn�obil.e rei.mbursement, ��hi.ch regulations and rules shall contain the req:iirez�ent that recipients snall file daily reports indicating place of origin and destzr.ation and applicable mileaae ratin�s tinereat and ir.dicating tatal miles driven, and sna11 file ��on+hly affid�.vits statir_g the nu�ber of days worked and the number of railes dri.�ren, a ld f�rther requ�red that they r�a intain automobi�e liabili�y insurar.c4 in amo�z.�ts no+ less than �100,000�300,Od0 for personaZ injury, anfl �25,000 for property damage. These rules and regulations, together with any ar�end�-nents thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk. 7.k� T'ne provisions of this Article shall not apply to employees of Indeper.dent School District P�o. 625• - 12 - ARiICLE V?"II - 2�SI�GE - IPTJEP�iV�;r� SG'�IOOL DISTRICT �625 $.l �mployees of the Schoo7. Aistrzct u_nder policy a�opted by the Board of Edt.z�atio�l may be reir�bursed zor the use �f thsir autor,iabil�.� for schooZ business. To be elig�ble for suc� xe?�nbtzrs�m°nt, e::pl.oyees mixst receiv� 2uthorization from the District Mileage Co:rr�ittee utilizing one o:� the io1lo-�in� plans: • PL.�ri "A" is reimb�.z�csed at t'rce rate of 15y� per raile. In addition, a maximtun ��nount whicz can be paid per month a.s established by an estsz�at� flurnzshed by the employee ar.d . tZe er�loyee's supervisor. tui�thzr consideration for establishi�ng the max�..mut� amount can be the experience of another e�ployee working in the sa�e or similar position. Under this plan, it is necessary for the employee to keep a record of each trip made. PLAY "C" provides #'or rei.rnb�rsement bas�d on a per month ' lu� mp suin" amoant. TY�is a�nnunt is determi ned k�;,r .t�.e employee's driving experience under Plan "A" for �i p�^'7.Od of 3 to 6 months. Those emplo�rees receiving an auto �.11owance under this plan raust repo.rt monthl.y the number of days the car was available during the month. A deduc�ion must be r�ade from the lump sti;m amou�tt far each daf the er�pZoyee is on vacation. A c3eduction �n�ed not be made for an occasional day of illness or for holidays. _ z3 _ ARTICI,U IX - VAC�.`.C:�OIl �.i In each cal�•nd.ar year, each full.--ti�e employ�a shall be granted vaca�ion accord�n� to the fo.11owi.ng s�h?du1e: `teaxs o:f. S�rvice Vacatior Gra�ted Less tha:� 5 years l0 d�ys After 5 years t?zz�z 15 y�ars 15 days After 15 years t�.ru 25 years 21 dAys Aftpr 25 years 22 days �pl�ye�s vr��o work less �han full-ti�e shall be grant�d vacation on a pro rata basis. 9.? The head of the departr�ent may permit an employee to carry aver into the .following Sear tzp to ten days` vacation. � 9•3 Tne above provisions af vacation shall b� subject to Or�ir.ance T�o. _ 64�+6, Section z, Sub, F. - 14 - , , � ,I ARTICLE X - II3SURAIICE �i � 10.1 The Et�'LGYE?2 will continue for the period of this AGREEi��NT to pro�-�de for employees such health ar.d life insurance benefits as are provided by � EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREEN�NT. 10.2 The F:I�,PIAYER will for the period of this AGREEMENT provide for employees who retire after the time of execution oF this AGREEi�NT and tmtil such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits --- -_______. __ - _ _ and life insurance benefits as are provided by the EMPLOYER for such employees. � 10.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision, the employee must: - - - - -- __ ----- - - -- _ . _-_ _ _- - - ._ .� __ — ___ __ . -- _ - --- 10.31—$e re�eiving�iene�it��'ram a-pu�1i�'-�mployee re eri e� a�c� - at the time of retirement. 10.32 H&ve severed his relationship w�th the City of Sair.t Paul under one of the early retiree plans. 10.�i 10.41 The r,MP;AYER will continue for the calendar years 1976 and 197? to provide for employees such health and life insurance ber.efits . as are provic3ed by EMPLOYER at the time of executior. of thi�. �iv�.�;�r�'r�'. 10.42 Costs of health and wel.fare and life insurance for subsequer.t years shall be :egotiated. - 15 - . ARTICLE XI - WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 11. 1 EMPLOYER shall avoid, whenever possible, working an employee on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) working days during a year shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classi- fication not later than the sixteenth (16) day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a full time basis, all of the significant duties and responsibilities of a position _. - -. . . ifferent from the employee's regular position, and which is in a classification higher--than the elas�i.f�€at�er��elc} by suci3 �g���. - _ -- The rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would receive if such employee received a regular appointment to the higher classification. - 16 - : � r����3 C1iln.l.�!d_'e 1:1J. " rJl'+�i ZV1�i.L 1 i 1?._.i. aenzor.it;r, �or ±rn �:ar;ose of this 1LGP..�u,�;�;�,'m, shall b� defined ss �O.t.l Q47:�: `1_'Ll� leng'��1 d�� CpIl'�111UO1�S y T'G�;i.lB.T' �..C�. 'j?T'p'J�t'OT:o.t f ser�rice witia th� ��,�'LOi::tZ fwrem the date ar� n�np�o;r�e �YaS f?rst certified and aP}�o�_nted ±�, a class tit?e co�rere�'. '?-y ±his AC;;c:.��'ya, it bein� flirtrer understood that s�niorzfiy is c�nfined to the c.ux'rent �l�Us assigr��r.t held by ar e��aloyze. Zn case� zah�re ts•re or more e:nploye�s are appointed to the s�.me class ti+le oxi the same date, t�� senic�i�y shall b? de�te�i.ned by �1IIUZG�r?@15 rank an �he eli�ibt4� list ira:n �;hich certi�'ication �ras r�ade. 12.2 szrio�ity �:<ai�. tzt�,�.�.�t� w�en an eMployee retires, resigr.s, or is di:�charbed. � ��?.3 S� the ev�nt i� is det=^r�ined by tne E.'�.'LOYE� t?-xat it is i�ecessa�y � �o �•�dur.e the ��rork force, emplofees w�.11, be laid of.� by class title within eacn d�partnen+ based on inverse lenbth of seniority as defined abov`. 12.4 Zn cases where there are promaticnal sexies, such �� Technician I, II, TII, etc., �rh�n the n�ber of e�pa_oyees ir_ these higher titles is to be reduced, employee� who have he�.d 1ow�r titles which are in this bar�;ai.nir_g unit wz�l be effered reductiozzs to the highest of these t_�tles to Vrhich �lass seniority would kee� them from being laid off, bL:Cor� l�yof'fs are made by any c�ass ti+le i;: a�y de;�artmer.t. �2.5 It ?.s underc��ood tnat such empZoy°e� will pick up the:�r �'or�:er seniorit�r date in a�y class of positions tha� they preva.ously hel�. 12.6 R°calJ_ frcm layoff srall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after two� years of layoff. _ �.7 _ ARTICLE XZII •- :�;fu'L�A� RE��O:i.Ba � 13.1 Any writ+en z�epr�mand m�ade conce.,.ir_�; any me;r:ber of +his Bar�air,5_ng Unit �hi�h is iil�d with the Persorne?. Offi.ce or within Gny Cztf department, sha11 b� �ho:�rr� to �ha m�n:be. before it is pl.aced or. °z�e. Be.�are the rep.ri_mand is placed cn fi ie, t?:? City shall xequest iro� the emplo;;�e an acl��wl,�c��m�nt, -?n writiing, that the reprzmand had be�n read by said 2mployze. 13.2 Any m�mber of t'r;e ba�gain�ng unit, r�ay, during ususal wo.rkir.g hcurs, with the approval of the st�pervzsor, revzew any �aterial placed ir. the e�ployee's perNonnel file, aftQr first gi•r�.no pioT.�eY' notice ta th� �uperzTi.S�r in custody of such file. 13.3 .Any nember of the bar�aining ux�it �ay file a �rievance or a discri�nination comglaint and there shall be no reValiatien by t;�e City o.f S�. Pau1 for such action. - 18 - . _. ��',��':>� ARTICLE XN - BULI�TIN EOARDS . 14.1 The EMPIAYFR shall provzde reasor_able bulletin space for use by the i7NI0h' in postin� notices of iJ1VI0N business and activi+ies, said bulletin board space shall not be used by the UNIGN for � political purposes other t�lan UIVION elections. Use of this bulletin board is subject to approval of the department head. <� - 19 - � AIt'�'ICLE XV - t+J�"�GLS .15.1 The �ra�e scheduJ.e, for p�arposes of �h�s ;�ontract, shall be A�p�rdix A, attache� iiereto. - 20 _ ���� �.. ���� ��cxcr� xvz - r�zrr�rrarrc�. o.M sT�v�a�vs �6.1 ThA parties a.gree that a11 conditians of e�loyment rel.ating to war�es, hours of wor�c, overti.me differentials, vacati�ns and alZ other gen�xal working conditions shall be �naintsined at not less than the highest �inimum standard se+, forth in thn Person.nel Rules of the Ci�y of Saint Paul {prdi.nance No. 3250) and the Salary Ordinance of the City of Saint Paul (Ordinance Yo. 64�+6} at the tsme of the signing of this AGR�ENi�:dT, and the conditions of employment shall b� i�nproved wherever saecific provisions far improvement are made elsewhere in this AG + �P?.�. - 21 _ AS�TICI,�' XVSI - I;�t��: Q�' ABaETdCE ].7.1 Leave of Absence. After thr?° month's e:�!ploym�snt, an e*.nplcye� �ay make application far � leave of absence n�t to exc�ed one year. P. l�ave of abse�ce shall be �ranted or_ �the basis establ��s:�ed in the Personnel Ru�.e� (Ordir.ance No. 3250). 17.2 SicY Leave. Sick Lnave shall accutaulate at the rate oi .057Fi of a workir.b hour for eac�i i�ll hour on the payroll, exc1uding overtime. Sick leave accurxulation is unl.imited. To be eli;ible for sick lea�re the ei�ployee rnust xeport tc his supervisor no later than ane- half hour past his regular scheduled starting time. The granting of sick leave shaLl be subject to the ��rms and provi�ions Qf Ordinance 1V�o. 3250 of the City of St. Pau3. ?7 3 Ar.y emp7.oyee who has acci:nulated siek leave credits as provided . above sha11 be granted leave t,rith pay, for such period of time as the head af' the department deems necessary, on account of siclmess or injury of the employee, quarant�.ne established and decZared by the Bureau oi Health, death of the employee's �,other, father, spouse, child, broth�r, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other �erson :�ho is a m�nb?r of the tiouse�old; and may be grant�d leave c�ith pay foz• sucn time as is actually necessary for office visits to a dactor, dz:tist, optometrist, etc., or in the case of sudden sickness or disabili�:y of a member of his hcusehold, Making arrangements for the care of such sick or disabled persons up to a ma�imum of four haurs sick leave. - 22 - . . ARfi:LCLE �VTI - I,Ef�SIES OF tiBS,x:,TaCE {GOil'�SN(T;::D} ?7.4 Leave T�iithout Pay. Any e�nployee wllo engages in activP serv�.ce in time of war cr other erae�gency d�clared by prop?r a�z�hority of any of th� miliiary or na1a�! forces of the State or of the United States for which leave is no� oth�r,�rise allowzd by la:a shall be entitled to leav� oi ��sence frcr� employment wz�hout pay dluinr� such sArvice w�.�h right of reinstatemen� and subject to such cen- ditions as are imposed by law. Sucn leaves of absence as are �ranted under �',rticZe �VIII shall conform to Minnesota Statutes . Section 192, as �s:�ended �rom time to tzme Fuid shall confer no additio:�a1 benefits other than those �z•anted b5� said statute. �7•5 Jt�.x-y Duty. Any employee who is r�quirec� during his regular work3ng hours to appear in co��rt as a jur�r or witness except in his own � behalf against the�City, shall be paid his regular pay while he is so engaged, proJided rowever, that an;� fees that the employe� may receive from the court for such service sYzall be paid to the � � Ci�y an� be deposited witr the City r�.rx nce Director. Any employee who is scheduled to S•702'k a shift, other than the no�al daytim� shift, shall be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such ¢ime as he is required to appear in C�U.�'L as a juror or t�itr.ess. _ �3 _ , � � r`��`��� t� A.RTTCI,E XVI:II - P�LLIT��.�.T�Y I��,�E 0�' �Ei�dCE 18.1 �'a� �1Zlo��r�nce. Anur e1plo;��ze :��ha shall bi a m�mber of the ��atio:�al Cuard, the T�aval Militia or any other compenent of t,he militia of the sLate, no:� or lZere�iter or€;ar.ized or constituted und�r state or federal law, or who shall. be a n�mber of �he Q�ficer's Reserve C�z-ps, the Enlisted Re�erve Cor7rs, t�e Ptaval Reserve, the 'r::rine Corps R�s°rve 01 any ath�r reserve coz�ponent of the t�i?itar-y or naval force of' the United Scates, noza o_r hereafter or�ar_ized or constituted u,n@er Federal la�r, shall be entitled to ��a-re of absence from employrnznt witho�zt loss of gay, se�iority status, efziciency rating, vacation� sick leave �r ot':ier be:.efits for a7.1 the ti.me w?�en :-�u�h employee as en�aged with such organi�ation or component in training or active s�rvice o.rdered or a,u�norized by proper authority pursuant t�� la:a, � whether f�:^ state or �ederal purposes, provided that su:.h leave shsll not exceed a total of fa.f`teen (15) days in an,y calendar ;�ar and, flither p�ovided that such leave shall be a1,lo�aed anly in case t:�e required military o.r naval. service is satisfactori].y perforz�ed, which shall be presu.�aed unl�ss the contrary is established. Such leave shall not be allakec3 t�nl.ess the eMployee (l� returns to his positivn immediatcly upon bzino relieve� frem such militar.y or r:av-�1 s�rvice and not lat�r than the e�-pzration of tim° herezn li�.i.ted for such lnave, or (2} is pr��,�ented frcro so returnir.g by phy�ic�l or r�e�tal disability or othQr ca�.zse not due to suc�� r.'�'r,ployee'� ot•m faul��, or (3� is re�luirec� by� �roper authority to continue in such r�ilitary or naval service beyor.d +he tim� herein limitzd for such leave. !2!} � :LFTICLE XIX - r�"��.t�iAG���vfi R�tCHTS ��.a. lcle UriIC:V �e�^o��i^.°s �n� rig;t of t}Z�� C"�TY to operate ar_d u�ana��� its 8f�'3�Y'S �r_ all :es,�ects in accordan��e tait!z applicable la,as and .re,;ulati��ns o� �ppropriat;e aut�a�ritie�;. Et11 ri�hts and authori�y v=hic�. the CIxY 'c!as not offi�ially ab�zdge�, C�i?I�b�.ed or modiPie3 �y t%�is �G�:.�`E:���' �re retained b;r tne CITi'. 19.2 A publi� employer i;� r.o� re��u:i.red to meet and negotiate on r�a�tars ofir.heren� r�.-3na�erial �olicy, wnich inc�ude, Uut are � . not lirn?.ted i;o, sucr areas of discr.etion or polic-y as the ���- ction�� and pro�rd�s oi tYi� e��l.oyer, its overa2l bud�et, utiliz�t;on of technolog;•,r, r�nd organizationa7_ structure and selec�ion and directa.on and number cf �erso:znel. . - 25 - � � ��Txc�: xx: - nzuc�z�z�� 20..1 The EP�SPLOY�� wi11 �ii:�cipline e�aployees f�r ju�t caus� a�Zy. Discipline wil�. b� i.� the fo�-m o� : 20.li Oral reprirnar.��; 20.12 Writ-ter_ re�riman3; 20,13 Suspensien; 20.14 R�ductior_�; 20.15 D�.sc:�ar�e. 20.2 Suspen�ions, reducticrs and dischax,��es �rill be in written fo�. 20..3 gnployees and the UNIOY wi3.l receive copies of �aritten reprimar_ds and notices of suspension and discharJe. 20.�+ �mployees raay examir_� all inforrnetion an �heir El`dPiAYER p2x'so:2!Zel files that concerns work evaluations, co�endations and�or dzsciplinary . actions.. �'a.les maJ be e.:amized at reaso.nable tasnes u��der �he direct su�erva�sion of the EN�TAYER. 20,5 Discharges �,rill be preced�d by a five (5} day prel3.ininar;� suspension witnout pay. Lurin� said peI'i.Od� fih� empl�yee ard�or UPIIOY may request, �nd sha1Z be entitled to a M°eti.ng with the F,.�Tf'I,OYER representa- tive who initiated the suspension with intent to disc?�arge. During said f'i�e (5) day pe.riod, the EMP7A'LE_:� may affirm t:�e suspensioz� and dischar;e zn accordance =�iith Personn�l Rules or may modi�'y, or withdraw same. 2 0.6 An e�ployee to be que�t�.o.nad concerning an ineesti�ation of disciplin�r�,� action shall havs the righ� to request th.at a Ul`TION reQr�sAnta�zv� b� gr�sent. 2�.7 Grievance relating to �hzs article shall be processed in accord�nce with existing Civil Service pxocedures, except that oral and written reprimands sh�l3 be taken up in the griPVa.nce �rocedure ur.der Article VI. - 26 - i ARTICLE XXI - VACAPTCIES � 21.1 For the calendar years 1976 and 1977, the Civil Service Corrunission will announce promotional examinations for Clerk II, Clerk-Typist II and Clerk-Stenographer II as needed,not less than once in 1976 and not less than twice in 1977. These promotional examinations will consist solely of ratings of training and experience. 21.2 No person shall be appointed provisionally after January 1� 1977, for a period to exceed one year. 21.3 The Personnel Office will inform all departments that the department's timekeeper shall post natices of all �ob vacencies in their department at least five days before submitting a requisition to the Personnel Office. .� - 27 - ._ ���,��§�� _ ARTICLE XR II -2'ERPRS OF AGREEb�NT . 2�1 Comple+.e Agreement and Waive_� of Bar�aining. This AGHEEMENT .shall represent the complete AGREEI�NT bEtween the UNION and the CITY of Sair�t Paul. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this AGREEMENT, each had t�e unlimited right ar�d opportunity to make rec�uests snd proposal. with resFect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the complete understandinas and agreements arri?*ed at by tr.e parties after the exercise of that right ar_d opportunity are set forth in this AGR'EENIENT. Therefore, the CITY and the UIti,TION, Por the life of this AGREEMENT, each voluntarily and unqualified�jr waives the right, and each agrees that the other s�.all not be obligated to bargain coZlectively with respect to any s�:bject or matter referred to or covered in this AGREEMENT. 22.2 5avings Clause. This AG�EE'ME1yT is subject to the laws of the United States, the State oP Minnesota, and the City of St. Paul. In the ever.� an« provision of this AGRE��NT shall hold to be contrary to law by a ce,u�t of competent jurisdication from whose final judgment �r decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisiar shall be voided. All ot:�er provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 22.3 Term of Agreement. This AGREEMENT shall be in ftill force and effect Srom January 3, 1976 thru December 31� 197? , and shall be sutomatically renewed from year to year thereafter wnless either party shall notify the other in writing by June 1, that it desires to modify or terminate _ 28 _ .. ARTICLE XXII -TEf�S OF AGftEEMENT (CONTINUED) this AGREF��NT. In witness thereof, the parties have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed this 7th day of June , 197 6, 22.4 This constitutes a tentative AGREEMENT between the parties which will be recommended by the City IQegotiator, but is subject to the approval of the Administration of the City, the City Cot;ncil and Independent School District No. 625 and is also subject to r atification by the IJNION. WITNFSSES: CITY OF SAII� �AUL IACAL UNION 1842, DISTRICT COUNCIL 91 OF TI� AMERIC,AIY FIDERATION OF STATE -- _ COUNTY ANID MUNICIPAL II�II''LOYEES,AFI,-CIO -----.-.� �__.�- z�_ ._.�._._ _-�__ - �_ ,.�--- ---�__. __� . -- - - - - � - - - - - - -- - _=-- . _ _._ -- - BY: s�--r.�I�'� ity Nego iato ' Business Representative BY: BY: BY: BY: Civil Service Commission $Y: _ BY: Mayor BY: BY: City Attorney BY: BY: ; Independent School District ; No. 625 ! School Board ftegotiator BY: Deputy Superintendent - 29 - - -ry - + CT -� W N ~ � C:� 0.� � ' N � � O v^� `n O p O O O O w W O � � C:� N � � O O O � O W W W � � O � 1-' W O c1 � Q O O O O W W W W ~ O�D W � '� ;� • trJ � O O O O O _ t� _ � � t' W � N W F-' F-' aD -" x � � � y �n �dFd �-+ x � �+ �" r � •° * r" * � `'' � �-d �- o i m sv cr m sv I-� � � c cu O r• �' �n rn `n �i � � O � r• K c+ F-' N• ;n � m m o� � � Oq O o' N• O ''d O N Q' � O 4� � Y ID (D � !-� c+ i-�• � � c.` tn (D 1-�• �i F-' CD C� O c+ C: tD �d � � m t-+• r• c+ ."� � �S F+• �-i � sb p, n �i �-S A� c'•- �d c+ c+ � n� N• N• � � s� cu K r• m � I� r• c-i t7 y �+ N• N•0� �i � � n C4 I� m �C t7 � N c+ C� iv � (D a, � u�i t-� fb � � O � t'' F�• W ,� � N � O N fi [n � i--' � F-i � 3U � � � K r• t�• � W u� cD \O ia O O � � �O w �C � � Sv H CS' tn r'• �, �04 • � I--' c+ � F'• �=J '"� ►i O t�• N � � O � m �, O cU �i vi f'• O O � O H � O G � ' cn cF R. 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H (D � � y a' N � . s� ¢. �t m m m �• m � � r• IJ � H V7 O -J Cn � -J c� [n H f� l� r• c+ H � � 1--� `� � r M -J (D I F-' �' B H I�• � n O � � � p t� t-b �O F'S C] �n � (D H iv � �i C �1 i c+ �" F+• • C O • W � � t�• bd (D H • � � O n O F'• � `n c� cr � � u� H G n r• O cu O �: O h'• H F'• F'• c+ H O • � � ro � � m H �' a � � i t� N• � w r� � �o cbo co � � -� H � H� o rn N �n 'r1 O co W H N• H m y �,^, v� o � �v � c�o �" � c„ � o � °o � o° � o � .. tu r• � H c+ fD H rn H O _ . r.,� _ -- -___ ___ _ - _ _ _ �D x oo � � r;, W � � � O O � � �n � O O C � O O O Q � r• � � c+ � � C`.� -�7 �1 f�.� N � f� �n � CJ F-' N i � �; O O O O • � •t ., � � . � APPEIV�IX "A" (continued) ��� / L5 y`,•y,� � + • �ffective January l, i977, the above rates in Steps A thru 15-yr. sha11 ce ir.�creased 5?0. The rates for the 20-yr. and 25-yr, steps shall continue to be ;��3.OG greater than the rates for the 15-yr. and 20-yr. steps respec:tively. - A6 - w I .. i 1 /A! ►7 l V � �r v ` I OM O1: 12-1975 ' �V /U�!) EXPLANATIOIV 4F ADIV�NISTRATIVE� ORDERS, „�.._, , R�SOLUTIONS AND OR DINANC__�S � .� � Date: July 19, 1976 . , '�O: THOMAS J, �EL�EY� CITY ADMINISTRATOR �! FR: Persoanel Office I RE: Ordinance for submission to City Council ' . - i ' � ACTION REQUESTED: I I recommend your approval a.nd submission of this c�rdina.n.ce to the City Crnmcil.� i r � � � �, � � I PUR�05E AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: ' � � This ordinance approves the 197b-77 contract betwe�en. the City of St. Paul a.nd ISD#625 and the Techaical Bargaining Unit. - The wage settlement calls for a ?% increase for 1 q'�6 a.nd a 5% i�ncrea.�e for 1977. , , . AfiTACHMENTS: Ordimance and copy for F'a.ty Clerk and Agreement. I . • I APPROVAL� I as . K e , i y Ad ni�trato � ,..� I � I , I � � 1 � r � , ' ���� �,�� lst 2na 3rd �� �� Adopted Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA HUNT c����p�� / LEVINE � ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)