267621 -__ WHITE - CITV CLERK E� �S�(j�� PINK - FINANCE COI1f1C11 � �i B�UERV -'�AAYORTMENT � �, D�y].�- CITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � - � ouncil Resolution Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�REAS, The Council of the City of �aint Paul and the Board of Sdueation of School Di�rict ,i�625 p�ovide a compzehensiv� Health and N�lfare Insurance Progreu�t for their empl,oy�es, and �EA3, Hexeina�ter th� e�ployees of s�si.d City and Ind�pextdent Sehool Distriet �fi�5 ehall be referred to as City �play�s, aad WH�tEAB, The Cot�ncil of the City cf �a3nt Paul has the sole aut.Ybori�y for deter�ining eligibility for the e�aployee�, retirees, early retirees, d�pende�►ts �d surviv+ors to participate i.n aaid Health aad Welf'are Program in a �armer that preclwd.ea indiv3.dva1 selection, and WHi�tEA3, Because of mar�ty che►�ge� over the years, it is de�irable to incorpo�ate the general mai.a rvles For insurancc eligibility into one doc�at �rhi.ch �til1 sttperce�e all pa�ev3.ous conf'licting legislation and which will c�plimeat all pr�rious �a- conflicting legis]ation; therefor�, be it RE�.SOLI�RD, That effective Ju3y l, 1976 the Yo1loWing ral.es and regula.tions shall app]y for a11 e�ployees, retirees, ear�r retirees, survivr�rs ar�d d�pe�dents to be eligible to par�ticipate ia thc City's Iiealth and i�e].fare Inata�nce Program. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ A gai n s t BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco For Approv d City At r ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � By ' Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for S mission to Council By BY . � .' b ��`���� Al1 City e�mployees presently covered under this Health and Welfare Insurance Program shall continue to be eligible so long as they comp7�r with all the rules and re�ul.ations and provisions contained. herein. EXCLUDF� CLASSIFICATIONS l. Auditorium and Civ3c Center F�m�plpyees 23. Park Aide I p�id on a performa,nce basis 2. Beach-Pool Manager 24. Park Aide II 3. Box OPPice Attendant 25. Parking Lot Atteridant (Mid�q Stadium) �+. Clubhouse Man 26. Parking Lot Attendant I 5. Dentist-Clinic 27. Parking Lot Guard (Sehools) 6. Emergency F�reployees 28. Public Address Aanouac�r 7. Gateno�an 29. Recreation Aide 8. Golf Rangers 3�. Reereation Leader T 9. Groundcrewman 31. Refectory Attendant 10. Groundskeeper 32. Refectory Helper 11. Head Gate�nan 33. Scoreboard Operator 12. Head Ticket Seller(Stadium-Civic Center) 3�+. Ski Iristruc�or I, II, arid III 13. Head Usher(Stadium-Civ3.c Center) 35. Ski Instructor TrQinee 1�+. Helper (A1arm and Zi.ght3.ng) 36. Student Library Aide 15. Houseman-Civie Center 37. Substitute Library Technician 16. House Custodian I 38. S�.ibstitute Teacher 17. House Cnstodi�n III 39. Temporary Hnployees 18. Life Guard �+0. Ticket Seller(Stadiwn-Civic Center) 19. Matron (Stadiwn) 41. Usher (Stadium-Civic Center) 20. Neighborhood Aide I �2. Water Safety Instructor 21. NeighborMood Aide II �3. Youth Program Director 22. Ideighborhood Aide IIT . . c � ' ������. , Any employee who is participatin� as an insured in ar�y other governmental Health a.nd Welfare Program for which contribution is bei.ng pa.id by the employer. Ar�y employee whose services are flarnished to the City or School District #625 under written contract between such employee and the City or the School District and whose salary is paid in accordance with the provision of sv.ch contract or agreement and whose name is not carried on the usual payroll of the City, unless such employment contract expressly provi3es that the employee shall be included. in the City or the School District Group Insurance Program. NEW �I,OYEES (a) AT T�IEIR OWN E7CPENSE may enroll themselves and their dependents i.n the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Program without evidence of insur- ability f�om the first day of employment providing; (1) That they have a regular or a provisional appointment or special employment authorized 'by a Federa]�y ftimded program (2) Tha,t they are not in a.n excluded. cl.assif`ication (3) That their regular assigned hours axe at least 20 hours ea,ch week _ _{�?±�—����,,=.;"r�ea��=:�-��. =_: pay period (5) They submit a written application and authorization for payroll deductions within one mpnth (30 da.ys) of their appointment. They may enroll after the thirty days has ela.psed by tlu�nishing evidence oY insurability. CITY PARTICIPATION The City will pay that portion of the Health and Welfare premiums that is a,g�reed upon from time to time for (1) Elected City Off`1.cers, their exeu�pt appointees and their depende,nts on the date of their taking office or their appointment providing (a) They are on the payroll at least �0 hc�ars eaeh pay period (b) They are not in a class excluded. . � . � � ���7�:�� _ (e) They sabmit a �rxitten application and authvrization for payroll deductiou within thirty da�ys of their taking ofFice or appoirtt- ment without e�vidence of insurability. (They may be earolled. �rith eviden,�e of insurability aPt�r the sa3d thirty days has elapsed..) (2) Regular and Provisional Appointed �ployees or Special E�aployment under a Federally fluided pro�am and their depend�nts on the first d.a�r of the pay period follow5ng their attained eligibility as set forth in "c" below, or aFter six months of aetive �ployment, which- ever occ�rs Pirst provided; (a) Their regul.ar assigned hours oP Work are at least �0 h,ovrs per biweekl,y pay p€riod (b) Th�y are not in one of the�excluded cl.assifications (c) They have appeared on the payroll for an aggregate of thirteen biweekly pay periods with at least 1t0 hours pay in each such period.; (1) Regiil.�r appointed ea�ployees may continue attain3ag eligi- bility after reinstate�nent fYom le�,v�, lay of� or. term�.n,e.tion (2) �ployees� other thau regular appc>inted e�ployees, ]�osir their qualification time upc>n lay off or termiaation. (d) They submit a 9rritten application and authorizaticm fc�r payroll , + ded.uctions within 30 days of their attain3ng eligibility without evidence of insurability. (They may be enrolled with e�idence of insurability af'ter the sa3d 3� d.ays has elapsed.) (3) When ea�ployees are compelled to lose time i'rom city employment because of serving on a �ury or as a witness in court, such time spent shall be considered as working time for the city for the purpose of deter- mining eligibility for city group insurance coverage. - . �: `��`���'� f: (4) In no event shall an employee in #2 above beco�e eligible for city- pay insuranee earlier than six month� f"rom the date o� his employment. If an employee is not actively working the date of his eligibility, he shall be eli�ible Por city-pay coverage on the date he returns to work in his city employn�ent status. TRA1�.5FSRS Employees of Ramsey County, who transfer to the City of Saint Paul employment �►ho aere at the time of transfer eligible for Ramsey County premium eontribution, shall continue `vi.thout interruption to be eligible Por city contribution in the City's Health and Welfare Program. Sueh employee who transfers xhile still qualifying for county contribution ahall have the time qualifying for county contribution count toward$ an equal amount of time Por the city qualifying period and then will continue to qualify for city contribution as provided above. C4I�TII�UING COVERAGE (a) An e�ployee, once having attained eligibility for city-pay coverage ahall, �ach month thereafter, continue to be eli�ible for such city-pay coverage so long as said employee is carried on the payroll Por the payroll period occurring the first portion of each month. The pay periods Por each month of January through December, from which auch eligibility for city-pay coverage shall be determined, shall be established each year by administra- tive order. Such employee who fails to appear on the designated biweekly payroll Por any month as shown on the table adopted by such administrative order, shall not be eligible for city-pay coverage for 8uch month and shall be required to make direct payments of the entire premium due to the insurance administrator in order to maintain continuous coverage, but not to exceed 12 consecutive months. (The current administra.tive agency is the Minnesota Mutual Life Ineurance Company.) - � � �� `��"���`�. . �: ._ • (b) Such emp7<�yee shall conti.nue to be eligf.ble for city-pay coverage so long as said em�pl.oyee works not less than 40 hcrurs p�r pay period.. Howe�ver, 3F such ea�playee begi�s a sick leave without pt�y aftex the first d�y of the established qual.if'y3.n�; payroll period or he returns frc�m a s3ck leav� without p�y on the last d.a3r of such qualifyrin� psy period, he sha11 c�nt3.nue to be eligible. (c) Such e�ploye� who has been gra.nted sabbatical leave a,nd who continues -to be paid a pa�t of his sal�.ry by the City during such l�,ve, sha11 continue to be eligible for city-pay coverage. (d) Such e�ploye� who is disabled and off regular c3ty payrolls as a result oP person�,l injvey or illness arising ou-� of arid i.0 the coPurse oY his empl�oy- ment wi.th th� City shall. continu� to b� e73gible for city pay coverages durir� the period he is receivir�.g compea�sat3on payments i'romt the Citp for a tea�pora,ry part3al disabil3.ty or te�raty total disabil3.ty and not Qther- wise. (e) S�,ich employee, if a teacher or ari �loyee having regular ci�i.l serv�i�e status, whose e�ploym.ent b�cause of the p�riod of the school year oontee�- plat�s absence f'rom the payrolls during the �n�r m�nths, sha11 continue to be eligible for city pa`q coverages dvring such absence. An e�tpl,oye� who was on leave without pay and not eli�ible for city pa,y insmcaaae shall be reinstated. for city pay insurance upon b�ing re3nstated From le�,ve with- out pa� to sum�er leave. (f) Such e�uployee 3.nsured for coverages under the city group �gram £or wh3.ch payroll deduction is a,�xthorized, who has i.nsufficient earnings from whieh to mak.e author3zed. payroll deduction�, may pay premit�ms directly to the administrative agency, (currentl,y Mi,nnesota Mutwal LiPe Insnrance Coffipa�y) in mrder to maintain continuous coverage. Such direct payments m�,y be made for a period not exceedin� twelve conaec�tive mc�ntha and thereaf'ber cc�nver- sion provisions must be exercised to mainta� c:ontintwus cov�rage. . ' . . �f �, ,•, ;.t,� . r; � ��: :: (g) School District earployees presently insvred, �lthovgh they do not meet the �0 hour per p�y period requirem�nt but are othm�w3.se qualified Por city pay cov�ra�es, sha11 contint�e ta be eli�ibl�. A11 School District e�ployees hired. aPt�r the effective date of this resolution are reg,�ired. to meet the 4(3 hour per gay period require�t. (h) Regu.lar appointed employees who eease tc> be insured beceuse they are nct on the payroll, upc>n reinstatement within one year, sha11 be reinstated to th� same benePAts that cea.sed Por the�selves and their dependents xnd witheut evide�ce oP insurability. n�n�rrs "Eligible Dependent" as nsed herein in re�p�ct tc> health eov�rag�s ie defined. as the insured effiployee'a spau.se and �a�ried. depe�►dmt children (inclnding st�p- children, lega.tl,,y adopted children and foster childrea) f'rc>m b3.rth to age 19 except that this age limi.t eY�a11. be extend.ed to age 25 For unmerr3.�d dependex�t childr�n attending schpol on a f1il.1. time basis. Ias�arance of aa mnmarried d�pende�t child �hc� i� inaapable oF se].f'-suata,ining emplay�ent l�y reason of inental retard.ation or pbysical h�dicap shall not ter�inate vrpon attainmen� of the sp�eified. limiting age, b�it sha11 continue so long as such ch31d rem�.f.ns in such condition, pravided (1) that such child beeam�e so inc:apscitated p�ior tc� the attainmeut of' -Ehe sp�cified limitin.g age, and (2) that auch child is chief3y dependent upon the insured effiploye� for support a�d maintena�ce, and (3) that proof o�' such incapecity aad dependericy is fu�nish�el.to the Com�a�r within 31 ci�ys oY such child's attainment of the speciP3.ed li�iting age. IiUSBAND AND WIFE BOTH E�lPlAYEES Ia the sitva,tion xhere both huaband and �rife are City �mployees and are c�vered by �he City-pay hospital-medical p�ogram, the City sha31 allrnr a choice oP h�spita].- � . � � �'��5�-� meEii�eal plans for either sZwu�e, and the City sha11 pay the f'u].1 e�ployee hospital- medical pre�niun when such a choiee is made. Where both sueh spo�ses are cr�v�red under different hospital.-medical plaus, the choice mf dependen� covexage is Iimited to oniy one of the t�ro spouses at an�r on� time, with the City paying part of the de�end�nt cx�vera�e for the spouse who choose� such dependent coverage. In the situaticn wher� both s,pouses are cov�ered rmd..�r d3fferent 2�oaspital-��d.ical plaus, the coordination of benefYts clanse contained iu the �ter palicies of all carrier� sha11 apply to each specif'lc hospital, medice.l., sgrgical, arid me�or medical c1ai� of either spause sad�or their dep�ndea�s Khea �uch ala3m� arise. C�OI,LE�NE B�ARGAIl�III+IG C'hanges in eligibility and coverages may be made by dne pracess of the eolleetire bargaini�. s�vivoxs 3'he surviving spouse of ari e�ploy�e c� f'ami]y cx�rerage at the time cP his (her) death due to a �ob cc>naected ir�nry or i]lness xhieh wa� determined tc> have arisen out of and in the course of his e�mployment und�r �rl��n's cc�mpen�ation law shall continue � be eligible Por city contribut3.on in the �ame proportf.on� as is provided for active �mpl.oyees. This insurance will aontinue unti.].; (1.) Said apouse remarries or (2) Attains age 65 at xhich t3me she (he) �i11 be c�nro7led in the re�u.lar re�iree grcraip or (3) �� �Playme.�►t of th� survivin� sponse and hospitalization and medi.cal insurance coverage is obtained through a gro� program �rovided Por 'by said e�mplc>yer or (�.) Dependents shall continne to qualify as long a� thegr are depe�d�nts according to the terms oP the pc>licy and the current por�i.wwenss are paid, or �mti.]. one of the three e�rents cited above occur. SEIItVIVORS OF POLICL A�ID FIRE BARGAIl�iIl�G TINrPS UR THTIR RETIRBES 2he surviving spouse of an employee of the PDlice and Fire Bar�aining Unit� or their early retirees carrying Pamily crnrerage at the time of his (her) death �ha11 have the optivn within thirty (30) days to �ontinue the curre�t hospitalizat3on arid � . � � 6 ����.���� 1 r 'medical benefits, including st�ch iaiprovements as may be �ea,de f'�om t3.me to time, wbi.ch said dependents prevf.ov.�ly had, at the preanium appl3cable, to de�pendents ofl active employees. It i.s fUrth� vnderstood that coverage sha,]1 cease in the event of: (a) �ubsequeut re�marria�e of the surviv�ing spouse oP the deceased employee or retir�e. (b) The e�ploym�nt of the surviving spc�use wher� Y�spitaliza,tion and medical insurance coversge is obt�.ined thro�agh a group program provided by said employer. It is fl�rth�r understood, however, that in said e�r�nt, the surviving spouse aha11 have the rig�t to maintain Cifi.y hc�spital.ization and a�edical insnrance coverage for the first ninety (90) ds,ys of saa.d emplo�e�t, FARLY REPIl�EES (under Age 65) In order to qu.al.if�r a� an early retiree wades the City's Health and Welfare Insurarice Program said eax],y retiree m�st: (1) Sever his relationship with the City and (2) Be eligible for city eontribution �or the city'� Health and Welfare Insurance Program at the tiffie oP termination and (3) Be receiving benefits f'rom one of the City's Public I�ployee Retire- ��nt Act�. (This does no� includ.e a def'�rred p�sion or su�aui�y.) (�) City contribution will be based on that which is provided fmr under the labor negotiat3.ons �overning the unit to which the early retiring ea�ployee belongs. (5) A�,r early re�tiree qv,al3fying herc�vnd�r shall be eligible to continue in the City•s Group He�th and Welfare Insurance Program a,t his own � �xpes�se. (6) Ccrinpletes an application for said early retir�e insurance. WH17E - CITV CLERK i PINK � FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council ��'��''�'�` G,4fitARY DEPARTMENT +� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RETIRLffi (Age 65 aud Older) (1) Said retiree mnst be enrolled in either the active or early retiree insur- e,uce plans at age 65 or the time of retirement with city contribution. (2) Be receiving benefits from one oP the City's Publie Ifmployee Retirement Acts. (3) Completee an application for sueh retiree in$urance. (�) No retiree age 65 or older shall be eligible for eity group life insurance. and be it FINALLY RffiDLVED, That the City Clerk shall be instructed to send a copy of this reeolution to sll the caxrier� providing H�lth and Welfare insurance for city employees. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt ��� __ Against By Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Coun . Date JUL 2�7 197� Form pprove by Ci y tto e Certifie�ssed b ouncil Se etary f By / B� , � } "� `' JUL 2;9 1 76 Appro e by Mayor: 9 Approv d by Mayor for Su is io�n to Council By BY P�BLi�'r.�.�; .'."JG 7 19f'� �