267620 WHITE - CITV CLERK t �.�ip PINK - FINANGE J Devlin G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT ` • COUI1C11 vl����� � /� BLUE � MAVOR .. Flle NO. � u cil Resolution Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREA5, The Coatricil of the City of Saint Paul, along with the Board of Education, determines the eligibility of all persons included in the City, Health and Welfare programs, and WHER EAS, The Board of Education (B.F.#8719, a copy of which is attached hereto and mad.e a part hereof) expressed its desire to include Board members in the Health and Welfare plans but at the Board. member°s expense; now therefore be it RESOLV�ID , That members of the Board of Education may at their personal expense and option participate in the City's Health and Welfare plans, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be directed to send copies of this resolution to all the City's Health and Welfare Plan carriers. ; COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays — Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _�_ Against BY �P�ler- Sylvester ' TedesCO � dUL 2.7 �97s Form pprove by Cit Atto y Adopted by Co i : Date Certifi Passed b ou il Secretary By � � ! Approv by Mayor: Da JUL 2-5 1976 Appro by Mayor for Sub s 'o to Council By BY Pu�`'S'IED AU� 'T 1976 . „ . . w (�?,��F`��i�iy ' Board of Education Meeting - 5/18/76 - P, 46 f-�� � '--�� -� � i ! XV - AUTHORIZATION FOR BOARD MEMBER PARTICIPATION IN INSURANCE BENEFITS - B,F. No, g�1� MOTION - Upon motion by Mrs. Weber, aeconded by Mr, Griffin and carried, the followi�g resolution aae adopted, with the roll call vote as follows: � Mrs. Weber - yes Mr. Sarrette - Ye8 � Mr. Griffin - Yes ` Mr. Guthmann - Yes � Mr. Magnuson - Abstain WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625, desires to make available to members of the Bosrd, the City's health and welfare insurance program on a Board member-pay-all basis; and WIiEREA�S, the Council o� the• City oY St. Paul, elong with the Board of Education, determines the eligibility of all persona included in the pro- gram; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID, that the City Council is hereby requested to pass the necessary resolution to include members of the Board of Eciucation of Independent School District No, 625 on a voluntary basis ; and at their own expense in existing health and welfare plans. - - -- Mr, Barrette asked if there would be any conflict for a person to vote on this resolution and at some time in the future participate in the program; the Board's attorney said he did not believe there would be any conflict, inasmuch as the resolution provided that the Board member would participate at his/her own expense, X.VI - GRANT FROM MINNESOTA STATE ARTS BOARD - B,F, No. 8720 MOTION - Upon motion by Mr. Barrette, seconded by Mr. Griffin and carried, the following resolution was adopted, with the roll call vote as follows: Mrs. Weber - Yes Mr. Barrette - Yes Mr. Griffin - Yes Mr. Guthmann - Yes Mr. Magnuson - Yes BE IT RESOLYID, by the Board of Independent School District No. 625, that it herewith accepts �tads in the amouat of $2,063.00 f rom the Minnesota State Arts Board to conduct ESAA Special Arts Pro�ects at Franklin, Webster, Wilson, Roosevelt, Central and Humboldt Schools and further authorizes payment of these funds for said programs. (Budget Code No. 002-990-611-xxx) XVII - GRANT FROM RIPLEY 11�MORIAL FOUNDATION - B.F. No, 8721 MOTION - Upon motion by Mr. Magnuson, seconded by Mrs. Weber and caxried, the following resolution was ddopted, with the roll call vote as follows: Mrs. Weber - Yes Mr, Barrette - Yes Mr. Griffin - Yes bir. Guthmann - ye3 Mr, Magnuson - Yes p� - i, . - �! @:i; 12/�5��`'S �. . { 8}�$LA�I��IQ�i C�F A�l�� :;�VE . . ��, ��[)�� � � �� � ��� u �� �� � : � , , ; ,., , . , �- ,. ., , L?ste:�'$�y 1�,. 1976 � � T8: T�MA�; J. KE�►�Y, CITY A��IS�R1��R `f }. FRa Thomss D; Glea � I�iractor e�f Per�cr�nei ` R . ; RE r ; �teefliuti� rnaski. g Bc�ard of �d�cation elig�i�� fc� Gity� �r�q��.I�st��i. ' . . . ... .. .. . � . � . k� } . . . ,. .: . . ;-: ._ - .� � f'' � .. .. . . . . - � >.��. .. �V+i�� ������.• . . . . . . . . � . . , . .. � � 1 , . +�V . . ' . . .: i ;. i �'�. ' . . . , . � , . ..: , �s � �� � � �; i� .".'. Pa� R�s�l�tioa to make B�ard flf �ducati+aa � ' ' �s e����t ��►r��� aa�d �KKelfa�e €average, � ,' � ,� . ; .� t �: �� : , ; . . � „�. , ` _ :. f :. t. � � - . _ . � 5 Fl�� F � p�TRPi3!'$ �; �d : " ' FQ�4 T�iIS` 1�►►��'T Z ' ,. 5��� a;� �c��i.c►���►aa�ed �e e��r��xti�-re��c���t � �.a���� �+�+� �� pe�.�� ���r� ,��n�exs t���rtici�.ta it� �:t�� �t�.�.`���r����-�+� � , ,: x �. �a ��s�. � � � � � ` , "� :; � �:�: � � �. � � � ����� ��'� � � A��S: 8�ai��i�a �o be �ra•�jed. � � � ��er���e��le�ion �87t�9. �_ : �� „� : � � � �I�Q��s � � o�aa . +ay, t�► s'�atvs�; V�� � � � �� , ;� ��- , � � :: �. . . � ��.