267608 .. ` �V /V�� CITY OF ST.PAUL COLJNGIL �ILE NO. FINA� ORDER '� ,/ BY i;�__,,4`- =•y��-1' ��,�„'*-t-�e-�c.._..,�.. File No. �j�i In the Matter of ��t�Czi� M� O�'p�ttl ���t 1�1l�� 4jit�11�1 OR t�6 i'�iiT !'r'oe t�att� A►�rawrr to La�'pwt�t �ira�, �3it� !ro jaot ♦»O�S! n•2721 A��il 32. 1l7�► under Administrative Order approved � � � �7� under Preliminary Order � approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully con"sidered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUL 2;7 1976 COIJNCILMEN � � Adopted by the ouncil: Date Yeas Nays =-''� ��I� . � Ce ' ied P by Council Secretary �VL 2,g 1976 ! � � In Favor G�� Hunt �e�� � Against @p�j�' Mayor Sylvester �edesco pUBLISHED AUG � �976 �.;v . .. r�c,:nc.. vi:pc. , '.` � :;r•:arY�- ��_'_n[. _ I / � • /� (91�1'IC�I: O1' T1it: .•YAl'012 � � j/ ^ ` 4 ��, � ��.� , NO: '— � � � An�,��rs����.T€v;�o�:��r��z � ' " f k�:� 2 � i97� , � � D,�tc: - - =={�'�p- °i� AD��sINISTRE�T:Vr or,n���, � ln t��r� �atter o� ecnstraac�tnn an arr��r^�ntal street 1 ightin� syste�� o� �lCE STP,�ET fro.:� !-i�t�etf�urn� Avs�i.�e tio Larp�n�ectr r'lvenue, City Project 1,`_�-'t52. 1'he Departr�ent c�f Fin�:,ncc �-�nd t�lan�a��;n�rtt Servi�es ts he�-e€�p <�uthorixed 4nd dircc�e� . to prepare th� Pre3 ir�i;t.,ry 0��'er anJ sc#�Lduie this r�atter t=o3- pu�t ic he3rirc�. � • � tl�:�, - , ...:� . ,�;� - � � � • _ �'` ,� _ � t ' r � .r � ; �. � '3 � W ��^ . =:y :�y,� . � � � �,� t � � .'��. � ��'- _`Y� � . . . . � Origi cc• 0�lg, cc: �. . � � . . � � D.fO REG C6�!� ?�'',�: � j�4.'.�..5,i;iJ RLW! .� � +...e: .-.�_.��.. . YIAt+ � � � �v:•.;-i":.. G:.>Fi3.:`�\i�,d G�KS JFK �. . . � , R,r,P OEE� . . . • . . � . JiS Ct7 � .t AJO 7.1: YH� . 1✓ 0��� . � � P.S_D. �� R�W�.K�:. .' APPt:OVED AS TO POI:�t ' � � �� ! r � �-f� �" �. /'i : 1 � � r .:; .. • ': ;%:f :.�>-;:�. ., , � : Assititaiit City Attr�rne�/ � ' t)cpartme�t I lea� � �, ` • . D:ItZ / ' f _ ( . ' - Aclrttinistr.ttive'r"�SSiSI:111I �Sf!'}7t�f)i—�---- � _ .t ��,���� .,. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,7 C�,, f DEPARTMENT OF PUBLtC WORKS • DANlEL ). DUNFORD DIRECTOR April 29, 1976 Mr. Roger Mattson, Di.rector Finance and Management Services Departr�ent Room 113 City Hall St. Paui ,MN 55102 Attn: Paul Desch Re: Ornamentat Street Lighting on R(CE STREET from Hawthorne Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue City Project V-0452 Dear Mr. Mattson: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the Public Hearing on the above referenced system. � Attached herewith are copies of the following: 1 . Administrative Order D-2721 . 2. Report to Mayor Cohen (Summary of Engineerinq Recommendation) . 3. Prelirninary Light Standard Location Pian. Yours very truty, ���> ' � ` //�l�,-c=�.' "r� � �/L7'S.is.�'fi L�4���/' L./t�.- .. 1 Daniei J. Dunford � Di rector of Publ ic tJorks i.;�;su��,� +� RHR:DR:ced �y,� Attachments ,.,, ::� =;__�. .: - �-�� ,.\ .,_ , � � ' , y� . � .,���� ;.:_. � r c. � (:i�_ • � � � �... �� , .. . � f _ _ - _ �.M r; r .�i� -_ }=;��i�1c..�c € - `�� � `-+`� 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �-::.:,._....'->'� �_ . �����,�� i���� �� � �� a� � � ��� �, s� � �. ���� ��t ��� �� � � : � �s�.a�c . : f �s: t�a�rlc�3. I��t3� aa �a� ��s� � �hwe�t,� ��. #.� �tenar J�r�e. , �1R�atr ��. Rs��: �eY�rar,�� #� aadn �o �a� �.�# re�s+� �� ��s�� aea t�a s�►:s� �xz:��t. � 3.� � �:;�s�e �� thit� ��.ic 3���� �hn2� D� c��uct� �.� $he ��l� �r� s,�+�ir�3. �s�h.s�s ;sa��t �o t�te ��.ia� a� Gs�ci1» ���«ia*�, �,�. 2'�TT:�??t �'sv��. ��as."�` ��s I� cxtd ;^�t�lis2ted �r3�r�de*y 2$s 1�'i. �se 3te �..xe t�at t.he nc �saorss� �+3i.�y ,.�s.�I,i�t �� �!"�ain� �i' �ttre��> c�u'3�� $�tt�Eez�a, '��.'�.�rtts�.3s, ta's�ts a �iti��s s �.�#��R �at: smi'!'��� tl�a..i.��e s��ttct�s+�, P?��� rero��r ��a �nb�,s�t �ro�+��, r+e�i.��r ��e �'l.zx?�..�cir�.*�, ��i �BuR d+t�cr3�i� �a �ce�x►a��l, +��or!�'..�ina� t3�a v�si� i.�s�.�avzrGs, �ad z�s;�nrt aa �i.�r �4 +.�ris of.�3.cs �'�r ��i�. Va�a �aa3.,�r �a, � " �-!' 3. ��s2, �"�e. 1lss't. �t�1z���i�t �'. l�as�e�e� �S� �8::��:l�e► c�: �m.•.3.1. �as� ✓ ` . . . . • City Project No. V-t�452 r SUMt1ARY OF ENG I P1EER I NG RECOMMEP�bAT I ON ���,�'`�� EXISTING CONDITIOPJS The. existing street lights consist of wood-poie mounted units that are not adequate for the traffic level of about 14,500 vehicles per day. PROPOSED IMPROVEMEFIT Replace the existing street lighting with a new ornamental system ustng efficient luminaires and high pressure sodium vapor (h.p.s.} lamps. These h.p.s. lamps are very efficient in terms of light output vs. electrical energy use. OTHER FACTORS There are no assessments for this project. The remainder of Rice Street (i-g4 to Hawthorne Ave.) has an ornaMental system that furnishes very good lighting on the street. The traffic levels are essentially the same throuqhout the tatal tength of Rice Street. This construction would complete the entire iength of Rice Street with an ornamental system providing gaad street lightinc�. This street is designated Trunk Highway #,49• ESTI�fiATED COSTS AND FINA�lCING Construction S 53,��� Engineering 5,000 Inspectian 1 ,00� Misceltaneous 1 ,000 TotaT .0,000 Financing - 1976 C. I .B. $ 60,000 RECOMMENDATION The Department of Pubtic �Jorks feels that this is a necessary and worth- while project and the engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. �� . �_ .x� ~�'�� :� _� �. �p .:� 1 1 � � ��� , � ������ � .. s�}a.ft��*�.. , . . ;t�,�".'1 �•� ".'^'�`+-wrnj'� "�`�?' ����` � ��„Fw 3,�r :9,t . . -g.�.. esvi_ � 3;.:�c ., . t1 -� � t � M T � tf. � :i � ��� • o �Z't.z:?a�:r; � II I � I, � ��'�� 4t�� .a. '�i � �� jl '� �� ��i� ',o� ,.�" l��� k, ��� ��►� � �n � � � ��;�;_ �. � ,: Ra � . •��z� � , ' _��. _. ������ y. �., >