267606 .: .�, �����s CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCI'�.�IL�O. � FINAL ORDER f '� gy �-�- ,ft,.�.�,. File No. ��� In the Matter of ��� �� ���'� f� ��� �� � �� � (t31s�r l�r+o►��eE l��Eli'�1a �u �rl��,r� �c�is �d ��, �mlwui�t +ma�esvrl�e a�tti a� pete�s, �si�r, �e:�or�s �+�r�ar +�arat�rp �ilitiwr; a�s� �rlk o� t�a wurt atd� t,�o� �s�l �t. �► Nwitt l�aa�rars l��. a�d da stl o�M�r� w�rk te �.�►x.�. ,�s ,r��c under Administrative Order ����� approved � �� �g�i under Preliminary Order � '���� approved '�' � �� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City of�cers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUL 2;7 1976 COUNCILMEN �� Adopted by t uncil: Date Yeas Nays � C ifie ed by Counci�Se e ry �U� �,5 1976 �__. Hun�t In Favor , �� Levine � Against . Sylvest�f Mayor Tedesco �:�� PueusH�o AUG 7 197C nnK - rma��... v�v•. � . . � . Ca�a��— Dept. O t•'I''I G t O Y' T Fi f: :�i.11'L)R ° . � No: �.�.��s�--s�-r��—�— .�. � � -,�` '�r-- � ' !� - � ADMINIS77ZATIVE ORDER �IIAY 2 0 1975 rs����� Date: �� i { ADI�4INIST'RATIVE ORDER, C T' � � 1� �� {n the natter of inpraving QHlO STREET fra� '+1lnifredYStrect to lsabel Street,�� - (Ctty Pro�ect P-Q671} as follows: Regrade and pavs, construct cflncrete curb and gutter, drlveways, storm sewer drainage facilities, co�cretc Yi�lk an the w�st stde frara lsabet Street to 4lest Cangress Street, and do a11 oth�r wotk �hich, ts �ec�ssary and Inctdsntal to said i r�p rovcrstent. The Departnent of Finance and� Eianage+�nt Services is he�eby authoriz�d to sch�cluie . ` thts lr:��rove+�erst far a pubitc h�aring before tF�e City Cour�cil. . � � � � � � � ". • � . o.:g. c� ort�. c OJD iEG . RCW W tsi � � - - . �� GKS JFK � RGH DHE , - � � � � JF5 � � �.�c CL'C._. � � . � . . . . . :�.'.;'.'. . � � . � . . � • � ._AJO � +� , �. . � . � � TJE � vMP� �.�r..j ... 1JE DFN � P.S.D. R.H.R, APPROVED AS TO FOR�4 - . �+ f �j � l-� � r . -� �• � � �� Assistant Ci[y Attorne� . Depa�mant Fiead . �� '- +tf� _ �- , -.\ , �_ i �� � . l' � ��!/''�`''/'.� Date . , . . �_ A ministrative Assuta�et tu hl�yoc _ . / � /��(� �� , _ �.,_...z=:..�:,.,>,:,.r�:,.�.:�+w.::�.�-..�.ce� .-^--�----._;,-. . �' , � � ` �� 0 LF+"�(,) CITY (�F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOR1�S DANIEL ). DUNFORD May 25, 19]6 QIRECTOR -��'��12�J 2���� ;�L�r, � J.,��' ��� �, .�.: r h1a son j'`�'/ ���'���� � Mr. Roge tt , t�, � � � � �� � �i D i rector of F i nance `=� •?,� ��,��• �,; Room 109, C i ty Hal 1 F�,;;�, ,�,����' ���� BUILDING � >�. � '�3�r ',`*� 1� 'vy� Attention: Paul Desch �"''` ' " Re: P-0671 OHIO STREET Winifred St. to Isabel St. Dear Sir: Attached are copies of our recommendations to the Mayor and Administrative Order D-2778. Please set up the public hearing for this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Allen J. Shetka at 5311 • Yours very truly, � ` Cx� � Daniel J. Dun ord Director of Public Works CLT/AJS/ck '� :� Attachments � �� i.�-.�y'.it cc: Thomas J. Eggum _.� ,;i= J. William Donovan ��.. -� ; � �� -. ''�.,:, 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �O EXPI�A�I�TI01`I OF AOMINISTRRTNE ORDERS, � ,. RESOLUTI��1S, AND ORDIr7�i�CES - � . - ������ . ' UNIT ACTtON f(NITIAL DATE- Date: Bureau Z `C;!�' -''ry- 7G- � f�c�y 4, 1�'�f . � Div:s�?n �' � � `.S—.� - Asst. C�r. ;�„ � . � �, T�: Tfi�MAS J_ �ELLEY, CITY ADMII`IISTR�ITOK ,��AN-�.o, Di rector i��� ��y�4('�,� �.� C/ .FR: ' Cierical : - - �: - D::niei J. Du;zfarc, - Depart�tent of Publ ic 4Jorks . . . _ _ . ' -� � : > P-G��;1 C�'t'I.�i ST�iGE.T - ltirtifr�d St. .to tsabel St. � � - - . � - �,i��:� ���'�'�:II?. . _ . . : -. _ . . _ _ _. . _ Sc'•��du3c pubt ic hcarTn, •. . - - . ._ . :.' - . _ _ ' . _ �_ - . _ ----- . . . _-. • � . ._ ; _ - - � � . - - � � . -. FIIRPflSE AND Rz1TIONAI�t: FQR THIS A�TIff�I z . . ' � - . _ : _ - - �his. sPcttor2 r_+f �:hia Strect +s �n oi le-! S'tre�t �-:i_'� R�� _�sr5i�r, �n� �c,�r <<rair,a3e >trur.tures. � �. .ne pr�,�ase�? i rp re��e;rent �ti�i:l i cons t st of regrad i r.g �and pav i ng the raad�:ay�. � _= - - - _� ,� . - ATTACfi."'�It"I�ITS_ � A,�;�inistr�ttve ('rdcr � � Er.g i nseri ng P.eccTn:endat ions � _ . �.:�.. . C!T;r.J� �ck � _ _ . _ � � � � - ���° � . ! � _ - , -. . �..�PROV.�� . � � Thvra�s J. heiley, City Admin.istrator ;, � . . � ., - �:_ ti �i . � ,� - SUMIIARY OF ENGINEERIT�G P,ECO�tMEWDATtCNS • -• ���+��� Y _ .. " Advisability and Desiraf�ility IMPROVE � . ONIO STREET f rom Winifred Streer to Isa5e1 Street (City Prelect P-0671) , Regrade and pave, construct concrete curb and gutter, driveways, storm se�.ver drainage facilities, concrete waik on ti�e west side fram isabel - Street to West Congr�ss Street, and do aii other work wFrich is necessary and incidenta] ta sa�a ;mprovement. r EXISTING CONDITfONS This section of Ohta Street is an aried streer with na curbing aRd poo r drainag�- Structures. Ohio Street nvrth and soutEt of the praject t imits was paved in 1969 and 195$ respe�tive}y. . The exFsting traffic v�tume is a - pPrvximate}y Z,54Q vehicTes per day. PROP4SED t MP}�OVE�fi£Ni' . � Th� improven�errt wili cortsist o� corrstructing a fuTt dept�- hrituminous roaci�-a �,� 32 feet wide frc�nr tsabe� Strect to West Congress S�reet (��tio 5tr � of t sab�l Stre�t r�as. corrstrrsctec� 28 feet wi ae) and' 4� feet wi d� from W�s�� Congr�3s Street ta Win�ifreef• Street. ' riew drairrag� str-trctures:and a sides�}� _ wi11 be c�nstrucr�d_ Tre�s w�11 not be affected:. ESTIMATE QF CQ.SYS (lneTuding Enginacrirtg and (rtspec�Cio�r� .Constructian $55,5�0� . ESTlNATFD FlNANCiNG . - 1976 M.s.A. 555,5aa - :_ . RECOMME�lDATIOt� _ The Departm�r�t af Pub 1 i c Worics �eel s that th i s as a netessary artd wortftveFs't 1 e � .: � pr�j ect and the Eng i ne�eri ng RecorrmreRdat�arr f s for approva} of the� ord�r�. , RespectfctT ly submi tt�, Daniel J. Dunfar� � Directo r of Public Warks �� � � � ♦ • ti �� !`�'�''�'� �i`,'1r�,nm�rnxY o�t►zR. T . .. . . :'r� . .. !r,� +��E' fd8�"{67 i9�!�� • ; x�ittt..- s� 'w►�`: .� �; � ; �, �J i J S 1 ��Otrk Oa fbf> ��f, : t � r;; ? , ' .7� ; G � a '.t�. 3a 'z '1Mg a..l�tre�rnat! e ��(yy� 89:iJ:'�r.[ �iTrt*'� . �• � 3dZ. ::..,t,..� . , w 7 I� edt i- �,. p� t r-ymd tMOmrt Hpt�e ffl .C�t4', �;,.'t��o�� r�' a I , �1�l� , � imf�„'� p11�11��' r� 't31l� �.'#MB114ti1 40St . ,IdYr,�-� �bB ���'�1, ]�'1�{. A ���� �.., i