267588 wHITE - - Cirr CLERK . COUIICII ����8� �
BLh1E - MAY;OR File NO.
� Council Resolution
r 1 ,11 I/ ��
Presented By ����
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has provided for
concentrated residential rehabilitation and related improvement measures
in small project areas; and
WHEREAS, improvement activity has been initiated in eleven Identified
Treatment Areas in the City; and
WHEREAS, this Council , in deliberations concerning the continuation of
neighborhood improvement activities, and particularly the City's Comnunity
Development Block Grant Program, has recognized the need for definitive
policy governing planning, implementation and evaluation of Identified
Treatment Areas; and
WHEREAS, the Rehabilitation Advisory Corr�nittee has developed and
recor�nended a Policy for Planning, Implementing, Evaluating and Completing
a Neighborhood Identified Treatment Area Program; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul has approved
and recommended this policy statement to this Council ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby
adopt the attached Policy for Planning, Implementing, Evaluating, and
Completing a Neighborhood Identified Treatment Area Program, as recommended;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor is hereby authorized and direeted to
furnish required information to community planning groups and otherwise to
take the necessary steps to ensure careful and prudent planning for continued
and new improvement activity in Identified Treatment Areas as prescribed in
said Policy.
Yeas Nays �.. Requested by Department of:
Butler � -
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt �
Levine _ Against BY ,
--�r .
Sylvester • '
'�ed�esee- �
Adopted by C i : Date
�UL Z,Z 'I97G Form Approved Ci Atto ey
,Certifi a_ y Co cil Secretary BY
By '�1�— � ..
. .. 1UL 2� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�: �1ppr v d by Mayor: a �
;'' �;`� By BY
�: .
� _, � � � :. �����?�
July 13, 1976
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Proposed Timeline for Review of Requests for
C.D. Year II ITA Funds
Completion by:
District submits rehabilitation plan to Community
Development Office August Z
C.D. Office transmits rehabilitation plan to Planning
Coc�anission (Copy to City Council) August 3 �
C.D. Office performs technical review of rehabilitation
plans and submits recomcnendations to Planning Commission
(Copy to City Council) August 9
District submit evaluation report and ITA plan (project
proposals to C.D. Office) August 21
Planning Commission reviews and comments on rehabilita-
tion plans and forwards to City Council. August 31
G.D. Office submits ITA plans (project proposals) to
� Planning Commission and Residential Improvement
Task Force, (Copy to City Council) - August 31
C.D. Office and Rehabilitation Advisory Committee review
evaluation reports and ITA plans (project proposals) ,
(Copy to City Council) Segtember 10
ITA plans (project propasals) returned to Districts
with accompanying reco�nendations for review and
reconsideration (copy to City Council) Septemher 1'3
Planning Commission reviews ITA plans (project
proposals) to determine conformance to Rehab
plans and City Rehab Policy September 20
Districts forward co�nents to Residential Improve-
ment Task Force September 20
Resi,dential Improvement Task Force Budget Priorities
identified. CIB Committee recommends budget to
Mayor and City Council September 24
M,ayor transmits recommended budget to Council's
, Finance, Management and Personnel Committee October 1 .
; Council adopts budget amendment October 21
. , t ,
Attached find a draft of a proposed po]icy and requirements for p]anning,
implementing, evaluating and completing an Identified Treatment Area (ITA)
program. The draft states the scope of plan and/or reports necessary for
submission prior to, during and after completion of ITA activities.
These are:
1 . The General District Plan, which identifies needs, establishes.
goals and objectives and recomnends measures for improvement,
development and revitalization in the district.
2. The District Rehabilitation Plan, wnich sets forth rehabilitation
goals and objectives, and which must be consistent with the
General District Plan.
3. The ITA Plan, which is a specific document pertaining to the
proposed ITA, noting existing conditions, proposed activities
and projection of intended levels of accomplisinnent, staging
and cost, and which states how the ITA activities will satisfy
the goals and objectives contained in the District Rehabilitation
4. The Preliminary Evaluation Report and Plan, which evaluates the
progress made in any previously approved TTA and which is to be
submitted with any application for a subsequently proposed ITA.
5. The Completion Report, which is submitted after all ITA activities
�iave been completed, and which gives a full evaluation of those
` , . ' ,'
Of specific note pertaining to requests for any additional ITA is the
provision that states if the Evaluation Reported plan shows the district
cpuncil or neighborhood group is not making sufficient progress, the
City Council may deny requests for funding a new, expanded modified or
exi sti ng. ITA. '
Comnunity Development Section .
366 City Hall Annex
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
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1 . Identified Treatment Area is defined as a specified portion
of a neighborhood area within the City of Saint Paul that has been
identified by the appropriate district council or neighborhood group
and approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council for the
purpose of encouraging property owners to rehabilitate their properties
and to bring substantial improvement to the area, consistent with
objectives of the Identified Treatment Area plan. A Concentrated
Rehabilitation Project as that term is defined and used in the "Rehabili-
tation Plan for the Saint Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program,"
C.F. 265169, shall be cansidered an Identified Treatment Area.
2. District Rehabilitation Plan is defined as that plan developed
by the district council or an appropriate neighborhood group of the
district setting forth rehabilitation goals and objectives �or the district,
or a portion thereof. It must be consistent with the general district
plan and must be developed in accordance with Section 4 of this document.
3. District Council refers to the structure of comnunity organization
determined within each district and recognized pursuant to the provisions
of C.F. 266179, which includes the "Steps to the Establishment of a
Citizen Participation Process" and C.F. 265779, which directs the Mayor
to proceed with planning within the 17 districts.
4. District refers to a geographic area within the City of Saint
Paul established by C.F. 265779.
5. General District Plan is defined as a plan developed
. . '_ . .
pursuant to the provisions of C.F. 265779 and 266179 and approved by
the Planning Corronission and City Council identifying needs, establishing
goals and objectives, and recomnending measures for improvement,
development and revitalization in the district, including
physical , social and economic elements.
6. Identified Treatment Area Plan is defined as that plan,
developed by the district council or appropriate neiyhborhood group, for
the concentrated rehabilitation of a specified neighborhood area, within
the City of Saint Paul , setting forth how the area and the ITA program
meet the general criteria for an ITA and through what programs the goals
and objectives established in the district rehabilitation plan will be
7. General Criteria for an Identified Treatment Area, (hereinafter
referred to an an "ITA"), means those criteria set forth in Section 6 of '
this document.
8. Completion shall be defined as a process and a plan for
evaluating and determining if goals, objectives and activities for ITA's,
as set forth in required plans for ITA's have been met. This process,
plan, evaluation and determination shall be made in accordance with the
provisions of Section 8 and 9 of this document.
Specific ITA program goals established by each district council
or neighborhood group will vary with the needs and conditions present in
each district and/or neighborhood area. The goals established for an
ITA must be consistent with any current, approved district plans. The goals
that may be used as part of a district rehabilitation plan, and an ITA
plan or program include, but are not limited to:
. - 2 -
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1 . Support and encourage cooperative neighborhood improvement
efforts by ensuring the availability of financing and technical assistance
for area improvement efforts.
2. Achieve substantial , visible improvement sufficient to
strengthen neighborhood stability and encourage continuing private
reinvestment in residential areas with substantial rehabi7itation needs.
3. Through concentrated assistance, ensure that as many
rehabilitation needs as possible are met, including those which can be
met exclusively through the private market.
4. Reinforce existing sound neighborhoods and previous investment
in neighborhood improvement by extending improvement efforts to nearby
areas threatened by blight.
5. Coordinate completion of required public improvements and
other community development needs with area rehabilitation efforts where ,
possible to strengthen area wide impact.
6. Maximize public/private cooperation in neighborhood improvement
so that increasingly the efforts of private citizens, neighborhood
organizations, lending institutions, the City, the State and other public
agencies reinforce each other in reaching the comnon objective of a
high-quality residential environment in City neighborhoods.
Specific ITA program objectives established by each district
council or neighborhood g�pup wi71 vary with the needs and conditions
present in each district and/or neighborhood area. Among the objectives
that may be used as part of a District Rehabilitation Plan, an ITA Plan
or program includes, but are not limited to:
' - 3 -
" , . ' :
1 . Rehabilitation of homes within the ITA by property owners.
2. Elimination of incompatible land uses.
3. Removal of substandard structures beyond feasible rehabilitation.
4. Construction or reconstruction of public improvements.
5: Rehabilitation of adjacent commercial areas.
6. Planned improvement, creation, or expansion of neighborhood
focal points, such as parks.
7. Code enforcement.
A district must have a district rehabilitation plan to be eligible
for an ITA program to be funded. The requirement for a full-developed
plan will be waived during CD Year II if preliminary plans have been
prepared showing general activity areas. Also, in the absence of a
� distirct council an appropriate neighborhood group such as the responsible
neighborhood organization in an existing Priority Rehabilitation Area
(as that term is defined and used in the "City of Saint Raul Rehabilitation
Loan and Grant Concept and Guide7ines", C.F. 264630) may be designated
as the organization responsible for preparing necessary District
Rehabilitation or ITA plans: The District Rehabilitation Plan should
consist of the following elements, unless these elements are already
included in an approved General District Plan:
- Goals and Objectives
- Housing Analysis
- Land Use Analysis
- Streets, Alleys and Utilities Analysis
- Population and Demographic Analysis
- Designated Overall Rehabilitation Area
. _ a _
, , , ' , . l ��i."����
- Staging Plan (Designating Priority Areas Within Overall
Rehabilitation Areas)
. - Costs (Estimated Cost for Rehabilitation and Public Improvements
for Overall Rehabilitation Area)
A district council or appropriate neighborhood group in applying
for ITA program funding must submit a specific plan which shall include
the following:
- An explanation of why the specified neighborhood area and
proposed ITA Program meet the general criteria for� an ITA;
- An explanation of the manner in which the proposed ITA program
ties in with and helps to implement existing or ongoing general district,
district rehabilitation and city plans;
- The budget and timetable necessary for completion of the ITA
- Goals and objectives and an exp]anation af how the ITA program
will satisfy some or all of the goals and objectives established in
the District Rehabilitation P7an;
- A list of ineasurable physical changes indicating intended levels
of accomplishment;
- Any special measures proposed in response t� critical enviror�-
mental concerns identified by the city planning staff;
- Citizen Participation (indicating guideTines far resident
involvement and utilization of rehabilitation programs and a statement
of citizen responsibility and a preliminary level of commitment);
- Designated area and size (including number of parcels and
� - 5 -
- Land Use (breakdown of building types by parcels);
- Programs to be utilized, including level of public improvements,
- Costs (amount of money needed to complete project within
1 2 years);
- . Utilization of Staff;
- Publicity Techniques to be utilized to generate interest and
contact residents;
- Post completion activities designed to encourage and continue
neighborhood maintenance efforts.
The following documents set forth the criteria for ITA plans and
programs. Copies of all documents (including additional documents
authorized by law) , and amendments thereto shall be provided to all
district councils and appropriate neighborhood groups as part of the
Comnunity Development (CD) process.
- Federal Guidelines--CD Block Grants--See Federal Register of
June 9, 1975 and amendments thereto;
- Federal regulations for CD Environmental Review--See Federal
Register of July 16, 1975 and amendments thereto
- City of Saint Paul Comnunity Development Block Grant Program
Year Objectives and Policies;
- Housing Assistance Plan;
- City Wide Rehabilitation Concept and Guidelines--Approved by
City Counci] Resolution on November 21 , 1974; and amendments thereto;
- City Wide Rehabilitation Plan--Approved by City Council on
March 12, 1975 and amendments thereto;
' - 6 -
� •
. � � h a
- CD Year Application Needs and Objectives relating to
rehabilitation - (See Comnunity Development Year Applications to HUD);
- Current elements of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of
Saint Paul .
The following resources presently exist to fund rehabilitation
activities in the City of Saint Paul :
- City Rehabilita tion General Obligation Bonds
- CorrYnnunity Development Funds
- Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Rehabilitation and Multi�
Fami 1y Programs
- F.H.A. Title I Loans
- Section 312 Rehabilitation Loan Program
- Local Banks and Savings and Loan Institutions
- Section 223F Rehabilitation Funds
- V.A./G.I. Loan Programs
- N.H.S. Program
A detailed evaluation report and plan must be submitted by a
district council or responsible neighborhood group, along with an
application and ITA plan for a new, expanded or modified ITA and with
any application for an increase or modification in funding for an
existing ITA (includes for purposes of this paragraph the term "ITA
Program"). Also, a progress report concerning the overal7 upgrading of
the area will be required prior to the approval of construction of public
improvements approved as part of the ITA plan.
• - 7 -
� �
� � •
While an overlap of activities will be permitted between the close-out
of a previously approved ITA and the commencement of a new, expanded
or modified area or program, or an increase or modification in funding
for an existing ITA, all plans must be coordinated. The leve7 of progress
in meeting the goals and objectives stated in an ITA plan may be a
factor in determining if a new, modified or expanded ITA is to be funded
or if an increase or modification in funding for an existing ITA is to
be granted. The level of progress in overall upgrading of the area may
be a factor in determining if public improvements approved as part of
the ITA plan are to be constructed or reconstructed. A separate ITA
plan shall not be required for an expanded or modified ITA or for an
increase or modification in funding for an ITA, if the evaluation report
and plan contains modifications to the existing ITA program and plan
necessary for compliance with the provisions of Section 5. If a district
council or neighborhood group responsible for an ITA is not making
sufficient progress in meeting goals and objectives stated in the ITA
plan, due to lack of district council or responsible neighborhood group
activity, this may be grounds for the City Council to deny funding for
a new, expanded or modified ITA or an increase or modification in funding
for an existing ITA. The evaluation report and plan must be developed
with an emphasis on completion intentions and shall include, but not be
limited to the following:
- A17 statistics which demonstrate the physical improvement
of the ITA;
- A projected timetable for completion of activities and a
completion date for the ITA;
- A -
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- A restatement o� the ITA plan and program original goals and
objectives and an evaluation of progress to date and why this progress
is acceptable or unacceptable;
- A revised ]ist of goals and qbjectives, if considered necessary;
- . Resources to be used tQ complete the plan, inc�udir�g a change
in the use of resources previously approved;
- Any bud.getary changes required;
- A predicated ]evel of accomplishment, including the number of
parcels to be rehabilitated, number of parcels cleared and number of
parcels verified or estimated to be up to code;
- , A description of techniques to be employed by the council or
group to generate the activity necessary to achieve the goals and
objectives for completion;
- Proposed utilization of City and neighborhood staff (the Council .
or group may not presume an increased level of City staffing in a new or
expanded ITA or in an existing ITA for which an increase in funding is
proposed. This statement must be made in the context of existing ITA
City staff only);
- An outline of the evaluativ�e procedures to be used to monitor,
evalua�te and verify the accompai:shment of stated goals and ob�ectives;
- Any modifications to the or.iginal ITA plan, if necessary.
A completion report, after all activities are canpleted, will
be required. This report shall be a full evaluation of the ITA and
shall include: �
' - 9 -
w 4
� `� , •
- A statement and evaluation of the degree to which the goals
and objectives of all pertinent reports and plans were addressed and the
extent to which the predicted level of accomplishment as set forth in
Section 8, was met;
-� The achieved level of citizen participation;
- The number of parcels affected;
- The changes in land use;
- A comp7ete accounting of all program components used;
- The total cost;
- The completion time;
- The evaluative procedure used to monitor, evaluate and verify
the accomplishment of stated goals and objectives;
- All statistics which indicate changes in the physical condition
of the ITA.
10. Except where specifically provided herein, the standards, process,
timetable and responsibility concerning the designation of appropriate
and responsible neighborhood groups and the hearing, reviewing,
monitoring, evaluating, verifying, making recommendations concerning
and approving of District Rehabilitation Plans, ITA's, ITA plans and
� programs, Preliminary Evaluation Reports and Plans, Completion Reports,
and ITA funding applications or requests shall be made in accordance
with law and any statutes, ordinances, resolutions, regu7ations or
other documents so providing shall be incorporated by reference herein.
Office of Comnunity Development
April 30, 1976
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Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has provided for
concentrated residential rehabilitation and related improvement measures
in small project areas; and
WHEREAS, improvement activity has been initiated in eleven Identified
Treatment Areas in the City; and
WHEREAS, this Gouncil , in deliberations concerning the continuation of
neighborhood improvement activities, and particularly the City's Community
Development Block Grant Program, has recognized the need for definitive
policy governing planning, implementation and evaluation of Identified
Treatment Areas; and
WHEREAS, the Rehabilitation Advisory Comnittee has developed and
recorr�nended a Policy for Planning, Implementing, Evaluating and Completing
a Neighborhood Identified Treatment Area Program; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul has approved
and recomnended this policy statement to this Council ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Sairit Paul does hereby
adopt the attached Policy for Planning, Implementing, Evaluating, and
Completing a Neighbor�ood Identified Treatment Area Program, as recorrmended;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to
furnish required information to corrr�nnunity planning groups and otherwise to
take the necessary steps to ensure careful and prudent planning for continued
and new improvement activity in Identified Treatmerqt Areas as prescribed in
said Policy.
COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays ,
Christensen '
Hozza • In Favor
Levine .�G�G•N�l - �
Roedler Against BY
Tedesco ',
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by 'ty A orn
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d by Mayor f Submi ' n to Council
�r-----y` .
1 . Identified Treatment Area is defined as a specified portion
of a neighborhood area within the City of Saint Paul that has been
identified by the appropriate district council or neigfiborhood group
and approved by the Planning Commission and the City ,Council for the
purpose of encouragi ng property -c�wners to �rehabi 1 i tate �thei r �properti es
and to bring substantial improvement to the ��rea, :consistent with
objectives of the Identified Treatment �Area plan. An Identified
Treatment Area shall include a Concentrated Rehabilitation Project as
that term is defined and used in the "Rehabilitation Plan for the Saint
Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program," C.F. 265169.
2. District Rehabilitation Plan is defined .as that plan developed
by the district council or an appropriate neighborhood group of the
district setting forth rehabilitation goals and objectives for the district,
or a portion thereof. It must be consistent with the general district
plan and must be developed in accordance with Section 4 of this document.
3. District Council refers to that body duly recognized, empowered
and empaneled pursuant to the provisions of.C.F. 266179, which includes the
"Steps to the Establishment of a Citizen Participation -Process" and C.F.
265779, which directs the Mayor to �proceed with planning within the 17
4. Dis�rict refers to a geographic area within the City of Saint
Paul established by C.F. 265779.
5. General District Plan is defined as a plan developed by a
� ... .
district council pursuant to the provisions of C.F. 265179 and approved
by the Planning Comnission and City Council stating goals and objectives
for development and revitalization in the district, including but not
limited to physical , social and economic ele�ments.
6. Identified Treatment Area Plan is defined as that plan,
developed by the district council or appropriate neighborhood group, for
the concentrated rehabilitation of a specified neighborhood area, within
the City of Saint Paul , setting forth how the area and the ITA program
meet the general .criteria for an ITA and through what programs .the �goals
and objectives established in �the district rehabilitation plan will be
accomplished. '
7. General Criteria for an Identified Treatment Area, (hereinafter
referred to as an "ITA") , means those criteria set forth in Section 6 of
this document.
8. Completion shall be defined as a process and a plan for evaluating
and determining if goals, objectives and activities for ITA's, as set forth
in required plans for ITA's have been met. This process, plan, evaluation
and determination shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section
8 and 9 of this document.
Specific ITA program goals established by each dTStr�ct council or
neighborhood group will vary with the needs and conditions present in each
district and/or neighborhood area. The .goals that may be used as part of
a district rehabilitation plan, and an ITA plan or program include, but
are not limited to:
1 . Support and encourage cooperative neighborhood improvement
efforts by ensuring the availability of financing and technical assistance
. � ' � , .
for area improvement efforts.
2. Achieve substantial , visible improvement sufficient to
strengthen neighborhood stability and encourage continuing private
reinvestment in residential areas with substantial rehabilitation
3. Through concentrated assistance, ensure that as many
rehabilitation needs as possible are met, including those which can
be met exclusively through the private market.
4. Reinforce existing sound neighborhoods and previous
investment in neighborhood improvement by extending improvement efforts
to nearby areas threatened by blight.
5. Coordinate completion of required •public improvements and
other comnunity development needs with area rehabilitation efforts
where possible to strengthen area wide impact.
6. Maximize public/private cooperation in neighborhood improvement
so that increasingly the efforts of private citizens, neighborhood
organizations, lending institutions, the City, the State and other public
agencies reinforce each other in reaching the corr�non objective of a
high-quality residential environment in City neighborhaods.
Specific ITA program objectives .established by .each district
council or neighborhood group will vary with the needs and conditions
present in each district and/or neighborhood area. Among the objectives
that may be _used as part of a District Rehabilitation Plan, an ITA Plan
or program includes, but are not limited to:
l . Rehabilitation of homes within the ITA by property owners.
2. Elimination of i�compatible land uses.
� . ...♦
3. Removal of substandard structures beyond feasible rehabilitation.
4. Construction or reconstruction of public improvements.
5. Rehabil�tation of ad3acent comnercial .areas.
6. Planned i�rovement, .creation, or expansion of neighborhood
focal points, such as parks.
7. Code enforcement.
A district must have a district rehabilitation .plan to be eligible
for an ITA program to be funded. The requirement �for a -�fully-developed
plan will be waived during CD Year II if preliminary plans have been
prepared showing general activity areas. Also, in the absence of a
district council an appropriate neighborhoad group such as the responsible
neighborhood organization in an existing Priority Rehabilitation Area
(as that term is defined and used in the "City of Saint Pau1 Rehabilitation
Loan and Grant Concept and Guidelines", C.F. 264630) may be designated
as the organization responsible for preparing necessary District Rehabilitation
or ITA plans. The District Rehabilitation Plan should consist of the
following elements, unless these elements are alreac�y included in an
approved General District Plan:
- Goals and Objectives _
- Housing Analysis
- Land Use Analysis
- Streets, Alleys and Utilities Analysis
- Population and Demographic Analysis
- Designated Overall Rehabilitation Area
- Staging Plan (Designating Priority Areas Within =Overall
Rehabilitation Areas)
- Costs (Estimated Cost for Rehabilitation and Public Improve�nents
� . ..,
. .
for Overall Rehabilitation Area)
A district council or appropriate neighborhaod group in applying
for ITA program funding must submit a specific plan which shall include
the following:
- An explanation of why the specified neighborhood area and
proposed ITA program meet :�he general criteria for an ITA;
- The budget and timetable necessary for completion �of the ��ITA
- Goals and objectives and an .explanation of how .the ITA program
will satisfy some or all of the goals and objectives established in
the District Rehabilitation Plan;
- A list of ineasurable physical changes indicating intended levels
of accomplishments;
- Citizen Participation (indicating guidelines for resident
involvement and utilization of rehabil�tation programs and a statement
of citizen responsibility and a preliminary level of comnitment) ;
- Qesignated area and size (Zncluding number of parcels and
families) ;
- Land Use (breakdown of building types by parcels) ;
- Programs to be utilized, i�cluding level of public impravements,
and the level of accomplishment of overall .upgrading of .the area to
justify the construction of public improvements;
- Costs (amount of money needed to complete �pro�ect within 1� years);
- Staging (indicating program activities which should be completed
within l� years) ;
- Utilization of Staff;
. . .
- Publicity Techniques to be utilized to generate interest and
contact residents;
- Post completion activities designed .to encourage and .continue
neighborhood maintenance efforts.
The following documents set forth the criteria for ITA plans and
programs. Copies of all docurr�nts (including additional doc�nents
authorized by law) , and amen�nents thereto shall be provided to all
district councils and appropriate neighborhood groups .as .part af the
Comnunity Development (CD) process.
- Federal Guidelines--CD Block Grants--See Federal Register of
June 9, 1975 and amendments thereto;
- City of Saint Paul Community Development Block Grant Program
Year Objectives and Policies; .
- Housing Assistance Plan;
- City Wide Rehabilitation .Concept and Guidelines--Approved by
City Council Resolution on Navember 21 , 1974; .and a�nd�nts thereto;
- City Wide Rehabilitation Plan--1lpproved :by .City Council on
March 12, 1975 and amendments thereto;
- CD Year Application Needs and Objectives relating to
rehabilitation - (See Comnunity Development Year Appli�ations .to HUD};
The fallowing resources presently exist to fund rehabilitation
activities in the City of Saint Paul :
- City Rehabilitation General Obligation Bonds
- Community Develapment F.unds
- Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Rehabilitation and Multi-
Family Programs
- F.H.A. Title I Loans
� - Section -312 Rehabilitation loan Program
- Local Banks and Savings and Loan Institutions
- Section 223F Rehabilitation Funds
- V.A./G.I. Loan Programs
- N.H.S. Program
A detailed evaluation report and plan must be submitted by a
district council nr responsible neighborhood group, along with an
application and ITA plan for a new, expanded or modified ITA and with
any application for an increase or modification in funding for an
' existing ITA (includes for purposes of this paragraph the term "ITA
Program"). While an overlap of activities will be permitted between
the close-out of �a previously �approved ITA .and the cornmencement of a
new, expanded or modified area or program, or an increase or modification
in funding for an existing ITA, all plans must be coordinated. The
level of progress in meeting the goals and objectives stated in an ITA
plan may be a factor in determining if a new, modified or expanded ITA
is to be funded or if an increase or modification in -funding for an .
existing ITA is to be granted. A.separate ITA plan shall not be required
for an expanded or modified ITA or for an increase or modification in
funding for an ITA, if the evaluation report and plan contains modifications
to the existing ITA pragram and plan necessary for compliance with the
provisions of Section 5. If a district council or neighborhood -group
, .
. � . .
responsible for an ITA is not making sufficient progress in meeting
goals and objectives stated in the I7A plan, due to lack of dfstrict
council or responsible neighborhood group activity, this may be .grounds
for the City Council to deny funding for a new, expan�ed or modified
ITA or an increase or modification in funding for an existing ITA. The
evaluation report and plan must be developed with an emphasis on
completion intentions and shall include, but not be limited to the
following: �',
- All statistics which demonstr.ate the �physical improvement
of the ITA;
- A projected timetable for .completion of activities and a
completion date for the I7A;
- A restatement of the ITA plan and program original goals and
objectives and an evaluation of progress to date and why this progress
is acceptable or unacceptable;
- A revised list of goals and objectives, if considered necessary;
- Resources to be used to complete the plan, including a change
in the use of resources previously approved;
- Any budgetary changes -required;
- A predicted level of accomplishment, including the number of
�?rcels to be rehabilitated, number of parcels cleared and number of
parcels verified or estimated to be up to code;
- A descriptian of techniqaes to be employed by the council or
group to generate �the .activity neeessary to achieve the -goals and
objectives for .completion; �
- Proposed utilization af City and neighborhaod staff (the Council
or group may not presume an increased level of City �ta�ffing in a new or
�- • . , f
expanded ITA or in an existing ITA for which an increase in funding is
proposed. This statement must be made in the context of existing ITA
City staff only) ;
- An outline of the evaluative proceclures to be used to monitor,
evaluate and verify the accomplishment of stated goals and ob�ectives;
- Any modifications to the original ITA plan, if necessary.
A completion report, after all .activities are completed, will
be required. This report shall be a full evaluation of the ITA and
shall include:
- A statement and evaluation of the degree to which the goals
and objectives of all pertinent reports and plans were addressed and the
extent to which the predicted level of accomplishment as set forth in
Section 8, was met;
� - The achieved level of citizen participation;
- The number of parcels affected;
- The changes in land .use;
- A complete accounting of all program•companents used;
- The total cost;
- The completion time; �
- The evaluative procedure used to monitor, evaluate and verify the
' accomplishment of stated goals :and objectives;
- Al1 statistics which d�nonstrate the physical improvement of the
10. Except where specifically provided h�rein, .the standards, process,
+u' �. .� .. / �
timetable and responsibility concerning the designation of appropriate
and responsible neighborhood groups and the hearing, reviewing,
monitoring, evaluating, verifying, making recommendations cancerning
and approving of District Rehabilitation Plans, ITA's, ITA plans and
, programs, Preliminary Evaluation Reports and Plans, Completion Reports,
and ITA funding applications or requests shall be made in accordance
with law and any statutes, ordinances, resolutions, regulations or
other doc�nents so providing shall be incorporated by reference herein.
Office of Comnunity Development
April 30, 1976