267586 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUIICll ���R(���
BLUE � - MA':arx �� File NO. ��
� ` Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. �l�� �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Ordinance approving the terms and
conditions of a 1976-77 Collective Bargaining Agreement be-
tween the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District
No. 625, and the American Federation of State, County
. and Municipal Employees District Council 91, Local 2508,
representing the clerical employees of the City of Saint Paul
and Independent School District No. 625.
WHEREAS, t,1ie Council, pursuant to the provisions of 5ection 12. 09
of tlie Saint Pau1 City Charter and the "Public Employees Labor Relations
Act" recognizes District Council 91, Local 2508, of the American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees as exclusive representatives for
those classes of positions within the City of Saint Paul certified by the Bureau
of Mediation Services under Case No. 74-PR-61-A for the purpose of ineeting
and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all personnel in
the classes of positions as set fortli in tlze Agreement between the City and the
exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and
WHEREAS, tlie City through designated representatives and the exclu-
sive representatives have met in good faith and have negotiated terms and
conditions of employment for such personnel, as are set forth in the Collective
Bargaining Agreement between the City, Independent School District No. 625,
and exclusive representatives; now, tlzerefore
5ection 1. That the Collective Bargaining Agreement dated as of
the effective date of this Ordinance, between the City of Saint Paul, Independent
School District No. 625, and Local 2508, District Counci.l No. 91 of t,h.e
1�1IYlerican Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, on file in the
office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and t1�.e authorized administrative
officials of tlie City are hereby autliorized and directed to execute said
Agreement on behalf of the City.
- 1 -
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Roedler Against BY
Form Ap roved y City t r
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Ma�or foc Submission to Council
t •
� 0/ indnce Ordinance N�. ��/O�-7
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 2. That tlie wage schedule in the Agreement shall be
in force and effect retroactively to t1�.e dates set fortlz in the Agreement
and in accordance with the expressed intent of the agreement of this
Council contained in Council File Number 266410.
Section 3. That any other ordinance, rule or regulation in
force when said Agreement takes effect, inconsistent with any provisions
of the terms or conditions of said Agreement, is hereby repealed.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
tlzirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication.
Civil Service Commis on
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza � In Favor
Levine O Against By Tho as D. Gleason Director
Tedesco aUG 12 1976
Form A rove by Cit A o ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P b Council Secretary BY
Approv by Mayor: Date • U6 12 19Tg Appro by Mayor for Subm' si to �uncil
�UB�ISH�� AUG 2 4 1976
. ��� , i�o��,
, , � .
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�476--�9,� � �
TI� IDIDr.PENDENT SCHOCL DISTRICT N0. 625 -- -�.y_~---- - -•� �_ �
- - --- � - - . .�.--�..- ---
_ _:. . . .�_��- -:-•- •-_- --.-_—t.M... ----
- -- �.�-t.--� -
LocAr., urr�oN �5a8 � r.ocaz tr��ar� 844
+ t
I Recognition _ 1
TI Check Off �
III Hours of Work 5
I�1 Work Breaks �
V Holidays ?
� F�aployee Rights - Grievance Procedure $
VII City Mileage 12
VIII Mileage-Independent School District No. 625 13
� Vacation 1�
� � Insurance
_ _ _ 15
- -- --X� __ i�orking Out of Classification -=
XII E�nployee Records 16
_ XII_I._ .._ Bulleti� Boards _- - I$
- XIV Wages
`q�� ..=a-xrt�rrar!p�+ ��s. �.�_ , , _ ],�
-- �_: —_ _-�-�--� - -
_ __.._ -:._.- ._ _ �
-- -- . _ _ _.._ _ '
._.._ �..._... . _.w-•---- -----.__�- _._.:_. ___..._._ .___. .
.��Z_.�..__ -_ Leaves of Absence 21
7�VII Military Leave of Absence �3
7�VIII Management Rights 2�
X� Seniority 25
� Discipline 26
�I Vacancies �7
7�II Terms of Agreement 2�
APPendix A Al
- ii -
• �
� 1 . � . � .������ .
This AGR�ED�A'T entered into by t'r�e City of S�int Paul, and Independent
School District No. 625, hereinafter referred to as the ET4FLpyER, Local Unian
250$ and Local Union 8�4 affiliated r;ith Council 91 and the American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Eaiployees, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as
the tTNION, has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between
the EI�LOyER and the UlYION, the establishment of an equitable and peaceful
procedure for the resolution of differences, and the establishment of rates
__ ..�__-- -- - - ..�_a- �
- -�------1.:r�,--_ T.�.. _. ,��...�_
of pay, hours of work, and other conditions oP employment.
- 111 -
• 1.1 The Et�LOYr:R recogr_izes the LTI�ZON as the sole ��nd excl�;siv� bargaining
ager�t for the purpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours and other
conditicns of e�ploymen� for all of its employees as outlined in the
certificatior by the State of Minnesota, Bureau of Mediat�.en Services,
dated July 12, 1973, in Case No. 74-PR-61-A and as amended and as set forth
in Section 1.2 below.
1.2 The bargaining ur.it covered by this AGREEMr�NT shall consist of the
following: All regular and probationary office, clerical, and admin—
istrative personnel who are employed by the City o: St, Paul cr who i��-�-------
their "terms and cond;tions of employment" established by the governing �
-- ----- - — --bo�=of the�i---,-•-_ _,_ -_-.-,-.�,t-- �-1-��-� -��:. ,. ----___. - - -- _:__--_
__ �--� ty�af St. �aul in--�:ie c ass�.�a''��i n's o : _
Acco!:nting Clerk I Cashier II--Water Department
Accauntir_g Clerk II Chief Me+er Reader
Accoi:nting 2��chine Operltor I Clerical Trainee
Accounting '_�.achine Operator II Clerk �
Assistant I�r. of Park Refectories Clerk II
Assistant Market Director Clerk Il--youth Servic4s Bureau
Assistant R°ccrder af Counci). Clerk III
Proceedings Clerk IV ------- -- -- -
Assistant Supervisor of Elections Clerk-Ster_o�rapher II
Assistant Supervisor of Water Bi?ling Clerk-Stenographer III
Auditing Clerk I Clerk-Tr.�ist I
Auditing Clerk II Clerk-^.'ypist I--Youth Services Bureau
Bank Clerk C].erk-Typist II
Bor.d Registrar Clerlc-Typist III
Building Permit Clerk Clinic Aide
Buyer I Coaununity Service Officer
Buyer I (Me3ical Supplies) Computer Q�erator
Buyer II Cost Clerk
Cashier--Civic Center Data processing Aide
Cashier I--Water D�partment Dag Warden
_ 1 _
1 � '
° Duplicating Equipment O�.erator I Payroll Supervi�or I
Duplicating Equipment Operatar II Payroll Supervisor II
Duplicating E uipment Operator III Fayroll Supervisor III
Duplicating Equipment Operator Payrall Supervisor (Schools)
(Health Bureau) Personnel Clerk--Board of Education
�ergency preparedness Supply Pol�ce Communications Clerk
Inspector Police Dispatcher
Field Clerk I Police Records Clerk
F`i.eld Clerk II Police Stenographer
Field C1erk III Poundmaster
Film InsFector I Procurement Clerk
Film Iaspector II Refectorv Manager
Fire Service Aide Refectory Attenda*�t
Head Clerk--Ptiblic Builcling Re�istration C-�erk---- -
_ He.ad Clerk-Water Department Secretary
Health Service Aide Service Worker � �' � � �
Information Systens Specialist Statistical Clerk
Inventory Control Supervisor S{orehouse HelUer
Keypunch _Operator -_---_---.-�:��� �t--='"���f"' T a �
- - - --- -� _. .,,- -
- - -
- -- --- Keypunch Opera�or I ' -�- -- - Storekeeper I--Po2ice -
Keypunch Operator II Storekeeper II
Keypunch Operator III Storekeeper (Food �ervice)
Laboratory Helper Storekeeper (Voting Machines)
Landfill Caretaker Store�eeper--Water Department
Library Clerk Stores Clerk
I,icense Clerk Stores Clerk (School Cafeterias)
Lighting Complaint Clerk Supervi.sor of I�eter Reading
Market Director Supervisor of Water__,�'
M.eter Reader - ���-- --
Tabulating Machine Qperat,or I
Neighborhood Worker Tabulating NSach.i.ne (lperator IY
Park Concession Manager Telephane O�;erator
Park Guide Teletype Machine Operator
Parking Lot Attendant II Transportation Assistant
Farking Met�r Collector I Transportation Coordinator
Parking Nleter Collector II Zoo Keeper I
Parking Meter Nbnitor Zoa Keeper II
Parking Ramp Attendant
Parking Ramp Nanager
Parts Storekeepe:
Payroll Audit Clerk
. - 2 -
� 1
� . . .. . . �������
, L
1.3 Any present or flzture ea,Floyee who is not a U1VI0.�� member shall i�e
required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the
UNION, and upor. notification by the UIJZON, the EMPLOYER shall check
off said fee froa► the earnings of the eraployee and transmit �he saune
to the UNtON. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a
pro rata share of the specific expenses incurred for services rendered
by the representative in relationship ta negotiations and administratian
of grievance procedures. This grovision shall remain--c�aera�iT�� ^�-o,,�-v
so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as otherwise
-- - -- .�_z.._,_ __ ._._ _�- - . -- _-�__--==.�-_--�.,.:�.�,a=_:-----...a.:�y
- - --- l.�i � The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the E2�+lPLOyER harmless against
any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments b rought or issued against
the City as a result of any action taken or not taken by the City under
the provisions of this Article I, Section 1.3.
_ 3 _
� � �
. , ������
2.1 The Et�'LOvER agrees to dedu�t the tTNION membership initiation fee
assessments and once each month dues frc�tn the pay of those employees
who individually request in writing that such deductions be made.
The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the Et�LOyER by a
representative of the tTNION anc3 the aggregate deductions of all.
employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to
the representative by the first of the succeeding month af`ter such
- - �eductions are made or as soon thereafter as is possible. --
2.2 The UNIOi� agrees to indemnify and hold the EI�Il'LpYER hartal.ess agaiast
-- - � - ---tsn�'- and all._.c__�_a.,.�, :�L�;=-�a .. : +- � . .
the City as a result of uny action taken or not taken by the City under
the provisions of this Article.
- 4 -
1 �
3.1 Tne nonr:al Yrork day shall be se�re:. ana t'riree,/fourths (7 3/��) consecutive
hours per day, exclu3ing a for��r-five (L5) Minute lunch perio3, lj (Fif�eer:)
�rinutes of whicn shall 'ae paid. �
3.2 The norr,ial tiork week shall be five (5) consecutive normal work days in
any sever. ('�) day period.
3•3 For employees on a shift basis, this shall be construed to nean an average
of thirty-eight and three-fourths (38 3��+) hours per week.
3.4 This section shall not be cc.istrued as, and is nnt �- gua-ra�xtee—e 3—a.�,T—h�urs.
of work per normal work day or per noz�rial work week. __ _
3•5 Time on the payroll in excess of the normal hours set forth above in this
— -._-- .,.__��'�iCl�'S�L3�-�1��=trav�'-�3� n -, � . Pr nf t.h�
head of the department.
3.6 Al1 employees in this bargaining unit shall be recompensed for a�ork done
in excess of the normal hours established above ir, this Article by beir_�
granted compensatory time on a time and one-half basis or by being paid
on a time ana one-half basis for such overtime work. The overtime rate ef
one and one-hali shall be computed on the basis of 1/80ih of �he t�i-weekly
�.7 Normal work s�nedules sho4ring the employee's shifts, work days and hours
shall be posted on all department_bulle�in boar.ds at all times . It is
also understood that deviatior. from posted work scheaules shall be per-
missible due to emergencies, acts of Gad, and overi,ir�e may be required.
_ 5 _
. , ����� �
' �+.1 Rest reriods. All employees worl: schedul�s shall provide for a fifl:een
minute rest period durir.g each one-half s:�ift. The rest period shall be
screduled by management at approximately the middle of each one-half
shift whenever this is feasible. -
4.2 If an employee is scheduled to work a full hal.f shift beyond his regular
quitting tine, he sha11 be entitled to the rest period that occurs during
said half shift.
—�-a--� ._-�-- -------�-------_-._.,.� __..,...._---�-----�------ - _-
- 6 -
� '�
• 5•1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recagnized
and observed as paid holidays:
New Years Day Columbus Day
Presidents' Day Veterans' Day
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day �
Independence Day Christmas Day
I,abor Day Two floating holidays
Eligible employees shall receive pay For each af the holidays listed above,
on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above
shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the _
__ _ _ _ _ holiday_. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fa71 on Sunday, _ -
the succeeding Monday shall be observed es the holiday. �'_ ,_
5.2 The floating holidays set forth in Section 5.1 above may be taken at ;
- ---- - ---$n-v--��me d�ring the contract year, subject to approval of the Department -_:-.-
Head of any employee.
5•3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligib le for a holiday� with pay,
an employee's name must appear on the payroll on any silc working days of
the nine working days preceding the holiday; or an emplayee's name �cust
appear on the payroll the last working day before the holiday and on three
other working days of the nine working days preceding, the holiday. In
neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day for �he purposes
of this section. It is flu�ther understood that neither temporary, emergency
nor other employees not heretofore eligible shall receive holiday pay.
_ 7 _
. 5.1 Th� Et�IPLO�R shall recognize stewar�s selected in accordance with UI`+ION
rules and regulstions as the grievance representative of the bargaining
unit. The UNIpN shall notif� the EN1'LpyER in writing of the names of the
stewards snd of their successors when so named. ,
6.2 It is recognized and accepted by the EMPLpyER and the UI�TION that the pro-
cessing of grievances as hereinaf`ter provided is li�ited by the job duties
and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished
during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and
�- responsibilities. The steward involved and a grieving ezaployee shall suffer - �-
no 2oss in pay when a grievance is processed durin� workir.g hours, provided, ^
the steward and the employee have notified and received the approval af
their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence
would r.ot be detri.mental to the work programs of the FF�4PLpYER.
6.3 The procedure estabZished by this Article shall be the sole and exclusive
procedure, except for the appeal o:' disciplinary action as provided by
Article � for the processing of grievance, which are defined as an alZeged
vioZation of the terms and conditions af this AG��NT.
6.4 Grievance shall be resolved ia conformance with the following procedure:
Step l. Upon the occurrence of an alleged violation of this
AGREII�I4T, the employee involved shall attempt to resolve the
matter on an informal basis with the employee's superv�sor. If
the matter is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the
informal discussion it may be reduced to writing and referred tc
, Step 2 by the LTNION. The written grievance sha11 set forth the
nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the
- 8 -
. ��
alle�ed section(s) cf the AGRi��NT vielated, and. the relief
re4uested. Any alleged violation of the AGREEN�TdT not reduced
to writir�g by the LTNION within seven (7) calendar day� of the
first occurrence of the event gi�ring rise to the grievance, shall
be �onsidered waived.
Step 2. Within seven (7} ca?endar day;. after receiving the written
grievance a designated EMPLO��R superVisor shall meet with the
UNION Steward and attempt to resolve the grievan�e. IP, as a
result of this meeti.ng, the grievance remains u�reso��e�.�--��--------
F�++ff'LOYER sha31 rerly in writing to the UNLON within three (3} -
calendar days following this meeting. The U:'ION may refer the
-- -��r--' --�����I1C�-_,��-WZ'�.�rfn�S'tepTt � xaifh�ri casr�n /7�._.[`A1Pr1�- •
_._ .._ ..__ -"=°ss.'i.s.=-.-.�� .__�'S3LY_____ `^_�
following receipt of the EMPLOYER'S written answer. Any grievance
not referred i.n writing by the iJNIO�T within secen (7} calendar
days folZowing receipt of the EMPLOyEft'S.answer shall be considered
Step 3. Within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of a
grievance referred from SteF 2 a designate3 EI�LOyER supervisor
shall meet with the IJNIO�T Business Manager or his designated
representative and attempt to resolve the �rievance. Within seven
, (7) calendar days following this meeting the II�ff'LO�R shall reply
in writing to the UNION stating the EMPLOyER'S answer concerning
the grievance. If, as a result of the written response the grievance
remains unresolved, the UDTION may refer the grievance to Step 4.
Any grievance not referred to i:� writing by the UN�ON to Step 4
• within seven (7) calendar day^ following receipt of the EMPLp7�R`S
ans,�er shall be considered waive�i.
_ 9 _
• Step 4• If the grievance remains unresclved, the UPJION rc�y --
within seven (7� calendar days a�ter the response of the
E�++iPLOYER in Step 3, by writter. notice to the EMPLpYER, request
arbitration of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings �
shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected by mutual
agreeu:ent of the II�Lp L and the ITIJION within seven (7)
calendar days after notice has been given. If the parties
f�+il to mutually agree upon an arbitrator within the said
seven (7) day period, either garty may request the Pub lic
E�nployment Relation Board to submit a penel of five (5}-- --- - � — ---- �
arbitrators. Both tre Eh�I,OYER and the UNION shall have the
�� . --- � - —-..�._.....,.._..�
r�"'ii�to—s�rike�wo-- �"°�° -� _�
— g= '� name�"�ram"'�i�ie�--gan� :� � - -- -
strike the first (lst) name; the ENIPLOyER shall then strike one
(1) r.ame. The process will be .repeated and the rer�aining gerson
sha11 be +.he arbitrator.
6.5 The arbitrator shall have no right tc amend, modify, nu2lify, ignore,
add to, or subtraet from the provisions of this AGREEMENT. The artn trator
shall consider and decide onl.y the specific zssue submitted in writin� by
the EMPLOyER and the U1�iI0N ar.d shall have no au�thority to make a decision
on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shaZl be without poy:er
to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or m�:difying or varying
in any way the applicat=on of Zaws, rules, or regulations having the force
and effect of law. The arbitrator's c�.ecision srall be subrzi±ted in writing
within thrity (30} days follow5ng close of the he:_ring of the submission of
, briefs by the parties, whichever be later, ur!less the part�es agree to an
extension. The decision s�all be based solely on the erbitrator*s
interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGREEMENT and
_ �p _
�� �
' to th^ facts of tY:e grievance presente�?. The decision cf the arbitrator
shall be final and binding on the EN:PLpyER, the UN.[ON, and the employees.
6.6 The fees and expenses far the arbitrator's services and proceedings
shall be borne equally by the EMPLOyER and the tTNION, prvvided that each
party �haZl be responsibile for co�►pens�ting its own representatives and
witnesses. If either pary desires a verbatim reco�d of the proceedings, it
may cause such a record to be made, providing it �ays for the record.
6.7 Ttre ti.me limits in each step af this procedure may be exteaded by __ __ _
mutual agreement of the EMPIAYER and the UNIQN. � � � � --T--�
_ 6.��t is__.ux��r�ta�d_b.y.�h.P iTNTnT' 2n �.F.MT�TLIYF'R tha+� a arin� r �o �„ ,.
:..- --�---�-��; -°�--� �, ---_�
be determined by either the grievance procedure of this contract or by
the provisions of the Personnel Rules of the City of Saint Paul. If
an issue is determined by this grievance procedure it shall not again
be submitte3 for arbitration under the Personnel Rules. If an issue is
determined by the provisions of the Personnel RuZes it shall not a�ai.n
be submitted for arbitration unde.r this grievance procedtu�e.
- ii -
� �
� 7.i Autcm�bile Reimbursement Authorized: pursuant to Chapter 92A of the
St. Pau?. Legislative Code, as amaendEd, pertaini:�� to reimbursement of
City officers and employees for the use of their awn �utamobiles in the
perform�.nce of their duties, the folZowing provisions are adopted.
7.2 Method of Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, a12
officers and emplcyees must rec-ive written authorizaticn :'rom the
Mayar. Reimbursement shall be made in accordance with one of the follow-
ing pl2ns: _ __ _.,_
T�,rpe 1• For those officers and employees who are required to _ ^_ ---
use their_own auto�robiles occasionally for official Cit,y bu�iness,
reimbvrsement at the rate of 13 cents for each mile driv�en.
_ �-_"_ -_-41Va�A='�'--.--�'•pY`_�_ ' „` '_ .rn�.�.�VP+.t►!l�:sv_l�++�=�rn���"i.-��T-�°�, �. �+�� �3r
��t- � ,� n �i c o __ _
their own automobiles on a re�ular basis on City business, reim-
bursement at tr.e rate of $2.50 for each day of work, an�i in
addition thereto at the rate of 6.5 cents for each mile driven.
7.3 Rules and Regul�ti�ns: The Mayo_ shall adopt..r��zles and re�ulations �overnir�b
the procedures for autoaobile rei.mbursement, �.*hich reg!ilati�ns and rules
sha�l :cntain the requirement that recipients shall file daily reports
indicating glace or origin and destination and applicable miieag� ratings
thereat and indicating total milPS dri:�en, and shall f31e monthly affidavits
statin� the nu�ber of days w^ryed and the nw-nber of miles driven, ar.d further
required that they maintain automobile ?iability insurance i� amounts not
less than $100,000/300,OOQ for persona?. in3ury, ana $25,00o for property
damage. These rules and regulations, together with any a�endments tY:�retc,
shall. be naintained on file with the City Clerk.
7.�+ The provisions of this Article shall not 3Fply to em�loyees of
Independent School �Jistric� No. 625.
_ 1? _
' $.l �nployees o.° the School District i:.nder policy adopted by the Board of
E�iucatio:� may be reimbursed for the u�e of their automobiles for school
business. T� re eligible for such reimbursement, employees must receive
authorization from the District Mileage Coannittee utilizing one af tre
following plans:
PLAN "A" is reimbursed at the rate of 15¢ per mile. I�
addi±ian, a maxim�u�, amount which can be paid per month is
established by an est=mate ftirnished by the employee and
the employee's supervisor.
- Another cansideration for establiching the maxirun arr_aunt
can be the experieace of another employee working in the —
same or similar position. -�-- —�---- --- — �
Under this plan, it is necessary for the employee to keep
--__ -..- - ---�x�carc�.,.o� ea�..r���.�.m.��,, - - - ---
.. -_- �.i�,t:�s-s-w�-���:�,�-�..�--�.-�,+xc•p•--�� �-�a.�—
PLAN "C" provides for reimbursement based on a per �onth
l�iimp sum" ameunt. This amo�ant is determined by the
employee's driving experience un3er Plan "A" for a period
of 3 to 6 months. Those emptoyees receiving an auto
allowance under this plan must report monthly the number
of dsys t:�e car was ava�l.able during the month. A
deduction must be made frcn the lump sum amount for each
day the employee is on vacation. A deduction need not
be �ade for an occasional day of illness or for holidays.
. _ �3
� 9.1 In each ^_alendar year, each full-time er�ployee shall be gr�~:ted
vacation according to the following schedule:
Years of Service Vacation Granted
Less t:�an 5 years 1Q days
After 5 years thru 15 years 15 days
After 15 years thru 25 years 21 days
After 25 years 22 days
F�nployees who work less than f1�.11-tiz�e shall be granted� __
pro rata b�sis. —
�.2 The head of the department may permit ar. empZoyee to carry over into
-- -- ,... - —z.r--- —_,--- - -_ a-- __. _
--�..- . _ .. -- �.-.�� - -
the following year up to ten days' vacation.
q.3 The above provisions of vacation sha�l be subject to Ordinace No. 6446,
Section I, Su3. F.
- 14 -
. , r���,�
kP,TICi.'r'� X - Ii3SUR4::CE
� 10,1 The EN'_?�uOYE:t u'ill �ontirn�e °�,r tr:Q neriol of thi s ACP,ti:Ft✓.EIv'?' L� providP
for empl�yees such health ar.� '_iie insurance benefits as are provided b�•
EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREEMENT,
10.2 The EN�'IAYER will for the period of this AGREII�NT provide for employees
who retire after the time of exe^ution of this AGREEN�I�?T and urjti�. such
employees reach sixty-five (6;) years of age such health insurance benefits
and life insurance bene�its as are provided by the EMPLOYER for such emgloyees.
1�.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision,
- - - - the -empleyee--��st; - --- . : _ - -- - -- -- --- -- � .. _
_ � 10.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retiree act
� - - � ---�-t-- - -
at the time of retirenent.
10.32 Have severed his relatior.ship with the City of Saint Paul
under one of the earZy retiree plans.
10.41 The EMPLOYEP. will continue for the calendar 3•ears 1976 and 1977
to provide for employees sucr. he.alth and life insuran^e benefits
as are provided by EMPLpYER at the �ime ef execution of this
10.42 Costs of health and k�elfare and life insurance for subsequent
years shall be negotiated.
_ 15 _
11. 1 EMPLOYER shall avoid, whenever possible, working an employee
on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of time.
Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period
in excess of fifteen (15) working days during a year shall receive
the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classi-
fication not later than the sixteenth (16) day of such assignment.
For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined
as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a full time basis,
_ ____� all of the significant duties and responsibilities of a position =`
----- ,-- -- - --------�------- ---- --
� ..-_
___ different__from the employee's regular position, and which is in ��`
=___v=_--- a cla-ss���=�1�re�an t�ie-c�lassific�tion held by such employee. °
- -- —�-- — fihe rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment sha.11 be r
the same rate the employee would reeeive if such employee
received a regular appointment to the higher classification.
- 16 -
12.1 Any written repriunand made concerning any memt�er of this Bargaining
Unit which is filed with the Personnel Office or within any City
department, sha11 be shown to the memb�r before it is p�aced on file.
Before the reprisnand is placed on file, the City shall request from
the employee an acknowled�eent, in writing, that the reprimand has
been read by said employee.
12.2 Ar�y member of the bargaining unit may, during usual working hQUrs, �-
with the approval of the sugervisor, review any material placed in "'�
._._..._ -�-
w the employee's personnei file, after first giving proper notice to -
the supervisor in custody of such file.
�----- -- ----- ------ - -------- - ---. a::
-�:3 �1n -member of the bar sinin unft ma file a �-- - �� �
Y 8 8 y grievance or a discrimination -
complaint and there shall be no retaliation by the City of St. Pau1
for such action.
_ 17 _
� ������
13•I 'I'�1e EMPLpYER shall provide re�sonable bulletin space fcr use
by the UNION in posting notices of �pN business and activ?:ties,
ssid bulletin board space shall not be used by the ITNION for
Foliticel purposes other than UDTION elections. Use of this
bulletin board is subject to approval of the department held.
- 18 -
14.1 The wuge schedule, for purpc,ses of this contract, shall be Appendix A,
attached hereto.
_ �9 _
� � � ��`'��t���
15•1 The parties agree that all conditions of employment relatin� to
wages, hours of work, overti.me differential,s, vacations and ail
other general working conditions shall be maintained at not
less than the highest minimum standard set forth in the Personnel
Rules of the City of St. Paul (Ordinance No. 3250) and the
Salary Ordinance of the City of St. Paul (Ordinance No. f446)
at the time oP the signing of this AGREEMEIQT, fltld thP nr+r�r7itj,pris �_
of employment shall be impraved wherever specific provisions
-- - far imgrovement-are made -e3sewh�ere in this AGRF�,EME19T. _ - ---- - -- .
- 2p -
• 16.1 Leave of Absence. After three Month's employment, an empZoyee may
make application for a leave of absence not to exceed one year. A
leave of absence shall be granted on the basis established in the
Personnel Rules, (Ordinance No. 3250). '
16.2 Sick Leave. Sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of .0;76 of a
working hour for each ftil.l hour on ths payroll, excluding overtime.
Sick leave accumuZation is unlimited. To be eligible for sick leave
the employee must report to his supervisar no late�--�-3�rt--eege �� -
hour past his regular scheduled starting time. The granting of_�_
s�c�k leave s a �be su�bject to the terms and provisions of Ordinance �r
_ _ __ _—, _u., z�n � _ _
16.3 Any employee who has acclm►ulated sick Yeave credits as provided ab�ve
shall be granted leave with pay, f�r such period of time as the head of
the department deems necessarv, on account of,sickr.ess or injury of the
employee, quarantine established and declared by the Bureau of Health,
death of the employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister,
mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other person who is a member of the
household; an3 may be granted leave with pay for such time as is actually
necessary fer office visits to a doctor, dentist, optametrist, etc.,
or in the case of s�idden sickness or disability of a member of his
household, making arrangements for the care of such si�k or disabled
persons up to a maximum of four hours sick leave.
16.4 Leave Without Pay. Any employee who enga�es in active service in time
of war or other emergency declared by proper authority of any of the
military ar naval forces of the state or of the United States for which
� leave is not otherwise allowea by law shall be entitled ta leave of
absence from employment �aithout pay during such servic� with right of
r�instatement and subject to such conditions as are imposed h� law.
Such leaves of absence as are grar:ted under Article 17 shall conform
to Minnesota Statutes, Section 192, as amended from ti,me to ti�e, and
shall confer no additional benefits other than those granted by said
16.5 Severance Pay. F�nployees shall be eligible for severance p�y in
accordance with the Severance Pay Ordinance No. 11494. Tr:e amount - _
af Severance Pay allowed shall be that amvunt permitted by State - "�
Statutes sub'ect to. the - -�-�--
---- � provisions that,_the �eaximum amount aZlowed - - �
-- -===°
- .__.__ .— _....-
shall be $�,000. ___ -_-_=._
� - ---:::. _ _ _— �._
___ — -- - __... -
_____. _...._ �-�---�-D�t3c*--�,Y--e��-�o�ee whQ is rec�.red_during his regular `:orking ---- --- ----- ' -
hours to appear in court as a juror or witness except as a witness
in his own behalf against the CITY, shall be �aid his regular pay
while he is so engaged, provided however, t:iat any fees that the
employee may receive from t!�e court for such servi�e shall be paid
- to the CITY and be deposited with the CITY Finance Director. Any =
employee who is scheduled to work a shift, other than the normal day-
time shift, shall be rescheduled to work the nortnal daytime shift -:--:-
during such time as he is required to appear �n court as a juror �
or witness.
� - 22 - -
17.1 pa;,• Allowance. Any employee wr.o sh�ll be a member cf the National
Guard, the Naval Militia or any otte r c�nponent of the militia of
the State, now or hereafter organized or constituted ander state or
fe@eral la;�r, or who shall be a �ember of the Officer's Reserve Corps,
the Fhlisted Ress:-ve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the biarine Corps Reserve
or any other reserve co�►ponent of the mi,litarg or nav�l force of the
United States, nor or hereaf"ter organized or constitute3 under Federal
�— ____._._ __ _
law, shall be entitled to leave of absence frem employment without
_ loss of pay, seniorit�� status, efficiency rating, vacativn, siek leave __. _.�
or other benefits for all the ti�e when such employee is engaged with
--_ - - ....._ _ - - -
-----------�_ ---�. - - ,.. : ,.�..-.W,.-T-.--��---�-.��-
such organization or component in trainin� or active service ordered ���
or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state
or federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed a total
of fifteen (15) da;rs in any ealendar year and, further provided tr.at such
leave shall be allowed onZy in case the required military or naval
service is satisfactori�y perfor�ed, which shall be presume� un].ess t.�e
contr3r•f is establishe3. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the
employce (1} retu.rns to his positior. in�ediately upon being relieved
from such military or navaZ service and uot later than the ^xpzrrtion of
t3me here?n lir.iited for such leave, or (2) is prevented from so returning
by physi_^al or mentaZ disability or other cause not due to such emp1oyee's
own fault, or (3) is reguired by proper avthority to continue in such
military or naval service beyond the tir�e herein li.mited for such leave.
_ 2j _
18.1 T°:a L'NIOi�� recogrize: the right of the CITX to opera+.e and mana�e
its affairs in all reapects in a^cordance with applicable laws
and regul�+i.ons of appro�riate au+horities. All right� and aut:�ority
which the CITY has not officially abridaec�, delebated or modified
by this AGREEME1�iT are retained by the CITY.
1$.2 A pub lic employer is not re�uired to meet and negotiate an
matters of inheren+. managerial policy, which inc2ude, but are not �
limited to, such �reas of discretion or policy as the fluictions and -�-��"
----�rograms of the EMPLOYER, its overall budget, utilization cf ----- - - :�
� ��
technology, and or�anizational stz�a.cture and selecti�n ar.d direction ----- - --•� --
-- -.r...__ ,.....
- .. .. _. - - _ '_`�rtt�`n��sonnel. ----- -- _
- 24 -
� �������
12.1 Seniority, for ths purpose of this AGREEMENT, shall be defined as
follows: The length of continuous, regular and probationary service
with the EMpLOYER from the date an empioyee was first certified and
appointed to a class title covered by this AGRFM'�'t�'►', it bein:g further
understood that seniority is confined to the current class assignment
held by an employee. In cases where two or more employees are
appointed to the same class title on the same date, the seniority
sha11 be determined by employee's rank on the eI.igi e is rom ---
which certification was made..__ _ �_ � _
12.2_ Seniority shall _terminate when an employee retires, resigns, or is_
-- -- - _ . � -- . . _ _. _
12.3 In the event it is determined by the Et�P7A�R that it is necessary
to reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title
within each department based on inverse length of seniority as defined
12.4 In cases where there are promotionel series, such as C1erk I, II, III,
etc., when the number of employees i.n these higher titles is to be
reduced, employees who have held lower titles whi.ch are in this bargain-
ing unit Will be offered reductions to the highest oP these titles to
which class seniority would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs
are made by any class title within any dep�rtment.
12.5 It is understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority
, date in any class of positions that they previously held.
12.6 Recall Prom layoff shall be i.n inverse order of layoff, except that
recall rights shall expire after two years of layoff.
- 25 -
• 20.� The EI�LpyER will discipline emplo,yees for just cause only.
Discipline wi11 �e in the form of:
?_Q.l Oral repri�and;
20.2 Written repri.mai:d; . .
20.3 Suspension;
2Q.k Reduction;
20.5 Discharge
20.2 Suspensions, reductions and discharges will be in written fart�.
20.3 �nplo��ees and the UDTION will receive copies of written reprimands
and notices of suspension and discharge. . -_---
20.4 mrployees May examine all information in their EMPLOYER personnel ��
�-- files that concerns work evaluations, comra�endations and�or discipli�xarg�� -�-_�=-
actions. Files may be examined at reasonable ti.mes under direct -�"'�_
_ _._.._..�,...
_ - - - ---- - -- ----- -. _ _ ___,_:::-:-=
�-- __ . _.-.�
— ��r��`ion of �ie EPIPIAYEB.— _ _
_.__..----- �---- ---
�___ _..__ ----- -_ _� ____-�.�,
20.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension
without pay. During said pericd, the employee andfor UN.LON may request,
and shall be sntitled to a meeti�g with the EMPL(}yER representative who
initiated th� suspension with intent to discharge. Durin� said five -
(5� day period, the EMPLO`� may affirra the suspension and di�charge in -�
accordance with Personnel Rules or may modi�r, or withdraw same.
20.6 An employee to be questioned concerning an investigatiQn of
disci-�linary action shall have the right to request that a V_ZON i
representative be present.
20.7 Grievances relatin� to this Article shall be processed in ac^ordance
�•rith exist�ng Civil Service procedures, Lxcept that oral and written
regri.mar,ds sha1Z be taken up ir. the grievance pr�cedure under Article VZ.
- 26 -
21.1 For the calendar years 1976 and 1977, the Civi1 Service Commission k•ilI
announce promotional examinations fcr Clerk II, Clerk-Typist II and
Clerk-Ster_ographer II as needed,not less thari once in 1976 and not less
than tw-ice in 1977. These promotional examinations will cansist solely
of rating: of training and experience.
21.2 Na person shall be appointed provisiona].3�y after Jenuary 1� 19'77� for -
a period to exceed one year. --
- 21.3 The Personnel Office will inform all-.-depar�ments that the departner�t's---- - - - -=�=
� timekeeper shaZT gost notices of ell job vacsncies in their department -°------
---- ------ - — y�- e ore—su nri irrg-a requisition to �the Personnei Of�ice. `�� ���—
• - 27 -
` 1 �,���_�
� ��
k�r�c�: y:r,�� - ��,�� �.r �c��r�;;�
_ . .� ::�.^:�,_�e�� Agreer�e:,�, a::d W-^.i . :r .," b �-irin '-- 1.
=-'E.." E, Tni. AG�E2�:�.I�"T sn�
r�Fre�er:� the ��•omplete AG:�r,�;I�I� bet�•:ee-: �ne U;;ICI� ar� �r.e CIT.y of
Saint Psul. The �,arties ac�:,o:,-le��,e that durin� tne negotiations
which resul;.e� in this AGc�tr�:I�I;i, each F.ad the unlir,�ite�3 ri��t and
opportl:nity to mai�e requests a:ad proposals with res.r.ect tc ar.y sub ject
or matter not removed by la;ti from� the are2 0° collective bargaining, .
and that the coreplete understandings and agreements �rrived at by the
parties after the exercise of' that rigY:t and opportuni'ty are set for�h
• _ ..�
in this AGREr,MEIdT.�, Therefo�e, the CITY and the UNZCPI, for the-life af
this AGREEMENT, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly wai-res the right,_��
, � .
and each agrees that the other shall riot be obligated to bargain col-
lectively w�ith respect to a,ny subject or matter refer_ed to or covered ^
, r ,
in this AGREF�+�NT.
} �
2?.=' Savings Clause. This AGREEi�Pr'T is subject to ""the �a::�s o� +he Unite�
States, tnE State of 2�,innesota, and the City of Sain� paul. In �he
event any provision cf t�is AG�MENT shall hold �o be contrary �o la�r
b y a court of competent jurisdiction from knose �ir�al judgment or decree
no appeal nas been taken c,ithin tne time pro���ideci, su�h provision snal�
be voi�ed. All otner provisio:as shall continue in full for�e and ef�e<:i.
22.3 T.:rm of Agreemer,�. This AGREEh1Ei�'T snall be in full f'o:ce and ef�ecL
from January 3, 1976, thru DecEmber 31, 19'77, ar�d sYia1l be automatically
rene��ed fror, year to year thereafter unless eitt;er �.arty s.�all noti°;�
the ot'rier in �rii;in� by June i, tha� i� desires ;,o modi.°y cr terminate
, this AGRc.Et�iE,'VT`. In ���itness whereef, the par�ies aave .:aused Lhis
AGR�EMENT to be executed this 7t!: c3ay oi June, 197E,
_ ?�< _
. � �� , �`�`��'��
, �e,
� 22.4 Tris consti.tutes a tentative A;REF.'A�NT bet�reen the parties which
will be recotmnended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to the
approval of the Administration of the City, the City Council and
Independent School District No. 625 and is also subject to
ratification b.y the I,acal Unions No. 2508 and N�. $4�+.
LocaL urnar�s rJO. 2508 arm No. 844
--- - � , _.._
' BY: �.-�,.c.,ti,�
ity Ne�o '
--- - -- R�,c�-r3ss c c u
_ �'►"QF��1�#1�tea -- ._ _..
_— — — '-�--�- ------._ ���.i.� �g. �.
Civil Service Commission
City Attvrney
Independent School District
No. 625
School Board Negotiator BY:
Deputy Superintendent
, BY:
- 29 -
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AFFEiJJZX "!1" (continued)
Effec�ive Jar�uary l, 19'j7, the above rates in Steps A �hr-c. 15-yr. shall
be increase 5�, Tne rates for the 20-yr. and 25-yr. steps shall continue tc
be $9.50 greater than the rates for the 15-yr._ and 20-yr. steps respectively.
- A8 -
OM O 1 :�1��1���
Date: Julg 19, 1976
FR; Personnel Office
RE: Ordinance for submisaion to City Council
I recommend your approval and submission of this ordinance to the City Cotulcil.
Thi�s ordinance approves the 1976•7? contract between the City of St. Paul
and ISD�625 and the Clerical Bargaining Unit.
The wage settlement calls for a ?% inc:rease for 1976 and a 5% increase for
�-� �c���
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Ordinance and copy for City Clerk and Agreement.
_ � _
� Thomas J. Kelley, City Adminxstrator �
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lst / �`� 2nd �/��
3rd � � Adopted
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Yeas Nays
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