267545 WHITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC1I �"'���� � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI1�T PAUL File NO. CANARV - DEPARTMENT - BLUE - MAVOR � o nc�l so tion Presented By LICENSE CQI�LLTTEE - \ Referred To Com tte : ate Out of Committee By Date TrJ�REAS s The following organizations currently holding Bingo Licenses issued to them at 3�.5 University Avenue and 862 White Bear Avenue� allowing them to conduct the games on the days and times stated, and WIiEEREAS: They have requested that their licenses be transferred baek to 1060 University Avenue, effective Ju1.3r 11, 1976, because the building has been remodeled after the recent fire, therefore� be it RESOLVID: That these licenses be and the sa¢ne ax�e hereby transferred to 1060 University Avenue, effective J�y ]„1, 1976. American Legion Post 577 - Sunday Afternoons Department of riiinnesota, Jewish ��Jar Veterans - Sunday Evenings Christie DeParq I,egion Post - Monday Afternoons , Niilitary Order of the Purple Heart - Tuesday Afternoons LacLies Auxiliary t,� vFw Pos:t b8l�5 - �.iesd�r �'enings Oz�.ginal Boosters - Wednesday Afternoons Jewish War Veterans Post 351� - tiJednesd�y Evenings Catholic Order of Foresters, St. Pau1 Joint Committee - Thursday Afternoons Disabled American Veterans - Thursday �`venings Christe DeParq Legion Auxiliasy - Friday Afternoons VFW Post 6845 - �'riaay �venings I�i.dway Skating Club - Saturd.ay Afternoons Fourth 1)istrict VFW - �aturday Evenings COUHCII.MEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ' Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Ixri�a J _ Against By �ee�lgr- Sylvester Tedesco P �!�3 �9,�� Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ted ouncil: Date tified Pass y Council Secretery By By Appro by Mayor: Da " ]� � ��y APP�o�ed by Mayor for Submission to Council ����` By BY PUBLISHED JUL 2 4 1976