267544 WHITE - CITV CLERK COU[1C1I ������ PINK� - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I ZS'F SA I NT PAIT L File NO. ��� � BLUE -MAYOR ncil s i n Presented By �CENSE COA+�IITTEE i Referred To Committee: ` Date Out of Committee By j Date WHER�:AS: The following organizations currently holding Bingo Licenses issued to them at 156 W. Ninth Street allowing them to conduct the games on the days and times stated� and WI�r�EA5: They have requested that their licenses be transferred from 1.56 W. Ninth Street� be- cause the building is to be demolished, to l�08 Main Street� effective July 9� 1976, for the afternoon games to start 1:30 P.M. on July 9, 1976, therefcre, be it RESOLVED: That these licenses issued to the organizations at 156 W. Ninth Street� be and the same are hereby transferred to l�08 Mairi Street, effective July 9, 1976, at �.i�30 P.M. 3t. Jude Circle - Monday Afternoons St. Paul Sokol Gymnastic Society - Tuesday Afternoons K. C. St. Paul Council No. 39? -�'uesday �renings Catholic �rder of roresters - Wednesday Afternoons St. Paul Soccer Club - Wednesday �enings Columbian Women's Club - Thursday Afternoons Concordia Singing Society - Friday Afternoons St. Paul Turners Club, Inc. - Frid�y E�renings Catholic Parents �lub - Saturday Afternoons Catholic Athletic Association - Saturday Evenings St. Paul Drum & Bugle - �unday Evenings COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza �� [n Favor Hunt � �+a __ Against BY Reed�ler Sylvester Tedesco �(J[, � � 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Date Ce � ►ed Pa y Co .� Secretary BY � By - Approv by lVlavor: Da �` s Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBL�sr�ED JUL 2 4197b