267537 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 /,�.y��i fl lf� PINK - FINANCE G I�TY OF SA I NT PA U L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT VRJ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. r -� Council Resolution < Presented By LICIIVSE COMMITrEE / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same axe hereby granted. Gerald E. Frisch 1650 Maxion Swimming Pool App.3547 New Laznplighter Villa�e Apts 1512 Woodbridge St. Swimmiz� Pool �+155 �� Charles Tinka 2137 Sloan Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh 8�+88 " Thomas W. Paxish 755 Payne Restaurant C-1 8507& `' " " off sale Malt g161 " " " Cigarette " " John T. Underferth 1600 West 7th Street Ga.s Station 1 P 85�+5 " " " Trailer Rental " '.' P. VanRiper & K. Hunt �+88 Asbury Florist�Nursery 8580 " Walgreen Drug Company 1530 University " 8582 " Harley Davidson� St. Paul 1209 West 7th Street V.M. Loc 8633 " Thomas R. Kaiser 1�+122 Old Marine Trail Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh 8816 " Rabbi Simon Benaxrack 20gJ Marshall Cigarette 8gg1 " Northern Vending Services 1�+81 Marshall 1 addtl cig mach 903� ',' James A. Rotter 50 S. Cretin Groc A..2 & �oz Foods 9d+0 '.' " " Off Sale Malt _ " " " " Cigarette " " Albrecht Landscape 1523 Como Avenue V.M. Loc g074 " Susan Oppegard 2236 Carter Avenue Beauty Shop 9079 " McKee Oil Company 1199 West 7th Street �+ addtl gas pumps gogl " Chippewa Motor Freight 2489 Valentine Street V.M. Loc 9111 " The Hitching Post 16�+�+ University Bicycle Dealer 9120 '.' John Glasgow 7�+0 University 2 addtl gas pumps 9167 '.' Haskell's Liquors 2151 Ford Parkway Orig Cont 9190 " N.H. Verstegen 6�+7 So. Snelling Florist�Nursery 9igi '' " " 1 Vehicle " '.' Midw�est Vending Ccmtpa.ny 1162 Selby V.M. Loc 9191+ '.' Sr�yder's Drug 2145 Ford Paxkway Radio & T.V. Tube Tester9197 " F`red 0'Neil Como Park Stand #4 Restaurant 9200 " " " On Sale Malt " M Theisen Vending Compar�y 1�+00 University 1 addtl food v.m. 9205 '' COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by Ciky Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Gouncil Secretary BY By Approved by 1�layor: Date Approved by MayDr for Submission to Council gy By WMITE - CITV CLERK CO1��IC11 •"`� ■ ��� PINK - FINANCE p CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By LICELVSE COMMITT�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2: Continued New Theisen Vending Company 148�+ University V.M. I,oc App.9206 New " " 1 addtl machine " " " 205o r�arshall v.M. Loc 9207 " " 1566 University 1 addtl v.m. 9208 '.' " 154o Como v.M. Loc 9209 '.` " �+51 N. Lexington V.M. Loc 9212 " " " laddtl machine " " " �+63 Aldine V.M. Loc 9214 " Knox Lumber 2233 University Cigarette 92�g " Lloyd Kilber 2233 University V.M. Loc 9220 " " " 1 addtl machine " '► „ " 1 addtl machine " 't Baxry Bloomquist 1333 Randolph Groc A-2 & Froz Foods 9221 '' n n Off Sale Ma].t " �� t� n Cig&:C'�tt� n ir Austin Ke11er Construction �+81 Front Private Gas Pump 9223 '` Budget Power 14�1 University Hardwaxe 92�5 t� P'hyllis Langfield 1504 University 1 addtl V.M. 92�+6 " Brad Ragan� Inc. 16�+1 University Gen Rep Gaxage 9268 '' A. Weisman Campany 1+85 S. Snelling 1 Food V.M. I,oc 9274 " Hask,ell Liquor 2151 �'ord Parkway Cigarette 9276 '.' Petar Miller �+83 S. Griggs 1 V.M, Loc 9279 �� Lance� Inc. � Tennessee 19 V.M. I,�c 9�+19 '.' Nashville �� DVM, Inc. 459 s. Robert I»V.M. Loc 1M 9�+24 �� Gentile's, Inc. �+g7-9 Payne Rest C-2 9572 rr " Off Sale Malt �r n " " Cigarette " " " " Cigaxette V.M. Oper " „ Dena Olanis 308 N. Snelling 2nd Hand Dlr General 9586 '' W.R. Frank III 590 Park Rest C-2 9614 " " " Orig Container " " " " Cigar stte " �� " " Cigaxette Operator �a " " COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine A gai nst BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WMITE — CITV CLERK COUIICII /����� PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV — DEPARTMENT I.s V BLUE — MAVOR File NO• � - Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMIT'i'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3: Continued New Capital City Amusement Inc. Como Pk Lkside PavilionOn Sal.e Malt App.9630 New Pay�ne Avenue Speed Wash 890 Payne Lc�y & D.C. Plant 96�+4 " Watchtower Society 15�+5 Christensen Itinerant Food 9701 " Herber Enterprises 1081 Payne Rest C-2 �9702 �� '� " C igarette Michael T. St. Sauver 705 East 7th Gen Rep Garage 9786 '� R�.W. Auto Sales, Inc. " Gas Station 3 P 9787 �� Michael T. St. Sauver " 3 Tow Trucks 9788 Capital City Amusement� Inc.1339 N. Lexington Rest C-2 9303 " „ " Cigaxette '� t� David M. Weber 379 Sibley Auctioneer 93p5 �� Albert J. Aubry 1355 selby lst Tow Truck 9808 " » t� 2 addtl '�'.T.t s „ ;r North E�d Depot Softball 685 w. Minnehaha Temp On Sale Ma1.t 9827 `� Master Lamp Post 1161 University Clothes Rental 9336 " Evelyne M. Komarck 957 Grand G- Food I Establ 98?+2 " Greg Prokop 968 Rice Street Gen Rep Garage 98�+5 " Kar1 W. Maker Groc A..2 & Froz Foods 2�+1 Earl Street �9850 �� " 2�+1 Earl Street Off Sale Malt �� " Cigarette +` `t Rod Baxt�r Imports 857 Grand New M.V. Dlr 9871 t' �r " Dlr Rep Garage �� '.` To�n Thumb Food Mkts.� Inc. 1546 Como Froz Foods 9g72 t' Robert Madi�an 591 Maryland E. Bicycle Dealer 9873 " La,wremce J. Anthony 2185 �'ord Parkway 3 addtl gas pumps 9891 N.B.C. Liquor Waxehouse, Inc�+51 N. Lexington brig Cont 989�+ '.� t� " Cigaxette " T� Denver Midwest Motor Freight1005 Etiistis 1 addtl priv gas pump 99� �� Borgstrom Pharmacy, Inc. 990 Payne Radio & T.V. �1.ibe Test 9910 " Mickey's� Inc. 195� West 7th I-V.M. Lac 9926 '� Northomation Systems, Inc. 255 East 6th Street 3 addtl V.M. 9928 " Jeff'rey C. Anderson 816 Sherwood Mtr Veh Dr 9953 '� Michael R. Huspek 1009 University �T 998$ �t COU[VCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK . . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ►'�y/ ('�►•.y/ BLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO. �� ■ �'" + ■ � - Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTE'E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page �+: Continued New Brenda Kreps 778 E. Co. Rd. D Ma,�seuse App.99g3 New Jeffrey Paul DeFlorin 757 Sims Avenue Mtr Veh Dr 9995 �t William David HeroPf �+02 Ba,y Street " 10019 '' Joseph .Andrew DiRuzzo 1630 Concordia " 10033 �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas iVays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � � _ Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by ncil: Date JUl- � � �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Certi Passed ouncii Secretary BY y Appr by 1Aayor: D te ' _ �UL 1 6 1976 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �UB��sHED JUL 2 4 i976