267534 WHITE - CITV CLERK �C�C�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council V J CANARV - DEPARTMENT � 1 BLUE` - MAVOR � Flle NO. % �' � C uncil Resolution Page 1 of 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1975 and 1976 Capital Improvement Budgets, as h�retofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: Transfer $33,200 to the "Acquisition-Remodeling of 100 East lOth" (account 94075-001) from the 1975 CIB Unallocated Reserve (account 90075-001) and Transfer a total of $33,200 to the 1976 CIB Unallocated Reserve Account from the nine following 1976 projects for the remodeling of 100 East lOth: Construction of Training Facilities 5,915 Minor Repair and Service Shop 3,165 Video Tape Studio 1,970 Men's and Women's Shower and Locker Facilities 5,995 Central Air Conditioning 6,705 Transfer of Ra.dio Maintenance 3,750 Transfer and Remodelinq Roll Call Area 3,650 Window Repair 315 Office Construction 1,735 33,200 Resulting in the amended financing for l00 East lOth Remodeling projects: Source Current Financing Change Amended Financing CONSTRUCTION OF TRAINING FACILITIES 1976 CIB 75,000 - 5,915 69,085 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 5,915 5,915 �-'` 75,000 -0- 75,000 - � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Police Hozza In Favor Levine � Chief Richard H. Rowan Roedler A ainst By Sgt. Mike McGinn Sylvester g Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by ity A torne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Sub sio to�ouncil By By WHITE - CITV CLERK 26`753� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' GITY OF SAINT PAITL COIIIICII � ,BLUE_ - MAVOR � � Flle NO. Council Resolution Page 2 of 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Source Current Financing Change Amended Financing MINOR REPAIR AND SERVICE SHOP 1976 CIB 40,100 - 3,165 36,935 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 3,165 3,165 40,100 -0- 40,100 VIDEO TAPE STUDIO 1976 CIB 25,000 - 1,970 23,030 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 1,970 1,970 25,000 -0- 25,000 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOWER AND LOCKER FACILITIES 1976 CIB 76,000 - 5,995 70,005 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 5,995 5,995 76,000 -0- 76,000 CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING 1976 CIB 85,000 - 6,705 78,295 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 6,705 6,705 85,000 -0- 85,000 TRANSFER OF RADIO MAINTENANCE 1976 CIB 47,500 - 3,750 43,750 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 3,750 3,750 47,500 -0- 47,500 TRANSFER AND REMODELING OF ROLL CALL AREA 1976 CIB 46,300 - 3,650 42,650 1975 CIB (9407-001) -0- + 3,650 3,650 46,300 -0- 46,300 WINDOW REPAIR 1976 CIB 4,000 - 315 3,685 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 315 315 4 000 -0- 4 000 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Police Hozza In Favor Levine Chief Richard H. Rowan Rcedler Against gy Sgt. Mike McGinn Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by Cit tt rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv Mayor for S bmissio to cil _ BY BY WHITE - CITY CLERK �6'7534 PINK - FINANCE t CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COIlI1C11 �LUE - MAYOR File NO. � ' � - Council Resolution Page 3 of 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Source Current Financing Change Amended Financing OFFICE CONSTRUCTION 1976 CIB 22,000 - 1,735 20,265 1975 CIB (94075-001) -0- + 1,735 1,735 22,000 -0- 22,000 ACQUISITION AND REMODELING OF 100 EAST lOth (94075-001) 1975 CIB 203,800 + 33,200 237,000 203,800 + 33,200 237,000 Appr.oved as to funding: Approved: � �/' Dept. Servi es Ci Budget Director �qp �C C COUIVCIL EIV Requested by Department of: Yeas ays `�ieM�sln PoliCe Hozza [n Favor Le�r�rle J Chief Richard H. Rowan �� A ainst By Sgt. Mike McGinn Sylvester g Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Co . Date J�t- 1 3 �976 Form Approved by Ci orne Certifi Pas Council Secretary BY Y f Approv by Mayor for Sub � sio to Council App ved by Mayor: at 6 .� By By PuBUSNEO JUL 2 4 1976 � �� � fl E PA R T M E N T �s a R. �. Ro�AN ���� CHIEF OF POLICE OF POLI � E � ....�. CITY OF ST. PAU L 101 E tOThl STR�ET ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 _.w'�^-. (6121-29i-1 1 1 1 . . � � � J �,���•���Nq�. � . April 15, .1976 '�r' A�`�^ ;-, �r��; ���/ �"."—,'a ;�<,� i�� �`'� f�1 t'�' � ' , ,.. _,_ , _-i � �' ,y f`�!•�` - Mr. Gregory Blees �� ^ ��•rr� '-�' •�—^� \; Office of the Budget Director �^` �'' .� City of St. �aul .. " 367 Citg Kall �� St. Paul, MN 55102 �--- Dear Greg: The Police Department was recently notified by T.K.D.A. , . the architectural firm working on our remodeling project at 100 East Tentll Street, that by April �.6tI�:� th:ey wil]. � have expended the full value of our current contract with them. In order to continue work on the proaect we will eitYier have to extend our origi.nal contra,ct or negotiate a new one. In a letter from Mr. Owen Beatty, .o� T.K.D.A. . dated April 8, 1976, .a copy of which is enclosed, the amount necessary for completion of the project will be $33,2.Q0. Since it is essential that a certain amount of continuity be maintained in this project, the police �department favors the continuation of T.K.D.A. `s services. We therefore, request that $33,200 be made available from C.I.B. unallocated reserves to provide funds for these services. The current contract is funded by account number 94075-001. If you have any questions concerning this matter please call' me at 291--llll, extension 3�7. Sincerely, I appnave o� �h,i�5 nequ¢,�� �o be a �a.bn�en ob $33,200 �nam �he 1975 UnctZP.oca,ted Re�e�cve R. H. Rowan, Chi.ef of Police Accowtit w,i,th a contce�pandivcg �'1r.av►�5�e1c. o� a #o�a.e o� $33,200 Snom �he 1976 pno ec,t accaun.t�s �on � ,� �, � zhe Remode.Q,i,ng o� 100 �. 10� �o �h.e 1976 ��7:U"CG ji�,c�t�,.�.h,, Urca,Q.eaccLted Re�vcve Aceoun.�. R&Dgeant Mike McGinn ,n,,.-�J;�±r��,�fl�_ j'� `�'�4v� h+ ;i:t:! `� � � r MM/go _. ;� �.,.-._-. . � • r V,^;,,.,i :�i'F,r.�_�r .� D.J. BLAKELY J.S. GRiFfIN - // ///} ,^ DEPUTY GMIEF OF POLICE OEPUTY.CMIEF OF. POLICE � � `r�,,{�/!:�J/�/// �y�}� PATROL DIVISION SERVICE DIVI.SfON ��„�����++e�_ �i?`iAN—('�+�L��.I�./ •�" . . � . . .""� r_..l S . �� • � , ���� TOLTZ KING DUVALL ANDERSON AND A , , , SSOCIATES INCORPORATED ENGINEERS AND ARCHITEGTS � ' 1408 PIONEER BUILOING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , Apr� g� 1976 ssioi aa.a-�asi , . . .� � . .,;.,, ,, , , : , : , , . ,, , ';' Sergeant Mike McGinn � `� � � -;:�: . , ., St. Paul Police Departme nt ' ' � ; • �� •��t�, �� _, �,:,,_ . 100 East Tenth Street `'� • ,, , ,,: St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 " `�`: � �-• - -- • :.�- Re: Remodeling of 100 East Tenth Street ;,:, - ;:. �t �.�•. Commission No. 6369 ` '�' ' - � '-: �','=- - '�: .,.- � - . 'ti '(". .. �f_`„ . . . . .. . 1 - 11 Dear Sergeant McGinn: , , ,.. In response to your letter of March 25, 1976, we are submitting an estimate of our fees to perform the architectural/engineering services for your proposed future remodeling projects at 100 East Tenth Street. On April 21, 1975 we were authorized to furnish services in connection with various designated remodeling prajects with a fee limitation of $45, OOQ. We estimate that when we complete the present remodeling design (2nd and 3rd floors), we witl have re-ached the $45, 000 limitation. The other work completed under the April 21 authorization, included the second floor gym, pistal range- and the mechanical/electrical improvements to the basement and first floor, Itemized estimates for our fees for the design of the proposed future remodeling projects are as fotlows: . Fourth Floor Remodeling (with furnishings) $ 12 500 , Building Exterior Renovation 14, 250 First Floor Entry W/Ramp 2 550 , Replace Second Boiler Burner T, 100 Miscellaneous Mechanical Work (5uggested by Mr. Johannes) 2� gap � � • - 26'�5�4 , Sergeant Mike. McGinn � April 8, 1976 � Page Two ,� The construction cost estirnates, for these projects, which were included in our April 1, 1976 letter did not include the above engineering fees. ' Very truly yours, TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON ' AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED � � � n ./ .j K.`{''`t / �,��� ! OJB/11 Owe n J. Be _. . .... � -�{p.. i M.•.. � ..y�.._,. � ' �f . �i . i E� F .. _+ � �. '�. L . ' ' - r �f � � � � y� ��-�'K ����`� ,� �� ♦ .-� � � � -� . � . . � i .`.� � . . . . ��_ '.. . � . � � ... f ,. .._. . .. , . . .._ ..-.� r . . . . . ��' � . � � . . . . �:- . �. . . ..' '�1,�,. N /�� /�y� k �' �';. ��� �'w�F Y� ,rY � � )Ai w'r �' , , . .� y . ` , ,�. ' . 'z�� �� , �.. . :. . �'i� }� � # � �. , .. �/. ' • .. . , � . . . ' � . t , ._ � • .., F'.. �. ' �i.. . . . . �:y' 34. . . . . ¢{..:�. . ��, �_ �. � - , . . i .a: �, .�... . �' ..-. . . ., . ).-5��� � ., ... .. - � � .. . . . 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