267175 WHITE - CITV CLERK . ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY O NT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR � } ' Ol 0 Presented By � Referred To omm'tt : Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, MINNESOTA LANDMARKS ha.s been incorporated as a non- profit corpora�ion concerned with the history of Minnesota and its cultural develo�cnent; and WHERF..�iS, according to the Articles of Incorporation of MINNESOTA LANDMARKS, a board of nine (9) regular directors shall ma.nage the corporate affairs, such directors to be named by the Mayor of Saint Paul and approved by the Council of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, Mrs. J. Daniel McCarthy has resigned her position as director of MINNESOTA LANDMARKS; and WHEREAS, A. James Dickinson, 793 Osceola Avenue, Saint Paul, ha.s been named by the Mayor and approved by the Council to fill the un- expired term of Mrs. J. Daniel McCarthy as a director of MINNESOTA LANDMARKS; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, tha.t A. James Dickinson be and hereby is designated as a director of MINNESOTA LAND�RKS for a term to expire �.�e �z;:, 1976. COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � � Hunt In Favor -i±�eMrr� Rcedler l/ Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President � Hozza �� � � 19� Adopted by Coun ' Date Form Approved by City Attorney � Certified asse b oun il Secretary BY i Approv y Mayor: ate Approved Submiss' unc' By By �� ��t� ��x � � ;�� ty►',,"F , � �"�.� � I..MJ q'� 1! f 1 L � . �� . . ,f 9.l GITY OF SAINT PATTL •o'e"°' OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR n�euane n�r LAWBENGF. D. GOHEN M�'Y°$ April 29 , 1976 Council President David Hozza and Honorable Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear President Hozza and Council Members : I herewith submit for your consideration and approval a proposed resolution confirming my appointment of A. James Dickinson, 798 Osceola Avenue , Saint Paul, as director of Minnesota Landmarks , to fill the unexpired term of b2rs. J. Daniel McCarthy, said term to expire -Ni�y._2S, 1976. 4.E i:� Sincerely, _ - C � �.; ` ._... � � �-- • _--- ___-. , :. � �._ �. �._.. , ,_�. �._ �-- ----- `} �WRENCE D. COHEN �--- ' Mayor LDC/jfr attachment 22