267165 � � �6�`�.�� CiTY oF sT.Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER By ,%'_;�,�-- � In the Matter of � --. .___._. __.. ._ . _ __� _._ _ . ,.. . _ : ..;: n,.--,-- , .. - . ,}� �..; ' . . . � . . � ' r � k"�,.:. � � � . • . . , . �.i'� . -'ye-. i � . . , . .' . . .� .. � •' .� �J - :x �A { . .�� . L �4 Yt'"�. �A .� . Coa�trnct/r�construct sid�xstks sni�"wcrk� incidenul thereto: Tiaaace Fil• lio. D�scriptioa I0217 ARCADB ST., east side frosi Margaret St. to E. Seventh St. � 10218 BUltit ST., both sides froo $. Minn�haha Av�. to north to Earr St. 3ridge 10219 �tL ST., w��t •ide froa saith prop�rty lina of Cu� Av�. to aorth prop�rt� line of JeNcs Ave. 1022Q FORBST S?., �ast side fr°oo McLean Ave. to Pacific St. 10222 A'TLAIiTIC ST., vsst �ide from 8. 7t1� to sauth 7S ft. abattiag 1236-8 B. 7th St. , ; _ _-- _ _ _ �, lA�A..•'` �►.,..�•��;�'��•� .. . .����`3M�1� :�•,�r.� _ . - �rr..,..,.. The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �AX , � �9� Yeas Nays / Certifie assed b cil Secretary �qY � 3 1976 Christensec� � Hozza � In Favor Hunt �/ ..�.e�++f►e- Against � Roedief ayor Sylvestef Tedesc� �BL{$ilEA �Y 1� �9� svntce. — crcywers .. . .V1. 1.1. l./1 Vt�i ►• 1 L a�v L . . . .. . . pir�c%'Finan¢o Dept. _ �anarY-� Dept. ,. , -_ ,. :. Ot''I'IGF. OF TIi� MA�`UIt '� S 4 - f� 'J�/,� "f . � �w � . No: _.�' � �.�+�•�-�.�.r� • ; � �� ADMINISTTtATIVE ORDER . Date: ��AR 1 6 19 i 6 - . . �'6'7.:�.�P� - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ' � That ths Di rectos of the pepartment of Publ i c Dlorks is hereby authori zed and di rected to prepare pians, obtain surveys, prepace estinates and tnvest�gate the neccssIty to �onstruct/retonstruct side��raiks at Lhe folioivtnc� 1QCatiorts and do aIt othcr v�rk which is necessary and F�cid�:ntaT Lo cor►plete said ir.zprovetrxnt. � East stde ARtAOE 57. from Marga�et St. to E. Seventh St. Both s t des BiJRR ST. f m3n E. Mt n:nehaha r1ve. to north ta Burr St. Sri dg�, - i��s t si d� EARL ST. f ro� South Proper ty,- i i ne of Gase AvE. to.t�ortt� P�operty 1 I ne . of Jenks Ave. � - Eas t s i de FUREST ST. f rom Ptci.ean Ave. to Paci f i c Ave. � � • Wes t s i cie. aTLAl1T!C ST. f ror� E. 7th St. to south 75' abuttt ng 123+�-�s �• 7th S t. 8oth s i des CYPRESS ST. from t�4ttean Aue. to soatti i 2$' The Director of finan�e and tlanagement Services is hereby direct�d to psepare a preliminary order and schedule a public hearirtg. M-o6oG ..,,�<�..� . - : � o�+�. �� o���. ��••: - DJ0 ' REG . ' RCW iNAH . . - � � � � - � � / . GKS � JFK . .. . . . . i . RGP� . .DEE � ( � . JFS :^:C...+'F'-�� - . . . � � � - � AJO - . . • . 7JE VHP � . . . . . . . DEFI . . . � - � . . - ' .- .P.S.b. � R.N.R. APPROVED AS 'FO FORM� � ' � ; 11 , � , �;, , � �, �', �, . , l ; . y;' ;` ( ri � � ,�' / '�essistant City Atto�rtey' Drpartine�E Mead , ��„y, � ;� ; P�b 1 t c �torfcs "� ;�• � � 51 dersal ks '-" `'� . � . _ . . . ; - , Date -� � - � � ���,� ;1:��� . Administiative Assistanf ea M'aror _ r l � - w . . . �1� ! ,.�.�� . . � � CtTY O� SA1t�tT PAl��. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLlC WQRKS DANtEL ). DUNfOEtE� : DlRECT�R : � ` March 3�, t97fi . ,: _ . : Mr�. R+og�ec katt�o� . . . Dt�L�or cf Fin��c : , . . : .' a� Fla��sra�r t-Sactr�ces Ro�aw� �13 CE L� Hsi i _ _ AT'fEt�FtA�t. �a�� RescC� . _ Dear St r: � : Pie�e prapgire ttte Pc�l��irx�ry� E�rder fa� the caastructia�lrac�tstructian af _ the s�dawalks iiste� an the attachad Administrat�ve- Ord�c. � - �.. _ . - � The estimated cast for new constructiorr not in C[k arcas, NOP areas, or Oft ff1�iR routes is as follows: $4.00 per .ft. for 5 ft. wtde- walk A S B Residantiai . - - $6.6a �r ft. for 5 ft. v�id� waik G Res. � Comnr. _ � Attached herewt tfi are ttta f�l lc�#ng: 1. App�oved Administrative Order D-2642 3/16176 • 2. Rdvisability s Desirability Report. 3. Co�r of,p 1 ans fo r each orde r. _ Yours very truiy, �' r �.l�'s7��1� �-�`'��� Hartley Thomas Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction HT/gfi 234 City Hai.[, Saint Paut, MinneSOta 55102 �� ,Y.. � E:S: Ar-cade St. - Margaret St. to E. Seventh St. . �. _ IQ a � � Thi� order was irti ti ated by the D�rector of Publ i c '�lorks as pcibi ic necessi ty on Lhe bas is af inspect.ion of the waTk. � ���..� ,��. - Titis wa13c is old t� le and poured coRCrete wt th heaves, broken ti te, high joints, tripping hazac�ds�,. holes - In ti�e, offgrada, aspisalL patchtss crackcd cartcrete panels, scaled, tipped : pan��s�. The.Engi na�ri nq recea�cn�ndat i on i s fo� app rov�l of th� order� ✓ . Remark��. : Soa� int�gra� curb work p�able (Co�st�te�tc_ve�dth das�g�atsct o� pi"it� ;.-: . - .� , �� � -, ; _ . -E�.�.. �` ltit,. .�..,., �,�.... . :: . � . � ; � , �:� _ . . ? ,� +.. ��.��.� . �-,� .,�.:�- . - . N��.. * . -. . � ,��i.`S`� .� .'. b'sixy ' ... _ .. . . . A:�� � . _ .. - � . ... . . �� :. �� , � . .5 x� ��5�'... KQ. � � • � . . '��3''x���```.''� �'��,i - . ' �., : .8:�,��B�c�St�-: � �f��� �-� t+o c�orth ro 8urr st.- ���dg� � ttc� I � �: ; . ��, :: ., : : �.� . ,.. .. ; . _ Tlifs:-a�tder.x� ia�t€stad,E� the Di rector o� Pub l i c Wcr�s as publ ic`necass�t� � tfsa bas i s : of-�nspac�toe: a� ths v�aik. .. . _� , . �,� _ , . �,, . _ ._. _ � .,�,: ,.�� , _ . _ ; Th��waik.:�.is a�d t�i� artd'postrad ccefcretea wttlr tree h�avess 6rakart t�ie, iaig#r ja:`nts�� t�Ep��r�+g hazards,- Eioies� te�. t�la, m€ssi�g ti le, craciced concrete pa�is, �ca�ad, tFgped ` aad settfed p�eis., ..-._ : Tlte Engtneering recoannandation is for aPProval of thc arder. ,� (Reduc� from a 6 Ft. tc� a S ft. watk� : . "- • CT H.� RR � : . ;� � . � . ; . ,.,. : � = _ ,. - . . _ : � _ - r-: . �. . .-. - . 0�St. �f. � w _ � , �F:S.. Eari St. - So. �.L. of Cas� Ave.�, ta No. P.L. of Jenks Ave_ � /Q a, / � This c�der was �in�tiated by the Oirector of Public RdorKs ag pubiic necess:�ty o�e the basis af inspection af the watk. TEt�s walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, cracked concrete panels and tipped paneis. The Engineering recomnendatiort is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk� CT li.i RR . : ` �, _ _ ,� , .. �- . Dt st. Na. 1� . . � ��.��� E.S. Fo�est 5t. - Mclean Ave. to Pacific Ave. '�`�- _�0 ,� z.GU This order was initiated by thc Director cf P�biic Warks as pub��c necessit�yr oR the basis af 1 compla'rnt and inspec�tan of the walk. - Ti�is walk ES olci tiie and poured cor►ccetcwith. trea:beaves� brokeR tile, htgh Joiats, ' tri ppi ng haza�ds, cracice� au�d tipp�d concretE partets. . The Engi�e�ing �ecom�ndat.xon Is- for approval of th� ordat. '✓ � . j . _ �Constnr+�t� ta width: designa�e� � pt�t�: . ., . � : _ . . : - C� . HJ . . RR-- . - =- ' : _ _ , _�._ �-, :.. : . _ .. � � y � ".a - _ *.s t � '..,�q,�a - .. _. . . ... , . . :. .. . ,:.. .-,. .� . . .. . , ; .�.�; . .- . _. � - ,..� , ::. .. .. .�... �_ ...-.. �._. . . _ ..�.�, ...' � .,'� -.-' ! _ �- .._ .. . . � . . ' ' .. ..., ,. . . ..� -'� - ¢� . a .. _ • , QsS�' �Q• � ' ;��� :�^''-��. �' _ �� ��� - ���� �--: , _ .. _ . . _... . 1�t.�.' '.:,AttilitzG S�.t - E... Ttii 5zi.. LO SOilCti-75' ab�t.tttlg• t23&'8� E..:��# �t".: l d ca� �oZ � .. ,.- _ - ._ �:.-. .. :. � v _ . : .. _.�� This ocdsc Kas in#ttatad b� ths Dis+actor cf Puh�ie t�rlc�. a�::�i�� nsc�.�ty��oet t� tras�f�. � . , of rnspect�on of tfit ►�Ik.. �- � � � . - _ • ,��`'��,��t�, � „ , . . ��,.a ,,, .. .� �,'�;_ . _ ,, : � ,-: -. : �,���- .�. ; " Th€s� wai k i s p0��'�d.COrc�G1��Mt�th b�gl't jvi rtt3 y tT'tp�t�� Et�Z��d3�y, w�t'.!�';Qcsckcts,, asph�t t� ,. = ; . _.. patdses:. c�aciced, seLtied oc�t�tc paneis. �:�,�_ � ~ � � - �� �. . �. .�.�., .. . � . . .� _ ., � , ' �. '- r,,,p* _, � Q' ,- �i � +�"' ,.� a� . � The EngtneerTng reaoa�eRdatfo� is fot� apRravaT o� the ard�r�.'. ���` -�`fr� �� � �` .. .����� - ��� (Construct to widtkt desigrfated c� prat} � CT� N.l RR ��,..� - - - , ����.�. s. ,. , r��� �� _ , _ . : . , � : F . . . , ���fi� . . ,. . ' . . . �,�. - . , ^ . � Q�st,K tto,. �. . ' - :. �.s. c�Fress s c. - r+�t.ea�, /wa o to go�ath t z5� S+qn'�: '� . . /o a � �. - Th i s arder�ras i ni ti ated by the ��r�cta� af Publ�c W�rks a� P����c �ss���y °R � �`�g�� of inspection af th� wa1k. This walk is old ti1� with tree tteav�s, broker� tiie: higtt �a�nts„ trippFng hazacds, and there wi11 be some near construction. The Engineering recommendation ts for approval of the ord�r. . Remarks: This � blk. of walk is sttuated betweert entranc� te T rourtd and Maunds Rar°k Schoal (Cons truct to wi dth des i gnate� on pi at) � CT HJ RR . - . , , � ; < :� ;��>.�� �. : ������ e u.-, � '.,�''.� . PR.,ELIMINAR.Y ORDER uncil File N 2 760�4 — BY Rub9 Hunt— � the Matter °a w�oTkr i�cidental struct sidewalKs � thereto: Description: g�nance File No. 10217, ARCADE ST., east side from MaTgaT� St. to E. Seventh St• Descxi tion— Finance P'i1e No. 10218, e_ gURR ST., both sldes �'Om St;gridge. h�a Ave.ta north to B DQSCriptionp— Finance File No. 10219, ro e y EAR'i•eT'of' Case Ave.to north p P�Tt erty 1m line of Jenks Ave. Description— Finance File No. 10220, FOREST ST., east side fraa► Mcl.esa Ave.to Pacific St. Description— Finance File NWeSt25 d 12 g$E: �t ATLANTIC ST., to south 75 ft. abuttmB St. proved M car h lgat1976�der D-264 ,aP- The Councll of the City of Saint p�e liavinq received tlze report of Mayor upon the above imProvement, �d having considered s�id r�Port. herebY resolves: 1. �at �e said report and �e same is hereby apProved with no alternatives and that the e$t��ted cost thereof is $4•00 p� �' 5 �� �de C Res.&Co�inm. per ft.5 ft. ublic hear3n8 be had 2, That a p� rovement on �e on said 8 Slth da oE an e oune e City �all �d i ChambeTS °f � in the CitY Court House Building � of Saint Paul. ub�c hearin�' g, That notice of said eTSO� �d in be given to the P er provided ,by the Cli rt��ting the tune and place of hesi�ing. t1�e natur total the SmProvement and the cost thereof as estin►ated. ApPioVed yAp i1 16 197 Ap�15.1976. (�,pril 24, 1976)