267151 WHITE — CITV CLERK ��.��� ��+y�', CANARV — DEPXRTMENT � COIlI1C11 . �sdv E�,yy� BLUE —MAYOR � GITY OF �SAINT PAUL File NO. � � r . � n l Resolution Presented By Referred To o mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Section 45, Ordinance No. 3250, also known as the Civil Service Rules, provides for a reference coc�nittee composed of five persons with the purpose of advising the Civil Service Commission and Civil Service Office with review and decision of personal qualifications and background references �f applicants; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the terms of Section 3.01.8 of the Saint Paul City Charter, all members of advisory committees who are established by the Mayor or the Council are to be appointed by the Ma.yor with the advice and consent of the Council; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter the Mayor has nominated the following persons for re-appointment to the Advisory Reference Committee: Paul Desch Nora Rogness Ma.rvin York now; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul consents to and approves that the following persons be appointed to the Advisory Reference Committee for the terms as indicated below: To serve for one year terms: Paul Desch Nora Rogness Ma.rvin Yark COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen i�E4�N'� �_ In Favor Levine , Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President�t�{�1.� MAY 4 �� Form Appro ed by City Attorne Adopted by cil: Date � � Ce ' ied Pass ncil Secretary BY + By Approv by Mayor: Date �g7� Approved b yor m' o C uncil By By K Q7� , _ - � Ptlgtt�E� M AY 1 � � 5/3/7b • K ��.� / � t.;.�r. BIOGRA.PHI.CAL Df1TA ON PROPOSED APPOINZT�IET'TS TO THE CNIL S�RVICL ADVISORY Rc FER�'10E COi�IT^�� Paul Desch Employed by the City of Saint Paul for twenty-four years. Present Position: Superviscr oL Assessments, Department of �'inance & Management Services. Served on: Civil Service Adviso-ry Reference Committee since August, 1974- CIB Task Force Comnittee since June, 1972• Graduate of Humboldt High School, 19�+1. Military Service 19�+� to 19�6. Residence: �+18 Thompson Av�nue '�lest Home: 1+57-1227 Work: 29$-�+730 Nora Rogness Housewife, six children {al? ma,rried, former high school teacher. Husband: Alvin F. Rogness, Lutheran pastor, President emeritus, Luther Seminary. First agpointed to the Advisory Reierence Committee on April 29, 197�+• B.A. , Au�ustana College, Sioux Falls. Residence: 1555 Branston Saint Paul, Min�nesota 55108 6�+6-8176 _ .. Y - :-1 .`. � _ . . _ . � .. . __ _. .... __ .__. F`�, ���f� . � Marvin York, Sr.-- Resu.7,e and Riographical Inforcr:ation 405 W. Ho;�t Avenue St. Paul, Mi �n. 5511 j � Phone: 4�g-7�S53 - Person�l: gorr.: .12j1.5,'3o at Osceola, La. Schoal: Union Training Grade School, Osceola, La. Mechanic Ar;,s Hign School, St. Paul,Minn. Giobe Co�lege of Business, St. Paul, Minn. North Central Bible Institute, Minneapolis, Minn. St. Faul B�ble College, St. Paul, Minn. M ,rried: Her.rietta L, White o° Covirgton, La. Ct-iildrer,: Marvir� ZI 23, Idtitchell 22, Patricia 20, and Avery 18. Employment and Experience: Cit,y of St. Faul--from 1G�70 to present; Administra�ive Assistant to Model Cities Fro�ram Dire^tor;from 10�70 to 3�72; Personnel Technician--Model Citie� from 3�72 tc� present in thP Civil Service Office. St. Paul Schoel. District �6�5, Adult Basic Education Program, Part-Time, from 4�6c5 ta 1G�70. The position involved administering and scoring examinationS fOZ' adults entering and continuing in the • program. LT. S. Post Office DepartmGnt St. Paul, IYlinn. Moter Yehicle Maintenance and Operations f'rom 6�57 to 11/67, from 6/57 to 4/59 Garageman; 4�5y to 8/61 ?�io�or Venicl.e Opera�or; from $�61 to 8/66 Tractor Trailer Operatcr; £rom 8/66 to ly/67 Vehicle Aispatcher. A!almon Motors Company St. Paul, hlinn. fro� 3/53 to 6/57 Parts runner and car wasner. L'ivic: New Jerusalem Baptist Church St. Paul, Minn. Founder and Pastor from 7�66 to present,. Interdenoational Mir.isteral Alliance St. PauZ, Minn. Secretary. Summit/ University Clerg;;� C�ur:c�l St. Paul, Minn. member. St. Faul Area Clergy Associat�ar, �t. Pau1, Minn. member. Se1by�Dale Finar.ce Cenc.er St. Paul, Minn. co-founder snd Fsoard Member. r. � _ Citi•ic : cor.tinued ��i�"�� �,''� f � e.��. Minorit,y Asso^ia�ion :or Jcir.'. P,e:For,se (I�`L4�Ri ��. Paul, Minn. memter. St. Paul Br�ncn PL4.f�C� ; jre�,�are: fr;��r: �; ;G ��, prvser�t. l�,innesota-Dek.otas Sta�F �o:,:'�rerce of 21PACP, Treasurer from 6�71 to preser.t. �11J i;:2::r. ITti,ETt'..ri}:i : Travel Gardening � Fishing • ' Photography � hree' re-appointmentsto the -�ivi�: Se�'vice -� . - � . �idvisory commit.tee. mhe terms of. the 3 expired �on April 26, there is s'o�ne apeed iie cessary ecause some certifications are beirig heTd tzp : ;for lack of quoriun, (the board is made up of 5) . =In tY� future, the city-administroator� s offi�e �3plans to recommend assigning this function to the �Civil Service Commissian. . - - ;The re-appintments would be for oi�e �ear oflly. . . . t � � � � � . F . . •. . � ��� -� �, � . �, � . � ��. � T i MESSAGE---------------OR---------------TRANSMITTAL MISs �• �NOTS 6 DSST&DY ❑FILE !!R. ❑N9TE & FILE ❑SBE I� OF ❑NOTE 6 RSTU&I ❑AYPROVAL �� � ❑YOUR COI�NT ❑AANDLING �TSLBPHONED �PLEASE CALL ❑YOUR SIGNATORE. ❑INITIAL 6 PASS ON: �RSTURl1BD YOUR CALL n WANT3 TO SEE YOU ❑YOUR INFORMATiON �CAI+�`TO SBB Y011 �WILL CALL AGAIN ��x YWR RBQUSST _ AT: � C014ffiNf S• . 3IGNED �ff�E , �..arW3WlrM�e:':�:.a � '��A1 '�4�k , 3 'h.. 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