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_ Presented By �
Referred To C m' tee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby concur in the actions taken by the City Attorney, Jerome
J. Segal, in allowing Mr. James E. Finley to continue to serve
as special counsel to the City until Ma.y 15, 1976, in accordance
with the terms set forth in City Council Resolution 266316, and
that Mr. Finley's appointment as special counsel to the City be
terminated effective May 15, 1976.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
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Adopted by Coun ' . ate �� 4 �� Form Approved by Cyty A �orney
Certified assed y cil Se retary, BY
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Approve yor: D e Approved by Mayor Submission to Cotlncil
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April 29, 1976 ,�EROME J. SEGAL
Members of the Council of
the City of Saint Paul
Mr. Jarnes E. Finley, Assistant City Attorney, upon
reaching the ma.ndatory retirement age of 65, commenced
a legal action in Ramsey County District Court chal-
lenging the statutory compulsory retirement act. On
April 22, 1976, Judge Sidney P. Abramson issued an
Order determining that the state compulsory retirement
statute was constitutional and valid and Mr. Finley' s
legal action was dismissed with prejudice.
Upon recommendation of the City Attorney, the City
Council by Resolution 266316, adopted November 4, 1975,
authorized the appointment of Mr. James E. Finley as
special counsel to the City under the direction and
control of the City Attorney, and that the duration of
such appointment continue as long as Mr. Finley' s legal
action was pending.
I have discussed this matter with Mr. Finley and have
advised him that I wish that he would continue to
serve the City as special counsel under the terms of
the City Council resolution until Ma.y 15, 1976. I
request that this Council concur in the actions taken
by me by approving the attached resolution.
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551U2
612 298-5121
. , : �'���
Members of the Council
Page Two
April 29, 1976
Mr. Finley is an excellent attorney and my office and
the City as a whole will suffer a loss when his services
are no longer available. However, I feel that I have no
other choice but to comply with the statutory compulsory
retirement law and take the action which I have taken
on this date.
Yours. very truly� ' � ')
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.� OME J. SEGA� t' '
Cit�� Attorney
JJSk j r
cc: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen
Mr. James E. Finley