267137 � �"��.��
FI NAL ORDER ' ,� �r^
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, Uaoastructi�t ot sidaralka and Mork incidee�tal th�r�to:
liaanca Fii• D��criptic�
5-10200 GBAT=iipltTR 8T., a�rt siie fxe� Juno Avs. to �dolph Avs.
S•10201 �IIIIDpLtg QpE. � north �;de l�ra� Vi� St. to �aat 17Z ft.+ slwttin�
783, 781, 775, 771 Randolph Av�.
S-10a02 Bi?TTSR�1t/T Aqg., we�t eid• frov Otto Ave. to S�ac Av�.
8-10203 VIEW ST.. eut side frvs Jae�ea Ave. to �alac• Av�.
S'1o204 VIEiT ST., veat aid� fras Jres Av�. tc Palace Av�. at 421 6 419
Viav only
5-10205 AlIN ST.� both tidea fror Michi=� St. to Superior St.
8-1020b ANN gT., aut side frau Superior St. to north 117 ft. at 200 Ann oaly
3-102q7 CBI1TSfipRTB ST.� �aat aide fra�s Ytiscarora to s�orth 1Z9 tt.+ plai
a11ey abattin= 977 �scarora only
8-10208 D/1LY ST., w+e�t !!d• frow Jeff�rson Av�. to north 117 ft+ abuttias
649 Je!l�rrc� Ave. �
S•10209 DALY 8?. twat •ide froa 3eifersoa Av�. ta aorth 117 ft.+ abutting
b43 J�l!'erson oaly
under Administrative Order ��� approved � �• 1l��
�►Pa � 5 �s�s
under Preliminary Order �6'��'58 approved
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
��� MA►Y 4 1976
COUNCI�LMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Nays �� ���
ChriSter1s6�1 Certified e Council Secretary �Y � 19T6
HOZZB �In Favor By ,
Hunt �
R�� Against
SyIV�� Mayor
T8�SC0 PYVL� MAY ! 5 �976
wnr�. - Ctirc�•rk Vi 1'Y V1"' w7L11 ��V 1 i � u �. � e=--.,,►
aink Financ•oWi.
C.w.yd'�'C�•oe. . Ol�F1GR OF TttL 1►IAYOR
_�, -�, �o: _�—..�.��'�
. �ate: �
• � /?� (�F�,��
7hat the Qirector of the Departmer�t af Pu61ic Norks fs hereby authorized and directed
to prepare pians, obtatn surv�ys, prepa�e estfr.rates ar�d investigate ttie necessity
' to retonstruct sid�r�alks at the foilaving lacaLlons and do a1l othe� wark whtch is
netessary arrd icectdcntai to complete sa:id �mprov�ment.
_���,,:�'est side CH�TS'.lORTN ST. fraa Juno Ave. ta Rendolph Ave. . �
--��orLh side REWDOLPl� AVE. f�om Yiew St. ta East 172'+ abutting T$3: 7�1 , 775, 771
Randcy 1 ph A�.
___—_Wesi side �U?TERatiT AVE. frc�rn Otto Ave. to Snr,�ae Awe.
--East sida YtE'd ST. fccua Jam�s Av�. to Palacx Ave.
�.—�est sidc V{EN ST. from J�es Ave. to P`alace Ave. ai 42t s 419 Yiew only.
` ,�.— 6oth s i dcs Al��1 ST. f� Ftj chi gae� St. to Supert or St.
-- East side AfyN ST. fr� Superior St. ta north 117' at 2fl0 �nn St. an1y. ,
�� East side CNATSWORTki ST. from Tusca�ora to north 129'+. plus alley'abutting
• 977 Tuscarora on1y. -
`�-^West side QALY ST. fr� .lefferson Ade. co nortt� 117'+ abutting 6�q Jeffersc+n. -
� �asL side af DALY 5T. frc�m Jafferson Ave. to reasth 1t7'± abutting 6�+3 defferson anly.
The Di reetor of Flnance and t9anagement ServFces f s hereby di rec 'o re ra�, a
pretiminary order �nd sche�iuie a public hearing. a� « o..e. � �'�;• .
. R�w w�i�
� . . . . . . . � fiKS � JFK . . . . ..�
M�O607. R6P DEE
' RS.D. R.H.R.!
�/ i .� /�r' ( ' j
/� '
AtsEtt�ut City.Attotney PUb j T t WO!r�pnrtmant Head r
•�.. , Sid��alks '. . ' ��,.`. -� J
_ � . .
/� ,
R - .�� y ;/i
Date �� �3 ��� . �..:, -
• • ' Admisristracive Ascistaut to Adnyor
. �■�y'�µ�7 �r^``
D V • �.�..:� �` .
March 5, 1976
Mr. Roger MattscR
Directo� of Financ�
and Management Services-
Room. 113 City Ha11
ATTENTi0P1: Paul Desct�
� Dear Si r.
Piease prepare the Prelirainary Qrder for the c�rtst�uction/recanstrvct€on o�
the sidewaiks listed on tha attact�ed Administrative Order. .
The estimated cost for new wnstruction not in CD areas, NDP areas,
or on main routes is as foilows:
$4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk R � B Residential
$6.60 per ft. for 5 ft. wide wa�k C R�s. 6 Co�.-
�io`�'i-f�tv G �}SsESSA�C3L.E //'J Tt-fl s EIP�V�'
Attached herewi th are the fot lareing:
l . Approved Admtnistrative Order D°2610 3/1/76
� 2. Rdvisahility � Desdrability Report.
3. Copy of plans for each order�
Yours very truly,
���Z�S�c,—� ti��,+..�a�
Hartley Thom s
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction
NT/gh _.
234 City HatJ, Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102
' i3i st. No. 2
,,.: , ..
� � � -
W.S. Chatsworth St. - Juno Ave, to Randol�i^r Ave. ✓ 1 0� 0 ,�?�1ti
7`� �.B� �
. � �f:� `� � .
Th i s �o rda r-was i n i t i ated by the D i rector of Pub� i c 4Jorlcs as pub 1 i� necess i�y on th� bas i s
of inspeciion of the wa�k. - -
This walk is old til� and poured cencrete with brake� t'slQ, hig� joirrts, trippirtg haza�ds-,
offgrade, disintegrated, cracked cos�crete pane)s. �
The Ersgi nesri ng r�commesrtdation i s for approv�l of the ord�r. -
(Reduc� from a b fr. to a 5 ft. wailc)
. . Dist:. No. 2
- _ : /O �4 /
N.S.- Ra�dal�tt- Ave: - Vier� St. td E. 172'+ abuttin9 7�3, 78�, 775, 771` Randai-ph
: �Th i s acdar w�as i n i t i ata� by thc. Qk ractar of Pubt i C Worics as pstfs.I i e na�eas�t�t an- tt�n bas i s �
of i rrspscL i o:t- of ttte �w l k. .
This wa}:k is aid ti ie w�th broke�r ti la, higf� Joi�rts, trip��ng haza�ds; watsr poc�Cets,.
aspi�al t pattl�es -�- affgra�.
The� Engirteerig re��tiari- �s for appr�va� a� tf�e or�r.
., _
.... >-
Rema rics_ Wa l k ta be� 6.0° w i de
.(Cons�ruct ta w+diJ� designated on-pl�t)
CT HJ RR . -
. Dist_ t�. 2
W.S. Butt�rnut Ave. - Otto Ave. to Sumac Ave. j Q � jf �
TRis order was initiated. by the� Direct.or af Pub�ie Warks as ���iic neces�ity on thc basFS. :
of i compJ,aint and inspettion of thc walk.
Tf�is walk is old ti ie and paured ccncrete wi ih tree h�avcs, brolce� ti le, high joi�rts,
tri ppi ng hazards , water pockets , and di s i ntegrated, cracicEd cort.cretc pas�e�s. .
The Engi net�-i ng recommendati on i s for appraval of t#�e or�er.
Remarks : walk very dangerous �
{Reduce from a 6 ft. ta a 5 ft. walk)
C�' HJ RR .
- -_ _ _ ___•--- __ -- -_._. ..___._- __._ .____. ..._ ..._. .._ __ -- - _ , - _-_. .. r____ ----
:a � . . . . . .. —'��' "�' � .. . . ..
A�Y: ' e . � . . - � - _ - - � .
� �.5. View St. - Jarrses Ave. Lo Palaca Ave. . �0 a � ,3
. c��.r� ,n
Th i s orde r was i n i t i ated by the D i rector oF Pnb i i c Works as Qub l i c necess i ty o�V(��ras�s
of inspe�tion of the waik. � �
Tnis walk is old tile and poure� concret� �xith trEe hcaves, brvken tiie tripQing hazaccts,
aspha�t patcf�es , disintegratedf crac�Ced cnrter�te panels ana is QAN&�ROUS.
7he Engineeririg rsc��nendation is for approvai o€ the order.
(Reduca from a �i ft.. to a S ft. waik) : -
CT HJ Rf� :
. : _ _ _6 i s r.: Na�_ 2 - - _
W.S. . V i err ��.:.- J a�as Ave•. �a Pa i ac� Ave. at 42 t � �a�g �`i e� {cm�y� -..` f� a'� � -:
Th i s ordcr wa� F n i ti ared�"�-the D i r�ctar a� Pub l i_c 1�10 r� a� pu���� �e.�e��:��+ � tt�rr� b�E s�
. of i nspectia�n- af t#�c,-wa�k.. - ._
� - _: _
T{�is' a►�Tk: is ot� tit:t wtth trea hea��, brolKen. ti 1e, �issirrg tiic ar�c�= Cr�pp��r�g haz�rda..
The Eng i neei-'r ng re�dati on i s fer ePPrr�r�i� o€-ti�e order. :
(Cans t�L to w i d tit de�i gr�ated on p�a t) :w _
CT HJ RR : :
;, a-�g�..._ �. � - � ':
B.S. Ann St: - Midligart 5't. to Supar�or St, � � a Q� _
This order was initiat�d bp the DirectQr of Ptrbiic Wor�ks. as pui�.lic: netxssity or� t#e ba�sis
of 2 comp t ai nts and i nspect i ar� of the a+ai k. - :
This waik is old tile and poared carrcrete with trea hcaves, brv3�c�nf t'rie; trippFng hazards,
missirrg tile, disintegrat�d, cracic�d ccncrete par��s.
The Eng i neer i ng� recor�n,enc#ati an i s for approvai of tt�e order.
(Construct to width designated on piat}
_ �-___--------_ _� �__----_--_. � ._._.,._ _^_
• oist. rto. 2 _
r,. .
, E.S�. Ann St. - Superior St. to Na. iI7' at 20Q Arm oniy. . � p a p �
Th.i s �order. was i n i t i ated. by thc Di rector of Pub 1 i c Worlcs as pub 1 i c n�cessi ty on the bas i s
of ins�ection of the walk.
ihis walk is old ti le wi th broke�n t't l$, tripping ha2arcts, water podcets, he}es irt ti le,
and is offgra�e.,
The Enginaering recommendatiorr is for approvai af tha arder. f r�
%:.��..�.� . �
(Reduce froa� a b ft. to a 5 ft. walk) �
CT NJ RR _ �
� _ _ D'tsL. t'b.. 2 -. , -.
E.S. ; Ctiatsworth St:. - 'Fc�:scarora: t� narth 129�+ plus al la�r at 97T Tuscaro� o�{,�._/4.2. 0 7
- _ . _. ,
- TR i s order waa t cri t i at�d� E� tfie �i rcctar° of Pvb�i c.1Jark+s 'as� p�u�..�i c neces�si ty ast ti� bas i�
of iaspectimr of tfie �alk. .
TEi'rs`waik:�.is:ol� t'ct�,wi:�::brotcers�t't1�;.�hkgh joirtts, tripp'xng fia2ards a�.affgradtt:�: : :
,__ ,
,. . .
' 'FF�se-<Enginc�erirtg �ecoRUaetr+datior� is for a}�Pravaf af tFee c��der
RemariF_ : Use 5/8 Re irrfarci ng Rads . ` ;
_ .� _ _.
{Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 f�, walk} _ . - -- _ __ ��. _ _ :. _ _
CT N.� - RR .
C/ist. Na_. Z
W.S. Daly St. - Jefferson Ave. to �rarti� Ti7'+ abutti�g 649 .�e€fersan ! D ��
This ar3er was ini tiated by the Di recLoc of Publ i.c Wortcs as publ ic necessity ort t3�e basis
af inspection of the t�alk.
This walk is o�d tile with tree heaves, broken tile, higfz Joints, tripgirtg hazards, hole�
in tile and is offgrads.. -
TF�e EngineEring recor�nen�ation is for .approvai of the arder.
(Recfuce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) . �
, -
�r, . . . . . . . . . � � �(� � . � , .-. � .. � . .
r ' - /r.L�'���t i�
�'�� 01 S t. t�0_ z
E.S. �aly 5t. - Jefferson Ave. to north i17'+ abuLting 643 Jeffersar only. � Q a,(f 9
This order was initiated by the Director- af Public Works as pub�ie nec�ssity on tn�- basis .
of inspection of the walk.
izis walk is oid ti le wi th trea heaves, broken ti l�, tripping hazards, water pQ��cefis ancf
is offgrade.
The E�gi neeri ng recoa�+endat icn is for- appra.vai o� ttta order. .
(Redttce front a 6 ft. t� a 5 f��- wa�k} .- _
CC NJ `:, FlR ; : . . .
. . .
uncil File No. 267058 — By Ruby
si walks and work incidental ethereto
� Finance Flle No. 5-10200, 7�sor�ptiott
—CHATSWORTH ST., west side from
Juno Ave. to Randolph Ave.
RANDOLPH AVE�northDseide ifro�
View St. to east 172 ft.�- abuttfng 7g3,
781, 775, 771 Randolph Ave.
PYnance File No. 5-10202, Description
BUTTERNUT AVE., west side from
PYnance File No 3 30203, Descr�p�on
—V�W ST.,east side from James Ave.
to Palace Ave.
Finance File No. S-10204, Dearsiption
—VIEW ST.,west side from Tames Ave.
to Palace Ave. at 421 & 419 View only.
Finance File No. 5-10205, Descriptfon
—ANN ST., both sides from Michigan
St.to 3uperior St.
PYnance File No. S-1020B, Descrip},�on
—t1NN ST., east side from Su erior St,
to north 117 ft. at 200.�y o�y.
—CHATS ORTH ST1 e�astDside from
Tuscarora to north 12g ft,�. pl� guey
abutting 977 Tuscarora oniy,
F'inance File No. 5-102pg, Descrqp�on
—D�Y ST•, west side 4om Jefferson;
Ave.to north 117 ft.-}- abutting g4g Tef-;
ferson Ave.
—��AI.Yc ST I eaNs�t side�o mJefferson
Ave. to � 117 �,.�., abutting 643'
Jeffersoa only.
under Administrative Order D-2g10,ap-
proved March 1, 1976.
hav�g�ruecelved�the i�repo Sa oi pthe;
Mayor upon the above improvement,I
and having considered said report,
hereby resolves:
1. T�at �e said report and tlie
same is hereby agproved with no
alternatives,and that the estirx�ated
cost thereof is—no asseasment.
I 2. That a public hearing be had
on said improvement on the
� o'cloc g�� M8 19�g� at 10:00
Chambers of the City Hall and
Court House Bullding in the Citq,
of Safnt Paul.
3. That notice of said public hearing i
be given to the persons and 1n�
the manner provided by the
Charter. stating },he �e and I
h c imp vemen and the rtotal
coet thereoi as estimated.
Adopted by the Council Aprii 15,1976,
Approved April 18, 1976,
� (April 24, 1976)