276112 V�� ) 1� 1. That the vacation be subiect to all the terms and conditions of �Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legis- lative Code, as amended. 2. That the petitioner provide by separate document a written agreement granting the Depart- mant of Public Works access to its sewer lines abutting the weat end of Whitall 3treet vacated, said agreement to be acceptable to said � department and in a manner and form approved bY the City At- tqrney. The term of said agree- ment to be until the two parties agree on a mutually desirable alternate location. 3. That a permanent sewer ease- ment be retained over that part of Whitall Street lying 3outh- RE80LUTIONB westerly of a line 20 teet North- easterly of and parallel to the Northeasterly Right-of-way line Council File No. 267112 — By Ruby of the Burlington Northern Rail- Hunt— road. Said permanent sewer ease- Resolved, That uyon the petition of inent must be subject to the fol- Whirlpool Corporation, that eection of lowirig restrictions: public street 'hereinafter descri�bed, be a) That no buildings or permanent and the same hereby is vacated and structures will be permitted discontinued as a pu�blic street: within the easement area. a) All that part of Whitall Street b) That no change in grade or as platted in 3churmeier's Su�b- surfacing will be permitted division of Blocks 38 and 39 of without written authority of Arlington Hilla• the Hydraulics Bureau of the b) Also,that part of Whitall StreeS Depertxnent of Public Works. as platte�d in Charles Weide's c) That the easement include the Subdivi�ion of Block 40 oi Ar- perpetual right of the Pu�blic lington Hills Addition to St. Works Department to construct, Paul, subject to Arcade Street, maintain, operate and repair as widened• sewer structures within thia c) Also, Whitall Stseet ae opened area, together with a perpetual across the iollowing described easement for ingress and egress property• All those parts o! to said easement and manhole Lots 15, �18, 17, 18, 18 and 20, as provided in Condition No. �harles Weide's 3ubdivisioa of' 2 a�bove. Block 40 ,Arlington Iiills Addi- 4. That the petitioner provide by tion, lying south of a straight segarate document a written line extending from a point on agreement granting the Depart- the south line of aforesaid Lot ment of Fire and Saiety 3ervices 15 that ia 8.3 feet east of the access to Whirlpool Building No. southweat corner of said Lot 17 and the L.P. gas storage tanks l5 to the northwest comer of on the west end of Whitall 3treet aforesaid Lot �i; also, Lot 25, vacated, said agreement to be ac- except the East 14 teet thereof ceptable to the Department of Fire in said Charles Weide's Sub- and Safety Services and in a man- division. ner and form approvefl by the subject expreasly to the following con- City Attomey. The term of said ditions and reservations: agreement to be untfl the two — parties agree on a mutually ac- ceptable alternate location. Also, that the petitioner further agree to hold the Department of Fire and Safety Services harmless from any damage to the security gate within the vacated street. 5. That the land descri•bed a9�ove, subparagraph c, vacated by this resolution, having been acquired �by condemnation and dedicated for public street purposes, the Councfl of the City oi Saint Paul in accordanee with 3ection 87A.01 (8), dces hereby approve and authorize the conveyance by Quit Claim Deed of the City's intereet in that portion of atreet vacated by this resolution, to the owner of the tract of land which imme- diately abuts and ia continguous to said section of street, the conveyance to be made for the sum of �5,860, which sum is the fair market value of the property as appraiaed and reported by the City Valuation Engineer, and the sale shall be consummated and the purchase price received by the City within 80 days next after the date of publication of this vaca- tion resolution. Adopted by the Council April 27, 1576. Approved April 29, 19?8. (May 8,1976)