267108 WH17E �- CITY LERK . ������ � PINK - FINAN E ♦ ��� 3 V CANARY -,DEPA TMEN G TY OF SAINT PAUL COIlIICll BLUE -MyAYO � Flle NO. � • , , � Zn nce Ordinance N 0.!�C��S J Presented By f Refer ed To ommittee: Date Out o Committee By Date An ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul in a principal amount not to exceed $5,600,000 to refund General Improve- ment Bonds, Series I and J, dated December l, 1975, of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul; prescribing the form and details of such refunding bonds; and authorizing said Port Authority to pledge the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul for the security of said bonds. WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, by its Res lution No. 1072, adopted April 20, 1976, has requested the Council of he City of Saint Paul to authorize by ordinance the issuance of bon s in one or more series by said Port Authority in an aggregate pri cipal amount not to exceed $5,600 ,000, for the purpose set for h in said resolution, a certified copy of which has been pre- sen ed to the Council and is now on file in the office of the City Cle k, all pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes , Sec ions 458.193 and 475 .67; and WHEREAS, the Council •f the City of Saint Paul, being duly adv sed in the premises, finds and determines that it is necessary for the Port Authority to issue and sell said bonds in the near fut re for the purpose of refuriding General Improvement Bands, Ser es I and J, dated December 1, 1975, of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sec- tio s 458.193 and 475. 67, and it is necessary and proper for the Cou cil, pursuant to said law, to authorize the issuance and sale of aid bonds and the pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of he City of Saint Paul for the security thereof, and to prescribe and consent to the form and terms of said bonds when and as issued by he Port Authority under the authorization granted by this ord nance, now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: COUI�ICI MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christen en �[��c unt In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylveste Tedesco Presiden �� Ho z z a Adopted by Coun il: Date Form Approved b City ttorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by May r; Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � � . � ) (o�C� � � �6"71_�8 Section l . That pu=^suan� to and in accordance with the provisions , terms and cord��_ons of this ordinance and of Minnesota Statutes , Sections 478 . 1g3 and �475 . 67 , authority is hereby granted to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to issue and se11 its bonds as authorized by said law; and that said bonds are authorized to be issued and sold in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $7,600,000, for the purpose of refunding General Improvement Bonds , Series I and J, dated December 1 , 1975 , of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, as authorized by T�Iinnesota Statutes , Sections 478. 193 and 475 . 67 . Section 2 . That the bonds of each series issued and sold pursuant to this ordin�.nce s:nall bear date not later than the date on whicr such bonds ar� delivered to the purehaser thereof; tha� the bonds of eacn series shall be issued, sold and secured as required by T�Tinr.esota Statutes , Chapters 458 and 475 by the Port Authority in the manner provided by law, shall - be numbered serially, shall each be in the denomina'cion of a multiple of $1,000, and shall bear interest riot in excess of the maximur�� rate permitted under applicable law at the time of issue , said interest to be payable semi-annually, according to interest coupons to be attached to the same; that the bonds of each series shall be substantially in the form hereinafter prescribed by the Council; that said bonds shall bear such interest as the Ci�y Council shall approve , ar.d snall be sold in one or more series by the Port Authority to the highest bidder there.for, not less than 10 days after publication of the time and place for receiving bids thereon; that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of said bands as received by the Port Author�ty, shall be deposited by it in an escrow fund of the Port Authority, to the extent, in the manner and under the conditions set forth in Minnesota Statutes , Section 475 . 67 for purposes of refunding said Gen- eral Improvement Bonds , Series I and J; that all of the bonds shall be payable in lawful money of th� United States of America, and as security for the prompt and faithful payment of bath principal and interest on said bonds , the Port Author- ity is hereby authorized to pledge the full faith, credit and resources o° the City of Saint Paul; that the bonds 'of eacn seriPs issued hereunder shall be entitled "Port Authority -2- . . . �/_�-�-J' �U . �6'��_�8 of the City o_" Sw_nt Paul General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Ser�es .�." , shall be issued in series consecutively designated, and bejinning with Series A-1, if issued in more than one se»�es, and the bonds of each series shall be numbered cor_secutively beginning with No. l; that each of said bonds snall be signed by the President of the Port Authority, af;tested by its Secretary (or a person or persons authorized to sign on behalf of a bank designated by reso- lution of the Port Authority as authenticating agent) and countersigned by its Treasurer; provided that all but one of said signatures may be printed, lithographed, stamped or engraved on the bonds, and interest coupons shall be attached thereto, and shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimile signa- tures of said President and Secretary; that each of the bonds shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the Port Authority, or a printed, lithographed or engraved facsimile thereof; that if approved by the resolution of the City Council, any of said bonds may be made subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the Port Authority at such time and place or places and upon such notice as shall be provided in said resolution; and that each of the bonds shall be in substantially the followin.g form, with suitable variations as to serial designation and number, denomination, place or places of payment, redemption provisions, interest rates and nominal date of issue : _3_ - �. . ���p5 � � `�6`�� �� U�uT�TED STATES OF AMERIGA STATE OF MIN?�1ESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY � POR� ti�i:iORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUivDING BOND SERIES A No . $ ,000 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (herein called "Port Authority" ) , Ramsey County, Minnesota, a body corporate and politic , acknowledges itself to otae and for value re- ceived hereby promises to pay to bearer the sum of THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of , 19 , ar, if this bond is prepayable as stated below, on a prior da�e on which it shall have been duly called for redemption, an�d to pay in- terest on said principal sum at the rate of percent ( % ) per annum from 'che date hereof until the principal sum is paid, payable , lg and semi- annuall.y thereafter on and of each year, interest to maturity being evidenced by and payable in accordance with and upon presentation and sur- render of the annexed interest coupons as they serially be- come due . Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of in or at the office of a successor pay�ng agent auly aesignazea by the Port Authority, in any cash or currency of the United States of America, which on the respective dates of payment is legal tender for public and pr�vate debts; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest , when due, the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. -�4- - : � I�oo� . � � �'�'��:�� T�is :;�L: �s one of an issue amcuntin� in the aggreg�.te to the su�. o� u , all of liKe date and tenor except as to ser�a= Y�a-�b�-�, interest rate, maturity and redemption privile�e, �ssued �y 'che Port Authority to advance refund outstandin� ^en�ral Improvement Bonds of the Port Authority , Series T (J) , da�ed December l, 1.975, all pursuant to the provisions and by the authority of Minnesota Statutes , Chapters 458 and 475, and in accordance with the provisions , terms and conditions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 458 and 475. This bond is issued pursuant to Ordinance No . , as enacted by the Council of the City of Saint -Paul and duly signed, attested and authorized in accordance with said Chapters 458 and 475, and pursuant to Resolution of said Council No . , passed and approved , 19 , and under authority and in all respects in full com- pliance with the Charter of said City of Saint Paul, and pursuant to resolutions of said Port Authority, No . and No. , passed and approved, respectively, and , lg , and in all respects in full com- pliance with all applicable provisions of laTra, including Minnesota Statutes Chapters 458 and 475 . All bonds of this issue maturing in the years to , both inclusive (bonds numbered to , both inclusive ) , are subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the Port Authority in inverse order o�' serial numbers , on and on any interes� payment d.ate there- after at par and accrued interest . Published notice of re- demption shali in each case be given in accordance with law, and at least thirty days prior mailed notice of redemption shall be given to the bank where said bonds are payable and to any regis�ered holders, provided that published notice alone shall be effective without mailed notice . Holders desiring to receive mailed notice must register their names , addresses and bond numbers with the Secretary of the Port Authority. It is hereby certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened and been done and performed in regul.ar and due form and time as required by law; that prior ta the issuance of th�s bond the Port Authority has levied for each year, un�il the principal and interest are paid in full, a direct an:�ual tax on all the taxable property in the City of Sair.� Pau1 in an amount not less than five percent in excess _�_ � ' � � �� �C�7�.�� of the s�~. �^�u��-r°d to pay the principal and interest hereof when anG as s���^ p�incipal and interest mature , which tax is irrene�.?ab_� ��;rl�il all such indebtedness is paid, and may be reduced o~�y ;r� the manner and to the extent provided in said Chapter 4�� ; that additional taxes , if necessary for full paymen� of such principal and interes� , are required by law to be lev�ed upon all such property without limitation as to rate or amount ; and that neither the total indebtedness of the City af Saint Paul nor that of said Port Authority, including this bond, exceeds any constitutional , statutory or charter limitation. � - IN 4�ITNESS �+IHEREOF, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, by its proper officers , has caused this bond to be sealed by a lithographed facsimile of its official seal, to be signed and countersigned by the lithographed facsimile signatures of its President and its Treasurer, attested by the manual signature of its Secretary (a person or persons ' authorized by resolution of the Port Authority as authenti- cating agent ) , and each of the interest coupons hereto an- nexed to be executed and authenticated by the lithographed facsimile signatures of its President and Secretary, and has caused this bond to be dated as of the day of , 19 President Countersigned : Treasurer Attest : Secretary Authenti.cating Agent ) that the coupons appurtenant to said bonds shall be in sub- stantially the folloTrTing form: No. On the f�»st day of , 19 , unless the bond descrioeu belo��r is called for earlier redemption, the Por� Authority cf the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, T�innesota, ti�rill pay to the bearer at in , -6- (�� . � ��'��.�� or the ci��e� :.�' �. successor paying agen� duly designated by the Por� :.,�::crity, the sum shown hereon in lawful money of the Ur.i`,�a 5��.�es, for interes't then due on its General Obligatior� :�=unding Bond, Series A, dated , 19 , Iv'o . (�acsimile Signature) (Facsimile Signature ) Attest Secretary President _7_ - , i �c� - � ' � ��`��.�� Section 3. - Tha� s�.;�•h bonds both in respect of the principal amount of the same an� �n respect oi the interest thereon shall be paid by said Por� Authority from tax levies provided for and authorized by sa�d Chapter �458, Minnesota Statutes, and from the earnings and all income received by said Port Authority from whatever source derived, to the extent that such earn- ings and income are determined by the Port Authority to be available for such purpose and are not pledged "for the pay- ment of revenue bonds issued under Minnesota Statutes, Section 458 . 1g4 ; that said Port Authority shall, before the issuance of any series of bonds authorized hereunder, levy for each year, until the principal and interest are paid in full, a direct annual tax on all the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in an amount not less than 7% in excess of the sum required to pay the principal and interest of the same when and as such principal and interest mature , and after such bonds have been delivered to the purchasers , such tax shall be irrepealable un�il all such indebtedness is paid, and after the issuance of such bonds no further action by said Port Authority shall be necessary to authorize the extension, assessment and collection of such tax; that the Secretary of said Port Authority shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of such levy to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the county in which said Port Authority and said City are located, together Urith full information regarding the bonds of said Port Authority for which the tax is levied, and such County Auditor shall extend and assess the tax so levied, and shall do so annually until the principal and interest have been paid in full; provided that said Port Authority may, on or before October 15 in any year, by appro- priate action cause its Secretary to certify to the said County Auditor the amount on hand and available in its own treasury fror� earnings or other income, including the amount in the sinking fund, which it will use to pay the principal or interest or both on each specified issue of its bonds and the County Auditor shall reduce the levy for that year herein. provided for by that amount ; that the amount of funds so acquired sha11 be set aside by said Port Authori�y and be used for no other purpose than for the repayment of the principal and interest on such bonds; and that a11 such taxes , being authorized to be levied under Minneso.�� Statutes , Section 458. 193, shall be collected and remitted to thejPort Authority by the County �ireasurer in accordance with the provisions of 1aw govern�r.g the coliection of other taxes and shall be used solely for the paym°n� of the principal and interest on such bonds; -8- �NHI7E - CITV C4ERK PIN'K , - FINANCE ` ' CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE q-7YOR+ .r File N 0. ����—'-- u Ordinccnce Ordinance N�. Present By eferred To Committee: Date ut of Committee By Date Page g, for the payment of the prineipal and interest on sueh bonds ; and that the Port Authority shall by resolution provide that upon issuance of the refunding bonds said Gene ral Improvement Bonds , Series I and J, shall be prepaid on their earliest permissible call date an.d the Secretary shall on or before Oetober 15 of each year that any of said General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Ser�,es I and J, then remain unpaid , eertify to the County Auditor of Ramsey County the amount held in the escrow fund established for said improvement bonds so that the levy that year for said improvement bonds shall be cancelled in its entirety. Section 4. That said Port Authority shall provide for the exercise of the authority hereby granted for its issuanee ax�d sale of its said bonds, and the pledge of the full faith, oredit and resources of said City of Saint Paul as security for the payment of the same , by appropriate resolutions ; and that in each such instance said Port Authority shall make due compliance with all applicable requirements of this ordinance , Minnesota Statutes , Chapters 458 and 475, and all other applicable laws . Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effeet an d be in force thirty (30) days from and af ter its passage, approval and publication:,.in the official newspaper of 'the City. COU CILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Chri tensen I� � Hunt In Favor Rce ler O Against BY Sylv ster Ted co Pres dent�� HO Z Z a Adopted by ou . Date �� � � �976 Form Approved by Ci y At rney Certifie a e b ou cil Secretary By Appro b DRayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY By us�� MAY 2 2197� . � lst: � ''""pZ. / � 2nd � — � � 3rd �� — Adopted �� ' �3 Yeas Nays CHR�S TENS EN HUNT �._ �6'7�.�8 � ROEDLER } � SYLVESTER TEDESCO � PRESIDENT (HOZZA) • ,