267106 ',.,. . ,,'.�.. .,. , . , ^ .� , . CirY oF sT.Pau� COLINCIL FILE NO. ������ FlNAL ORDER � 1 By �,�' . ,�.�., �,.,.._.,,,,,..,,�"`. File No. In the Matter of ����'�� ���� � � ��M�� ���� �Q� TiIM 1�flli�e'i'ti�wt �e. •-1��H �'�ts�s� A�., �nrt� *Lb � li. �t1� it. � �uLia llt. ��1Q1'10 QMt,ai� fx., �rNt af� !i'M 1t� ?'tlt �t. t0 .�lt��r A�w. i-1Q1�1 J�rl�arsa� �kirt.. �tb s�,i+� fiea� N. 9't3� at. �0 0�►�ala it. s-�Al+�t J+r�twtsa�s �w., � •!� � ti��wstwt jt. ta !ox'aitto �t. �-14191� l�it�, ,Aw., bolL s�r irar� �bu �t. to R� �t.' :•�0�44 f��i�+r��raa ,�.� rootlt �i�t� !'raa ifcia it, to �. yth �t. i-tQI93 J���stMM� Arn�..��Kto� ��� t�+�w � �• to 'i1o►�'wtto it. �'"'ZQ�� ,'����l�00 �'�!.� lalt� ��i ��'4� ��II �t• �.'O �1i1L�1 SrR♦ ��-�.�„J��r�`�Aa�►,�, '��'e:��s�`"�i�r:�----� h141l8 ,�t�E��riieu �., iwstY sit� isa�► 1fr�ict tt. to #6�t�ls �t. f•lOtlM�t J�►!lsnrsar ��., 1wt� �3�a �a �arl�ox��r !t. to � �t. 1 �� .' _.. � ��t�l�_ . . ,- I�c�b l, t97� ` _ uri er Administrative Or�ler � a�proved L�� �R ' 1 ��T6 un r Preliminary Order r approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public jiearing upon the above improvement, due notice _ the eof having been given as prescribed by tlte C'ity Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- me t and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be ade, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all penses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. APR 2�7 19T6 OUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co ate Ye Nays Certif assed b �l Se tary� R 2'S 1��� Christensen HozzB In Favor Hunt � Levine Against Rcedle� Mayor Sylvester Tedesco ���M�D IYIAY 8 197'6 wr�t� - c��v 1efk Ci I T Y O F �A I�T T Ysi U L '� "� a�n!c — Fin� •D.pt. . . Caa� • Qst•t . .� � . O�I'IGF. �F Ttil: MAYOR �+ NO: '"" �..C��C�� ' /9' • . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � � � 1916 . . . ' Dace: MAR t , ._ �6 , . AD INISTRATIVE ORDER, Th L The Di rector of thc Depa�tm�nt of Pub 1 i c 1�'arks is hereby a�thari zed and di rected to prepare plaas, obtain surveys, prepare estt�ates and investigate the neecss�ty to constructl�econstruct stdewalks at the foila�rtng locations and do all othe� work wh ch is necessary and incid�nta! to compicte said inprovement. ' orth side Jeffe�son Ave. frtmr 1�1. 7th St. to Or►eida St. st side �ne�fda St. from k. ?th St. to Jefferson Ave. __...__._, ._ • � outh sidg Jefferson Ave. frorn► 4t. 7th St. to �ceeida St. !orth s ide Jef fecsort Ave. f rom 1Jebs ter St. ta Tomnto St. th sides Smlth Ave. froc� Porbe3 Ave. to Ramsey St. - °es. ec ong. e« — uth side Jeffersaz Ave. frara E�te St. to W. 7th St. j OJD REG �---. uth stde Jefferson Ave. frora Webster St. to Toconta St. ' R`w "'"" . . GKS JFK --� uth stde Jeffers.q n l+ve. from Yie� St. to Entton St. �s�'?'?v�- �P °eE -�,� c�-y..a-��w�-c7G;e�� .�� Vu� ��-�t�-�-�.. N.D,P ��s ` �,.T ���-� uth sidc Jefferson Ave. from Toronto St. to Qsceola avc. � M "JO . tu v«w �E OS.� ----t� rth side Jefferson Av�. frora Duke St. ta Erie St. ' . . - . . . � P�.S.D. � � R.h.R.' . �, � � th stdes Jeffersort Ave. from Col6o�ne �St. to Ouice St. The Di rector of Fi�ance and Mar�a�er,�nt Servi ces i s heraby di rected to prepa�e a , pre iminary arder and schedui� a pubiic hearing. � H-06o7 . o . APPROVED AS TO FOIZNi . - . 1 - ! —° , ; i; � , , '' � � � �f' ,` . � .,� � , ; � •��Assiscant City Attornny Depar,tmeat Head . ; �` \ � Public works.�G�J4 � • Sidewaiks ,. � ' ~:� r .. /��� � : Date - "� r" t!.y/,-f. � Adminiatrrtive Assistaae to Mayor , , ��.1 �.�l� CtTY OF SAINT PAU� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WQRKS . DANIEI, j. DUNFORD► DIR�CTOR March S. 197b Mr. Roger Mattson� Oi rector of Finance _ . and Management Services Room 113 City Hal1 ATTENTION: Paul Desch . Oear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary`Order for the construction/recons.tructian of the sidewalks listed on Lhe attached Administ'rative Order. The estimated cost for new construction not in CD areas, NDP areass or on main routes is as follows: $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residential � � i $6.60 Qer ft. for 5 ft. wid� walk C Res. � Comm. � . . • _� 1�l-f r n� � sA�SS��st���3 L.� l� � ��� l')�v�"1 . . . . . . � � � � . . Attached herawith are the foTtowing: i. Approved Administrative Orde� D-2614 3/i/76 • 2. Advisability � Desirability Report. 3. Copy of plans for each order. � Yours very truly, � Nartley Thomas � Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction HT/gh . 234 City HaU, Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 •�.�s �, � J� . . _ fl;S L. I`FO�'t����:�� l / �. S.S. Jefferson Ave. - Webster St. to Torortto SL. ) Q � �f 5 . Th i s rder �was i n i t i atad by tha Di rettor af Pubi i c Wvrks as pt:b l i c necessi Ly os� t#� basi s af i omplaint and irrsp�ect.icn of ttte walk. : - Th i s rder was i ni t i ater! by the- Di rettor of Pub i i c Wotks as pub i i c necess�ty o�x tf►a- basi s..v oF 1 oiap l a i nt and i rrspect i oa of the v�a�ik. _ Tf�i s alk i s oi� Ci 1e and poured concrete wi th bro�Ct ti �e, tr.ipging"�azards, higtt joints„_ - and h aered, t i pPed an�# cractced ccmcrsta pane ls. � -- �. , The E g i n�r i n g rec�enda ti��. i s for ap{�rn+,ra� of tka ord�r: - . ` (Redu €ron� a 6 �t. to a 5 ft.. walk} . - _ - . CT . FfJ RR ,. . - - - __... - , ,. _ , � , {ftst. Na. .�. �S:S. ffersorr A�e. - i��e+�+ St. ta Fultcn St. � � r c� lD _ Th i s rd�r was i n i t�aied b� tha [ii re�cLar of Pub i i c Worlcs a� pub T i c ne�essi ty orr the: basis- � of i ns ect i on of th� wa�i k This tk is o1d poure��c�rtcrete with offgrade, ctis'rr�te�rat�si; ecacic�c# co�rste gar�e�s and ti ped paneks. - The En inee�irtg recanunertdation is for apprev�� of the o�rder. Rema r . Wa)k a t 357 V i ew, S t. to he rn�e corts t ruct i orr� 1rw��Q/�-� �,(�-�.,, �tl. D. P r.�n,�..4,.,� , �Redu f rom a 6 f t. to a 5 f t. wa�k an� r�eew consLruct i oa �') ' � . CT J RR . _ : t1 i�t. Aia. Z , /S.S. efterson Ave. - Torr�nto St. to 0sceaia Avc. 14 /�7 Th i s o de r ��as i n i t i a ted by the D i recto r of Pub l i c Works as �U�J I !C RtC89�5! � on the bas i s ef ins ection of the walk and request to W. 7th St. St, Assac. i'his w lk is old tiTe with broken tiie, high joints,. trippin� haza.rds, water pockets, and as halt patches. The E,z i neeri ng recamrs�endat ion i s for approval nf the order. . �Reduc fram a 6 ft. ta a 5 ft. walk CT J RR • _ ,. _. _ . . _.__ _ .._.._ ..�__ _ . --- -- —-- --- -.__� . _ _ . . _., ___._�_.__,.---___----�-..____ __. ___ . , _ __ ._._._� , �— - � _.- . _ ���t. ��. � '71_��i ,. .. - - (::6 ✓�• p�.5. efferson Ave. - Webster SL. to Toronto SC. : � � ( �� This order was initiated by the Director of Public Worfcs as pu6iic necessity vrt the basis of ins ection of the walk. . fhis 1Sc is old til� with brok� tile, tripping hazards., missing tile and water pa�ckets. � The En i nee�-i ng recammerrdati on i s for apProval af the or�ec. _ (R�du from a b ft. to a 5 ft. .wa.lfc� � _ CT J RR : , . � .. - _ _ _ _. _ _ ' , :, .� : - - - 0►;st:: No>: z - '� _ �'B.S.-. mi th Ave. - Forfits �: ta Ra�e�r� St. /OI �3 _ . _ . Th i s o rde: �was i n►t i atact bq th� f�i rector cf Pvb t=c blor�cs as 'pui�l:i c ne+ccs:si�y �n tt� ��F� flf ins ttion of �he wa.�k� Th i s l k i s ot d �i le and poztr�c! ctrrtic�-e�te W i t.l�' LPC� "ItQ�1/C�� �t�If$t1 `�l 3@� tC`t�t'R[J- �1aT11'CI3� . ' wa t�r odtsts, rr�i s s�ng t i l e, as pha�t pat.e�ts, d F s i nteg:ara�Y Era�icsd arr�cr~et� �anc�s. - . , Tiie i rteer�ng re�mmen�tiQrr �s� for approva� af ttra: ord�. _ . ` Remar : Waik very dar��ro� _. . - (Redu from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft.. walk) CT .! R R , . - ", . - , : IJ i s i.. Pio.. 2 ' � S.S. $ffersnn Ave. - Eri� St. to W. 7th St. �� C� / `/ _ y Th i s o d�r was i n i t i ated by tke D'r rec-tnr of Pub l i e Warks as �:rtr) i c net�ss'r ty orr tt�a has is of I mplaint and inspecti.on of the walk. Thts ik is old tile witt► Lree heaaes, brolcers tile, higkr joirtt�, trip�icrg hazards and asphal patches: The En ineering recomm�ndatia� is for app�roval of Ehe ord�r. - - Rema r . Abu t ts S et�i d t B resei ng Co. (Redu from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) _ � CT J RR a _. , � • ' Dist. �� 1�.�� (� � r�.5. srfersan Rve.. - W.. 7th St. LQ Qntida SL. . . . � ai89 Th i s rde r was i n i t i ated by th� D i rac-tar of f'ub l i c Worlcs as pub i i c netess i Ly ort tfie bas i s of ins, ection nf the wa1k. � i'his lk is old ti ie wi th tree he��res, b.m4ceri ti te, trr{sgirrg hazards, �issirrg .ti le and � is o; gradr_ the E gine�ring recomrs�enda�irnt is fcr apprcval af ttte ard�r. : ► _ _: f�em� . Sy Mcflona}ds D.rive Irt. 6' r�ide t+econstt. of ti�e r��k_ 2Q,.U' i�n �exrg�3�.- ; ; - __ - �T , . 'J R� _ ., � , . - _ . , , . ,. �� . . t_ , _ : , • , -s ' : s�t. A�c►.'2. __ _ n� - � W.S. tzsida.SL. - �!. 7ttt St. t� .lefferso� A�e. . = _ - loi9o, . . -- - . . . , ih i s rd�r: was. i ni�.i ated b� Lf�e �i recta�� a� P"rtbl ic 1�orks aa� �b�t i c� nesea�si ty on ti�a°bas�i_s _ of i ns, ecti on- af ttte walk. _ This a1k is o1d tile witt: trec ha�s,, tri�ing haza�ds, brolcarr t:i1�.,. �� is offgraFde. - 3he i nesring retnnn�rtdati� ts for appra�a� ofi th� Qrdar. _ ` R�r.ta : By O rss i�s�a Co�nux�i tq Co 11 ege . " -�rZedu frora a b �ft. to a 5 ft. walk) _ - CZ RR . _ . .::: / District t�st.- � : : 1 S.S. -J�#ferso� Av�e - W. 7th St. to Oneida St. j D ��/ - Tn i s r�er was i n i ti ated by ths Di rector� af Publ i c Wor�s a� pub 1 ic riec�s�r:ty cm ti�e bas'cs ` of insp=ction of rh� walk. . This atfc is old tile with broken tele, tripping hazards, holas €R ti ?e ana wate� pvdcets. . Th� E. girr��ring rec�mmendatian is for a.pproval of �he r�r�fer. R;errtar s: Abutting City °ropecty. 47� in iength (Redu s from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR . ._ __ _._._. - - -- -- ----... _. ---��---- ---.._��_._----- -�-� --- -- ---� -- -- - _ ----- -- -- _ _. __..V_�_;.,,_... .n..� _ �. < - - � .___ • � � , . � , - Dist. No.��2 - � � -N.S. Jefferson Ave. - Duke St. ta Erie St. � Q � q 8' cl� �� . �.y���-,.. Th i s order was i ni tiated by. the Di rector of Publ i c Worlcs as publ i c necessi ty on tfie basis of i sp�ction of th-e walk. Th i s order was i n i t i ated by the D3 re:ctnr of Pub i i c Worics as pual i c necess�i ty ost the bas i s of i spection of ths walk. This walk is old tile enrf poured cor�c�ete with brofc�n tile, 1�igh� Jo�rtts, tripping hazards, wate pocltets ar�d digint�gtated, �cacke,d conc:rete pane#s. - . The ng i nes r i�g reccMats�at i�r i s f�r a�t�r rtr�r�1 af the arcier. - . .: - _ . _; _ :. REma s:.- Wa1k goes to Chi id Oe+r�etc�errt� Ce�ter . _ {Rerl ce. from�a 6� ft. t� a. 5 f�C. waik� . . , . . . � CT NJ ' - RR _ _ . _ . _ _ : - -: fl�s r.: n�a. � B.S. Jefferson Ave. - CoiboFrte �t� ta Duke St. . �/a/ � � 'f�i s rder was i rti t i atec4 by ttte D i re�tor o� Pub 1 i c 1/orks as pub.1 i c. n+ecess�ty cr� �a bas i s of in pecticm of •the wa�.k�. _ This a1k is o1d Liie arrd poured cancret� rr+th broicen t�le, high joints and tripping h�zards, di s i n e:�rated, craciced conerete� panels.. The E gir,�ering recomr�artdat'ren is for apprava� of th� arder. � Rema s: Wa1k goes to new Chi1d Devclop�t Cente�._ �. {Redu from a 6 ft. t�. a 5 ft. walk} CT HJ R R : _ --- - T-- - -- -_- ..-- ---- ._-_ _—._._,_ . ------------_ __r. ._._.______� _----_____--- . _ . _ -- - , ._ .��_ _ . . _ .. . - - - ------ - ! ----.-r..._..,.___ � F'�PV��.�� PBBLIM7NA�Y OR.DE& ' 8uni�PYle No. 286995 — By,'Eiuby In the Matter of rec'onstructing'side-' walks and work incidental thereto: � Ave�.,anor#h eide fro�1��e ge.�rson Oneida St. w st side�om W. 7th 3�to T ff son A�e. Av�e.�,asouth�side from 1�91 he St�y Oneida St. Aven north isideNtro�si W 9bs�ter 3�Sto Toronto St. Finance File No.3-10193-SZnitlx yve., both sides from Forbes St. to Ramsey St. Av,en out�sideN�om-E�ri�eff wn 7th St. Avena ou Fs deN��om Webs�tere St s to Toronto St. Ave�.,�south s�ide from View�oer� ton St. Finance' File No.' 5-10197�7efferson Ave., south side from Toronto St, to Osceola Ave. Finance File No. 5-10198-�effersan Ave., north side from Duke St. to Erie St. Ave�both�des�om Colbo�rne 3t S�tno puke-St. under Administrative Order D-2814,ap- proved March 1, 1976. havingC�ceived tMthe t e�o Sa of pthe Mayor upon the above unprovemeat, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same `is hereby ap�roved wfth no alter- natives axid that the estimated cost thereof is—No Assessment. 2• That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the o'clock a.m., ixi the ounc Chambers oE the City Hall and Court HouSe Building fn the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice rof said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as eatixnated. Adopted by the Council April 1,1976. Approved Aprii 8, 1976. (April 17, 1976}