267097 c �. N� . a�� c� ��
�ouncil File No. �287097 — BY Ruby
Resolved, That upon the petition of
the Housing and Aedevelopment Au-
thority and the City of Saint Paul,that
area of public street hereinafter de-
vacat d abned d sco tinued asha public� �
The West 10.0 feet of the East 30.0
feet of the South 27.50 feet of Lot
27, Block 15, Arlington Hills Addi-
tion, and, the Nor�h 1's of Jenks
Street a�,7acent thereto;
The West 10.0 feet of the East 30.0
4eeBlock 16,NArlington Hills�Addit
tion, and the South ?a o� Jenks
Street adjacent thereto;
Subject expressly to the following con-
ditions and re8ervations:
1' allathe terms tand condiions of
Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legis-
lative Code, as amended.
2. That a speciflc 34 foot wide per-
manent sewer easement be retain-
ed, centered along the centerline
of Jenks Avenue with the restric-
tion that no construction work will
be permitted within the easement
area without written approval 04
the Depaztment oP Public Works.
�� StateshPo eer Company be�pro-
4. That the document titled Grant
of Easement for Alley Purp�affie
accepted bq the proper Ci
cials and placed oP record in the
pr�oper office of recordation.
g. H ein8�and eR d velopmeent Aue
thority of the Ci� of St. Paul, a
public agency, no be required to
pursuantatosthe terms�of the�Ca
operation Agreement between the
said City and Housing Authority.
6. That in lieu of a bond,the Cfty be
provided with a written covenant
conditioned to indemnify and hold
the City harmless for any and al}
damages, claims for damages;
Gosts, charges, judgments, and ex-
penses of every kind and nature
arisuig or growing out oE the va-
cation of the streets herein de-
Adopted by the Council April Zi,
Apprqved April 23, 1976.
/ (May 1, 1976)