267096 WHITE - CITV CLERK �s���U PINK - FINANf„E COQACll CANARV = DEPARTME T GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. t 1 , Or �n�znce Ordinance N0. ��0��� � ,r` �� �' Presented By ` --��� � t `�-� �/`' ' � Referred o =�� Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 345 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for the separate licensing of body shops THE OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 345.01 of the S�. Paul Legislative Code is �ere y amended to read as follows: "345.01. � R_ e�air Gara e License Reqti�red. No person, firm or corporation s all maintain or operate a motor vehicle repair garage �►��k�n-�ke ��e���e-e�-tke-6��y�-e€ in Saint Paul without ���e� kdr�ns-eb�a�ried a license. se-�e-ele-�.n-aeee�danee �f��.-�ke-�erene-ar�d-prejrie�ene-e�-�k�e-ehap�erT (b) Bod Sho License. •��No person, - _ f irm or cor orat ion a mai.nta�n--or_ o erate.�an automo i e o re air or �utomo i e o aintin s o et �r a one or in con unction wit anot er usiness activit�, in aint au wit out a icense." Section 2. That Section 345.02 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is her by amended to read as follows: COUNCI MEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christen en Hoaza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylveste Tedesco Presiden Hunt Form App v d by City torne Adopted by Cou cil: Date a Certified Passe by Council Secretary BY By �Approved by Ma or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . � _ �:b`7�9�� � � t � � ���-i � . "345.02. Filling Stations Except�d. T�e � terms of this chapter shall not apply where the R work performed is done by a' licensed gasoline filling s�a.t�on, and consists of the usua.l Ser- � ` vicing of motor vehicles ordinarily performed at such s�ations, such as the sale and installation of frost shields, radiator hose-, spark glugs, . batteries and battery cables, brake fluid, '�oil fil��rs, fuses, fan belts, light bulbs and wind- shield wipers, or such services as draining r�d��tors: provided, however, that if such,gaso- � ' ' line _filling stations engage in the b�,siness of ' . - �epair�.n�,:mechanical paz�ts of motor vshicles a icens� as provided herein shall be required." : ' "� Section 3. � .:� . t �ection 345.03 ot� the St. Paul Legislative Code is . ,,'� �M . hereb� �irded to read as follows: °` '� . ;..; x� "345.03. Fee. For the purpose of `this_ `: hapter, the following definitions s�all app�.y: _ The term "Dealership Repair �arage" as ' sed in this ordinance sha.11 be cor�strued to an that r.epair garage operated by a new or . cd motor vehicle dealer, in which motor - hicles are repaired incident to` the' new or � - u ed motor vehicle dealership, as w�11 as �.. . g neral' repair garage. The �term "General Repair Garage" as used . . . _ .. a,'.:°'._ . i this �rdinanc�, shall be constr.ued to �ean � - 4i ` a d inc]�ude all other repair garages. �„ � ,., : . . : .. The terms "automobile bod re �ir sho " � tl , ' ' d '�su�omo i e o aint�:n s o s a mean � - � � � ` t i�eg s� o .� , o� or t�.nt ia . _ _ - r � �o e��s e ° o� c� anz.a omo ile � ,. an o ix►a or or �u stantia sintin or re- a ntii� o 't e 3 e �� o _� ��3t�. Omo ile. . - ' , t ,,, �< , � , � WMITE - GTY CLERK ����� PINK - FINAN� COUIICll CANARY �DEPAR MEN GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ,� • n (� � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ` ��� —1 _ Presentea`By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date The amount to be paid for a license in ccordance with the provisions of this chapter hall be as follows: For a Dealership Re air Garage, the sum f One Hundred Dollars (�100.00) per year. For a General Repair Garage, the sum of orty-five Dollars ($45.00) per year. For an Automobile Bod Re air or Automobile od aintiM o t e sum o ort - ive o ars . er ear. Section 4. is ordin.ance shall be in force and effect thirty (30) days after passage, approval and publication. � COUNCILM K Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen / � g �_ In Favor �� O Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hozza �Y 1 � �976 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun ' Date Certifi assed o ncil ecreta� BY Y Approv by Mayor: te � 3 6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �� �Y �� 1� lst' � a 2nd '7 / q I 3rd Adopted , i Y as � Nays ' CHRISTENSEN HUNT ��ll / �e7V LEVINE c� ROEDLER , � SYLVESTER i TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)