267087 WH17E - CITV CLERK jV�s��� PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 �'d �'� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT . GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE � MAVOR File NO. � � � C il olution Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date RE OLVED, that the application of RGT' s, Inc. for a tavern icense is hereby approved, and the License Inspector directe to issue said license upon the following express conditi ns to which the licensee consents: 1. The licensee shall not provide any entertainment in whi any perforoner exposes to view any pubic hair, or any po ion of the anus, vulva, genitals, buttocks or female reasts; and 2. The licensee shall erect a fence or other barrier at the ear of the licensed establishment and parking lot so as o prevent any vehicles from entering or leaving the parkin lot by way of the alley running behind the licensed establ' shment. The fence or barrier shall be erected in compli ce with applicable zoning ordinance or building code requir ents, and sha.11 be completed by January 31, 1977. V'�lation of these conditions sha.11 be grounds for revoca ion of all licenses held by R.G.T. , Inc. at the licens d premises. COUNCILME � Requested by Department of: Yeas ays Christensen � � t In Favor Levine J Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President xozza APR 2 0 19]'6 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Co Date Certifie assed b unci ecretary, By Approved Mayor: ate ' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By i�lti� M�Y 1 t9�B C��-�,_ .Ci P� � - - �� � � ���DB�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 713 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 February 23, 1976 File . X1727, Page You are h reby a,otified that a public hearing will be held in Raom 707, of the Ci y Hall and Court Iiouse at 9:00 a.m, on March 24, 197b on the applicati n of R. G. T. 's Inc. for a license to provide live entertainment at R, T.' Bar at 1066 East Seventh Street. The prope ty is located on the Southeast corner of East Seventh Street and Earl Stre t. For furth r information, contact the Division of License & Permit Registxation 209,City all, or telephone 298-5056. To compl with the City Charter, the Department of Finance and Management Services s charged with informfng you of thia public hearing. If you h e any questions, it is r�cos�nended that you attend this public hearing t afford qou the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to he Licease Committee. ROGER A. MATTSON DIRECT�t WH17E - CITV CL K � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council � � � CANARV - DEPART ENT BLUE � -MAVOR� Flle NO. Cou cil ' Presented By �E�SE CEIMNIITTEE . Referre '�� Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date BESOLQEDt Tha Applic�tion P 6220 for Ta�ern License, appl3ed for by R.G.T.'s, Inc. at ; 1 E, S�Tent� Street, doing business as R.T.'s Bar� be and the same is hereby gr ted. \ � 'y > ;� �r `. �� , � � �� �` 'a r , ,� � COUNCIL EN Requested by Depart nt of: Yeas Nays Christens n �� NA�R H t In Favor Levine '� Sylvester Against BY ° Tedesco President][� HOZZB Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun il: Date Certified Passed y Council Secretary BY BY Approved by May r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �6���� WNI7E - CITy CLER �� PINK - FINANCE CANqRY - DEPqRTME T CITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE � - MAVOR� COUIICll File N O. Cou cil ' Presented By � �CENSE CE�iITTE`� Referred �b Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date RFSOLTTIDt That pp],3,c�tion P 6220 for TaTern Lj.cease, applied for by R.G.T,�B, I�. at �. 1466 . SeYent� Street, doing buainess as R.T.'s Bar, be and the $� is hereby gran d. . .� � k ;� `.` � � 4 �.4; 4t, X . :t� 1 `\ Z l COUNCILMEN Yeas N ys Requested by Depart nt of: Christensen �\ L� �t -- In Favor Rcedler Sylvester —_ Against By f`�, Tedesco President i0t�t OZZB Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Co ncil Secretary gY By Approved by Mayor: D te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By B Y � — -- `