267082 WH17E — CITY CLERK ��� �j�� /�Q� � PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �d I ���� CANARY — DEPARTMENT �DQV � BLUE — MAYOR File NO. ' � ouncil Resolution Presented By ,£ ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date WHIItEAS Labor negotiations between the Ci.ty of Satnt Pau]. a�d the Frofessiona.l �aployees As ociation Unit II (PEA II) provide that the City will life insurance for each er o� PFA II in an am4unt equal �o the nearest, 1�weat�1,000 of annual sal,a.ry recei ed by each memb�r, less $5,000 which the City alread,y provides for a]1 City ea�ploye s� and WH�EA3 The City has received bids fl°om variotas 3nsursslce compaxiies to provide such inswran e, and Wl�3tEAS The Health ax�d Welfare Insurance Ad.vi�ory Comanittee re�vic�red. the tabula- tion of a1.1. uch bids and determ;Lned that the lowe�t� responsible bidder to c�mtply with al1 the sions of the specificationa wa� I.D.S. Life Insurance Compaz�y of Minneapclis� Minnesota, WF�tEAS The Health and Welfare Ins�ance Advi.sory Co�i.ttee reco�nends that I.D.S. Li�'e Irisur e Contpa�y be awarded the c:ontract to insure the lives of the me�nbera oP PEA II� naw he�refore be it RE9E)I, , Tha,t I.D.S. Life Insc�ance Company be direated to issue a life insurance contract c in� the mmnbers o�' PEA II with a premium rate of f3fty-five a�nts (55�) per $1�000 ance� to be pa3d m�nth],y 'by the C3ty' based �n the tota,l amcunt o�' in- surance in rce. This iasurance is to become efYect3.ve on the f'irat da�r of Ju�y� 1976 and eontinu according to the speci.f'�.cations. The T.D.S. Life Insurance C,oa�r�r is hereby aut izea. to take application� or whatevgr else is necessary to put this insur- ance into f ce, and be it Ftkt RESOLVID, That the proper City ��'f3cials are directed to pay the �emiums for this ance as they become due� and be it FIlV'AT:S RESOLVED, Ttiat the City Clerk be dire�eted to send eopiea o�' this resoluti.�n to the I.D. . Life Tnsvd�,�ae Coa�ar�y to the attention of Ga1e Kottke. � tl. COUNCILMEN Reque ed y Depart en f: Yeas ays v�y��L�� Christensen � Hunt �_ In Favor Levine I Rcedler �� Against By Sylvester Tedesco Presiden HOZZt�, � 2 0 1� For Approved b City Att y Adopted by Cou Date Certifi assed ci ecretary B ' � Approv a � Approved by Ma fo Submission to Counci � By By �aY � t4� c►�y �� ' 6 �V/�� 4M �1: �.2-1'97 5 . � EX�'LAN T�U�T O�' .ADMINIS'�RA7IVE ORDER,�, � R E QLUTI4I�TS AND URI���S+TC�S , Dat�: �il 1� 14j6 , � � � , TC); T#-I� A�S J'. k�EL.T.�EY, !C�TY ADM�NIS'TRA,TQR FR: Jc+�s . 1lerli�� F��14i�l.ete ' . R E: L�.iti t�►�arage� !+� PSA IZ �, .�i.G'x'Yt�N R UESTED: � t�iqr i1 to atitl�i�� S.D.B. Ltfi tnseqnr�a� t'to� t� �s+rm� :#�'e polieies �+�ar P�A I� a�N � i _ _ FUR�''C1SE . D RAT�ONA�LE R T�S ,�iGTI4N; _ ; 'l�s �riti� 3al�r �iati�t tis�a the �ty i! 8a� ,F��3. �d ,� II �it ; ; ATTACHML '�S; ' -.--" P1'o�po t9oa�ail8es�l�lims fio s000,p�.tsh '�he t�tl. ; AFPR taVAL s � .. _--,'' o�nas T. sY, �y d a�xatQ � �, � _ i 0 ,