01-644' Retnrn copy to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Council File # 01 Green Sheet # �S� RESOLUTION CITY OF SA{PfT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Comxnittee: Date WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates a recreation center (Martin Luther King Community Recreation Center), on properiy legally described in Attachment A, attached hereto: WHEREAS, in order to comply with the Minnesota Departrnent of Chiidren, Families and Learning, Youth Enrichxnent Grant, the City of Saint Paul needs to impose certain restrictions on the property, NOW THERE FOR BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officials to file this resolution wSth Ramsey County Property and Revenue Department imposing the following restrictions on said property; a3 The fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real properiy is bond financed property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 16A.695, as amended from time to time, is subject to the encumbrance created and requirements imposed thereby, and cannot be sold or otherwise disposed of by public o�cer or agency which has jurisdiction over it or owns it without approval of the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, which approva] must be evidenced by a written statement signed by the Commissioner of Finance and attached to the deed or inshument used to sell or otherwise dispose of the fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real Property, The fee title to, lease of, or easement on the Real Property shall remain subject to this restriction until; (i) the restriction has been fu11y complied with as evidenced by a written approval from the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, or (ii) a written release, releasing the fee title to, lease of, or easement on the Rea1 Property from the restriction, signed by the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, is recarded in the real estate records relating to the Real Properry. Requested by Departrnent o£ Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council`3ecretary — By� ��.G-� Approved by Mayor: a� te �.IC���Li !d �Q�� By: Technolo�v & Mana�ement Services g 1 �,� / f / ������ �� . � �,! c —v- Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: � 6✓!.�«......--- G- f L- a! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: o�-�4a Attachment A LEGAL DESCRIPTION P.11. that certain �arcel or parcpls of land in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more par�icularly describe3 as follows: All of Lots �our (4), five (5) and six (6) of Ldest Side Annex of Marshall's Subdivision of Block t�aenty-seven (27) of Mackubin and P-Iarshall's Addition; All of Lots � seven (7), eight (8), ninz (9) and ten (10}, and part of Lot eleven (11) of Fihitit�g's Subdivision of P:arsh�ll's S�b3ivision of Block twenty-seven (27) of riackubin an3 Marshall's 4ddition; All of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) and part of Lots six (6), seven (7), and ei�:tt (8) of R.C.L. an3 T.C. Sub3ivision No. 1 of I�Ia.rshall s Sub3ivision o�° Block ttoenty-seven � (27) of Mackubin a�3 Marsiiall`s Addition; All of Lots eleven (11), twelve (12 an3 thirteen (13) and part of • Lots eight 8, nine (9�, ten (1�) and fourteen (14), • B1o�k four "�43, Au3itor`s Subdivision No. 31, and alI . that part of vacated Iglehart Av�nue. Al1 15ring t,*ithin the follo;aing desc•rib�d lines: Co:�en�ing at the South- c•:asterly corizer of said R.C.L. an3 T.C. Sabdivision ivo. 1, being the point of in�ersection of the North line o° riirs:�ll Avenue an3 the East line of I:ent Street; thence P:orth (assti*r,ed bearing) along the Eas� line of �:ent Strzet ninzty-two and ninety-eight hundredths (92.°8) feet to the point of beginnino; thence Nor�h ei ht�-nine degrees, forty-eight minutes, fifty secon3s �S9 48'S0") Eas= parallel witk�2•farshall Avenue tcoo hundred for�y-seven (247.0) feet; thence nTorth one hua3red ? (1°4.0) feet; thence Nort�h eighty-nine degrees, fort}�-eight mi.nutes, fifty secor�ds (89 4S`50")East one huridred thirty-eight (138.0) ieet; thence I�orth one hundred seventy-£ive attd sixty-five hund- ' redths (175.65) £eet; thence South eigh �ne de�rees, - forty-nine minutes, forty-five seconds 89���9`45') Sd�st � along the North line of Lots eieven (li), ten (1�0), nine (9), and eight (8), and s�ven {7) in said [•Tniting`s Sub- division two hundred fifty-eight (258.0) £eet; thence �vorth along the East line .o£ Lot four (4} of said j�est Side Annex seven (7,0) feet; thence South ei�hty-aine degrees, t�aenty-nin� minutes, thirty s2couds (89 29'30") Sdest alozg thz North line of Zot four (4) of said West Side Annex one hundre� twenty-seven (127.0) �eec; thence South aIo•:Zg the East line o£ Kent Street t'nree hundred seventy-s?x �376.Q) feet to the point of beginnino. Generic 60 Grasst Agieement for End Grants 24 Va - 712/98 (CnTC GO Gmt Agrmnt-End La) F.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: Jw►e 8, 2001 Green Sheet Numb : 111151 . DIVISION 4 �-4 - �AR(MFMDIIffL"!OR 4 NIIl:m. ��_ontact Persop and Phone Number. ,�, .,o.A. 1 ..nuxnEr �_ L-J l �/ ° ' w ` Bob Novak 266-8863 � o��oa 2 aeb&MGI.SYGDIR 3 mecoexsu�'wrcn 5 zdEnee.�m ust be on Counol A enda b: June 27, 2001 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� CfION REQOF.STED: ign Council Resolution to place a deed restrictions on . Martin Luther King ommunity Rec. Center for the Division of Parks & Recreation c�wo-�nAnox�.veameuiocne,recr�w ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTtIEFOLLOWING: - %ANNLYG COMM0.tilON �_ srern . Haz [he persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for t6is deparhnent? YES NO rnnseav�ce comm�ss�on . Has this persoNfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO as commm�ce - Does this personlfirm possess a skitl not normally possessed by any �_ lain aIl YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WfiICH COUNCR. OBJECTIVE? COIINCIL WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHII'Y (Who, What, When� Where, Why?): he Division of Parks & Recreation has a applied for a grant from the Department of of Children, Families nd Learnin and needs to file a deed restrictions to com ly with the ant VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � ivision of Parks & Recreation wIll receive the rant for the im rovements. Ie ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: s__.wec� �Q�C3e�� 4A � L/�1ffi9 e�er� one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ivision of Parks & Recreation wiil not receive the grant for the improvements and will need to find another unding source. OTAL AMOTINT OF TRANSACIYON: NA COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NSJMBER: CIAI. INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ' Retnrn copy to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Council File # 01 Green Sheet # �S� RESOLUTION CITY OF SA{PfT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Comxnittee: Date WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates a recreation center (Martin Luther King Community Recreation Center), on properiy legally described in Attachment A, attached hereto: WHEREAS, in order to comply with the Minnesota Departrnent of Chiidren, Families and Learning, Youth Enrichxnent Grant, the City of Saint Paul needs to impose certain restrictions on the property, NOW THERE FOR BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officials to file this resolution wSth Ramsey County Property and Revenue Department imposing the following restrictions on said property; a3 The fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real properiy is bond financed property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 16A.695, as amended from time to time, is subject to the encumbrance created and requirements imposed thereby, and cannot be sold or otherwise disposed of by public o�cer or agency which has jurisdiction over it or owns it without approval of the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, which approva] must be evidenced by a written statement signed by the Commissioner of Finance and attached to the deed or inshument used to sell or otherwise dispose of the fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real Property, The fee title to, lease of, or easement on the Real Property shall remain subject to this restriction until; (i) the restriction has been fu11y complied with as evidenced by a written approval from the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, or (ii) a written release, releasing the fee title to, lease of, or easement on the Rea1 Property from the restriction, signed by the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, is recarded in the real estate records relating to the Real Properry. Requested by Departrnent o£ Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council`3ecretary — By� ��.G-� Approved by Mayor: a� te �.IC���Li !d �Q�� By: Technolo�v & Mana�ement Services g 1 �,� / f / ������ �� . � �,! c —v- Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: � 6✓!.�«......--- G- f L- a! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: o�-�4a Attachment A LEGAL DESCRIPTION P.11. that certain �arcel or parcpls of land in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more par�icularly describe3 as follows: All of Lots �our (4), five (5) and six (6) of Ldest Side Annex of Marshall's Subdivision of Block t�aenty-seven (27) of Mackubin and P-Iarshall's Addition; All of Lots � seven (7), eight (8), ninz (9) and ten (10}, and part of Lot eleven (11) of Fihitit�g's Subdivision of P:arsh�ll's S�b3ivision of Block twenty-seven (27) of riackubin an3 Marshall's 4ddition; All of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) and part of Lots six (6), seven (7), and ei�:tt (8) of R.C.L. an3 T.C. Sub3ivision No. 1 of I�Ia.rshall s Sub3ivision o�° Block ttoenty-seven � (27) of Mackubin a�3 Marsiiall`s Addition; All of Lots eleven (11), twelve (12 an3 thirteen (13) and part of • Lots eight 8, nine (9�, ten (1�) and fourteen (14), • B1o�k four "�43, Au3itor`s Subdivision No. 31, and alI . that part of vacated Iglehart Av�nue. Al1 15ring t,*ithin the follo;aing desc•rib�d lines: Co:�en�ing at the South- c•:asterly corizer of said R.C.L. an3 T.C. Sabdivision ivo. 1, being the point of in�ersection of the North line o° riirs:�ll Avenue an3 the East line of I:ent Street; thence P:orth (assti*r,ed bearing) along the Eas� line of �:ent Strzet ninzty-two and ninety-eight hundredths (92.°8) feet to the point of beginnino; thence Nor�h ei ht�-nine degrees, forty-eight minutes, fifty secon3s �S9 48'S0") Eas= parallel witk�2•farshall Avenue tcoo hundred for�y-seven (247.0) feet; thence nTorth one hua3red ? (1°4.0) feet; thence Nort�h eighty-nine degrees, fort}�-eight mi.nutes, fifty secor�ds (89 4S`50")East one huridred thirty-eight (138.0) ieet; thence I�orth one hundred seventy-£ive attd sixty-five hund- ' redths (175.65) £eet; thence South eigh �ne de�rees, - forty-nine minutes, forty-five seconds 89���9`45') Sd�st � along the North line of Lots eieven (li), ten (1�0), nine (9), and eight (8), and s�ven {7) in said [•Tniting`s Sub- division two hundred fifty-eight (258.0) £eet; thence �vorth along the East line .o£ Lot four (4} of said j�est Side Annex seven (7,0) feet; thence South ei�hty-aine degrees, t�aenty-nin� minutes, thirty s2couds (89 29'30") Sdest alozg thz North line of Zot four (4) of said West Side Annex one hundre� twenty-seven (127.0) �eec; thence South aIo•:Zg the East line o£ Kent Street t'nree hundred seventy-s?x �376.Q) feet to the point of beginnino. Generic 60 Grasst Agieement for End Grants 24 Va - 712/98 (CnTC GO Gmt Agrmnt-End La) F.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: Jw►e 8, 2001 Green Sheet Numb : 111151 . DIVISION 4 �-4 - �AR(MFMDIIffL"!OR 4 NIIl:m. ��_ontact Persop and Phone Number. ,�, .,o.A. 1 ..nuxnEr �_ L-J l �/ ° ' w ` Bob Novak 266-8863 � o��oa 2 aeb&MGI.SYGDIR 3 mecoexsu�'wrcn 5 zdEnee.�m ust be on Counol A enda b: June 27, 2001 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� CfION REQOF.STED: ign Council Resolution to place a deed restrictions on . Martin Luther King ommunity Rec. Center for the Division of Parks & Recreation c�wo-�nAnox�.veameuiocne,recr�w ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTtIEFOLLOWING: - %ANNLYG COMM0.tilON �_ srern . Haz [he persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for t6is deparhnent? YES NO rnnseav�ce comm�ss�on . Has this persoNfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO as commm�ce - Does this personlfirm possess a skitl not normally possessed by any �_ lain aIl YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WfiICH COUNCR. OBJECTIVE? COIINCIL WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHII'Y (Who, What, When� Where, Why?): he Division of Parks & Recreation has a applied for a grant from the Department of of Children, Families nd Learnin and needs to file a deed restrictions to com ly with the ant VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � ivision of Parks & Recreation wIll receive the rant for the im rovements. Ie ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: s__.wec� �Q�C3e�� 4A � L/�1ffi9 e�er� one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ivision of Parks & Recreation wiil not receive the grant for the improvements and will need to find another unding source. OTAL AMOTINT OF TRANSACIYON: NA COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NSJMBER: CIAI. INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ' Retnrn copy to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Council File # 01 Green Sheet # �S� RESOLUTION CITY OF SA{PfT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Comxnittee: Date WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates a recreation center (Martin Luther King Community Recreation Center), on properiy legally described in Attachment A, attached hereto: WHEREAS, in order to comply with the Minnesota Departrnent of Chiidren, Families and Learning, Youth Enrichxnent Grant, the City of Saint Paul needs to impose certain restrictions on the property, NOW THERE FOR BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officials to file this resolution wSth Ramsey County Property and Revenue Department imposing the following restrictions on said property; a3 The fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real properiy is bond financed property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 16A.695, as amended from time to time, is subject to the encumbrance created and requirements imposed thereby, and cannot be sold or otherwise disposed of by public o�cer or agency which has jurisdiction over it or owns it without approval of the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, which approva] must be evidenced by a written statement signed by the Commissioner of Finance and attached to the deed or inshument used to sell or otherwise dispose of the fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real Property, The fee title to, lease of, or easement on the Real Property shall remain subject to this restriction until; (i) the restriction has been fu11y complied with as evidenced by a written approval from the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, or (ii) a written release, releasing the fee title to, lease of, or easement on the Rea1 Property from the restriction, signed by the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, is recarded in the real estate records relating to the Real Properry. Requested by Departrnent o£ Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council`3ecretary — By� ��.G-� Approved by Mayor: a� te �.IC���Li !d �Q�� By: Technolo�v & Mana�ement Services g 1 �,� / f / ������ �� . � �,! c —v- Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: � 6✓!.�«......--- G- f L- a! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: o�-�4a Attachment A LEGAL DESCRIPTION P.11. that certain �arcel or parcpls of land in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more par�icularly describe3 as follows: All of Lots �our (4), five (5) and six (6) of Ldest Side Annex of Marshall's Subdivision of Block t�aenty-seven (27) of Mackubin and P-Iarshall's Addition; All of Lots � seven (7), eight (8), ninz (9) and ten (10}, and part of Lot eleven (11) of Fihitit�g's Subdivision of P:arsh�ll's S�b3ivision of Block twenty-seven (27) of riackubin an3 Marshall's 4ddition; All of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) and part of Lots six (6), seven (7), and ei�:tt (8) of R.C.L. an3 T.C. Sub3ivision No. 1 of I�Ia.rshall s Sub3ivision o�° Block ttoenty-seven � (27) of Mackubin a�3 Marsiiall`s Addition; All of Lots eleven (11), twelve (12 an3 thirteen (13) and part of • Lots eight 8, nine (9�, ten (1�) and fourteen (14), • B1o�k four "�43, Au3itor`s Subdivision No. 31, and alI . that part of vacated Iglehart Av�nue. Al1 15ring t,*ithin the follo;aing desc•rib�d lines: Co:�en�ing at the South- c•:asterly corizer of said R.C.L. an3 T.C. Sabdivision ivo. 1, being the point of in�ersection of the North line o° riirs:�ll Avenue an3 the East line of I:ent Street; thence P:orth (assti*r,ed bearing) along the Eas� line of �:ent Strzet ninzty-two and ninety-eight hundredths (92.°8) feet to the point of beginnino; thence Nor�h ei ht�-nine degrees, forty-eight minutes, fifty secon3s �S9 48'S0") Eas= parallel witk�2•farshall Avenue tcoo hundred for�y-seven (247.0) feet; thence nTorth one hua3red ? (1°4.0) feet; thence Nort�h eighty-nine degrees, fort}�-eight mi.nutes, fifty secor�ds (89 4S`50")East one huridred thirty-eight (138.0) ieet; thence I�orth one hundred seventy-£ive attd sixty-five hund- ' redths (175.65) £eet; thence South eigh �ne de�rees, - forty-nine minutes, forty-five seconds 89���9`45') Sd�st � along the North line of Lots eieven (li), ten (1�0), nine (9), and eight (8), and s�ven {7) in said [•Tniting`s Sub- division two hundred fifty-eight (258.0) £eet; thence �vorth along the East line .o£ Lot four (4} of said j�est Side Annex seven (7,0) feet; thence South ei�hty-aine degrees, t�aenty-nin� minutes, thirty s2couds (89 29'30") Sdest alozg thz North line of Zot four (4) of said West Side Annex one hundre� twenty-seven (127.0) �eec; thence South aIo•:Zg the East line o£ Kent Street t'nree hundred seventy-s?x �376.Q) feet to the point of beginnino. Generic 60 Grasst Agieement for End Grants 24 Va - 712/98 (CnTC GO Gmt Agrmnt-End La) F.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: Jw►e 8, 2001 Green Sheet Numb : 111151 . DIVISION 4 �-4 - �AR(MFMDIIffL"!OR 4 NIIl:m. ��_ontact Persop and Phone Number. ,�, .,o.A. 1 ..nuxnEr �_ L-J l �/ ° ' w ` Bob Novak 266-8863 � o��oa 2 aeb&MGI.SYGDIR 3 mecoexsu�'wrcn 5 zdEnee.�m ust be on Counol A enda b: June 27, 2001 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� CfION REQOF.STED: ign Council Resolution to place a deed restrictions on . Martin Luther King ommunity Rec. Center for the Division of Parks & Recreation c�wo-�nAnox�.veameuiocne,recr�w ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTtIEFOLLOWING: - %ANNLYG COMM0.tilON �_ srern . Haz [he persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for t6is deparhnent? YES NO rnnseav�ce comm�ss�on . Has this persoNfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO as commm�ce - Does this personlfirm possess a skitl not normally possessed by any �_ lain aIl YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WfiICH COUNCR. OBJECTIVE? COIINCIL WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHII'Y (Who, What, When� Where, Why?): he Division of Parks & Recreation has a applied for a grant from the Department of of Children, Families nd Learnin and needs to file a deed restrictions to com ly with the ant VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � ivision of Parks & Recreation wIll receive the rant for the im rovements. Ie ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: s__.wec� �Q�C3e�� 4A � L/�1ffi9 e�er� one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ivision of Parks & Recreation wiil not receive the grant for the improvements and will need to find another unding source. OTAL AMOTINT OF TRANSACIYON: NA COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NSJMBER: CIAI. INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)