267080 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��}� }]� � L �`
PINK - FINANCE COl1f1C11 �(����0
'l Resolution
Presented By
Referred Committee: Date
Out of Co mittee By Date
W REAS, the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement
has req ested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider
the adv sability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and re-
moval o the following described building, said structure having been
reporte to constitute a public hazard:
88 -888 Woodbridge Except South 0.5 ft. of Two-Story
West 16.5 ft. of Lot 14 Frame Double
and all of Lot 13, Block 8, Dwelling
Lewis ' Second Addition
WH REAS, it appears that the last known record owner of said build-
ing is loyd E. Henderson, 66 Manitoba Avenue, Saint Paul, Mn. 55117.
TH REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and
before e Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of
the Cou House in said city at 10 :00 A.M. on April 29, 1976 to eonsider
the advi ability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking
and rem al of said structure on the above described property inasmuch
as said tructure is reported to constitute a hazard to public health,
' safety d welfare; be it
FU HER RESOLVED, that the Division of Housing and Building Code
Enforcem nt, on behalf of the City Council notify by mail the record
owner of the property in question at the last known address, as well as
other in erested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing.
COUIVCILMEN Requested Department of:
Yeas N ys
Christensen � C Uril't 1C@S
�f+ Hunt In Favor
Rcedler �
Sylvester Against BY
President� Hozza A� 2,Q �9�(j
For pprov by City tt
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Co ncil Secretary BY
1976 Approved b Mayoi o Council
Approv Mayor: te .
By By
!� MAY 1 ��T�