267074 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ���.y��� PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE -MAYOR � � in�znce Ordinance N�./Sr�� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date An ordi.nance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the ' ixnum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the lassified Service of the City, " appro ed February 13, 1935, as amended. T COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES OR.DAIN: 5ection 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out th minimum qualifications i.n the specifications for FIRE INVESTIGATOR which read as follows: "Hi h school graduation and two years' experience in the position and ho ding tlze title of Fire Prevention Inspector in the St. Paul Fire D�,vart- m nt. " and b substituting in lieu t�.ereof the following minimum quali.fications: "Hi h school graduation and five years' experience in the Uniform Di ision of the St. Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days fter its passage, approval, and publication. COUI�ICILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas ays Christensen P E R S O N N E L O F F I C E � Hunt In Favor -�— �l Roedler U By Tho as . Gleason Dir. of Personnel Sylvester Against -T-�TCQC7Cll' . Adopted by Counc' . Date MAY 6 � Form A proved City A torn Certified ssed u il Secretary BY , Appro by ayor: t Y � � �97� Approved by r for 'ssi Co il By By a,e��s��n MAY i � �9�s , ��oc�i Do �ot d��etach this memorandum frorn th� ��``��t 01; iZ.1975 „ . � ordinar�ce so that this: infcarmatian wiiF 'be available tp tt�e City Courlcil. EX�'� ,l�►►'�IQk� 0�' ,A�.D1�1�T�S'T�t.�T�YE C?R�.?�ttS, FaQI.►Ux�i��1S ,AN�► �Q��:? CF^a ���e} M rcli 31, 1976 _ _ _ ; 'TC)z �' �IAa J. k�E�.,L�'�', CITY AI��IIN��'TRAT�R �"R s Pe �onael Office gE, Or ' ax3ce for aubfnij�eic�n to City Council � , :; AG �C'!�T £� ��TED; ;; I r o�nmead yo�.r ap�roval and submission a€ t�.is� Ordinance ta the Ci�y , Co cil. ., �UR S� L� RA. I4�fiAI.+�� F4R TI�Ia .AC?TQN: T'hie Ordiri.ance appro�res a chang� in the mix�imum qualificatio�s fo� the clas of Fire Inve�tiS�tr�r. The ha�n.ge 4nvolves ixlicreaaing the s�mber of years c�f experieace in the Fire �epar�ent frorr� t�vo yea�e� to.�ive }rsarat in ord�r to be eligi�tle � for t � �itle af Fire I��iestigator. The Fire Depar�meat feels th�.t 'av. �rngl+o�ree �}a,o d h�.v+� 'tt�or� tha,ai two yearst expex:ience ir�. ttr.e Department t� p�ope�Iy 1'�e �rep red to a�a��rne `thie duties �.ad r�spqnsibilities of a Fire Itive�ti�.ter. F`i� year � expe�ience ie n�w required to prornote ta a Fire Equipm�at C�?e�.�vr� oa a Fi e Captaia. The Fire Departrnent recommesids this amount of e����.�ea+�e fqr�t e F3re �'stve�tigatpr and tMe Ci`ri.1 3errrice C�mmi;seion a.gr�es ,wi�h this ATT'AC.HM �iT�t reeoxnnn�n��i�: ; —,--�- � ; � Ordi ance and copy fori •City Eierk, AT'�'Rt�VAL � � �Qr#�ad , e t 1��Y �a �' �t _ ��� ; i"C` � i _ � 1 s t �/ Q 2nd ����� � 3rd � Adopted Yeas Nays CHRISTENSEN HUNT I � � ROEDLER �'6`��'�4 � . SYLVESTER � 1�. PRESIDENT �'li�6�1