267073 WH17E - CITV CLE K COl1I1C11 26�o�Z.D PINK - F�N�ANCf., GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPAR'fM NT 'iD BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . � O� in�nce Ordinance N 0. '��d� _ Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of mmittee By Date Section 2. That any other Ordi.nance, rule or regulation in force when s 'd Agreements take effect, inconsistent with any provision of the terms and c ditions of said Agreements, is hereby rep�aled. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3 � days after its passage, approval and publication. Approved: C airman Civil Service Commission _2.. COUNCIL EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christens n (.� PERSONNEL OFFICE � t In Favor .be�it�e- Rcedler � Against By omas D Gleason Dir, of Personnel Sylvester � MAY 6 �� For Approved b City tto ey Adopted by Coun ' . Date Certified sse o ncil Secretary BY � Approve May r: e �g� Approved b May r o "ubmissi o C cil By BY Puecc�n NIaY � � 19T6 • 1 Co�oo -..1 ' � ����6 �� . � MEMORAI�fIDUM OF AGREEMENT i In p ial settlement for the contract year beginning May 1, 1gT6, between I' the ity of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the Tri-Council, the rties agree to the following: l. Effective May 1, 1g76, the City's hourly rate for temporary or emergency Truck Drivers represented by Local 120 under the contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District lqo. 625 and the Tri Council shsll be the total hourly package as provided in the Iiighway-Heavy AGC contract for a com- parable classification. Regular employees working on a temporary or emergency appointment shall receive the regular rate of pay applicable to the classification in which they are temporarily working and, for the purpose of this Memorandum of Agreement, shall not be considered temporary or emergency employees. 2. In accordance with the above paragraph, the rate effective May l, 1976, for temporary or emergency e�mployees is as shown below: Classification Rate Truck Driver $9.00 WI ES: CIT OF SAINT PAUL TRI COUNCIL . � \ � .r--•-- � , Lab r Relations rec r usiness pres t ive, Lo al 120 j . /�400 , ���� - J , MEMORAAIDUM OF AG - �9� RF�Nm In pa ial settlement for the contract year beginning M,ay 1, 1976, betweeri the C ty of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the Tri-Council, the rties agree to the following: l. Effective May l, 1976, the City's base rate of pay for temporary or emergency �ployees working in classifications represerited by Local 49 under the contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the Tri-Council, except as stated in paragraph 3 below, shall be the same as the rate provided for in the Aighway-Heavy AGC contract with I,ocal 49 for com,parable classifications. Regular employees workiug on a temporary or emergency appoirrtment shall receive the city's regular rete of pay applicable to the classification in which they are temporari]y working and, for the purpose of this l�emorandum of Agreement, shall not be considered temporary or emergency employees. 2. In addition to this base rate, the City will contribute the same fringe benefit contributions as provided iu said AGC contrac�. 3. The rate For temporary and emergency employees working in the following classifications shall be the same as the starting rate for regular e,mployees working in these classifications and the fringe benefit contributions pro- � vided for in 2 above shall not appiy to these classifications: Tree Tria�er I Tree Tri.�er II WIT SES: CITY SAINT PAUL TRI COZ7NCIL � �-----, v Iabor elations Di ct B siness Representative, Local 9 , 1 �00 C��3 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ���4� !t� In part 1 settlement for the contract year beginni.ng May 1, 1976, between the Cit of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the Tri- � Council, the parties, agree to the following: � � ; l. Effective May 1, 1976, the City's base rate of pay for � temporary and emergency employees` working in classifi- ' cations represented by Local 132 under the contract between i the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the Tri-Council, except as stated in paragraph 3 below, � shall be the same as the base rate provided for iri the � Highway-Heavy AGC contract with Local 132 for camparable classifications. 8egular employees working on a temporary � or emergency appointment shall receive the regular rate � of pay applicable to the classiPication in which they are ; temporarily working and,for the purpose of this Memorandum � of Agreement, shall not be considered temporary or emergency � emp].oyees. ! 2. In addition to this base rate, the City will contribute � the same fringe benefit contributions as provi.ded in said AGC contract. ' 3. The rate for temporary and emergency employ�ees working in the following classifications shall be the same as the starting rate for regular employees working in these classiPications and the fringe benefit contributions provided for in paragraph 2 above shall not apply to ' these classifications: Garden T,aborer Gardener Groundsman Playground �,istodian Resident Groundsman School Grounds Maintenance Foreman Watershed Laborer WITNES ES: � CITY 0 SAINT PAUL TRI COUNCIL � � G , . � ,�' � bor elati Dire or usiness Manager, Local 132 po not detach! this mem�randum from #he , I C�oc�o " ordinar�ce so th t tn�anf�rmation will be OM` d1 r i2�.i97� ' � � . �rvai�b�� to th C�ty �ouncil. � ` .�?��':���� ���A.�v �r��a� oF ,An��s�c��T��� �R��s� R , f��+[7�'�O�l'� �iA t�R�,�tA�T�C�:S ; . _ �a�fie: Mar� 31, 1976 ; ; _ ; T4i THC� 1�,5 J, ���LEY, ±C�T3�' AAM��IS'TftA�OR. : k"�i ' Fe�-�s �el Offiee REc Or ' ce fqr s�thmiss�;on to �ity �Q�cil _ , ;' j , � I �1►CT�O�T R U�'iT�IaR - , - : ,_R,....._.. I rec mrriend �our app�oval`and suY�mission. of thi���diaanee to t�e City Coun il. i ; _ : � ; ; , , : ' �,; �"U�F'�3��; �7 R�'�'�U�tJa, E k?''C��t T�IS AC'�`�Qk�T: � This rdi.na.riae a�apr9"v�s`Memor�tclianas of Agreenae�t l�t�� th� Ci�t � , . t'�w� borere,: Truck �ive;s and Heav�r �c{uipment E?;�e�.tora. These . Agre ment� p�rt�in to the �vv�.ge rates-ps�i.d to tempQra;ry ��lflyees wp��� in 'Cit e$ repreeented b the Tri•Cowa.�cil. Thia is a pa�t�� �e�tl�irn.ea� ��rr ? the c ntra.ct peri.c�d of aY: 1976 tk�rough`April, 1977. T���w�e i�;tte� �resd ` upaa a.re the:r�tes aeg tia.ted beti�wm�,n; the Ux�ion �ad t�e AseoC�i.st�d �ea�ral : Caat actars. (AGCj � : . I . . ! ;; ' �ag rates for other t�axt tesx�porary enlployees aad ot�or te�ms a�d coxtc�,t�:�a �re rrdntly 'beiag ne otiated, I ,l�T?.�CHM I+TTSt . ; ' � Ordi ��a �con�isti.ag �f 2 pag��)�aad copy for City Glerk aa�,d ��nao�aa�a� of A rteme�tt. I , A�'PR O'V ; . � , �,s + �y, � ` _ �a,to �t � ��� . '' � i � ; , � . , ; ;