01-643Rehun copy to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To CouncilFile# DI-Gy3 Green Sheet # 1 �\�yg RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MWNESOTA Committee: Date aa 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper officials aze hereby authorized and directed to transfer 2 ownership of the residential structures located at 310 Le�cington Parkway North and 1051 Marshall 3 Avenue to the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority to be removed from the site and 4 relocated, sub}ect to the terms and conditions of the attached bill of sale. � Requested by Departrnent of: Technology & Manaeement Services _ By: Q,������ Airector Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date �- � By: ����+�- 6-�z -�! Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary B ��_ �- �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date JV� /O �( g B : � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: J�ne s, 2001 Green Sheet N ber: 111148 eanm.'rnu6aox 4 munm onGCt Person and Phone Nomber: usw � w1TORnEx (. t7. • tl '¢mx Yb Peter Wltite 266-8850 am rrmnecron 2 ��MCCSVC�. 3 racrorz..msren�n ust be on Council A enda b: June 27, 2001 OTAL # OF STGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CPIONREQUESTED: pprove Council Resolution auUiorizing the transfer of buildings on 1051 Marshali Ave and 310 Lexington arkway N. to the HRA cw�urecmena,.s:.vrnoveu�oceeiecr uo ERSQNAL SERVICE CON'CRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PL^��� ���a" �� sT�' . Has the perso�£rm ever worked under a conteact tor this department? -YES NO rnasnn�conam.mor Haz this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO �� . Does �his person/firm possess a skill not nornially possessed by any lain all YES amwers on a se rate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB7ECTIVE? ovidin affordable housin COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISIRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UNITY(Who, Whay When, Whem, Why?): he property was acquired for the Jimmy Lee Rec. Center Acquisition and Redevelopment Project December 000 and than pat up for bid to move or demolish. The bid was canceled in order to preserve affordable ousing for the City VANTAGES IF APPROVED: he City (HRA) will be abie to provide 2 housing units toward affordable housing. ���,�,�� �� ISADVANTAGES IF APPBOVED: gg � ��(a� OIIC �GD� � � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: units of affordable housing will be lost OTAL ANLOi1N1' OF TRANSACTION: $2 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE'A'ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N[IMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (F,XPLAII� ATTACHMENT `°A" � The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, its successors, and assigns: • shall enter the premises and do any and all things necessary to protect the premises from damage by persons who aze uuauthorized to cazry on moving operations, and shall ensure that the strucriues aze moved in a proper and approved manner. • shall see that sufficient safety precautions are taken by the Contractor and by the workmen at all times during the moving operations to safeguard life, limb, and property. • shail take care of all public utilities encountered during the pmgress of the work, and shall send proper norices and make necessary arrangements to have ail meters, wires, equipment, etc. removed and rehuned to the utility companies. • shall see that the power company removes all poles and wires back to the road service pole, and that municipal sewer and water connections (if any) aze temunated or removed according to local ordinances or regulations. The cost of such removal and ternunation shall be bome by the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority its successors, and assigns. � • shatt see that extreme care be used in operating a11 moving equipment azound or neaz trees adjaceaY to the dweIling. Trees aze not to be damaged or destroyed. • shall dispose of abandoned personal items and trash left by the previous owner. • shall see that every precaution is taken to protect the public from personai hann and shall erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or depressions during the removal of the structures, • shall see 2hat, upon the completion of the work required under this specification, the Contractor removes all tools, equipment, scaffolding, debris, and other materials from the premises. The entire premises shall be left in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the City. • shall see that requirements of Attachment "B" aze completed. � ATTACHMENT "A" The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, its successors, and assigns: � • shall enter the premises and do any and a11 things necessary to protect the premises from damage by persons who aze unauthorized to carry on moving operations, and shall ensure that the structures are moved in a proper and approved manner. • shall see that sufficient safety precautions are taken by the Contractor and by the workmen at all times during the moving operations to safeguard life, limb, and properry. • shatl take caze of all public utilities encountered during the progress of the work, and shall send proper notices and make necessary aQangements to have ail meters, wires, equipment, etc. removed and returned to the utility companies. • shall see that the power company removes all poles and wires back to the road service pole, and that municipal sewer and water connections (if any) aze temvnated or removed according to local ordinances or regularions. The cost of such removal and termination shali be bome by the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority its successors, and assigns. shall see that extreme care be used in operating all moving equipment around or aear � irees adjaceat to the dwelling. Trees aze not to be damaged or destroyed. shall dispose of abaudoned personai items aad trash le8 by the previous owner. shall see that every precaution is taken to protect the public from personal hann aad shaIl erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or depressions during the removal of the structures, the completion, of the work required under this speci&cation, the .�� � -��. -� premises. The entire premises siaait be left in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the Ciry. shail see that requirements of Attachment "B" aze completed. � o�-cy� ATTACHMENT "B" DTVISION ZERO SITEWORK PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 Q DESCRII'TION SECTTON 02055 BUILDTNG MOVING The conditions and requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 aze hereby made a pazt of this Section. B. Work under the Section indudes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessarytomove designatedstrvctures,removaloffoundationwalls,footings,basement slabs and any other fixtures or foreign materials within the excavation. It includes the disconnection and removal of all utilities and services back to the property line and the removal of all debris from the site. 1.02 C:� 1.03 SUBMITTALS Submit information describing the move, removal procedures, sequence and schedule. REGULATORY REQi3IREMENTS A. Complywithalllaws,rulesandregulationsofgoveunnentalauthoritieshavingjwrisdiction over the moving work and conform to code for moving the structures, safety of adjacent slructures, dust control, service utilities, discovered hazards and safety of personnel. B. Provide protectionfor all persons and property in accordance cvith ANSI/NFPA 241. Pay for all perxnits and licenses. C. The Contractor shall contactSaint Public Works at 651-266-6151 for a Use of Street Permit and Saint Paul Water Utility 651-266-6276 within three (3) days of the award of wntract to give notice for removal of water meter(s). The Contractor shall also contact the Sewer Utility for requirements to remove and block off the sewer lateral. Call 651-266-6248. D. A Moving Pernlit is required to move buildings. Issuance of permits is aduunistered by the Office of Licensing, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) 651-266-9090. 1.04 INSPECTIONS A. This project will be inspected by a City Inspector and a MPCA Asbestos Team Inspectar underthe MovingPermitprovisions. The Contractormustnotify the City Inspectorbefore commencing move work and before filling in any excavated areas. 02055 Page1 ATTACHMENT "B" DFVISION ZERO SITEWORK PART 2: EXECUTION 2A1 PREPARATION SECT'ION 02055 BUILDING MOVING A. Provide, erect and maintain temporary barriers ancl security devices. B. Abatement subcontractor shall remove asbestos containing or hazardous materiaLs prior to the start of moving. C. Notify adjacent owners of work which may affect their property, potential noise, utility outage, or disruption. Coordinate with owner. D. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring. 2.02 MOVING REQUIItEMENTS A. Conduct the move to *n*n;m;�e interference with adjacent homes. B. Conduct operations with m;n;mum interference to public or private accesses. C Maintain egress and access at all times. Do not close or obstruct roadways or sidewallcs without permits. D. Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger or if &iable asbestos containuig materiaLs are d9scovered. Notify Engineer at once. 3.03 BUILDING MOVIIVG A. Disconnectan remove esigna e u E�.2��Ja,ii*�' 'r3s�alag�ricv Make the required notifications upon receipt of Purchase Order Contract. B. Move structures indicated, in an orderly and careful maiuter. C. Remove foundation walls, footings, basement slab and any other appliances, objects or construction material within the excavation. D. Remove concrete slabs-on-grade, porch stoops, garage aprons, concrete or asphalt driveways, wood and/or metal fences, shrubs and designated irees. 3.04 BACKFILLING A. After removal of the slruclure, foundation walls, footings and basement slab, and prior tobackfillingof thebasement/foundationvoid and gradingof thesite,the Contractorshall mntact the Project Engineer at City of Saint Paul, Real Estate Division, telephone Page 2 02055 at-cy� ATTACAMENT "B" DIVISION ZERO SITEWORK SECTION 02055 BUILDING MOVING 651.266.9164 and obtain perinission to proceed with the filling. No fillutg shall take place prior to inspection of the final condition of the excavation and debris removal by the Contractor. B. Backfill basement azea and any depression caused as a result of move. Use any bank run granular fill material that meets the engineers approval. C. Rough grade and compact fill with vehicles or rolling equipment that is on site. Establish the subgrade 4" below the contours of the existing grade 3.05 SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING A. Spread topsoil and seed disturbed azeas of site. In the event the excavation is closed in the middle of the winter ar summer, the seeding shall be delayed until the spring or fall planting time. 3.06 CLEAN UP A. Remove demolished materials from site as work progresses. B. Leave areas of work in clean condition. 3.�5 [� SCHEDULEOF BUILDINGS,STI'E IMI'ROVEMENTS OR MATERIALSTO BE REMOVED House at 1074-76 Iglehart Avenue Saint Paul, Miiuiesota PART 4: REMEDIES In the event that the buildings are not moved by September 15, 2001 or subsequent date, the contract will become null and void and the $1.00 will be forfeited and buildings will revert back to the CiYy of Saint Paul. END OF SECTION 02055 Page 3 Rehun copy to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To CouncilFile# DI-Gy3 Green Sheet # 1 �\�yg RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MWNESOTA Committee: Date aa 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper officials aze hereby authorized and directed to transfer 2 ownership of the residential structures located at 310 Le�cington Parkway North and 1051 Marshall 3 Avenue to the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority to be removed from the site and 4 relocated, sub}ect to the terms and conditions of the attached bill of sale. � Requested by Departrnent of: Technology & Manaeement Services _ By: Q,������ Airector Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date �- � By: ����+�- 6-�z -�! Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary B ��_ �- �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date JV� /O �( g B : � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: J�ne s, 2001 Green Sheet N ber: 111148 eanm.'rnu6aox 4 munm onGCt Person and Phone Nomber: usw � w1TORnEx (. t7. • tl '¢mx Yb Peter Wltite 266-8850 am rrmnecron 2 ��MCCSVC�. 3 racrorz..msren�n ust be on Council A enda b: June 27, 2001 OTAL # OF STGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CPIONREQUESTED: pprove Council Resolution auUiorizing the transfer of buildings on 1051 Marshali Ave and 310 Lexington arkway N. to the HRA cw�urecmena,.s:.vrnoveu�oceeiecr uo ERSQNAL SERVICE CON'CRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PL^��� ���a" �� sT�' . Has the perso�£rm ever worked under a conteact tor this department? -YES NO rnasnn�conam.mor Haz this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO �� . Does �his person/firm possess a skill not nornially possessed by any lain all YES amwers on a se rate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB7ECTIVE? ovidin affordable housin COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISIRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UNITY(Who, Whay When, Whem, Why?): he property was acquired for the Jimmy Lee Rec. Center Acquisition and Redevelopment Project December 000 and than pat up for bid to move or demolish. The bid was canceled in order to preserve affordable ousing for the City VANTAGES IF APPROVED: he City (HRA) will be abie to provide 2 housing units toward affordable housing. ���,�,�� �� ISADVANTAGES IF APPBOVED: gg � ��(a� OIIC �GD� � � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: units of affordable housing will be lost OTAL ANLOi1N1' OF TRANSACTION: $2 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE'A'ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N[IMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (F,XPLAII� ATTACHMENT `°A" � The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, its successors, and assigns: • shall enter the premises and do any and all things necessary to protect the premises from damage by persons who aze uuauthorized to cazry on moving operations, and shall ensure that the strucriues aze moved in a proper and approved manner. • shall see that sufficient safety precautions are taken by the Contractor and by the workmen at all times during the moving operations to safeguard life, limb, and property. • shail take care of all public utilities encountered during the pmgress of the work, and shall send proper norices and make necessary arrangements to have ail meters, wires, equipment, etc. removed and rehuned to the utility companies. • shall see that the power company removes all poles and wires back to the road service pole, and that municipal sewer and water connections (if any) aze temunated or removed according to local ordinances or regulations. The cost of such removal and ternunation shall be bome by the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority its successors, and assigns. � • shatt see that extreme care be used in operating a11 moving equipment azound or neaz trees adjaceaY to the dweIling. Trees aze not to be damaged or destroyed. • shall dispose of abandoned personal items and trash left by the previous owner. • shall see that every precaution is taken to protect the public from personai hann and shall erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or depressions during the removal of the structures, • shall see 2hat, upon the completion of the work required under this specification, the Contractor removes all tools, equipment, scaffolding, debris, and other materials from the premises. The entire premises shall be left in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the City. • shall see that requirements of Attachment "B" aze completed. � ATTACHMENT "A" The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, its successors, and assigns: � • shall enter the premises and do any and a11 things necessary to protect the premises from damage by persons who aze unauthorized to carry on moving operations, and shall ensure that the structures are moved in a proper and approved manner. • shall see that sufficient safety precautions are taken by the Contractor and by the workmen at all times during the moving operations to safeguard life, limb, and properry. • shatl take caze of all public utilities encountered during the progress of the work, and shall send proper notices and make necessary aQangements to have ail meters, wires, equipment, etc. removed and returned to the utility companies. • shall see that the power company removes all poles and wires back to the road service pole, and that municipal sewer and water connections (if any) aze temvnated or removed according to local ordinances or regularions. The cost of such removal and termination shali be bome by the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority its successors, and assigns. shall see that extreme care be used in operating all moving equipment around or aear � irees adjaceat to the dwelling. Trees aze not to be damaged or destroyed. shall dispose of abaudoned personai items aad trash le8 by the previous owner. shall see that every precaution is taken to protect the public from personal hann aad shaIl erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or depressions during the removal of the structures, the completion, of the work required under this speci&cation, the .�� � -��. -� premises. The entire premises siaait be left in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the Ciry. shail see that requirements of Attachment "B" aze completed. � o�-cy� ATTACHMENT "B" DTVISION ZERO SITEWORK PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 Q DESCRII'TION SECTTON 02055 BUILDTNG MOVING The conditions and requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 aze hereby made a pazt of this Section. B. Work under the Section indudes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessarytomove designatedstrvctures,removaloffoundationwalls,footings,basement slabs and any other fixtures or foreign materials within the excavation. It includes the disconnection and removal of all utilities and services back to the property line and the removal of all debris from the site. 1.02 C:� 1.03 SUBMITTALS Submit information describing the move, removal procedures, sequence and schedule. REGULATORY REQi3IREMENTS A. Complywithalllaws,rulesandregulationsofgoveunnentalauthoritieshavingjwrisdiction over the moving work and conform to code for moving the structures, safety of adjacent slructures, dust control, service utilities, discovered hazards and safety of personnel. B. Provide protectionfor all persons and property in accordance cvith ANSI/NFPA 241. Pay for all perxnits and licenses. C. The Contractor shall contactSaint Public Works at 651-266-6151 for a Use of Street Permit and Saint Paul Water Utility 651-266-6276 within three (3) days of the award of wntract to give notice for removal of water meter(s). The Contractor shall also contact the Sewer Utility for requirements to remove and block off the sewer lateral. Call 651-266-6248. D. A Moving Pernlit is required to move buildings. Issuance of permits is aduunistered by the Office of Licensing, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) 651-266-9090. 1.04 INSPECTIONS A. This project will be inspected by a City Inspector and a MPCA Asbestos Team Inspectar underthe MovingPermitprovisions. The Contractormustnotify the City Inspectorbefore commencing move work and before filling in any excavated areas. 02055 Page1 ATTACHMENT "B" DFVISION ZERO SITEWORK PART 2: EXECUTION 2A1 PREPARATION SECT'ION 02055 BUILDING MOVING A. Provide, erect and maintain temporary barriers ancl security devices. B. Abatement subcontractor shall remove asbestos containing or hazardous materiaLs prior to the start of moving. C. Notify adjacent owners of work which may affect their property, potential noise, utility outage, or disruption. Coordinate with owner. D. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring. 2.02 MOVING REQUIItEMENTS A. Conduct the move to *n*n;m;�e interference with adjacent homes. B. Conduct operations with m;n;mum interference to public or private accesses. C Maintain egress and access at all times. Do not close or obstruct roadways or sidewallcs without permits. D. Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger or if &iable asbestos containuig materiaLs are d9scovered. Notify Engineer at once. 3.03 BUILDING MOVIIVG A. Disconnectan remove esigna e u E�.2��Ja,ii*�' 'r3s�alag�ricv Make the required notifications upon receipt of Purchase Order Contract. B. Move structures indicated, in an orderly and careful maiuter. C. Remove foundation walls, footings, basement slab and any other appliances, objects or construction material within the excavation. D. Remove concrete slabs-on-grade, porch stoops, garage aprons, concrete or asphalt driveways, wood and/or metal fences, shrubs and designated irees. 3.04 BACKFILLING A. After removal of the slruclure, foundation walls, footings and basement slab, and prior tobackfillingof thebasement/foundationvoid and gradingof thesite,the Contractorshall mntact the Project Engineer at City of Saint Paul, Real Estate Division, telephone Page 2 02055 at-cy� ATTACAMENT "B" DIVISION ZERO SITEWORK SECTION 02055 BUILDING MOVING 651.266.9164 and obtain perinission to proceed with the filling. No fillutg shall take place prior to inspection of the final condition of the excavation and debris removal by the Contractor. B. Backfill basement azea and any depression caused as a result of move. Use any bank run granular fill material that meets the engineers approval. C. Rough grade and compact fill with vehicles or rolling equipment that is on site. Establish the subgrade 4" below the contours of the existing grade 3.05 SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING A. Spread topsoil and seed disturbed azeas of site. In the event the excavation is closed in the middle of the winter ar summer, the seeding shall be delayed until the spring or fall planting time. 3.06 CLEAN UP A. Remove demolished materials from site as work progresses. B. Leave areas of work in clean condition. 3.�5 [� SCHEDULEOF BUILDINGS,STI'E IMI'ROVEMENTS OR MATERIALSTO BE REMOVED House at 1074-76 Iglehart Avenue Saint Paul, Miiuiesota PART 4: REMEDIES In the event that the buildings are not moved by September 15, 2001 or subsequent date, the contract will become null and void and the $1.00 will be forfeited and buildings will revert back to the CiYy of Saint Paul. END OF SECTION 02055 Page 3 Rehun copy to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To CouncilFile# DI-Gy3 Green Sheet # 1 �\�yg RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MWNESOTA Committee: Date aa 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper officials aze hereby authorized and directed to transfer 2 ownership of the residential structures located at 310 Le�cington Parkway North and 1051 Marshall 3 Avenue to the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority to be removed from the site and 4 relocated, sub}ect to the terms and conditions of the attached bill of sale. � Requested by Departrnent of: Technology & Manaeement Services _ By: Q,������ Airector Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date �- � By: ����+�- 6-�z -�! Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary B ��_ �- �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date JV� /O �( g B : � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: J�ne s, 2001 Green Sheet N ber: 111148 eanm.'rnu6aox 4 munm onGCt Person and Phone Nomber: usw � w1TORnEx (. t7. • tl '¢mx Yb Peter Wltite 266-8850 am rrmnecron 2 ��MCCSVC�. 3 racrorz..msren�n ust be on Council A enda b: June 27, 2001 OTAL # OF STGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CPIONREQUESTED: pprove Council Resolution auUiorizing the transfer of buildings on 1051 Marshali Ave and 310 Lexington arkway N. to the HRA cw�urecmena,.s:.vrnoveu�oceeiecr uo ERSQNAL SERVICE CON'CRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PL^��� ���a" �� sT�' . Has the perso�£rm ever worked under a conteact tor this department? -YES NO rnasnn�conam.mor Haz this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO �� . Does �his person/firm possess a skill not nornially possessed by any lain all YES amwers on a se rate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB7ECTIVE? ovidin affordable housin COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISIRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UNITY(Who, Whay When, Whem, Why?): he property was acquired for the Jimmy Lee Rec. Center Acquisition and Redevelopment Project December 000 and than pat up for bid to move or demolish. The bid was canceled in order to preserve affordable ousing for the City VANTAGES IF APPROVED: he City (HRA) will be abie to provide 2 housing units toward affordable housing. ���,�,�� �� ISADVANTAGES IF APPBOVED: gg � ��(a� OIIC �GD� � � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: units of affordable housing will be lost OTAL ANLOi1N1' OF TRANSACTION: $2 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE'A'ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N[IMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (F,XPLAII� ATTACHMENT `°A" � The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, its successors, and assigns: • shall enter the premises and do any and all things necessary to protect the premises from damage by persons who aze uuauthorized to cazry on moving operations, and shall ensure that the strucriues aze moved in a proper and approved manner. • shall see that sufficient safety precautions are taken by the Contractor and by the workmen at all times during the moving operations to safeguard life, limb, and property. • shail take care of all public utilities encountered during the pmgress of the work, and shall send proper norices and make necessary arrangements to have ail meters, wires, equipment, etc. removed and rehuned to the utility companies. • shall see that the power company removes all poles and wires back to the road service pole, and that municipal sewer and water connections (if any) aze temunated or removed according to local ordinances or regulations. The cost of such removal and ternunation shall be bome by the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority its successors, and assigns. � • shatt see that extreme care be used in operating a11 moving equipment azound or neaz trees adjaceaY to the dweIling. Trees aze not to be damaged or destroyed. • shall dispose of abandoned personal items and trash left by the previous owner. • shall see that every precaution is taken to protect the public from personai hann and shall erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or depressions during the removal of the structures, • shall see 2hat, upon the completion of the work required under this specification, the Contractor removes all tools, equipment, scaffolding, debris, and other materials from the premises. The entire premises shall be left in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the City. • shall see that requirements of Attachment "B" aze completed. � ATTACHMENT "A" The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, its successors, and assigns: � • shall enter the premises and do any and a11 things necessary to protect the premises from damage by persons who aze unauthorized to carry on moving operations, and shall ensure that the structures are moved in a proper and approved manner. • shall see that sufficient safety precautions are taken by the Contractor and by the workmen at all times during the moving operations to safeguard life, limb, and properry. • shatl take caze of all public utilities encountered during the progress of the work, and shall send proper notices and make necessary aQangements to have ail meters, wires, equipment, etc. removed and returned to the utility companies. • shall see that the power company removes all poles and wires back to the road service pole, and that municipal sewer and water connections (if any) aze temvnated or removed according to local ordinances or regularions. The cost of such removal and termination shali be bome by the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority its successors, and assigns. shall see that extreme care be used in operating all moving equipment around or aear � irees adjaceat to the dwelling. Trees aze not to be damaged or destroyed. shall dispose of abaudoned personai items aad trash le8 by the previous owner. shall see that every precaution is taken to protect the public from personal hann aad shaIl erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or depressions during the removal of the structures, the completion, of the work required under this speci&cation, the .�� � -��. -� premises. The entire premises siaait be left in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the Ciry. shail see that requirements of Attachment "B" aze completed. � o�-cy� ATTACHMENT "B" DTVISION ZERO SITEWORK PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 Q DESCRII'TION SECTTON 02055 BUILDTNG MOVING The conditions and requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 aze hereby made a pazt of this Section. B. Work under the Section indudes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessarytomove designatedstrvctures,removaloffoundationwalls,footings,basement slabs and any other fixtures or foreign materials within the excavation. It includes the disconnection and removal of all utilities and services back to the property line and the removal of all debris from the site. 1.02 C:� 1.03 SUBMITTALS Submit information describing the move, removal procedures, sequence and schedule. REGULATORY REQi3IREMENTS A. Complywithalllaws,rulesandregulationsofgoveunnentalauthoritieshavingjwrisdiction over the moving work and conform to code for moving the structures, safety of adjacent slructures, dust control, service utilities, discovered hazards and safety of personnel. B. Provide protectionfor all persons and property in accordance cvith ANSI/NFPA 241. Pay for all perxnits and licenses. C. The Contractor shall contactSaint Public Works at 651-266-6151 for a Use of Street Permit and Saint Paul Water Utility 651-266-6276 within three (3) days of the award of wntract to give notice for removal of water meter(s). The Contractor shall also contact the Sewer Utility for requirements to remove and block off the sewer lateral. Call 651-266-6248. D. A Moving Pernlit is required to move buildings. Issuance of permits is aduunistered by the Office of Licensing, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) 651-266-9090. 1.04 INSPECTIONS A. This project will be inspected by a City Inspector and a MPCA Asbestos Team Inspectar underthe MovingPermitprovisions. The Contractormustnotify the City Inspectorbefore commencing move work and before filling in any excavated areas. 02055 Page1 ATTACHMENT "B" DFVISION ZERO SITEWORK PART 2: EXECUTION 2A1 PREPARATION SECT'ION 02055 BUILDING MOVING A. Provide, erect and maintain temporary barriers ancl security devices. B. Abatement subcontractor shall remove asbestos containing or hazardous materiaLs prior to the start of moving. C. Notify adjacent owners of work which may affect their property, potential noise, utility outage, or disruption. Coordinate with owner. D. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring. 2.02 MOVING REQUIItEMENTS A. Conduct the move to *n*n;m;�e interference with adjacent homes. B. Conduct operations with m;n;mum interference to public or private accesses. C Maintain egress and access at all times. Do not close or obstruct roadways or sidewallcs without permits. D. Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger or if &iable asbestos containuig materiaLs are d9scovered. Notify Engineer at once. 3.03 BUILDING MOVIIVG A. Disconnectan remove esigna e u E�.2��Ja,ii*�' 'r3s�alag�ricv Make the required notifications upon receipt of Purchase Order Contract. B. Move structures indicated, in an orderly and careful maiuter. C. Remove foundation walls, footings, basement slab and any other appliances, objects or construction material within the excavation. D. Remove concrete slabs-on-grade, porch stoops, garage aprons, concrete or asphalt driveways, wood and/or metal fences, shrubs and designated irees. 3.04 BACKFILLING A. After removal of the slruclure, foundation walls, footings and basement slab, and prior tobackfillingof thebasement/foundationvoid and gradingof thesite,the Contractorshall mntact the Project Engineer at City of Saint Paul, Real Estate Division, telephone Page 2 02055 at-cy� ATTACAMENT "B" DIVISION ZERO SITEWORK SECTION 02055 BUILDING MOVING 651.266.9164 and obtain perinission to proceed with the filling. No fillutg shall take place prior to inspection of the final condition of the excavation and debris removal by the Contractor. B. Backfill basement azea and any depression caused as a result of move. Use any bank run granular fill material that meets the engineers approval. C. Rough grade and compact fill with vehicles or rolling equipment that is on site. Establish the subgrade 4" below the contours of the existing grade 3.05 SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING A. Spread topsoil and seed disturbed azeas of site. In the event the excavation is closed in the middle of the winter ar summer, the seeding shall be delayed until the spring or fall planting time. 3.06 CLEAN UP A. Remove demolished materials from site as work progresses. B. Leave areas of work in clean condition. 3.�5 [� SCHEDULEOF BUILDINGS,STI'E IMI'ROVEMENTS OR MATERIALSTO BE REMOVED House at 1074-76 Iglehart Avenue Saint Paul, Miiuiesota PART 4: REMEDIES In the event that the buildings are not moved by September 15, 2001 or subsequent date, the contract will become null and void and the $1.00 will be forfeited and buildings will revert back to the CiYy of Saint Paul. END OF SECTION 02055 Page 3