267054 WHITE - CITY LERK PINK - FINA cE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council �6'��� � CANqRY - DEPA TMENT File NO. + BLUE - MAVO Coun il eso tion Presented By LIC�dSE COP�II�IITT� Refer ed To Committee: Date Out o Committee By Date RESOLUF�: T at arnlication for the tr��srer of Hotel �F38-Rooms, Class B-Caterin�, Gas Sta. 2 Pum�s ancl Cigar�tte License No. 6�9�, e;.�iring Ja.nu�_ry 31, 1977, and Tavern Licens� P1 . 6701, �.-rpiring Janu�_ry 31, 1�77, iss��ed to SPH Hotel Comp�.tny at 11 E. Kello�g Bl d. , be �nd the sarne are hereby transferred to SPH Hotel Companjr and Ca�ital Ho bitality Cor�o�ation, doin�; bu,�iness �as St. P�lul Joint V nt�ar^ at the same �d ress. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ys 6i�r�ebe�ee� 3�-NuN'T� In Favor . Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President�i�er�t Adopted by Council: Date aPR � 3 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified by C u ci ret BY By Appr ed by May Da e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By p�e�rs �P'R t ? 19'�