267044 WHI7E - CITY LERK PINK - FINAN E COUTICll CANARY,- DEPA TMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��6��44 BLUE - MAYO � . A o 'l Resolution Presented By Refe ed To Committee: Date Out o Committee By Date WHEREAS, The United States Department of Agriculture has allocated unds to be administered by the Soil Conservation Service for emergency reatment assistance to protect lives and property from flood waters, rosion and sediment discharges resulting from the damages created by torms in the Battle Creek area; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has a need for this assistance for he restoration of Battle Creek; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District has acknowledged desire for working with the City of Saint Paul and the Ramsey County oil and Water Conservation District in completing the restoration project 'n the Battle Creek Park using these funds; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts o-sponsorship with the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District and the amsey County Soil and Water Conservation District for this emergency roject of Battle �reek, and requests the emergency assistance made available y the Soil Conservation District. ..� Yeas COUIVCI ME Na s Requested by Department of: � Y Christen en �OITp11U111 t fD6�C u� In Favor Levine Rcedler B Sylveste A gainst Y Tedesco Preside bYtYdE f�IOZZQ AQ� $ 19� Form Approved y Ci Attorn Adopted by Cou ci • Date Certi�e ass y Council Secre�ary BY By •Approve Ma r: Da {� '� 2 �97� Approved by May r Submission to Coun ' By By �'el�911ED �PR i � �a'n; : r:��� i ' �r. -� '�ij�"� '��x r +�.;...�� . -.�. -. {- , , ,• z,;. ,, � � . � � ,_ . . 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'y}: � ..y" �i� �: �Y � . � ' �Z' " . ` y �1 wcr .-x ��� �`k' i ��.i ��. tt , t at d �`"' "y` ' f . .. _ yrsz L,'� f -� '� i d�p� _ � e €�� �t � � �ie. � � � �.: � �� i :t "'�.r��g�� � �1', � . , .. . z , t .. d � �'i � k S � �. 3� �'"� '..a � f � � �� � . . � ' � + i i `'�,� �`r ' ���� ' �' � � �,* � �� �', � ��� � "� � 3 ���-.¢_ ���l�;����` � ,�� � , e *a Ka ����'x �� � � � 2_ ����i:`*��,�W� S@i F t � k .��� �$� �� ' % y � ���. 1 - li 1z S ���r'�%f ��� ��� t t ��4 ��r �:�7� . y_ � 7` [ � .� �..:� , �. . . � �.d5" .:'�1��' �t.. t �,'.-.. . $: A � '���. � � �l ��� {F �� . 1 '�yJi � � #. � k_.�` k r- r '}i' '=r,.'�,�-2 �',� t���� f '� �_.� � . �4� - � .; � ��, a - �, k� r q, �`�'s F'� r� r !:: 4� ,. , � � �� ' x��a � 1� f , j ^� �� ', � � � � ���� S �. . v . � � . .. _ .. �� . . � '�� . . . .. .. .... a _. _... �.t..+ c �N .� x_��;� - < _ , _ . :. . . _ . , s., ... , ._ �._. . ._ _ �_.c.t . _._ . _ ..._ .... .�..�.. . v.� ..��1,..., ._� .. .�.. . .._ . �d5.e . �s`�444 �� . . � r L Ramse -Washin ton Metro Watershed District ` Y g , , , . �_..� . - --, , , , , . � ; i � _i � P.O. Box 2128 St. Paul.• Minnesota 56�08 � , . • , � � � . � � , : � . E.� � � .�� March 8, 1976 � � ' - �. . •.;. , , � Mr. Robert Piram, Director � � ,� De artment of Community Services � . Ci y of St. Paul St Paul, Minnesota 55102 De r Bob: Th nks for sending us a copy of your letter of March 3, 1976, to the Ramsey Soi1 & Water Conservation District. En losed you will find a copy of the Resolution we passed at ou March 4th meeting concerning co-sponsorship for obtaining fe eral emergency funds for Battle Creek. As I mentioned in ou phone conversation on March 3rd we are counting on St. Paul to be one of the co-sponsors. The Resolution we passed clearly sp lls out St. Paul 's . involvement. • Re lizing the City Council will need to adopt a similar resolution we will be glad to coope"rate in any way we can. I know that the pe ple from the Ramsey Soil & Water Conservation .District are also ea er to cooperate. Please let us know what we can. do, including, if necessary, an appearance at a council meeting. Sincerely, � MT ls Morgan Tamsky, President . En . ; • �_ .� �:. �6�Q44 . ' RESOLUTION � • ' RAMSEY-WASHINGTOIJ METRO WATERSHED UISTRICT RAMSEY & WASHTNGTON COUNTIES, MINNESOTA � ; � A RESOLUTION OF CO-SPONSORSHSP FOR FEDERAL � GOVERNi�ENT EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROTECTION. FUNDS. ' FOR BATTLE CREEK , I WH REAS, the United States Department of Agr�CUlture has allocated . ; fu ds to be administered by the Soil Conservation Service for em rgency treatment assistance to protect lives and property from , fl od waters, erosion and sediment discharges resulting from tY�e ��. da ages created by storms in the Battle Creek area; W REAS, the City of St. Paul has a need for this assistance for � t restoration of Battle Creek; and W EREAS, the City of St. Paul has acknowledged the desire for w rking with the Ramsey Gounty Soil and Water Conservation District a well as the Ramsey-Washington Metro 4Vatershed District in completing t e restoration project in tne Battle Creek Park using these funds; N W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by tne Board of Managers of the R msey-Washington Metro Watershed District that; 1 The District }iereby accepts co-sponsorship with the City of S . Paul and the Ramsey County Soil and Water Conservation District f r this emergency project of Bat�.le Creek, and requests the e ergency assistance made available by the Soil Conservation Service . 2 The District will assist in the acquisition of the necessary p rmits, land and water rights, licenses, anc3 clearances needed for t e installation of the emergency treatment measures by the Soil C nservation Service on the property of the Ci�y of St. Paul and i dividual land owners located within the Bai:tle Creek area. 3 The District ackriowledges that any and all financial r.esponsi- b ' lities resulting from this co-sponsorship agreement rests with the C ' ty of St. Paul; and the District further acknowledges that any and a 1 financial responsibilities resulting from the failure to obtain, o delay in obtaining adequate permits , land and water rights, licenses a d clearances needed for the emergency treatment measures also rests w' th the City of St.� Paul. 4 . the District will designate an individual to assist in the estab- lishment of work priorities acquisition of land rights and performance f other duties necessary to carry out the responsibility of the istrict under this Resolution. The District will provide a copy of this Resolution i:o the City f St. Paul, the Ra:�isey County Board, the Soil Conservation Service, he Ramsey County Soil and Water Conservation Dis�rict, and the etropolitan Waste Control Commission. � ; � : �6'��44 . . , - . _ : 6. The District will hold and save the United States free from � damages due to work approved. dopted by tne Board o£ rsanagers this ��th day, ot, March, 1976. 1 . , „ , � f � Morgan 'Tamsky, President , : , : ; ' ttest: . � � ,�. � � � � , �� . arry A. Lyon, Jr. , Secretary _ 2 _ . . - �6�p4 . d , : . 4 . . . . Marche3. 1976 � , . Wil l iam L. Daarning, Secretary '� � State of Minnesota ! Ramsey Soi1 and Water Conservation District � � � htid-America Bank Buildfng - � � 1827 North Saint Aaul Road i Maplewood. Minnesota 55109 Dear Mr. Downing: . ' Thank you for your letter providing us with information concern�ng ; your efforts to secure funds for the restoratlon of the 8attle i Creek Watershed area. . I�re agree with and support the efforts to coordinate activities with the Ramsey -Washington Me�ro Watershed District and other governmental units. We will aiso be happy to work with the Ramsey Soil and Water Conservation District �n any areas of mutual : interest. . Pl ease feel free to contact me at any tirr�. Sincere�y. , ; � , � .P-,obert P. Pi ram � /� 4.. /� //f� . l��� \�1..'Yr.��11�1�..I t �,. � � �. . ��t� � � . 1 n��:2.. , � • � ' 40���Of/ � � . . `.� . � . �w�.;.Ant� . WF r. � '�aq . _ -- ; -� �; ,�6�044 . STATE OF MINNESOTA RAMSEY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Mid-Amsrica Bank Building, 1827 North Saint Paul Road, � � µopl�wood, Minn�sota 55109. T�I�phons(612) 777-0127 ,'' Department of Biology, Hamline University, st. Paul, r�r 5510t�. . February 26, 1976. Mr. Bob Piram, � '� Director of Community Services, • � �g City of St. Paul, City Hall, , St. Paul, MN 55102. Dear Mr. Piram: The Board of Supervisors has asked me to communicate the informati,on to you that is found in the enclosed Miriutes, particularly the last ha]f of page 3 and Appendix B. I am not sure whether or not you know the history of our attempt to fin`d Federal help for Battle Creek -- briefly that after many months of investigation we had given up the thought of P. L. 566, for many reasons, and then in January were informed that we might be eligible for funds through Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1950. Such funds woul.d only attempt to return the creek to its pre-June 1975 condition, to stabilize the stream bed and clean up erosion, but it might give a rn�.cleus of funds around which other moneys might gather, to do more than that. It appears likely (or at least possible) that the Ramsey S�n1CD will be eligible for about $60,000 for this purpose. We have discu ssed this with the newly-formed Ra.msey Washington Metro Watershed I7istrict Board, and they seem enthusiastic about proceeding. A letter will be sent from our joint Boards to Mr. Harry Major, State Conservationist for the Soil Con- : servation Service, requesting aid. t may well be that the City and County might be interested in joining the rocess, perhaps to rehabilitate the park or lands arounc� the Creek. The msey SWCD has decided to leave coordination of any joi.nt efforts to the atershed District, and so may I suggest that if you wish to co�nunicate 'th them you contact the Chairman, Morgan Tamsky, 15�.8 IAilut�i, St. Paul, 55106. If you want further information on the preliminary report, please eel free to call our Soi1 Conservationist, Howard Moechnig, at our District ffice, or me at 6l�1-2255. he Ramsey SWCD hopes that this will be the beo nning of a fruitful joint nterprise. , incerel ours, . , �Q illiam L. Downing, ecretary. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .. . � �p� . �. � � � � . � � � . � ' ' . V�4a�a w,� .� �r.4{. . � � �,4� •� "��'., � ' 'y, '� �/'� . _ ..i��..' . � ,. .. �o`�0�4� . . STATE OF M.INNESOTA � , � ;' '' RAMSEY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT , -� , ,�� , , � Mid-Amsriea Bank Building, 1827 North Sc,int Paul Rood, � � i� Mapl�wood', Minn�sota 55109. Tel�phons(612) 7�17-0127 " ' � � , ., j . i ; .. I . M1NI1'PF,.`i � BOkRD OI! SUPERVISORS' I�I�P7NG - � � Mo.z�day� Febr�zary 9, 1;�75 ` a b the Distric t Offic e. , r . I. The meeting was called .to order by Chairman Lundnerg at ?e15 :�.- M� �� , , IS. Secretary�s re�port. , A. Presen�: Board mexnbers: Others: : R. Adams : H. Moechnig M. Deneen � .Lowoll :�an3on ; W. Downing -M. Lundberg D. Zwiers � B. Minutes of the meeting of January 12, 1976. Supervisor Zwiers moved, Supervisor Deneen seconded, that the mi.nutes be ap�roved as distributed, and the motion carried 5-0. II. Treasurer�s report. A. Jarivary report, included as Appandix A of thasa mirn�tes. Supervisor Downin,; moved, Supervisor Zwiers seconded, that the Treasurer� s Report be accepted, and to make payment for bills listed �.�nder D., "Bills payable" of the Treasurer�s report, and the motion carried 5-0. B. The budget for 1976 has been recaived, and the County appropriation is $13,137.00, as reported in the� minutes of January 12, 1976. C. Sup�rvisor Deneen moved, Supervisor Ztaiers secanded,, that the Board increase the mileage payment to 16¢ per mile begint�.ing on Jarivary 1, 1976; and the motion carried 5-0. D. Approval of ineetings attended. � • 1. Supervisor Der�eEn moved, Supervisor Zwiers seconded, that Sup�rvisor Lundberg be paid per diem and expenses for her attendance at the Metropolitan Council� s Public Hea.ring on Natural Resources, February 5,` 1976; and that Supervisors Lundberg and Downing be paid per diem .and expenses for their attendance at the Level B study on Jarnzary 2$;. 1976; and the motion carried 5-0. 2. Supervisor Zwiers moved, Supervisor Adams seconded, that Supervisor Downing be paid per diem and expenses for his attendance at the m�etings of the Point and Non-poi.nt Source Pollution Committee� �wtlen they occur; and the motion carried. ' �. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: `",�"�,���y> . � � �6'70.44 � � . � � -2- . IV. Long--�ati�e plan. Superv:isar Zwiers reported that the printing will pr�obably be completed by February 10, 1976. Vs Correspondance - postponed u.ntil after Item VI. ' VT. Mr. Lowell Hanson gave an excellent report, with slides, which briefed the Board on soils in the metropolitan area and their uses in an urban District, He di.stributed copies of a map and �tiscellaneous Rc:ypr�rt.13��1975, A�ricul- tural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota: Soil Landsca�es and Geoma hic Re ous, Twzn Cii;ies Metro�olitan, Area Sheet, and said that a w'n �,, so�'�erpre�at�on is now�z.n the proce�s of publication. Ths Board :is . v�x�y grateful to Mr. Hanson for this fine background and referemce material. V. Correspond3nce. �� � A. Supervi.sor Lundberg reportal receip�t of a letter from Mr. Harry Major, thanking the Board Eor the oppartunity of ravi�wing our Asurual Report. B. A communication from the LCMR discussed available funds f�r Ramsey County� s possible use. The Board tho�xght that the project discussed several months ago about the runqff along Snelling Avenue into I,ake ' Johanna wc�uld fit the guid��l�ines well, and �upervi.sor Adam,^, Hrill look into th3s �Nrith Mr. Moecl�n.ig. Tt may be the Board ;�hould cunsult with Riae Creek Watershed District about this problem. � I. Report from Soil Conservationist. Mr. Moecl�nig�s written report� Jarxuary 12 - February 6, Y976: _�----------------------------------------___.. _.,�._ ..___--�-----------____ A. Personal Contaets and Serv.ices. _ Teahni.ca�. Serv3.cas to Individuals 10 Technical Services to Units of Govexrunent . 26 B. Soi1 �urvey - nothing new to report. C. Cooperative Agreements - none. D. Conservatian P1ans; Inveri.�tory and Ew'a1�.iations. .�n erosion control plan for a d�velopnent in New Brigliton was m.�de to � give the city planx�.er an example of what our ero�ion control plans are. l.ike. A plat rev�.ew was made for the New Brighton city planner for Mounds Vi�w Acres concept plats. .An I & E discussing the wnod'land suitability of the soils in a developing area was coinpleted. Dead, diseased, dying, and sosne codom:inant trees will. be removed prior to development. ��'rees wil�. be planted in op��n areas for wind protection. � E. Conservation Practices Applied - none. F. Other. � ' Began work on a soils report for a consulting form who is do3ng a storm � water stuc�y in White.Bear Lake. � � , �q .. - � - � �6'��44 . . „3_ Dua�e Zwiers and I talked ti,ra.th the New Hrighton planning co►nmission regarding the services we have available and to introduce them to a � : , :; "Resourcz Plan" concept for cooperation between the Dist.rict and :Vc�w '� ; Brighton. , I , � ` Ro;� Bright, Assistant State Eazgineer (SCS), `�Tustin Jeffrey, Araa� IV � Eazgineer (SCS), and ;nfsolf ma3e a preliminazy estim�te of the c�sts in repairing Battle Creek under Section 216 of the F1ood Control Act of 195�• Met�ta3.th representatives of HAA of St. Paul regarding'snils information . � that we have that they can use in plannirig redevelopmant activities. I will draw up a mpmoranc�um of understand3.ng between the District and HRA. Marilyn Lundberg and 'I a�pcsared at a:Ramsey Washington Mstro ��Tatershed �� Distri.ct meeting to explain ways in which the SWCD a,.nd Watershed District crnild assist each other. ... . � r �� �.����r�.�����r������������`��r��� �..��..rrrrri.� .r:r.r..rrr��r�rr��rr �,,. Additional. discuss3on on the above report: Re the HRA: Mr. Moechnig hopes to -neet with represen�tat�ves of the HRA next week, concerning a memorandwn of understanding. Re the Plat fteview (D aUove, secund pa.nagraph): Supervi�r powning moved, Superva.sor Deneen seconded, that th� Chairrnan appoi.nt a Plat Review Com•- mittee to consult w.ith Mr. Moechnig, to commc3n.t on his review, and �to mak�� decisions in the naune of the Board; and the m�tion carried 5-0. It is hoped that this procedure will speed the process of review, so that . municipalitiES will not be held �xp by ths Board. Re Battle Creek: Appendix B is a rupy of �the p�aliminary Battle Creek report. It aPp�ars that we will be eligible for about $60,000 �under th� I�'lood Control Act, which (as-m�ntio.led in previous Mirnxtes) is not intend�d for permanent improvement, but to return to the previous condition. This can, ho��rever, be used in conjunction �nth other moneys, and this ma�r get the ball rolling by stabilizin� the str�am bed and cleaning out erosion. There is a good chance this money wS.l.l be gra.nted, and w� will know in, ahcnit three months' time. Next steps: : , (1) Get�.the approval of the Ramsey Washington Metro Zaatershed llistrict. - (2) Write Mr. Ma�or, r.eques�ting the aid. � (3) Mr. Major will start the pr�ocess to gat approval from �n acLni.nistrator in Washington, D. C. , The region of Battle Creek that is involved here is approxima��ely from the railroad tracks to Upper Afton �iad ur perhaps the County Line. 5upervisor powning moved that we endorse this proposal, and tran�nit the pi•aliminary p•roposal to the Ramsey-Washington Metro ,Watershed 7istrict for their consideration axid approval. If th�y concur, we suggest a cooperative letter from the two Distra.cts to Mr. Ma�or, rec�aesting aid. Ad��itionally a letter is to 9e sen� to lrir. Lo�xis J. Bartscher o� the Metropotitan Waste Control Commission, notifying him of this preli_mina•ry proposal a_�d our endorsement, and 'suggesting that he �et in �ouch with the Watershed District for possible coaperation. Additionally, a letter of notification is to be � sent t4 �Ir. Bob'Piram, Director of Comtmu�3.ty Services, City Ha11. ' Supervi�sor Adams secondad this motion, and it carried 5-0. , , . , . � � . : . . �s�a : . ; _�_ 44 VII . Old busines3. � � A. Office staffing. Supervisor Lundber� reported �that the Board will get � .; a full-time person if we can find one qua7.i.fied. We should send inter- � ested persons to the Ma:�power Office on Parkway nrive o�f 'Highway 61. � Note that the applicants must come from Ramsey County but not from ths City of St. Pau1. � B. 411is-Chalmers Award I,etter. Sup�rvisor powning reported that 192 letters . of notificatian had gone out to Pr3ncipals of all schools in �the Caun�ty, � krut as yet we had :�ot received any raspoxiso. Deadline i.s March 31, 1976. C. ?�anpo�aer Needs Sixrvey. Mr. Moernnig sai.d that this has been filled ou�t� and wi11 be sent in soon. '��, D. T'os:�ible chang�g in MA.SIdCD B,y-laws. Suparvisor D�nG�:� rc�pox�tc�cl i,hat, it, :is considera`�7,y easigr to change the "M��chanic,:� r�f the Conv,�x�t.ion" 1,hraa�i it, is i:he 8y-laws, and such a cha.nge wauld probably accomplish the change� we had c�nvisioned �- to ens�ire that voting is done by actual dele�ates. It was the general feeling that she should pro?coed with suggesting such changes. E. Possible memora�da af apreanent w.i.th the Agricultural Stabilization and � Canservatian Service, and the Co.rps of �ineers. These are sug�ested 'ny the NACD. There seemPd to be some virtue in pursuing this further, so Mr. Moechr�i.g was asked to read the details of the proposed :nemoranda ��zd give his op3nion. ' TX, New business. A. F'�irchase of typ�writer. Supex�visor powning moved that th� :Board con.firm t:,hP acta.on of the Chairman, taken �f�:er a t���phone poll of Superv3.sar�,, i_n at�thoriz Ln; the exp3nd.it,ure of $62�.00 from Sa�aries, T�mporar,y, £ar k�he purchase a� an II��I Seleat,ric IL 15"-carriag�:� dual pitch typewrit,e.r. Supervisor Zwiers seconded, and I,hta m�tion carricd:s-0. Supervisur Adams rnovad �that the Board authorize Mr. Maachni� Lo makc, �zsc of the cupyi.n� machine at Consolidated 'Prapc�rties, aind send �the bi17_ f'or t,he copy�.ng to the District. Sup�rvisor D�neen secanded, and the motion carried 5-0. ' B. Sim for the District Office. S�apervisor Adams wil�. look into this. C. Goodyear Conservatic�m Awards Proprarr►. Suparvisor Zwiers will read o�ver. the comimzn.ication ..from NACD, a�zd report on what we might 'do about it. D. Soi1 Stewardship Week. Sup�rvi.sor Deneen will read ov�r the informati.on .from NACD on this subject, and prepare a news release on it. E. auesLion.nairQ from Alison Fuh•r, C�iaix�man of �the Metro AsSrociation o:� SWCDs, cox�cex•ning PERA. for Dis tric�t employees. The Secretary was clirected to inform her that this District has no e�l�y.ees, so this d�es not apply. F. LCMR Demonstration �'aject. S�e V-Correspondenoe-H. ., ; � . . ,��� � . . 6���44 � . . � . �' , . ��j.� I � � . . � � . ,^,. Chaptar 1�0 possible changes. Supervisor po�nLin� had scnt out a subhastic� for a change in Chapter ;�0.02 ru�lic Policy, to mak� the Chap��er mare . ; applicable to urban Districts. Supervisor Ada�as su�gested an addition to `li.nQ 7, to ad� i,�n ro er and untimaly a�p'�ication of f ertiltzers and pesticid�s. .. It was el that more backgr�imd taas-nsedod, so the Hoarrl � assigned itself the task of rev3.ew3.zig Chapter 1�0 at the nc3xt meeting, and al.l Supervisors will read Chap�er 1�0 �before tha�t tims. � � H. Reports on meetings attended. , , , l� :�r. Moech�v.g and Supervisor Lundberg reported on a pr�sentation mada �: � •to the Ramsey-Washington I�Ietro Waters}.ied District, whi.h was succass- ful and �rell-received. Tha�r District was interested in using our ,� , office •for their meetings, which seemed sattsfaatory.' Supervisor Ada.ms moved, Supervi.snr poHma.ng secorided, that the� Ramsey 5'n1CD iszvite the R-WMWD to ho13 their meetings in our office, and the`motion car�rir:d �-0. � 2, iupe•rvisor LundUerg reported that s't1e had testified in thQ nam�� o.f the }3ottrc� aPi�er conducting a tele}�iio�.ie poll of Supervlsc�•rs, at t,he Matro� •� pulitan Council hearing on Natural. Resaurce Mode1 Ordinancas. Sha distributed copies of her testimony, which rri.11 be filed with th�3 permanent Mirnttes bat �11 no�� be arid�d as an appendix. 3. 3upervisor powning reported nn the meetings of �the Metropolitan Associa- tion of SWCDs and �the past and �uture meetings of the Po3nt and Nonpoint Pollution Corrunittee. He a3ked �or instxuctions from the District to take to the latter group' s next meeting on Non-point Poll�ztiaaz. The Board tried to predict needs: Possibly three psople for the Spring- Sura.mer of 1�77, 3. �iiologist, a soil scientist and ,a chem3.st. To iden- tify polluted bodies of water, and quality of waters in g�eral, a ' contract with an analysis labo'ra+��rs*. One person, sutmner-fall.-winter 1977 to compile information. Suggestion -- a Metropolita:z Aseociation central office, so that the employees could �work as a team. I. It wa.� suggested that the SWCD and ths tw�o Watershed llistricts should draw together, to prevent the kind of splitting seen .in othe.r areas in MinnesoL-a. pizr contact has be�.n close with the R-WM�nID, as �thay have be�:n furming, bu t not as cl��s� with Rice Creek. It was suggested that we su�;gest to the Rice Creek Watershed District that we hold a join�t meeting on Marc�i 2l�, to discuss mutual probleans and become ace�aainted.' Th� Chairman wi11 inq�i:Lre. X. Next meeting: Monda;�Ts March 8� 1976, 7:1.�'i P. M., Distric�� �-Cf.ic�. ?C2. The meoting ac�journed at 12:10 A. �i. ` • Respec tfully s�ibmitted, . . , '.dilliam L. Downing, Secretary. _ � .J. � ���a44 . , �'��''�"`rN�'. :�� � � '�.��'` � . . . ,. � ��;, . APPIIdDIX A � ' l y to Minutes of Feb. 9,�1976 STA?E OF M[NP+IES�UTA RAMSEY SOIL AND WA'TER CONSERVATION DISTRICT � " . asurer�e Repart•-&amsey Soil dc Water Conserva�tion District,�January 11 to . e� q, �976. � St�te County • 8eoeipts........................................... , None , 1Jone • '���'�7?68�����s�������w������������w��������s��• �.. �OIIA R. ,�ci�ne, Supsr+r3.�or.............«................., � , 102.75 . ,� �� �121$6Y1* 5'1�.�?�x`'�'�i�01'������������������r�w������,���• ' 2����0 �� �W�2.Q'� �11^�!(��."'V�.$Or�����������r������w���w��M��• 3Q5��jQ �i. ?�uz�c3.b�rg, Supervieor»........................... 206.69 D. T�ier�� 3uperv3,�or...�.......................... 84.50 , �Li�a�,eeota A�eaai�.�icm 5'�iCD du�s.................... 15���Q �1T�,'�'i�,.0I3t�. �BB4C�.$'�r�.OA $�ti� t�711@8�s�••�•�•••.��«���.•• .' �•� ' � Are� ZY Aesaaia�ion $�fCD due�...................... 25.00 � , C• ����.8 R�CA�.VE4bZ@w����w����������������������������� �TOri@ NOII@ �• Bji.1.�.8 p8y�1'$�b�@���s�������������+r�����w�������������• �OYlA ..� �T.5. �►pt. A�r3aa].ture Soil Conservation Service� �Oj.�,. ►S''kll.'1I9�����w����*����r����•���������•����r����• "'� � 2���3� �.''i� �9�.�,Ztl.`@ " �• ���08 CIl �td 88 Qf Z.S$� ��10Z"�i������*ees����• •J��$�� �20�078sg� 2. �.��ta]. reaeipte s��o� laa� r�port......None �. `.��tal e,apenditure� af.nas last repart (stat��$1,27�.26 . (aoRUaty) None �s I''�J'� �.II OP <LQAB��w�s��s���w���se�ewe����•�s���• "1�2?5�26 �QZA� 5• .s��C@ � �i�.s������s��w�r��sess��w��w�.�s��e• ��i3J*`t`F 2�}�18s�Q 6e ��g.'��.�8 T$f:�3�,.��?a.@���se��•*s�w�����������w����s��• ��►Y�..IA �O71t3 �s ��?�}�7 •��wD�.Bi����as�����sar�s�ws�w����sea��s�s� �YOX1A Z�L�Os�"r �9. �.�-�1�r d������.................................. �'733�44 7,67�.56 ,as ��q3� M'0Y.'"�+�1 �.AQ�.L'�$�# $ e*���e���R���������������• �'. Ac��.oaa on Trea�n�.-er'� �e�aae^� �aa�d went vv+er receip��' e�p�ndi�ee, bil].a p�yable �d raceiveable aa � on Trgasnrer�� Rsport. �t�.on �acie by �,a�a��.�aor po�ne� ,�, �nnd �eaonded by ��xta�rs��ar Zw3.ers that '�rea�urer�a Repoxt be .wsr e.er� r �rew.�.sw�w�.s - . .. a,ccppte8 and �o make p�ym,�nt for b3.11a except i.tem lis��d under D, "Bille Pe�rable" o� the Treaaurer's 8eport. Yes��, No,_,,,Q„�,,. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLpYER �-.�'':'s�) : . �.: _ ���o,�,� w A . ,, . �. � . • ' APPF,�DSX B " . Uf�l'T'FD 5TA'��i:�:; L�EPARTM�NT OF' �1GRICULTUr��.0 Minutes of Feb. 9, 1976� �� 501L CONSERVATI'JN SERVICE page 1 316 I�TOrtli �iot�,�.ri� ��tr•a;et, S�l.. �',iul, T��nne�c�ta 5y101 , , �t��lEc1': j•f,1�t-,���;.:he�l (hzt,::�i.de fteJ.a�i�;ic,n:, -- LSncr��*r:n�:v '�I�rter�hc+ci un�r�r:: ]�Cl�rutt�y ji 1�.'jr� ; � Fru�.rc�,:i.on �1u�1��,.i�i.,,�:��� ;�,y :�c�c.�l,i.on ^16 1':Laod C;o�L��o:l ', ' � llet o�' j+�aY 1`I� �)�0. L'A'r!'LI� CT' ��•.. ZdkTl:i�iSF�ll Tu: AT Fischer, Ar • , ' SCS, �'rooi yn Center, NlDt . ' . Justin Jc;fi'ery, 3Ia��ar�i T•1oc���Y�i�i,�, and I me�t a�L �l.h� RrLmsey Field �.f..fi c�� ,� . on 1'el�runry �I , 1y'(G; l,r, i�CVl(?1J tnaasiu es l:i,<i�t�, !'i�L �the eli"i.Y�il.a.�l.,y r����u:ir�::- ' men�;;; o!' �:he sitbject pr����;r��:m. Ot�x� o'ujeetive �aas to list tYre t,y�e arici ex-L•en1, of app:La.ca.ble r.�e�Uur�s and Gri�•i1�e at a co�t• estinlate fb�� res�tora�ier_. 41e al�o i^evieeaed i.lie s�tFp� for iit;plem��ntin�; the pro�ra►n followin� tc,d��1��„ .__ mec�t:in:;. Since •Lhe ��.r.n� i 3 ;�na�•i covr.rc�d, ��e reli�d ]►eavi].y oii I-I��aard�,� recxll., � aerial. }�liotc�, an�J a cold »��_ik in 'the :�iiola �s a basi� for oui� es�;irl�a�ti���;. Briei'1y, tl-�c� �ppareirt eli�il�ie i�estoration measures ,are: 1 , Secliment rerriova.l from tl-�e s�traa.m for a distance of abbut 2,OOQ f�et. • Tl�i� reach :i:, i'.rac� t}�e ur��.i;r•ca:n �ir�,� o f tl�� l��i:i:lraad �.r�a.elc.�; u;,. ��to tlic k�i��.clr;e or ��u:L✓er•1, a�l, U.a. Fii�},::ay 61. '�le esl:iin�tnd t•Y��.;s poz��ioYi of �the warlt to cos� about "�5,5eo� 1'his incl.udes excavatior�, 17aulin,; �iic: ilispuc�dl of s;�oi:�� riiu v�:�c�a'Liii� �i�e s Ll•��;n i;ar�it5 �inci ciis�cur�beci . ��Y�eB.s. 2. Sti°eair;l�an1: ;��l;abi:17_�a't;icn oS' ��Liout 2,500 fce�t of charu�el ��a�.�lc. 7'��:i.s e:��,imr►t,cd cl i.r;�t,�uzee i:; 1.;,,,�ic-�'ee L. , ; �l. �il'1.'�.].�:Fll .t"C<3 )l�l;tl7��"I.11L! ('Ol'1:;:1 :'� :i O� il�Ull� ?.�1 AL'T't?;� C�'(' :(';�"t.t.�t)''<1tj � di!'1':ic�u'lL ,:,ite:�. 1�c,1;i�na�t.ec1 casi; �'or �Ll�i� i� �j,00U. i ' � b. Ri ra or j p p gabions c�nsists of about 1 ,000 e.y. at an estima..ted � cost of �30,OG0. � ;,3: Contin�;ency of ?_0;� t�r�s ad�ed to t}?ese constrt�ci:�on eosi.� p].l�s ��n ac3�ii�tion�1 ���; i'or en.��;incerin� and administra�tic,n. The co��,:� are as fol:Lows: �.� Item (1) - - - - - r - - - - - � 5�500.00 ztc�ni (?� � - - - - - - - - - - ,�5�00�.�0 � :iubL��,a.l. - = - - - - - - - �K �IC),OUO.iiO ?_0�� Coirtir.c;^llcy - - - - - - - f3,100.00 , � 4u, 1oU.�U }�r�;in�ei�i ii�; �: �c�minis�i,r•a�ion - 12,1'��O.�� ,rnl�lu� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. �, h:),�(�;u.i,o _ , f�1 ,� �, � . . f,,, .� , , , _ '`-.-y. . ;..�_:..:�:,. - .. .�;.. .�._.._. 1:...�..�..�...w. :_. .�_. _.. W._....... .. , _ ' • � � � � . . � � . . �V�0�� , w , � , . APPENDTX B • � . , Minutes of Feb. 9, 1976 . �b A1 Fiscl�er ` --- Pa�;e 2 , f , � • . • i , , , . I , , I � • ` `1'1,�� nc�xL ;,l;ax�, a;� l ;;ee; il,, .i3 tc� ��i�c��;nt; t}iis prop�:.,_il �l;a L}�e ��ur�;;or:, ' (54JCU and/or Wa�ter�;;tied I3o�rd). IS' �;hey ►�:i..a to receive t.Yiis typc oi' ; assista.nr:e, have �;h�:m request assistance �`����m AZr. T�tajor and �r�viQe SCS � a copy of a re�oluti.on si�iiilax to the 4tt:el�ed svr�ples. As sponsor�s, � ' the,Y 4�ou)_d nced. ta provide necessary i;::,ik iermits, water (UiVR) pei�:nits; ancl prov�c:e c�peration and maintenance en ���:^�anerrt� or life lon�; tr.c�ssu?•cs. ' None of the mcasures we havc l�ropo�ed ure co�sicierc�d tc� bc p�rmanent �r life lon�. 1+'o17_c�w:i.n� reee7_},t of �t•lie �por__,c.•s� letter -to Mr. n�a�jcfr re-. �' i que�ti.n� a:s:�i,;t.;in��e, we �•�i.7.l. reqttest tlie �ci;::ini:,t.rz t;or�;, appr�va:l. t�o fui�cnd tlie Izivr.nti.gal;ic�n ��nd I+'�and Renttr.;:t ��o ine].tide J�amsey Cowlty. �' . l�l�:� �11Qv di;,r,ue:�ecl the e�vE�irt,ua_L it3e oi' pr�ivzte eiir-:irir.c�r3 f.cir thi: pr.�,j�:.c L t�h;�,z�Cc+, :i.t, r.�;��tE,:��:ir,7.-i.zr.. :C urir3���•;,c��.n:l i1•o;:: iic�;•raz�ci i�1��7.i, 13ur'r f?71�*`:i.t'u�rr:i.►��: rt�pre:�errt� i;l�c� 1.�att:Le C�.�ec�k �d�,����r�n��d Uistl•ict any�a,,y. I hrtv� al�o a�;tached a checic li.st foz• wor:� t,rith �r.er�enc;% Wa'�-��x•�hed Protection i'unds for your ini'orrr,ation. / - - '.--� • " . . . ' ,/`� :' =� � ... .. �� ' 1_ �. . _� �• � , ' ! . • RoS� E. ]3right A.,si.�tant St1te Conserv<<�l;ion rngineer Al,Cachmeni;: . � . cr: ll��.r•r•y I�1ri ju.r�, .�C, uC�, t;l.. 1'�u.i7., AL`1 ' Ger�il�i l;a;,t,un, SI1U, �C;S, SL. �'aul., i,�,T Robert l3intzler, SC�;, SCS, St. Pau?, i�4J Ho�d Moechnig, SC, SC;S, St. Paul, :��� Ju�tiri Jei�'e`ry CE, SCS, Brookl5*n Center� ;�r�T . . , ; • , . _.�6�044_�.�. , , , , `��-%'� • APPE[�DIX B ' �, Ut�l"f"F_D STA'�'�°:y C7EPARTM�N i OF' AGf�ICUL7U�,E Mirnttes of �Feb. 9, 1976, � t � SOI� CONSERVAYI�JN SEF:VICE �. •-- --page 1 316 i�TOi��h �iot�,�ar�L �Li�r,e;t, �1.. 1',iul,, I+�.nnes�ta 5j10'1 : �t�t3�t'c j•f,1�t�.���,..l�e�l - (hil,:,•i.cl�� J�eJ.��lsa.c�i�: - T�nc.+i��r.�:n�:;; ;a;rter�hi�cl un1'E; l�ebr��tr.tt'Y j, 1:)�i�r� ' Frc,�.rc:t,:i.on tlu Wu�i•i.:;�:�1 t�,y :�r'c�l.i.on �16 1�`.l�>od Gon�7�o:1 , . ' • 11et of N��y 1'(� 1)j0. L'J�'I`!'Lls CiiL�i:ii WA�1�Li�SFi'I�:ll , , , . ' Tc�: A1 I�ischer, AC , ' , , 5CS, �'r�an 2"�yn Center, NliV •• Jus�t,in J�f.1'r.r�y, 1Iaw,�.r.i P•Io����'.�»i.�� ancl I �ne�t a•L �b��e Frtni�e,y Fielt� (l.f..f�c�� � on l.�'et�ru;►r.�;/ �i , 1�'(G;. l.c, r�ovietid u�Vasl.0 Q� t i,�i�t�� L'i�l, 'the �.:l:i�r5.t�:i].:i.�l,,y i�r��uir��:- men1;:; ot' 1:ha stcl��iect pr���;r••<;m. Ot�� ou�jective ta<<s i:o list tYre t�he aria - ,� ex�;ent or upu:Li.crblp meaUure:� and arri��t at a ed�'t. estima'te for res�tor�a�!.�:c:r.. Lle al�o r.C3V7.E:47E:d �.he ��,ep� for iiuplema,ntin�; the pro�;ram ��].lowinL toci:�;;' ::� ._ _ mee�t�it�_;. �:incc� �Lhr. �,r.n1 i 3 sno��� covc�rc�d, ���ie re'ti�d l►eavi].,y' o2i Tl�tiaar�i�� re��a11., � ac�rial. pho�t�,:;, an�a a c�.l.d �•���.ik in the :�ilo►�i <�.� a basi� f.ur oui� es1.i��ia���.�1::;. Briei':Ly, thc� �ppareiit eli�;il�ic� i estora�ion measures .are: 1 . SedimFn�: remova.l frcr�� tl-�e' s�traam for a dista�zce of �,bout 2,OQb £�:et, • � Tl�i� re3eh :i;.c i'.rac� t)�e vr,:,t;r•s�a:ri sic+�� o� tli� ��a:i.lrold �t.r�.e)c.�s u;� •�to �tlie bl�icl,c vr �:ulre�r�, a'l, U.S. Iii�li;;ay 61. WF �si;:in�atecl 't1��i.;s por�':.ioii � . of -1;he wurlc to cost about �5,5C0. This inc.l.udes er.cavatior�, l�aulin;; ��ic: illei})uz�a1 �f b;�oii� ci]u vi;��ta'Lii�� i.iid s i.i•�:�ail 'OatL�S tt't►d c.ii�'i:ia:r�uc�cl � � tiT�ea;3. . 2. S��r�ew:�l�anl: :il;abil?.�.a�t;;icn o.`►' �l.iou� 2,5(?U f�e:'L of ca�aru�el ��a��lc. 7'l�i:; e�•Liinitcd Q-i.,•t,�nce i;:, 1.;;�:�ic-�'ee i;. � , i � • it• �iT'7.'�].n�'l� ilf'Uc9 ]1��;1171,I.11L Cl1TL';:I.Si :� O� IlhUll� ?'.0 L1C1'l':; (��� :i�'.;�'t.�•�`1'l'!tl . dif.'t':ic�u1�L �il;e::. l�u�:icna�t;eci cos�; fbr '�}►i:� is� �j,00U. � ' . � b. Riprap or gaoions consists of about 1 ,000 c.y. 'at an estiria.ted ' cost of �30,QG0. , . 3: Contin�;ency of 20� waC aci��ed to thc:�e construci;�on 'cos�s p�.lzs ��n <zQ�ii�l:iona'1 ��N for en_;incerin� ar.ci adm:inist:a�tion. T21e cos�Ls ai�c a3 fo'1'lows: , • . �, T�te�n (1) - - - - - r - - - - - � 5�500.00 _ :C�t.eiu (?) � .. _ — — — — — — — — 35�Oc��.�0 . ;,uLi.ol.a:i - - = -- - - - -- - - $� ?IC),C1UO.i,i� . . 20r� Con:tint;^iicy - - - - - - _ fi, 14��,t�� . � 4u, 1C�U.UU � l;r�;inr.ei�i ri� �: ttclnrini;j�ra�ion - 1�,1:;c?.�� 'i'(YI'l�i, _ - _ - - _ - _ _ _'W�, 6:),'('�U.G� . . ,�, • ��;\ ,e ,, ' . C�' ,7 '�, , , , �,, . _ ; ... ..�.... .. �..---�.._ , _, ..., ....�► ..�. . .. , ,:.... �:.�...,..{��,....r....._._:_._.. .._ _ . .��,...,,,� ,:�. _.�.._ .. _,.�...,._.. .:�..W.:. H v - ���� � . . �4 � • ' . APPEIVDIX B ' � � • • Minutes'of Feb. 9, 1976 • !- A1 Fiscl�er . � Pa�;�, 2 . , , • ' . , , , r , . , . , . _ . � I , i '.1'L�� li��xt t,l;r.p, ,�,� l :��� il,, .i� tc� pi�c��rs.; �:his�propus,il �Lo l,}�e c�un;;��r:, � ' (S�dCU aild/o.r W�z�tei�:�hed I3oar�d). Ii -�hey ti•::i:.� to receive �.Yiis �.;�pe o�' �:;;,ist3n�;e, hcive �th�;m reques�t as�istance �:�_�;:�in Atr. i�lajor and ��rovicl� SC.S ' i a cory of a r�c�olu�:i.on si.uiilar to tl��e ut�t:cl:ed svnples. A�� �pons�r�^, i �;hc�,y y,ou?.d nced. ta provi�le ncces�a.ry ti�:orit rermit.;�, water (Ui�TR) pe�.�mit:�; and ��rov�c;e operation and maiiitenan�e cn �;:,:^�anc:r��t• or lif'e long ��:t�3S�u�r.;�. � ' None of �Lhe rnc�asw:e� we havc propoc�ed u:e aa-�sicicr�d to. bc: �7�i�rna.nc:til: or � I�, life 1on�. l�'oll:c�tia:ixi; reec�i.}�,1, �i' �i�.ti�:, �por.;r,_�s� letter •to Pfir. t��;�..ic�r rc�.. ' r,u�,ti.n; a:;t;�.,.l;uir,c;, wc ti•�i.7�. requ�;;t �;i,c� �:ci��:ini.:3l,rrxtor'�s �p��ruva�. t•o � amcnd ttie Ti►vr,zti.�;��;ic�n and l�tnld l;ec�ur,�t ta ane].�lc�s 3��,�m:�r.y Cowl�ty. � '� l�lr� ,11�a di:;r,ticr►ecl tlic; r.vw�iit,tY,a:L ti.3e �i' �.r�i��z�t,e or�r�inr.r.i•a i'a.r thi; �.ir.��,j�;.c�l; :JZ1C111�f� 'L�, T.'4]'� E,)'.li���'I.;:P• .� :UlCjC2)':ii:ilYl:l :l1''U�:. 110'�•I;tI'l'1 Y•��il.�, ]3CLY'Y' i�'1!?1.'YI!+l"`!':I.il�; rt�p����.^.,c:rrt:� tl�c� l�<<1;-t:lc C:i�celc ��la'���r�t��.�i Uisi.l�ii;l; ar�y�du��. I hr�v� 1130 ai:i:��checi a checic ].i.st foz� wor:� taitl� L'�r!ErgEr,cy 4;.�;�•:;�.rsY�ed Protee�Lion �'unds for' your inforrnation. • % , ,�� , - , . • �, ;' � (�� . �� '1..�.- _ �,. � �. .l ' • Roy E. ]3riF;ht A�,s_i�tant St�te Con�orv¢rl;iari 1?��ineer Al.C��chmeni;^ . , .. , r.c':" 11•i���r�y M;�ju.r, :C, U(;�, ;,i.. !'tu��l., ;�L`J � Ger�ilci l�;c�;;l.uit, 5/1c1, �;C;�, :;�. 1'au1, ;��,j � l Itobcrt l3intzler, SC�:, tiCS, St. �'au�, i��1 fio�rc Noechni�, SC, SCS, St. P�ul, i•�� " Ju�tin Jei`R'�'ery CE, S'CS, Brooklyn Center, i��.'V - � + . � . ,. . , , , � , � .