267034 WHITE - CITV C ERK 26���� PINK - FWAN E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPAR MENT Fll@ NO. BLUE - MAVOR � , �� din�nce Ordinance N0. ��J�—I� Presented By ^ � Refer ed To Committee: Date Out o Committee By � Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing th.e compensation rates of certaan city positions and employments, " pproved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 6446, approved Janua.ry 23, 1925, s amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out of ection II, under the heading "Special Employments", the following: "Dentist $45. 00 per clinic session" d by ��a:bs�tituting in lieu thereof the �ollowing: "Dentist-Clinic $45. 00 per clinic session" Section 2. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force thirty ays after its passage, approval, and publication. COUNCI MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christen en PERSONNEL OFFICE � � In Favor Levine nl Rcedler v Against By Tho . Gleason Dir. of Personnel Sylveste Tedesco Preside t,�fj�(t}�pZZQ A� 2;7 �Q�'6 Form Ap roved Cit Atto Adopted by Cou cil: Date . Certified P by C cil ecretary • BY . B 9 Approv a r: D e Approved b yor u i o C unci By By pt�.t�tED 1�AY 8 ��� , ��� . -t�0 not �1°t�h this memc�rand�fm from the p�+i O1: 12-1975 �.,. 4 t�rdinance' so that t his rn f�r m a t i o n w i l f b e , ,;. ��,��+►�'��'.�����N aF���MZZ�z�T������ Q�n�S, � , - � � _ ! RESOLTJT�QNS:AliTI1 4RL'�II�i�Y�FS ' � , `�I�� ' i _ Datc. March.17, 1976, 3- a 4-- '7 b � ,�.. . r'r� .� ��U f�� ��/�C:.; .'�.�, T(a�' THC7MAS �'. KELl4FY, C�TY A.�A+�IN��TRATOR , FR: P�r�o�nel Office� R:E: fJrdi�aaace for sulbrnissian to C�.�y���wm:cil ; � ACT N F�Et�UESTEA:� . I re� ' ead yo�r approval and eubmisaic�. of thi.a t�rdi�a�c� to tht ity '�,�u�ci1. � ' , ,; PU� ��E A:T�TD RAx'ICII�ALE F�JR THIS A�T�ONa , r" , . ':�'l�,ia Ord:i;naace �haag�s the tifia.e Denti�t tr� Der�tist�Cl�,nic in: S�cti� -��.� ' headaia�g �'Special Employm�at7s� to co�fors� to the chaa.g� i�ti �r�.iaan e '"3��-,,.' /� � , '� _ , Tl�i� Oretla�ue� �,s neae�sary �o ke�p �i�a��;b�4b canais.*�►t �eith � ia Orai�tce 3�4 t�hich cDu�d t� title "Daatist" in Ssr��ia� 7. , , . : , 1�.T CHNt�NTS; 4rd,i�.ance and,c�py for City Cl:erk. , , _ - i A� G?VAL, ,haxna� J� e� y', y �rn#miatr � �: ; : ; � .;: . - ..,< , �z,.. . j � J lst 2nd � f 1� 3rd Adopted ��pZ� Yeas Nays CHRISTENSEN HUNT LEVINE �"�ot�� � ROEDLER SYLVESTER � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)