267033 WHI7E - CI TV C ERK PINK - FINAN E ITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �•y� (� CANARV - DEPAR MENT / i BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • ����■ \ � � ► � �( j r n�nce Ordinance N 0. �� 1 i \: Presented By Refe red To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and reaponsibi.lities and the minixnum qualifications for tlie various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5ection 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out the title DENTIST in tlze specifications for that title and i.nserting i.n lieu tliereof t1�.e title DENTIST-CLINIC. 5ection 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting, i.n the proper alphabetical order, the title and specifications for DENTIST � - 1 - COU CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Chri tensen Hoz a In Favor Lev ne Roe ler Against BY Sylv ster Ted sco Pre ident Hunt Form A r ve by City At r Adopted by ouncil: Date Certified P ssed by Council Secretary BY By Approved b Mayor: Date � Approved by missio Co il By BY , � ` �5�q�f ����� �� ��a�:�� ,�6� ���� r��:��7�s� px�,iCP.7�'T��Tv �3i� i1�I�:?-� �3C�P_L'l'a� �.�?Lr°�,.t`.C':'TP"::17t GP �l?�:li.°o s.�^"C?L'�03TY1.^-� �,3`C9F4;�uulOil�.�. C�E3i1�'r'L�. $E.'3I'SItC(G'.� I.11" (:7E; E>7:�TS,i.t1�i1Gt1��.A�',.z:�I1Ci^2.�� �t1� �5'�s'lGL3]�T'!t f�'� E:��nl�'sFC �e�'��.�T'i1:u l�i C�T2� � oa r��re �f t�� d:�:z�:°.�1 �a:c�fi.;�;r�?s.�� a.€ tt�e �i5risi.a�a� �f �'txblic ?-���.Ith �F3c; perte�xrn� ��el:t�;c": :];.;,�vi��:s �s r�r�u�rcG., �S�.tn?*�r��5.�sn F.ecf�zx�-U�'° i'i,rc��°I:� �.�cl�r �:I�� �ran�rat �uzdance �.ncl direction. a:t th� c?�viez��3 t,�ac3 �,nc3��fi° �.�b�gr�r. c�ixLc�o;�e ar�.ci in �ss��iatic�n �vi�'i . fh�: Direetoc e�` ;��.�cizc�.I � �x�;�.c�E, ;u�c����v��r� F:�.r.��•ci 3.;r�� L°�arcise� wi:�'�in one ax �n�re c�enta� Eo rams _�...�..._,. ..m.....a,r.�. fl � �ESCi�.l:'�c"t�. F,,t;.�1�:'VL:'•:CSI'a: C`¢ �9W2`�fJ:"i2Y�� ?'i2'�"Cf�,�C�;C: ].Tl ��'�e �i��;no�is and t�ceat� rrErf: �,x eli�'i�l.F �z:f;ie:=_��;�. �,'��x�;��. ��'�'w�� �L:��;4���c?�:2�� ''ih� Iia�Wc� e�,�.m.ral.e:� r:��a�r �Qi: i€1clu�e aL� d�.ti�� g�er��r.�aec3 by a1L pasiCiarss irr tiill8 CY,i'u8.. d'�s�iucr; i.c� 4:1�e c;eveF��z:ae��� a�t t,�.�ei��Er���� fox c3ent�it'�reaYi�x�en� �:nd in th�; e�cuL�i�iair�Wr�� a� �:�z:iarif:ie� fo� d�n�a' �:reaCrr�en�, �.dvise� �Fz� c}ivi::7��i 'ne�r� e�� ��fz�cc� uirecCoz i� ���: t�eye�o�sment and a:1�.,�°s��rri��L�tiQ�� �� �r�neal ��lici��„ Ezad�:i�2e� �;ati���.:� <<cc�}���c� saar d�n�a�, treatx���rtt., �3aC���:a��� �c�F}L•ar c�i.�:��a��s� i.ax� :t�;rni*.�eti� pa�tie.n2s; e�i:�bli�he� Lh� plan for $:CGr'1t4Y:vf1� �.LL2G �3YGil�BIS:3.i3t'i �.� f.�ent�I dise€�se,: Prr�aide� tEC��.��:n���.t- 3's�r dia�n�se:d dc:�ai.:a3. c�isease� aa1r�/a;- ref��s ��tleat� tE� i:�c uppx���i^��ti �.�;cFxcy c�x profes�ion�3, i�adividttal wh�n iadfc�.i:ed„ ��G J��cs ��L•iEntc i.L� 4ne �re��s:n�.i.r�t� c�f dental �is�a�e�„ ���3visc� �;���i��,i �tufx vr� �:�i�c«scs af �SOSS%bte c�e�.lta1 e�Fa�.o�g� e�r conce::no th��i�ti�� zr t'-�e c�kc�e�-i:1� o:f cie��.`cal �up;�I*�s �.r_c �quipxnen� �'or c�ne or nao�e CiC3Yl�:1..s !93':��2'wl'�5., 15.��,irts in ".he r�e:v�Zf:..��������,� c� d�nt�,I �ea�.th �da�,�a'�i4i2 ;�ragrams9 �ssi;�:� ct� ��.p��•;r��e� tit�-ae :nw7.rbr:��ian�e �f s�t�ti��ical recdrds related to �?�� :ae77t��. ��:2^e:�?i:.•s�i�� ��' �Sa'�i�i�ts,. .�.�����:a irr �;�� e;v�3.ua<�i�� e�s �en��l �Sa•a�x•�.rn ;t�.�isi:icso �:c e;��:��� pwrS.��7�r:4,.'. r;���?�1:$ czx i:i:� c_�a-i enC �t�t�x5 c�f e��� �r m�r� cientaT • ;�+"fJ��i.'�I13:� ��3 3.°GC=11':'..^i€:4aC�p e�..Ti:i L;?Z^u,�Ck:i� ?`Ct�G'Ll?tii�l�ilC�±:a�:�.b'"�i3`J f6°sI' P�A�G;C�`v°t�. i%�1��.":.'i].%f1 E'�G"L"�f..'„ �'a�i4��4T;,,.�:'_'.,��=`��p J��'a.����,e �3.�.';L� ��.�'ri�.,:.'�.�+.�a.p,,�.. �i��c��°�z.:�'�i kz���;�Z�c?,n� �nr3 �.s��.*'.�ty i:n 4:��e ar� of aea����. �x�m�.�atia�n,. d��gnosasp t, �z:�,s t�v;�±�r.sek�?:., '�'?�c�_�•�-,t�c;�= ��t�r��v�,r-r��;� �f L1i� �a znri��.�s �:� cien���. €3i$�as� prevenCiv�s., �ic�ii`�i.�W]'��3�� �:L1�"vQ:.�-:?��2 �Ir. ;,'ilt� }a3:L:�C2i3iVf3 q� t��i1'�:c"l.�. �9�c2�.f'�1 Er;tiC��3.Ot1, C.;on.;ic�c��13I.� ��i?ai;�° 4o d4�.9, t�c:;.�f�I?y= w�.cl �:�fir:i�x�fil;r �vith p�,�:f�i��s a:2d e�a�`f� m�a . � � ��qG� , �6���3 I:�z:��i�.c:r.'�r:� �:�11��_Z��.�;^.�1'�'x����i� �2.'V2.C'i.!:?'�ic7Z1 i:l"Ci1?. i?i;. ^t.:G".'E:ti�}.�•,.^-..� �'-G.'23`L�.� .°.�:°?{?n�. 4*,>liil �. �a .���3, � 1�Jo �� �� � CSx ':c7:Z7.V?���3;. �^<<;:�':.� �I:ct� Ci�."i'rC3���.�p ixC�12S�^:� '�:O �I::1C�»C� Z�€;1'�C�B'�l�f i.I2 i:��� �'•'Grl�+^ CIS !'::�.�i�i.c�:••:9�£1a f�eCJ t;i1i:���:li:Ct�1C111. ��l 4:+�Llt�a'EtiOFl OI' �LCQYit3t;' ;�c'.��t].i�i72�.�.-.21(;£„ � ., WH17E — CITY C ERK PINK — FINAN E GITY OF SAINT� PALTL. Council •yy�a^� CANARY — DEPAR MENT File NO. �� ■ "�� � BLUE — MAYOR � a � � , � � / � O r in�nce Ordinance N 0. ���I'�` Presented By Refe red To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. - 4 - COU CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Chri tensen � P E R S O N N E L O F F I C E }{uy�,� In Favor Lev'ne Rce ler Q Against By T h o a D . G 1 e a s o n Director Sylv ster Ted sco Pre ident�,14�(�( }�OZZCL � 2 j �5�6 Form ppro ed y City t y Adopted by o . Date � � Certif' sed oun ' S tary • BY Approv ayor: ate ;$ 19 Approved by yorfo is ' o ci By BY ��:?. .� MA� 8 #�?� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . � . . � _ ` . .�f . - � , � ` { emorandurri f�oi�+ the �J'��`�� � Do not,de�ach this m c�M a1: 12-1975 � ordinanc� so that this informati�n witl be . , ' a�����t�i.���ty Council. N QF ADMiN�ST�A►T'TVE ORDERS, --.� ` " ��� � R E$CJT,.UT�faNS ANLI O�t;D�TAN�FS � Date: Mazch 17, 1976 ' 3-� 4- 7� : TO: HQMAS J. KELT.,EY, CITY AD�VIIIITISTRAT4R _ . , � .. , ; T'R. e��oanel Offiee ; _ RE: �d�aace for aut►m�:a�ion t� C�.t�` Coun.cil � ; _ AC'�T N��tE UESTED: � : � I recarrunend yoiux appro�al and s�tb�ia�ion af this Orr]inarxiiCe �o the �ty G��eil. , �'UR E�� AND �tATTt�TA�E FC}R T�I.i� ACT,�ON: ` : Thia Qr+d3�aace� chwges th� pre�a�t ti��.� Deatist to De�nti�t•-Glizuie e� ��e�:�es a new title and��peeifYCatiors far �entist wh�tch refle�ts`�h� i�it�ties � y.;, � resp�nsibilitie�' af a full time, s�saff deatis� ' , 011,�11, � �,�.� � '�' ' , � �teaa or rel�n�g excl�i.el�r +aa p�a�rt�tt,.e clfx�t� d+�s��ets, t� Sw #� D�,_ �ta� s ttii].1-tii�e .&�tist ami�ale �uc-s re�lsr bufs':��r t�ww It�l Qit3.es A� �����.,�#„�,�.� Tbe ftil.l, ti�, gr�t$ psrson �►i.11 �arry t�te t�t �ist"; ' �1 dent3sts vili �� ti�l�t "Das�#�st'�1�ini�". A tr 1-� tist �ill p�avide c. �a asd yp�ttctfeu3 �'�il�_ l�a, O��a�ce �c sistibg vf � Pa�ea�$�opy fe����r`���r7��, �"ith iei� p�raasi�tl. � _ AP ROV,AL: ! � �� ozri e . �e11 , t x��n rato . ; � ; _ , ,' � lst p ��/� 2nd � /�S 3rd � �p�� Adopted � !p2-� Yeas Nays CHRISTENSEN HUNT � LEVINE �� /��� ROEDLER � • SYLVESTER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)