267023 WH17E - CITV CLERK COIl[1C11 �s�o�_S PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL �.i CANARV - DEPARTMEN � BLUE - IaiAYOR _ � File NO. Coun al esolution Presented By ICENSE C0� � Referred o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date RE�lLVED: That li enses applied fbr by the followiri� persons at the addres�es atated by and the same hereby grant�d. Seested Carpet Co. 282 E. 6th St. Carpet Dlr. App. 574 New 199 E. Plato Blvd. Ta,vern 2839 '� Awada, nc. �� Th� C thouse of St. Paul 13$ Plato Blvd. Swim. Pool �+39? City Wi e Used Furniture 959 �ltier 2nd Hd. Dlr. Gen. 4734 't Steve ttisto 1500 No. Dale S#. Elec. App. Rep. 52�6 " Violet ett 52� Sherburne C1. K Food Veh. 5439 " Edwaxd pexet 37�+ No. Lexington Tow 3'ru.ck 5546 " Interst te United Corp. c�o Minne a Ar�na 753 No. Western I-VM 1o�a. 5822 " �� " 3 Add'1. M. " ►► Vince S rauss & Paul Rudolph 1036 Grand Aw. 1 Tow Truck 5g23 " James . Frendt 977 Front I-vr�t Loc. 63�5 „ ,� " Tow Truck 6316 " Arend- one, Inc. 1174 W. 7th St. Rest. C-1 6498 " ►� �t Cig� n tr I3aasen kin� 3upply Co. 875 Pi�rce Butler Rte. Add'1. Fee to Fds. NIDPW 662� " 1089 University Ave. 1 Tow Truck 6622 " Union '� Co. 6623 �� St. Pa � Meat & Produce Co. �+02 University Av�e. Orig. Cont. F.M. rieon�; Fdstf. VM Oper. �t�-.> 443 So. Snelling 6768 " School f St. CaBimir g30 E. Geranium Food Estab. C1. L 693� " Thomae D. Doyle 19�+8 Ashland Grocery 707$ �� �� r' Froz. Foods �� " „ '� Off Sale Malt " �� " " Cigarette " " Joseph Har�rey Novick 300 So. Sneliing Ave. 1 Tow Truck 7235 " Th�mae Bailey 81$ Coano Bicycle D]s. 7252 " LatufY Bros.� Inc. 868 Univ. Ave. 1 Tow Truck 7276 " The Gr en Flea 1671 Selby Ave. Florist-Nurs. ?317 " Werkh en Psnterprises, Inc. 393 No. Dunjap Rest. c-2 7353 '� Minn. umber & Wreck. Corp. 915 No. Albert 4 Priv. Gas Pumps 735$ �� David . E�rans 1119 Prosperity Gas Sta. 9A ?38�+ " COUIVCILM 1V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President H nt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WN17E - CITV CLERK 1 �l�- /��� PINK - FINANCE COUnCll fy � �� CANARV - DEPARTME T GITY OF SAINT PALTL BI.UE - WrAYOR _ - File NO. Coun � Resolution Presented By LICEN5E CONA�IIZ'1'EE Referred o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date �OLVED: That li enses applied for by the followin� pereons at the iddresses stated by and the same hereby gran�ed. David . �va.ns 1.119 Prosperity Tow Truck Agp. 7385 New Gas & odies, Inc. g76 E. 7th St. Fros. Foods B ?399 " " „ 2 Add'l. Ge.s Pumps �� '� E.J. on�us 1770 Old Hudson Rd. Taw Truck 7421 " $ob B1 er Ford. 825 Grand Ave. 2nd Hd. M.V. Dlr. 7434 " " $50 Grand Ave. New M.V. Dlr. 7435 r' " " Dlr. Garage " �� " 35 So. Victoria Dlr. Rep. Gex. 7436 " " 880 (�rand Ave. 2nd Hd. M.V. Dlr. 7437 " Grover i�s 190 Metro Squaxe B1dg.Orig. Cont. 7�+78 " Allen . Kaufenb�erg 595 1�0. Ham]_ine Baxber 7479 " Carpet Lindsey & Assoc. 458 So. Robert Carpet Dlr. 7536 " Greg rlin 859 University Ave. VM Loc. 7537 " Kenneth La,ska 3835 Coon Rapids Blvd. Auctioneer (1 day) 7566 " 1�arilyn Percansl�yy 4509 Minrietanlsa Biva. Veh. Pedd].er 75� �� Mark Wi heLn 1076 Agate Mtr. Veh. Dr. 7605 " f, Helen & Woody, Inc. 413 No. Lexington Cig. Loc. 762 „ '� Cig. VM Oper. �� �� Jesse honeen 10201 Filmore St. N.E.Ci�, VM Oper. 7625 " Jesee honen c�o City 1 & Courthouse 15 W. K�llogg VM Loc. 7626 " n " 10 Add'1• M. n n Co�nuni y Retreat� Corp. 532 Ashland Ave. VM Loc. 7632 " Harold we Co., Inc. 1372 SchefYer Ave. 3 M.A.D. 7633 " Pisces terprises, Inc. 821 Univereity Ave. Cig. 7637 t, Thomas ce Miller 568 Sherburne Mtr. veh. Dr. 76�+1 " Twin To 1706 Univeraity Ave. Cig. 76�+3 '� Myron 40�+g Abbott ave. So. Foot Peddler 7659 " Dave C istian Rte, 3� Osseo Auctioneer 7681 " Ms. Mar ia Caliguire 511 E. Minnehaha Me�ssa�use 'T712 " Charles R. McKee III 779 Tatum St. Masseur 7739 `� Deborah T. Allemani 326 E. Be�ker St. Masseuse 775i �� COUIVCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas ays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hu t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by ouncil Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK 2s'70�3 � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT� PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTME T BLUE - MWYOR � . File �0. Coun il Resolution _ Presented By ICENSE COI�Il�IITTEE Referred o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date RBSOLVED: That li enses ap�l.iel Por by the following persons at the addresee� stated by and the same ax hereby granted. Mary Be h Johnson 7�+7 �y�'d Mtr. Veh. Dr. App.7778 New Daniel . Gunderson 1359 �d �� 78�+ " Chuck L lligren c�o Pro�ect Environment �+20 Summit Aee. Auctioneer 7897 " COUIVCILM lV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen � � Hun In Favor Levine , Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hozza a� 6 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun � Date Certified sse b ouncil Se tary � � BY B Approv by May : Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By Pu LIShED APR � 7 ��