267021 WH17E - CITV CLE K W PINK - FINANCE � CANqRV - DEPARTM NT G Y OF SAIN P uL COl1IIC11 ,M'�,,�,�1 BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ncil-� ion Presented By LICENSE CC11�TL'1"PE� ' '�� Referre To mmi e: D e Out of ommittee By D e RESOLVEDs That Application P 7202 for Junk Deal�r License� �ade by Poor Richards� Inc. at 820 lark Street, be and the same is hereby granted sub3ect to the following res ctionaa 1. bsolute prohibition on any accumulation of automobiles for �unk or ther simil.ar purpose. 2. burning prohibited except probably s�7.1. usual household papera, etc. n an approved container during t.he hours present�* perm3tted. 3. uulping prohibited of °hot" loads or aby other d�amping of trash� fill, or ther refuse. 1�NEfaTAL Restrictions, ginal C.F. 237390 and Reseinded Nex Restricti , C.F. 21�0954� 11-1l�.-69 COUNCIL EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christens n �ipmc H t _� In Favor Levine J Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Presiden 1L]�t HOZZB � � �9T� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun il• Date Certified s ounc' Secretar� BY By Approve ay r: Da � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � ��IED i�PR 1 � tq�