267011 WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE C I T O A A V L COIIIIC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. cil ' 'on Presented By CENSF CO1�Il�fITTEE � Referred T Co ittee ate Out of Com ittee By ate RESOLVED: Tha� lic�ion P 3936 for Class C3-Urive-In Reataurant and Cigarette licenaes� applie for by Fest Food� Syatems Corporation at 20l� Marshall Avenn�e, be and th,e same hereby granted, sub3ect to the follo�ing eonditions: . That a ti�ht fence� appraximately 6 feet� 6 inches in height be constru�cted and maintained along the a11ey or north praperty line of the restaurarit from the north corner of the building to the northeaet and north�rest corners of the property. . That an additional door be constructed and maintained on the east side oY the building so that delifery service will be possible from Marshall Avenue or south side, . Z'hat �he outdoor floc�dlightittg x3.11 be directed or shielded in such a xay so that there will be no direct rays ehini� on the residences to the north of ths rsat8urant. . Tha.t the operation hss no plan to employ car haps, and further aub�ect: . That all a�pl3.cable city ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulationa of public authorities haee cogniza�e�� be eomplied with. DRIVE-IN AND S IAL RESTRTCTIONS Renewal COUIVCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �[ Htm In Favor Levine 1 Rcedler � Against By Sylvester Tedesco President HOZZB � � �']� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counc' Date Certified sse ounc' tary/ BY By Approv by Mayor: ate � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY �eusNFD A R i 719�6