267005 WHI7E - CITY C ERK ^ ^���� PINK - FINANC GI OF SAINT PALTL Council �,�Q CANARY- DEPAR ENT File NO. BLUE - MAY�tDR t . � � rdin�nce Ordinancel�0. ���� / Presented By Referr d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " pproved January 23, 1925, as amended, pertaining to tuition reim- ursement for city employees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, s amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in Section III V hereof, so that said Section III V shall read: "V �o-anp-fn��-ttme-erng�e�ee-da�e;-�n-e�de�-te-�x�g�s�*e-�#s-we��-- perferrr►anee;-tn�ee9-eenrses-�h�ei�-�ie�re-a-d��eet-�e�at�e�s�i�g-- te-h�s-�ver3�;-npen-snbxttss�en-e�-e��denee-e�-s�eee�s���-ee�--- g�et�er�-e�-saei�-een�se9;-a-�e�t�d-�r�-t�e-e�rte�tr�t-e€-t�e-t��--- t3e�.---�in-extg�e�ee-dee���n�-te-ta.�e-ad�ar�tage-e�-t�i��-t�a��s-- �ng-p�egram-�rte�st-i�aee-t�e-een�se-we�3e-agg�e�eelz-p�e*a�e�e-te-- en�e���rteat;-b�-��9-elega�t�er�t-�.eael-ar:el-t�ie-E��e€-�xa���e�:--- i�scte�9-a.}�er�-W�i�ei�-en-e�tg�e�*eel9-e��g�b���t�-ele�e�els-�ne��e�ee t�.e-past-roo�e�i�-reee�d-e�-the-emg�e�ee;-h�s-ser�a�ee-�at��gsT--- �engt�-ef-se��r�ee;-the-�e�e*anae�-e�-t�e-ee���e-�e��-te-t�e--- emg�epeel�-ge9�t�er�;-tke-stetne-ef-ti�e-edaeat�ena�-��et�t�t}en and-e.�e���b���t�-e�-fands.---��-t�e-e�g�e�ee-�ea*ae9-t�e-e�t�*--- ser�*�ee-�oa��th�n-ene-�ea�-a�te�-eemg�et�e�-e�-e-eea�9e�ta�en---- t��.ele�-t��9-���e;-�e-m�9t-�e€�d-t�ie-a�rtennt-sge�t-b�-t�e-e�t�.-- �P��t�en-ga�er�ts-s�e��-be-���n�teel-te-$��9-a���a���-�e�-an�*---- er�e-eatp�e�ee.- - 1 - COUNCI MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christe sen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvest r Tedesc Preside t Hunt Form pprov d by t rney Adopted by Co . Date Certifie asse b un ' BY Y Approved by Ma or: Date Approved Ma s, on to o cii By By WHITE - �ITV C ERK COUI1C11 •'�T� • •=�� PINK - FINANC GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEP4,R MENT BLUE =-�MAYOR File NO. � J (� O/ in�nce Ordinance N 0. I�—I � ) Presented By Refer d To Committee: Date Out o Committee By Date To n certi�ied full-time classified or full-time unclassified em o ee o the C t of Saint Paul excludin tem orar , emer enc , ro isional an those listed as S ecial Em lo ents who, in. ord r to im rove his work er ormance takes courses which have a d rect relationshi to his work or will enable him to fol ow �a car er ladder lan to ositions attainable in the Cit ob stru�cture, u o submission of evidence of successful com letion o the cowrse or ontinued success ul er ormance in course work with no ixed te a.nat�.on ate, a re und in the amount of the cost or tuitian, lab rator ees and other obli ator course ees ut exc u in the cost of books. Z the em lo ee receives tuition reimbursemlent fro another ublic source, or rs subsidized b another ublic sou ce due to his status as a student he is not eli ible for this re ursement from the Cit of Saint Paul. An lo ee desirin to take advanta e of this trainin r ram mus ave t e course wor a rove =evious to enro ent, , his de artment head and the Cit Trainin Coordinator. Factors u o which an em lo ee s eli ibilit de ends include the ast work rec rd o the em lo ee, relevanc o the course work to the em lo ee' s os tion, and the status o the educational institution. I the em- lo ee' s re uest or reimbursement is denied or an reason, he has the ri ht to a eal to the Civil Service Commission. Tui ion a ents shall be limited to $250. 00 for course work cqm- le e dur�n an one ca en ar ear or an one em o ee. Em 'o ees who obtain such refunds shall be re uired to a back the amou t of re ursement if the em lo ee leaves his em lo ent with the C t wit in one ear a ter the com letion of the course. The em o ee, how ver, sha 1 not be re uired to a back the Cit s reimbursement i he em lo ees new ob is with a overnmental unit. Thi olic will take effect for course work started after Januar lst 976. ' COUNC LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christe sen F�li unt � In Favor Levine O Sylves r Against BY � Personnel Presi nt� Ho2za � � 2 �976 Form A rov d by ity ttor Adopted by Co ncil: Date � ' Certified Pass d by Council Secretary BY By Approve yor• ate - Approve Ma or ''1 By Y �u�.�s��o MaY � 197� .�. . . . .. � . . � '. � �a not det . �tt�is: rn�morandu�n from the j��� � . � ordin�t�e �v tt�is informa't�tm witl be ��+i E11;, ����97� ava��� #o the City Councit, � � � �..�. .� �z��,�,.�v�►T o� c�a� ���zs����zva� ���a�:� ��� R�'►�QLrU'I�QI'+t"� �3� QR U J�1►1�1C�►S Aa��; ebruary 3� 1976 . , � TQ; H+QMAS J, T�ELI.+I£Y, ��'�'Y :�Pi��N'�5'�'�tATt��t �''R 1 e�soaael Office, ��mas D.: Gle�son : R�s rdi��ace f�r: submi�sioa to the ,City �+��cil. , .. `: ;A�T� .� .R� UESTED. : , F �. YQar_agpr�,v�i and gubrnisaiax� a� this Or:di�ance 'to the City Cc�umcil. � .� N4 E; 'I'he Civi1 Ser�wi.ce Comrr�is�ian a�C i.ts meetiag of Februa�rg �, 19� , a��rprc�d thie ordiinaacc eonditio:r�i.�.l�r �. the coadi�io��. b�ixa.g tha.t aa em.play�e <� ���c�e�. � -�Q pay hack the amouat �pent by�the Cit� t�nder t�i�i� reia�burs ` t��tf��; . e�lopee 1e�:ves �s e�rigl�yment with �he City wit�s a� q��r - � cc��� .": �►f a �r�e,_ . , �; _ �: R ;AS,� A�1�tI3 R�PI'IIt�A.�� �'Q�i, T � A�: '�`�Q�+T: ; �r ' a,nee to xevise tb�e tuitiQn r�i�b�rset�ra�ut req�tixem��ats i� Ord.i,��e+ �„ 6�±?4�►�, � .�`�� x'�� �e�d�+�nt.���ds t�.e eli�i.bi�ity ft�r reimbu�eern�t to all f��e ` s othe �hasi t�m2�ar�.��ys ernergency,. gr+cwisio�nal, or s'eFpe�i.�.t. e��I�y.�ta�s.� aa�� � �s re r�xsemen:t to e��loyee� w�,o �rer rec�ivia►g r�i�n'�urse�+o�t �ti� a ��� ,�1� .. _� p�t � �aurce fer a couxse. it a33.�s�� reimbt�,rs��sxeat ferr ca�xeaer lac�de�r. '�� �.� cr� �� t'�e yearly rnaaca,rnurn, r�imbura�ment frorn $1�0 tv ��fl, a�ac� r ��;�- �isi � �a.t a� eim�loya�e mt�s� refunc�t�.e arr�ou�t spea� by t�e £i�y`und��+-t '�±�� � , +�;� . , �a if axi empl4�ee J��ave.s his 'exnpi�r�rnent �vit2� the Cit�► ��tthia cme �re� r c '� �lG� � of � 'outrse, : � . : °i AT � EN?a�R ; ,, , i. _ Qr�in:ance �nd c�►py for the City GTerk. . ' " : A� �t la ;A ` . _,.•. , .�� ,y. o�n�s ,. a �Y, ��Y : z� uxir.�r���p�.: : _ .._ ,,; . �� ��� �S , Qr�1 - � � js�'1 WH17E - GTV C ERK t ����}�5 PINK - FINAN E COIIIICll � CANARV - DEPAR MENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAiTL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Refe ed To Committee: Date Out o Committee By Date An ordinance amen ing Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An admi.nistrativ ordinance fixing the compensation rat�s of certain city positions d employments, �' i approved January 23, 1925, as ended, pertai.ning to tuition reimbu�se- ment for city employees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY O SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1, That Ordinance . 6446, approved January 23, �1925, as amended, be and the same is hereb further amended. in Section II� V thereof, so that said 5ection III V shall ead: � � ,�V' �'�o-a.��r f�7.b—t�.�a�gk�y�e$��o;�.x r-�e i�g�e�e 1}i.�s-wo�r�c-p�e�- €o-x�a��.�e�;;-t�k-e-g�eo�r�e�-w�ii.el���a ��xse�t�ek�t�exe�.i-g�e 1}'�- w�o-r�c3-�.gea-s�b�is eior�o€-e�ide�i�e-e€ ce�e-ss��.�co�gl�t3s�-o-f- st�.elq-�eoi.tr�se�s;a-�e€t��.x t�ie-a�not�t �lqe t�.��io�:--At3��r].e�ee d.e s}ni��g t-o-�a.ke��ar�tage-e€�1�}s��a�x g�-rog�a�-r�rta.�13a����ie eea�se we�k�p}�xto�ec�,-gr-��i.�xs-�oe��ol ;�}��ri.s{�e}�nt�er�� kea�-,a��ke-Gl�ie�f-�xa��r-.--Fae�s�s �lri��rari�r��-le�*e�ts e�igi�tl3�}��l.e�e�.�is-rx�c-l�a.de�-�Y3a�a s��v e�1� �e�c}x�o�t�e-ex�glo�y�ei �1�5�62�itiEB-Y+�t3Iig8�-�.AIi��!4Y�-S@I+-'4Ll�E�-��2- @��O�t�-6At7. s e wo�r�to�ke$x��sleyee��ot�i�io�i��re-st�t� €�k.e-ec��t3exa��- s�i�i.�iot�.-ar�d�v�i�ab�li�go�f�s:-I#t�e-e lo�y�e-�v�s�ke�i�y se�v��i�kir�o�e-yea�-�f�e�-e�o- �r7.s�ion-s� eex�se ta�ce�-t�xd�� �1}i�-�t�a,-��st�e€t�r��lqe�o�a.�-sger�t-b t�.e-e�t3r,-=Ftii�3e� gay�ar�t�s-sk.a�l�e 13�i�e�.�o-$�SArAA-a�l�.y f�o-r-ax�*-o-�e�g�o-yea. _ 1 _ � ' � COUN ILMEN Yeas Na s Requested by Departmen of: i Chris ensen y Hozz In Favor Levi � Roed r Against BY Sylve ter Tede co ' Presi ent Hunt i Form pprov d by 'ty Atto ney Adopted by ouncil: Date � i , Certified Pas ed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � ��. �• ���? I WHITE - CITV LERK _lc�(� PINK - FINAN E t �f f [� A� CANARV - DEPA TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUI1C31 i�•i�,. �a � BLUE - MAYO File NO. Ordin�znce Ordinance N 0. I Presented By Refe red To Committee: Date Out f Committee B y Date I To an certified. full-t e classified or full-tixne unclassified em lo ee of the Cit of aint Paul excludin tem orar emer �'enc rovisional and those li ted as �S ecial Em lo ments� �who in order to im rove his wor erformance takes courses which have a direct relationshi to his ork or will enable him to follow a � career ladder lan to ositio s attainable i.n the Cit 'ob struc re u on submission of evidence successful com letion of the course or continued successful erfor ance in course work with no fix d termination date a refund in th amount of the cost for tuition laborator fees and other obli a r course fees but excludin the cost of books. If the em lo e receives tuition reimburse ent from another ublic source or is bsid.ized b another ublic ' source due to his status as a studen he is not eli 'ble for this i reixnbursement from the Cit of Sain Paul. i An em lo ee desirin to take adva.nta of this trainin ro ra must have the course work a roved evious to enrollment b his de artment head. and the Cit Trainin Coordinator. Facto s u on which an em lo ee s eli ibilit de e d.s include the ast work record of the em lo ee relevanc of the urse work to the ! em lo ee's osition and the status of the ucational institution. If the em lo ee�s re uest for reimburseme is denied for an reason he has the ri ht to a eal to the Ci Service Commis�ion. Tuition a ments shall be limited to $250. 00 r course work cbm- leted durin an one calendar ear for an on em lo ee. i This olic will take effect for course work sta ted after Januar 1 st, 197 . " i Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect nd be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. i COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department o� I Chris ensen PERSONNEL OFFI(�E Hozz In Favor Levi � Roed er Against By Thomas D_ Glea�on� Dir.'' of Personnel Sylve ter Tede co � Presi ent Hunt Form ppro ed by C y ttorney ! Adopted by ouncil: Date � � I Certified Pas ed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by ayor: Date ed on Couhcil By V 1��� I . CITY OF SAIN'T P�UL .\ OFFICE OF THT CITY COIINCIL y�l:} .8 F �j . . � � .. . . .� �tv a,�e •aan^�I . .. . � . . . . �Y,�Ir'' — m � . . � . .. ���1 (� . . D a 1'6 � April �., ].976��?/� COMMtTTEE RE P ORT TO : Soint Pou/ City Counci/ _ F R O M = COMMI T TEE ON FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL Robert Sylvester � Ch0%I'!1'!O/7 mokes the f0�/OW%I19 RE PORT ON % C. F. j�j Ordinance . Q Resolution �- Oth�r T�T L.E � RE: Tuition Reimbursement The ordinance revising the tu3.tion reimbursement requirements in Ordinaace ��6446 was approved by unanimous vote at the Finance Committee Meeting held March 31, �976. It should, therefore, be removed from the liati o'f actions to be taken by said Committee. The City Clerk is hereby notiified of this action and is d3rected to take appropriate action. CTTY H L SEVENTH FLOflR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 <��O . 1��� i . � OM O1: 12-1975 ordinance so that this information will be available to the City Council. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ���,��� ,�,: Date: February 3, 1976 TO: HOMAS J. KELLEY, CITY ADMINISTRATOR � FR: ersonnel Office, Thomas D. Gleason t � +`i��,.' � RE: rdinance for submission to the City Council ' ��` ; � ACTI N REQUESTED: Y ur approval and submission of this Ordinance to the City Council. NOTE The Civil Service Commission at its meeting of February 2, 1976, approved this ordinance conditionally - the condition being that an employee be required to pay back the amount spent by the Ci�ty under tuition reimbursement if the employee leaves his employment with the City within one year after completion of a course. The employee, however, shall not be required to reimburse the City if the employee' s new job is with a governmental unit. PU OSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Ord'nance to revise the tuition reimbursement requirements in Ordinance No. 6446. This amendment expands the eligibility for reimbursement to all full-time employees other than temporary, emergency, provisional, or "sp cial employments" , and denies reimbursement to employees who are re- cei ing reimbursement or a subsidy by another public sourse for a course. It llows reimbursement for career ladder education, increases the yearly max'mum reimbursement from $150 to $250, and remove� the rovision that an emp oyee must refund the amount spent by the City under tuition reimburs men if an employee leaves his employment with the Ci within one yea af r completion of a course. � � � . � �� AT ACHMENTS: � � Ordinance and copy for the City Cle 1 AP ROVAL: , � ,e� � r � � � ,r `��„��s} t � � r�t �, • ,�,. �' '�,�,.°?:�;,R,.: homas J. Kelley, City Administrator � i��� . . '�\ .s .����. �. � t � 2nd � —` ��� > rd � � 1� Adopted � 'p�p� Yeas Nays CHRISTENSEN � HUNT r�r�►'yrt��C /4A ) , LEVINE � �� SYLVESTER � i�BB�'r669 PRESIDENT (HOZZA)