267002 WHITE - CITY CLE K � � �
PINK -��LANCE GI F �SAINT PAUL Councii� . ,�e"p���� .
BL�� ,-�i�AYOR �� � C � FIIF NO.
- • il Resolution
Presented By
Referre To� Committee: Date
Out of ommittee By Date
WHEREAS, Laws of Min.nesota for 1975, Chapter 203, Section
16, directs the Metropolitan Couneil, with the Transportation
Ad isory Board an.d the affected city couneils� to review the
un ompleted sections of Interstate systems in the seven-
co n.ty metropolitan area; and ,
WHEREAS, pursuant to said law, the Saint Paul City Counc�il
an City Administration. appointed a study team for the purpos}e
of reviewing the uncompleted section mf I-35E and the study
te m has adopted a position statement entitled Recommended
Po ition for the Citv of Saint Paul on the I 35E Isaue in
Sa nt Paul; and ,
WHEREAS, the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul, by its
re olution, Council File No. 266541, adopted Decembex 18 , 1g'75,
ha accepted and approved this position statement and forwarded
th same to the Metropolitan Couneil and Transportation Advi�ory
Bo rd with . the recommendation that it be adopte'd by the M�tro-
po itan Council and Transportation Advisory Board and report�d
to the State Legislat�tre not later than February 1, 1976; an.d
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council desirea that the
ne essary studies be completed so as to permit the completion
of the Interstate System; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature , by Laws of Minneaota for 1975',
Ch pter 203, Seetion 15, prohibited the Dep artment of Highways
fr m performing any further construction on portions of the
In erstate System, including that portion of �I-35E loeated in
th City •of Saint Paul , Ramsey County; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has received 'the request of the
A -CIO Trades an.d Labo r Assembly that the State Legislature�
COUNCI MEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Christen en
�� Hunt In Favor �
Rcedler Against BY
Preside t �.8 HO Z Z S .
Form Approve by ity A rney
Adopted by Cou cil: Date
Certified Passe by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Ma, or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
WH17E — CITV CLE K �.�w���
8��E +��oR E GITY OF SAINT PAIIL F le Cl NO. (' �
� - �' � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referre To Committee: Date
Out of ommittee By Date
Page 2.
li t the moratorium on further construction of . I-35E so that
t e necessary studies can be completed and the Interstate
S stem constructed and completed, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
h reby concurs in the request made by the AFL—CIO Trades
a d Labor Assembly and does hereby request that the Minneso�a
L gislature repeal that portion of Laws 1975, Chapter 203,
S ction 15, which prohibits the Highway Department from doir�g
a y further eonstruction work �or the portion of I-35E located
i Ramsey County, and that the Legislature thereby remove
t e moratorium on this eonstruction so as to permit the
� e mpletion of the necessary studies.
COULV ILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Chris ensen
Hunt [n Favor
Levi 0
Rced r Against BY
Sylve ter
Tede co
Pres' ent�€� HOZZa
Adopted by cil: D�te QP� � 19� Form Approve by City A rney
Certif' Pa by Cou cil r ar � BY
A rove by Mayor: Dat Approved by Mayor or Submission to Cout►cil
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Ma.rch 25, 1976
Honorable Dave Hozza, President
and Members of the City Council
C�ty Hall and Court House
Saint .Paul, Minnesota �
Dear Council Members: RE: I-35-E MORATORIUM
It is now obvious that many side issues, evasions and misunder-
standings have risen in the matter of completing the St. Paul
segment of I 35-E.
Because of the importance of' this roadway to citizens of the
St. Paul Community, and because of the necessity to agaim focus �
attention on the real problem involved, the St. Paul Trades and
Labor Assembly requests that the City Council does urge, by �
Resolution, the lifting of the 1Vloratorium which has, to date,
stopped all ,progress in construction and in the environmental im-
pact study.
' We would like to point out that no good reason ha.s ever been
advanced to explain the existence of the Tdoratorium,and its only
-�effect,so far,ha.s been to halt the natural process of decision
which must take place before the project can be completed.
Very truly yours,
, �/�
` A . d W. Chute .
opeiu#12 b Se retary-Treasurer
• " - April 1
D ave, ���,,�'��'�
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Joh Diehl called (373-8961) , stating he is chairman of
the g oup RIP 35E. He has just been advised the Council is
think ng of undertaking a resolution this a.m. re the con-
struct`on of 35E. He would like to say they were not
notifi d earlier and will not have any witnesses present.
They w uld like to have a statement on record their or-
ganiza ion would oppose any resolution which calls upon
the leg'slature to amend the law prohibiting the construc-
tion of 35E on the Pleasant Ave. corridor. They have en-
� dorsed pparently successfuly an amendment to the law to
allow t conpletion of environmental studies and feel it
would be inappropriate to have any further legislation.
Lola - 9:50
(He will ot be in his office this
a.m. as h has a meeting scheduled) .