266997 WHI7E - CIT CLERK ������ PINK - FIN NCE COUIICll � � CANARY - DE ARTME � G -TY OF SAINT PAUL Fll@ NO. � �� BLUE - MAV R � Y - ci Resolution , Presented B � Re rred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution, Council File No. 266179, approved Oc ber 9, 1975, approved guidelines and steps for the establishment of th�e ci izen participation process to aid the City in the development of programs for the City and its neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the West Side Citizens Organization has applied for recognition as he General District Council for District 3; and ' WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the West Side Cit zens Organization has complied with the City Council 's guidelines and steps and recommends that the City Council recognir�e their organization and apprapriate $5, 23 to assist the organization in implemen�ng its work program; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hea ing on Tuesday, March 23, 1976, for the purpose of considering the request of t organization, the Mayor's rec endation, and to hear from all interested p sons; now, therefore, be' it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approae and cognize the West Side Citizens. Orgar�ization as the General District C�uncil for istrict 3 and does hereby approve and appropriate the following funds �nd budg t-� the organization for t�he period January l , 1976 through May 31 , 1976, and he Mayor's Office is authorized and directed to administer the budget on beha f of the organization in accordance with such procedures as may be � esta lished by the Mayor's Office: ' 1 . West Side/Riverview Community Survey Balance . . . . . . $ 752.OU 2. 1/4 of Comnunity Organizer Salary and Fringes . . . . . 1 ,071 .00 3. Off i ce Suppl i es . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 Comnunications (West Side�lloice) . . . . . . . . 3,100.00' 5. Comnunity Leadership Training and�Consultation . . . . . 500.00 TOTAL $5,523.00', COUIVCIL EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christens n Hea�ay�J -T- In Favor Levine ' Rcedler _� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President '" API� � �9T6 Form Approve by 'ty Atto Adopted by-�Counc 1: Date Ce tffied a C ncil Secret�ry BY By Appro b Mayor te R rg� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ��' 4PR 1 7 t91� � � � - ; ;: . . � . , . ,, � : , , r, � , 4 • � , . �. - � , : . , ; . , � , _ �: ' ' �"'�t �. , _,' , '��� l, . �/ > ,� +ti r - ,/ . . .� ,. „ , . � . � � � , �; : _ . : r.: � _ ., ,.,: ' • ;: , , , ; , , � , ; . , , _ _ , _ , , . , : � <;� 1 , . .. :��. . . . . ./ • ' ,�y. .. � f � / �. ' . � � �� . . � . . . � . �� I .. . ' , .,. ' . � -��. .. / . . .. ' . . , .. - .. . . . . .. , � _�j' . ` �r . � � . . . . ' . .. . . . . .. , . i ' . . . � . � . ... . . . ��:.. . � . . . / . . .. . . .�,.: '��. -; � ' . `a ' � .. . � . �� . . .. . .,... . - � ' . , �i.-.. i .r . '' . 'F. . , _ . . . I.. ,. .. � • , .. ' � . ' .. . . . . . � .� ��. .K . .. ,. . . . . . . . � . . , � .. , . i. �i . . ... . . ..'� '. . .. . � . : �� / �.�...� .. ' . . . ' �.. . . .. , . � . � , ._ . .. . " . ' ' . . , . . . . . . ' : . . . . ::, . . . . . . . .. . . - � � . � . . . .. ' .. . . . .. � .. ,-1 . . ' , . ` . � � � .r . . � � - . � � ' - �� � l�b �E4, �97� . , ; . �. _� ' . ° ,,, .. . . , , �.: , . , , , , • -. , � , , �� ' /� �, �' � , �iT4ll�[R,;�,� � ;' ; . ; ���� : ��.; „ , ; ; ' , b�t7, Cf�c� �1 . , , �; �, P�1, �aa�aoCs , ' �, . fi � � � _ _ �; Btr: . _, ..... � a t�aial�tN��� o� '�w�a�►, l�c� �). I93�5, 's�t 9's� �.1[,, a�,��,�r !�f ' ` � , ,- �t�si�tt� 'C�olz �at itdrsl3. aad'lt�, �t.:�a��o�s �t a�b�ld 1ni4 � . �► � �te�►�mis�i t�o �s��ts �r pt'+aPs�c°°�cuelatioo �co�a#���yg� �r T�s� 8 " . ; ���,�s t�c��s�a�i� as ttis ot��a�i �fs�riex P��$`=t9o�e+a�.1 tox �i�. r� � ' � 4 �psid�t t.�~ t�l�t��rlr P�4ieRt��i�,'�ae�. rC �r +r,La Ia+��uteet �a � �' . :.--, , ; � ut�.oti eu�►1�a��.+�ptroval �� t�►,:f�d#� m+w�a! ixt`�atltin;vit�r' tl�i_ . � �q�st.' } ; � , � , , . . . , _ , ,� �:. `. . ,\ _ .�r�� �,�;�s. , � � � � � `� � ; � � ; i ' . � , , , _ . . , . . ,; . , Ctt� �Cl�t3e �,.: , r :: - . . �ra�. • . . . ,. . . : . . : . . , , 8.�. It �ps�t slso �r�sd tiu� i�h� "r�aeld�� �o�?cd b�A p�� � JtL�, '' , s i . _ , , o! E:�i Gx�►c�il�t'as ly►s�t i�� �oac �o�.d��aRi�.� _ .. ,. " < r ° � ; , , � I' ',, ;. , � � : � t. . , ,, . . ,.„ . � _ ,; , . _, , _ - - �; -----��'`" � . - :� � r ' C' � ���Q"�� , Feb. 27, 197h Aose Mix, Citv �lerk 3�� �ity Hall St . Paul, Minnesota Dear Aose: Please be notified that I have called a spec�,�ly . meetir�g„ of the �ity Council for Tuesda,y, t,`�':'��'�.�.����'fi�-�*� � � �. '. • M• at Hol,y Trinit,v Lutheran �hurch at Bidwell and �tevens , to consicier recnp;�riti� an official �;rolzp to represent citizens na.rticip�, on c�istrict #'3 �1�1est sicie) . � Council Pre i t ��e, th� �xnriersi�ned �olzncilmen, �o hereb,y w�,ive ` �.arittPn notice reryuirements for �, snecial meetin� of the �' v ���ancil nn Tuesd�.y, March ?_'i , 197h �,t 7 �30 P. M. t H�l,v Trinitv t�eran �hurch at Bidwell an�i Stevens for re�.sons sta � above . � � � ` .ti-� ' ,� .�_�_ �� � . . �-� � . � � ��Qr-� � F��'' `- - � C�ITY OF ►.�AIN3� �AUL �"_���.�'�, 0 ,f�.= 1 F�� c�_ i/� �;; � t�. OFI`I�E OF TFCF CITY COLTiti CZT� ,� 4 , i � � t �, �.�� ^ ` �;. � �ebruar�r 27, 1976 ,�� DAVID Fi. HO A S6. Yaul City Councilman � T0 : 11 City Cour�cil I-�embers r�t0��� ave Hozza, Council Presid�nt Please ark yo�r calendars : on Tuesday, Narch 2 the Council �•rill hold an ecenin� hearing at 7:30 p.z�. in Holy Trinity Luthera �hux�ch at Bidwell and :tevens Sts . (E ter by the door on th� Taest side . ) K'he subj ct of the m�eetirzg (as we agreed) is the r cognition of an afficial group to repre ent �itiz°ns participation district �3 ('Ndest Side ) . �lhis will constitu e the Council ' s evenin� hearing for the �.onth of March. cc: Cit Clerk � T���;� r' s office ka� n ChristoffErson Bil �'atton Pre s • � i I I I I ' CITY HALL SE NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612J298-4b46 � , ��:�:.?i � i I � - . . � � � � � c�1�.r,����,� .: , _. ', �:�- � �� 1 r�� �>1- �_� i �r l '.� r- T. `� �t� ,� � •t�. �.,�'l."e.y�� � � c>>-�-r c t: c�r� -r c t r: �i.���c,i: s � • •• �� - . RECEI VED ;� - �" . �►�AR 2 2 1976 Community D�elo�ment Section L��YRE\G1: I). C�(�NF.� �I.� -u e Mar h 15, 1976 . TO: COUNCIL PRESIDENT DAVID A. HOZZA CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS � � FR: MAYOR LAWRENCE D. COHEN c=� i'j'���.ei:-`' �' � RE: RECOGNITION OF THE WEST SIDE CITIZENS ORGANIZATION AS THE GENERAL DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL Atta hed is the report and recommendation of the Community Deve opment Section regarding recognition of the West Side Citizens Orga ization as the General District Planning Council. This eport should prove useful in the Council hearing on Tuesday, March 23rd. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Williain Patto directly. Attac ments CC : homas J. Kelley . . : �, _.�' � ,� .:��, �> > -r z- c�i� �_� 1 �1- 1'=� r- r, �: ��'�4`�� ..,.. . �-�`. _,, C)}-'Y I G t: O 1. .0 t i I: �t_11"C)P. tiw�'•e h_. �:. ! 5 / G. - a I.����HE\t:E . ��uHE� ?[.��rt e+ • M MORANDUM . T : Mayor tawrence 0. Cohen , ��� F m: Mr. Wiliiam Q. Patton `���� � �i� Community Developmsnt Coordinator v Da e: March I0, 1976 Re Recognition of West Side Citizens Organi2ation as the � Gsn�ral District Planning Council BAC G°.JUND The West Side Citizens Organization was organized to servz citizens of tha co�runun i ty i n I 973. Art i c I es of 1 ncorporat i on an d 3y-Laws were ado ted and on February 6, 1975, WSCA was incorporated as a Minnesoi�a non profit corporatdon. WORK PROGRAM The 4est Side Cii-ize�s Organiza#ion has submitted a work program (attached2 fihat outlines rhsir effor�s designed to meet the needs ot the t�;ast Side ' comm nity. Briefly, these include community developmant pla^��ing, comp ehensive district olanning, broad based c:ortu�unicatio� fior �urposes vf diss inafiing information and increasing residsnt parfiicipation, and devel pment of viable corunittees or task forces for purposes of facilitating a wor format in all areas of inter�st to the cortnnunity. _ BY-LA� S Tne a tached By-Laws were adopted in October of (974 by a neighborhood conven ion publicized by two public meeting notices. One notice was mai {ed to eve VJest S i da res i dent an d one r.ot i ce appea red i n tha 4�lesfi S i de Vo i ce. � ..- -- ' -2- �f'�Q9`"1 RECOM�E^:DAT I 0� The Office of Community Development is satisfied that the West Side Community Organization meets the intent and purposes of Council Resolu-tion No. 266179, estabiishing a pr-ocess for citizer� participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul . Therefore, we racommend that the Wesfi Side Citizens Organization be recogniied as tt�e Generaf District Planning Council for District 3. QP/kl m . tfiacE�ments �. ���Q�� ADDEhDU��f BUDGET T6e foilowing budgat, as submitted by the West Sids Citizens . Organization, wiii aliow WSCO to carry out the work schedule as propqsed in the attached work program. tFor detailed budget b reakdown, see the atfiaci�ed work program, as subm itted by 1�ISC0) . Th i s budget .i s from anuary I , 197o through May 31 , 1976. I . Wsst Side/Rivs rview Community Survey Balance . . . $752.00 2. � of Community Organizer Sala ry and Fringes . . . 1 ,071 .00 3. Office Suppi ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1�0.00 4. Communications CWest Side Voice2 . . . . . . . . . 3, IQ0.00 5. Community Leac+ership Training and Consultation . . 500.00 $5,523.00 ti ' •� � ' ' <����� DIS;r?CT 3 i•:EST SI�� CiTI7.;;:S 0?::�::IL4TiCti CIlIGE:: P:�TICIrAT?0\ ��C?CS�L �i,.�?aLL :'�??: P'G��,�i January- �:ay3lst 1976 EL.4I*:E S.°.LI:�E, ??.rSZDE\T TI.'•i '.•:ci:0'�iGAL,VIC£-?RESI�::�'T [•7AL?�'.C� •A. ';A�TI�,VICE-P�.ESI�ENT Vr.RA sti,Y�S,t'?CE-PP..cSZDENT PAT_�IC:C '_-=t',�Y�SE«ET�`RY FP.�::`:C1SC0 RiVE.�tiA,iREriSiJ��R RGSSE�,L 3. SL7EITH,f�T ?.�'.�GE ,'-i T;B�3 SA?.7Y S�ii�VIG, AT L�.?GE :,_.:��R IREtiE ?'?.;CZYK,hT LARGE .�t:�£R �. , . . . . `��Q�'7 - !;i[iz_r.s ''--•_ni�ati^;1 !''�CJ) is cc-.?�s�� oc -.�.:e -�a:d .:_���rs (s�.. e::ecc- ,est , ��- Ci.V � •'� c.^•'3 t�:�r:E' J�BTt� ..._:'tV"TS 2t Ic'o°� . �Otai -.:.^..CerS:^.i� 1:`_CLlli?5 �:v�, ifl1S c _ �C-;,-.� ;,:ti? LE?Te:'-_:fiS 2 C_OSS-SeCi.lOtl Of itl�iV:�1L:21S 25 :.'2�i 2S ::el��.b�rho�d orgaai- �',�1J`5. Its fu�.ct'�n is to c..�."7�Gl::ct2 the .eeds ar.d interests of neia��borhood residents i^to 2 ^�c:li.^•o=ul Cit?��� �`-'TtiC2.�8t1Oi1 !:�echanis� co�sistent G�it:1 city goals an� policies. Tnis � rticiratioa js ess��t?al to �ny ��:or��ble plan tha� is to be de�eloped, This �•: rk �,roora�a ev�lains t:e rule of tL�z �ersons iavolved an3 scape of activities co�ce_ ed. The �� o:ity of �u�ds are attrib��ted to inter-cotrar.unity con���nication; a breakdown of act vity s�e�r?ing is as folloccs: ' ::est Sice/Riverview Cc��..:aity Sur�ey 3ala�ce $ 752.00 . 1/4 of �a::��unity Crga:z;.zer salary aad _°rir.ges 1,071.Q0 . Office SuP2lies 10�.00 . Co�.�:snicatiins ([•LST Si�� ��OIC� s::3 �ostage) 3,100.OJ . ($6Q0 per month for 5 r•aa�ths - 3an. - ;fay 31, 1g76) . Co�.�nenity Lea3ership :raining and Co�sultation SOa.00 TC_�L 55,�23.C'J 1 . '_"�-:� �st �i����i•.::rvi�w C:�-_-...::ity S��. .:y ::-as co,..uc�ed �y �:ed�rsoa & :er3ie, ' c�:SSJ_;.a�2S for i.:i2 �'.ESt .S?�C' Cit1"L:::S �r;�2:�1.Z2t10;1. il2 t'JtB� CQSt Of the SC1ZVey w�s . 5,552.00. �o datz, '�'SCO i:as See_, ?_�Ie to :�ise $!� ,000.0� to�•2r�s tne cost of t:�e -urvey. Tze :F::ain:ng $752.OJ is Gn outsta��'•_:,� cS�iQatiea of ::�i.0, 2. Th:s fioure of 51 ,071 ,0� r��r�sa;�ts 1/4 of 9,vG�J sa!ar�r or $1��8.00 + I47, fringes for r:n�n�hs or $�40.00 + $131.b0 fri:��es, tot2lir:g $1,071.��J. leighSorhood House, a :,'- ' ted ;:aj* fig�ncy, iuncs 3/!: cf t5e ��-_-;�_n�t� Qroa�i�er p�sit�on at $b,750.00 "�' L Y .':�"$. 3. O�f� e s:���lies. • T ., • ���.r���� 4. It s =nticip_tEd ��:at -:�„st of t:�ese `�:-�:ds will be uti�i:,�3 i� c,:.^ur.ir_ztfng �ia ��:F �r SC .S1G�E'. �O1C2 C;i2 .�r_SL .5:�� C',"_i:�7.t �� . ^ , c y F-:-sp-t,�r, ;t is :;.zi?�d wit:oat C'.�. ;e �O every L2S1�?ence c:'0 ���51:;�55 '_*1 L�:� ►,�IbL.�:�r;;OGa, iiiC �uTVey r@�ETT2d LG :.'JV2 de:;�nstra�as that it is resd �; a i�r�e p�rce��;:�e of r�sidents. Zt is ,;;� � `iective ;ethod of co�.-�ucication o� t;�e ;:est Side. 5. Cc-._. �r.i�y Leade:ship k'or'�csi:o�s -�2re 'r.eld in o�r co:-.^znity �uri:b 1975 spo::sored �� "•SCO. L?sir.g c�nsultants i:�t?rested t��st S��ers dzvel�»ed skilZs �n �r3duc- ti•.� leaders5i2. l:SCO wo1?d li�:e to co�ti,::2 aad e�:pan� these ::*�r!csho?s durir.g t�e f:rs� �ix :a:1t::s of I97b. War4c P= oraza - „ansary 1975 tzr��:�h a.ay 19;o ACTIVITIES �� TZ.�:rTABLE � --�--------1....._� .____.__ - - -_-�.,..:....�__,.-�....�...��.........�.�.....,� Co�??2� follow-up on West Sic�e C� iear II �r�2 sal, This includes a.^.other co.�r.n:ni y meeting to review proposal Jaa=.:ary,197b a:td if .ec2ssary a pressntation at the � ?la,::in Co�:3ission and City Counc�1 . , Public :�arings. ti'ith Co • inity people develop goals and obj ctives for Gez�ral District . Pl�anin 2nd develop a tic�e �ra.r�e fro:n J�nLary - 2•iay 1976 whic?� t Work. Incr2ase G�° �a:k ��r-:e � �e^b=rs ip by ear.y notificatioa of :-eeting , contact by i'SCO staff ar.d � regular monthly articl2s reg2rding G�P � � in tne est Side Voice. Continu to plan for �nslti-s�rvice cen_er n 4pper b?sff, includin� service needed . ow and in the future, �ase� on ' t�on tr�z3s, �rends in Feder2l r ��naary- �.ay 1°7b po�::,� ; . leoi�'•.�`:.on i.e. Tittlz }:.X an3 t`►e �res��t E C O:v-?57. Deta�:mi s2rvice pro;;i�ers 5aszd oa nee3s • _ , assc��-:= .ts aa3 c��a��!ities of ser�.`_ce ; �rovi3er . ln2 ^ul�i-service ceL�ter and � � its serv'ces will acco:��lisn -a:�y of the ; social c r.cerns rzsi.e�ents ea�zesse3 duri:g - the �ast two yanrs of CD pl��:ring, � c.hich in turn fits in�o one area c�f G�P. � � , Incr�ase .►�,��ersl�ip on co=L:.�ttees by � persc�al coatact by t;SCO staff and on- � . goin;; c� :_���nication tnrou�: Sanc�ry-reuruary 1976 �5 r,z�os���zr. (Sd::ST SI � VOIC:.) � - Co:ttact eaior Citi�en grou�s for �n�:�t � T?ruary-:ebru�.-S 1976 into G�? � _�_.___.�_ -- . _ � I . ' .._ �i_�' (1 _ js '---_ . ��-•---_..�. _.....__._� ..__.._—___1 T._. '—_ .G'--•—_- _ "'� d '. 1 ��.....__ ._�_....r-•-_ --. ., __ ._. .. _ _.._.._r. _.� _ _.. �.__ti�,._�.__...._ ._--_ r; )"LsN +.J� De•�>>c� ::���:r.�� C•�.::,ittces _`ar i;�? to �4t�ua...•- ,-'�,_cn 1975 ass�.r? - _'t�:.:i.�y �f ?:.�r_r►�nj. . p : �ivit'es o� .�'�CO: t�.:r 1.���el � pro�osal to State Alco?�ol azd ,?zr.sary -February 1976 Dr�� �uthority for funding G4zst Side Pro�r -�. 2.Subri proposal to state i'arch 1976 ' 3.Increa e 4uality of educa�ion by part- January-i�ay 1976 icipat'on in Cluster activities, ore:,en ly go�ng on. see att ched job descrigtion for co�unity organizer � -- � • . • t:EIG�?3^:?�G�OD :.���:5E - :�:�ST Si�: CiTI2�`:S 0���-,`;IZE�TIO:� � �° (�, , , � <s:�-������� J03 ��SCRI�Ti�`d sOR T'tiE CO:�'."�_�ITY 0:C:_tiZ?.ER , 1. J c� ,.:.---a ry �rc•rs�'.' -t�ff Ieadership to the iJest Side Citize�s Or�a�ization (WSCO) and under the s�:?=�L'ision of the lsssist�nt to the E�ecutive T�irector perfor�nn other comunity or�_:�1-• tion functior.s . 2. Dut es and F.esponsibilitf.es (1) Er. and the WSCO r�2r�ers�ip to include all iiitCia�ted op�,nr�►�� at �f+o nn+�►�^{eY; (2) Da- elop cor.raunity Yeadership; �3) he p develop the structure for the Second WSCO Convention; � (4) Se k sufficient funds to i�le�ant the rro�rars of the WSCO; � (5) Ir re�se Chicano me�ership; (6) Su port.and help organize sp2cial interest groups on the West Side aad help them re eive .the support of the '.�SCO; (7) W te reports and maintain recorc�s �Jhich are necessary for the operat�c�n of the or� •�ization; _ . (8) Su ervise students and volunteers ; . (g) P vid"e o�her cormunity or�a:�ization functions, outside of WSCO, as time - persits . (10) � rticipate in agency staff �eetir.�s , sujervisory conferences and Workshags; {11) S pport total a�ency functions and perform other duties as assigned; 3. Jo �eqvirements (1) T. e wor'�cer should have a stron2 coz-.unity ora,anization background; ' . (2) T: 2 or�2nizer should a�:ree with the ��sic ghilcso;hy of the organiz�tion; th�t :ti CO ia a �ul�i-issue, broa�-b?sed cc�lition of r.eigh'�arho�d �ro�s and inditi= u�±ls ; that '.tiSCO should reflect ?nd focus c�n the present social �nd'poI.i- tical .:areness of the co�:�.L�i�y �nd have the un�erstanding to 3uild. fram [hat ' b�se; (3) T a persoa ��=st have the a'�ility to relate to a_nd attract a cross=sectiatt of rac al, econo��c and e�hnic groups , ar.d both �ie znd feinale cor.stituents. The io cs should not be n�rrawed to or e��hsize one specific Eroup over anather in thz co:Tunity; (4) s .2 �or'xer r..�st have the ability to relate to individusl groupings and/or g2rser a'�out tneir sPecific concerns �s well as relate to the brozder or�ani- zatio: ; . (S) � e Worker ��sC have the sbility to eti-�ress hin or herself cla�rly ttrcug:z c�ri�i� and �ublic spealcing; � t6) =ne or�arizer Lust have the ability to heZp r�ise funds f�r the organizatioa. r,: - - .�. _ . . � � ' . � �F���'� BY-L%:L•:S -or � tdEST SIDE CI'iIZE::S G:'.G:^7I7.:;TZO_�J ARTZCLE I � Name Section 1. 1 - tlame. This corporation shall be kno�rn as t e West Side Citizens Organization. ARTICLE II Purpose Section 2. 1 - Purpose. The purposes of this corporation s all be charitable and educational so as to unite, in co�iimon c use, residents, business persons , employees and organizations i the area described below in a continuing effort to prornote ' h rmonious environ.-�ental conditions and favorable community r lationships and to underta;ce such charitable and educational a tions and services as r,iay , b� its membership, be determined t be desirable to serve these purposes . t�'ithin these purpQSes i is intended that this corporation shall atte�pt to educate t e community as to the necessity for maintaining conmunity p ide in matters of con•non interest for the preservatian of a _ � d sirable livable neighborhood. By tvay of examples of carrying . . o t� these purposes, the corporation shall initiate and participate i such actions as may be determined to be desirable to enable r sidents to preserve and maintain good residential housing, 1' ve in a. health�ul environment, provide recreational facilities, a d protect the neignborhood from cr?me. No part of the - a tivities of the corporation shall be based upon the race, r ligion, color or national origin of any person affected thereby. - ARTICLE III � I�Ienbership Section 3 . 1 - i�ier.tbership• r;embership shall be open to an organization, resid�nt, business person or enplo�•ee on th �^:�st Sidz who is interested in the aims and curposes of tn ' s corpor�tio-�. Such me�wership shall become effective �:n n such person regis�ers their na.�,e �aith t:ie Secretary. Section 3 . 2 - A Crc�dentials Com:-nittee shall be estaUlished by the Board of Directors and shall consider ner:.}�ershrp to th s corporation of any group on the �ti'est Si�ze d�siring to c•�o k for the aims and purposes of this corporation and any in ividual not covered by Section 3. 1 hereof . ine Credentials Co -�ittee shall have the potiaer to deny rae?!�ership to a group on receiving a challetlge to said me;nbership by any other member. I' � ; , . . ���a�� � � S�`(,tlUJl 3 . .3 - �11 T�1C;r..�'j;� CS .,-l;r'`'1e-�r li G''2'!1G'.:315 Or --- � �i org.�niz.�t.ior,s, sh�_ll rC.li31I1 au�oc���:�ous �snd may disassociate t ?;c�:^s�lvcs fr�� any specifir_ c?�cision �r �olic�� of the cor��or.� �ion , ar�d shall be free to take ind;:.endent action on any issue. � S�ction 3 . 4 - Voting Rights . All mer-�ers shall have the riyht to �ote. � Section 3. 5 - Term of 1�i�r�SPrship. Tne tern of any member st�all continue so long as said ne,-riber is interested in the aims and purposes of the corporation and registers annually with the Secretary of the corporation. Section 3. 6 - rieetings of i•:�r,.�ers . Tne meetir_gs of 'members of the corporation shall be held and conduc�ed in accordanee with the following provisions : Ol. Location. P.egular meetings of the members raay be held at • any place on the �;est Side as determir.ed by the Scard of Directors . � 02. Annual Meetings . Members shall hold an annual meeting for the election of officers and three at large memb�rs of the Board of Directors, all of o�hom shall constitute the Board of Directors of the corporation, and for thz trar.saction of other business _. Tne date and the time of the naeting shaZl be determined by the Board of Directors . 03. I•Io.nthly D;eetings . 2•ionthly meetings shall be held at times and places established by the Lioard of Directors . A quorum for the trznsaction of business at moathly meetings - ' shall be at least a majority of the Board of Directors _ Q4. Special �.eetir.gs . Special meetings nay be called at any t?me by the President, and in his absence, by any of the ice-Presidents, or by the Directors . It shalZ be the duty f the Directors, the President, or one of tze Vice-Presidents , •:nenever so requested by five (5) or more �eTbers . S. Notice. Notice of the ti:-.� and place of alI annual and ::�ecial neetings shall be nailed by the Secretar}� to each i the i:��'i^��G'IS a:t t.Yl� last i�P.00•:n zddr�ss tllc� c�y':'c?"S Ofl ize Uoo'r.s of the corooration at least three (3) d;�rs before . _'zc� date of all special meetir.;s , and at 1?ast se�-�n (7) days ��fore th� date oi the annual r�eeting. _ 5 . Voting. At e-�ery such rneeting , each mcmber shall be ntitled to cast one (1) vote. [�nen a corporatior_, partnership, rganization or association is a m��er, it shall cesignate IZP_ person in �JZ1t1P.g to act �s its voting represer.tative , :-�d in addition, tize me�nbers of such corporation , partnership ssociation or orc�anization �nay also vote if th�y otherc:ise ualify for mz:-�ership. � -2- � � n . , . ..� . .. � � �`C�Q9� p7. Quorw-n. A quorum for tl-��� trzr.sacL- ion of �usin�ss at any �:�ecial or annual m�:�.ting of t}�e mc.�::.�rs shall c�:sist of at .,, lcast t::enty ( 20$) of all �urrent ne:�bers . i RTICI�E IV Board of Direct�ors Section 4.1 - The I3oard of Directors shall consist of ine (9) persons, six (6) of ��hom shall be the officers of the corporation. All me:-tbers of the Board of Directors shall e members of the corporation. Section 4 .2 - The term of ali members of the Board of Directors shall be from the time of their election until the ext annual meeting at which their replacement is elected. � Section 4. 3 - Vacancies . Vacai3cies on the �oard of Directors shall be filled by election by the �ard of Directors at any • regular or special r.Lzting, unless, if requested b�� any ember of the Board of Directors or any five (S) merabers of the corporation the vacancy shall be filled by election by the � embers at any regular or special meeting. ' Section 4_ 4 - Board of Directors Aieetings_ t:eetings shall be held and conducted in accordance with the following pravisions : O1. Annual t-leeting. The Board of Directors shall meet annually ithin thirty (30) days follo:aing the aanual mEeting of :aem.bers, at a time and place to be established by the Board of Directors . 02. Board of Directors shall attend the regular r.ionthly meetings of ine,lbers . 03. The Board of Directors snall have special T,eetings upon the call of the President or any of the Vice Presidents or upon petition to the President or any of the Vice Presidents by any five {5} �n�.-�ers a� t?�e corporation. • OII . ?�oticz of the tir�e, place and nr�rpose of �11 �eetir_gs of �'�e BOd?"d of Direc�ors , except as o�!er:�ise herein provic3ed, s1�a11 be te 1e�honed or ,►aiied to each director at least three (3) days -prior to �he ti:�e s�t for �he *:�eeting . • 05. A quor��n for thz trar.sac�ion of business at a;�y meeting of the Board of Dir�ctors shall consist of a r:ia�ority_ of , the Board of Directors . Section 4. 5 - Resigr�aticn and =tez:ioval. t�ny director may resign at any time by deliverinq a caritten resignation to the President or SAcretary of the corporatior.. The resignation shali be effectit�e as of the da�e of receipt by such officer ar�d shall not constitute a r�sigiiation as a menber of the corporation. � ^ -3- � j . � : � <�r�4'�� S��ction 4 . 6 - Co�n,�ittees . Tne 3o�rd of Directors ma�� r�;>p�int or �uthor�ze the �pp��int��enL of such co.:��ittees as it r^�ay fru:n ti:ne to time c:eem i-►ecessary, including a t�:ominations Cc:;�nittee 4nd a Cre�•�ntials Co-�rr�ittee. Such cor�mittees shall have the pc;�•rt-rs , c?uties and responsibilities and shall be orgaizized and function as specified in its aopointr,tent. � ARTICLE V . Officers 5. 1 Officers and EligibilitY. �uring the annual ineeting of inembers, said members shall elect the following officers • for a term of one (1) year. All officers shall be elected {T-om a:nong th2 me.,.bers of th� corporation. � 5. 2 Pr�sident. The Pr�sid�nt jhall be the chief �xecvtive • officer of the corporation. The Pr�sident shall preside alternately wiLh the Vice Presidents over the regular nonthly meetings of the Board of Directors . 5. 3 Vice Presidents . Tnere shall be a lst Vice President, a 2nd Vice President and a 3rd Vice President. The Vice Presidents should reflect the different geographic areas of the t7est Side , economic levels, occupations , and differe�nt pecial interests . The Vice Presid�nts shaZl have the . esponsibility for co.*nr�unicatiorr, accountability and action mong mernbers and me;nber organizatio�s . 5. 4 Secretary. 1he Secretary shall be responsible far. he taking of minutes at all meetings of the Board of Directors . nd menhers and for sending out all notices required herein � r by the laws of the State of i�Iinnesota. � 5. 5 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the custody of he corporate funds and shall keen full and accurate accounts f receipts and disb�srsements in boo'.ss belonging to the orporation and slzall deposit all monies ancz other valuable ffects , in the na�e and to tti� credit of the corporation in uch d�positor�.es as may be ciesigzat�d by the Board of irc�cto-r. s . The Tr�asurer shall disburse the funds of the orporati.on as ord=red by t?ze Presi�ent or the Board of Directors , aking �_:roper vouchers for SliC:tl disburse„�ents, and shall reiider � o the Board of Di rec�ors, �•:ilenev�r they r�ay require it, �d account of a11 transactions as Treas�srer of the financial ndition of tne corporation. In aadition, tne Treasurer s all r:i�-�'�ce an annual report at the annual r:n�eting of iner,tvers . C pies of tne Treasurer' s ar�nual xeport shall i�e available t me:nUers u��on request. ' -9- � n . -.� _ . . �--. . . _ . . <��a9`7 � 5 . 6 ?�o offic��r shall su�cr-ed hi;�s�lf or l�er�r_lf in the ,�i�e of f ice for nore tlzan t��o L-eri;ls nor !�o?d any of fic�s for •n aygregate of more than five terns c•�i��out being out of ffice for at least onz year. 5. 7 I.Ta person �•:ho is an elected or appointed governmental fficial nay serve as an officcr, provided, ho:fever, that this = - rovision shall not apply to government employees . 5. 8 Other Authority . The Board of Directors, may in its iscretion, direct any officer of the corporation to perforrn uch actions and to have such authority as the Board of irectors shall. deem necessary , including the authority to erform actions delegated to another officer by the above � ections of this Article V. . ' ARTICLE VI P�en�ments 6 . 1 These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of he members present at any annual meeting, or at any spe�ial eeting called for that purpose. . ARTICLE VII - Dues . - 7. 1 Dues for rembership in this corporation shall be stablished by the Board of Directors. � ARTICLE VIII Corporate Seal 8. 1 A corporate seal shall not be adopted by this orporation. , ARTICLE IX Fiscal Year 9 . 1 Fiscal 1�ear of this corporation shall be a calendar ear unless o�herwise determined by the Boar� of Directors. ARTICLE X Rules ar_d Procedure 10. 1 P,oberts Rules of Orcier Revised shall be utilized o decide all questions of order not otherc•:ise provided for y these By-La�as or the Articles of Incorporation. _5_ � .n � � '` '��"9� � � - ; �-���,� ��.c7:�prr�� l�y �;:� 3oard r�f Cirectors at its r.::�.r.�ership on the uay of , 1975. � } , . _ ��_ � :��.� .��� �i ,�1 •-� Secretary l -6- �� � � : = . . ���49� ' " ' �I.�,—L +V� f• �__ s .-.i, �.�.ti T P E'�w I�'I:�3 .�:• ..� -' -- . � • , • . '� OF'1'iCi: U: �iLI: C�T!" GOL\�.[I, j,iC? � �9�b . + :��� Commun:ry De�lo—rtr.rtt cer:�:�n . �� �ec^ua„;• 27, �970 � . ' , t� . � a�.v.o �. - =�.� s�.. P,11 c�� c;.s-�;:s;s ! T0 : r-11 Cit� Council i:�:^��rs ; . :•��,.,; Deve Kozza, Cow�cii Presidsr.t plssse :.ark your cal�nders: on Tuesday, . � ?%arch the Council c��ill holc3 an evenin� heari�b �t 7:30 p.m. in fi�ly Trinit� � Lu�h°r �hurch at 3id�•sll and Ste�ens � � Sts. (E .t�r by th� door on th° W93t side . ) � . The sub 'act of ths TM�eeting (as �e a�read) is tns �cogr.i�ion of an oificial gr�up to rep^ sent citiz�ns participation . distric r�3 (l�sst Side) . inis will constiL te t ne Council 's evanin� hearin� - for the nonth. oP I•?arc'•.z. . - - cc: Ci y Cler'� i-:z;;or's office � K�.: ..n Christofferson� B�� Pattoa P:e s _ - i - ' � C(TY Iu1LL S �'E1?H FLOOR SAl\T PAUL, A[iti'`ESOTA 5510'_ 61�/29S-:b�S , CC?1_ YYY�) CULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTER II CONTINUATION EDUCATION CENTER � GuADALUPE f�REA PROJE T C "PROGRESS OUR ONLY DIRECTION" ���,i'��;�� r�.: A r_T r�'..1 March 23. 19?6 T Whom it May Concern: As a citizen of the West Side and as a person in contact with v rious people and organizations on the West Side, I heartily endorse t e West Side Citizens Organization as a planning organization for t e West Side. I personally would give the arganization my fu�1 port. Sineerely, � � � �� ��. fj%.�. i /i`"fi.. _...e__i,_E._.(. _y! / �, Z f� Sister M. Giovanni, S.S.N.D. 38 EAST ROBIE STREET, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55107 — TELEPHONE 222-0757 S. M. GIOVANNI, S.S.N.D. — DIRECTOR k,6'ti� . . -�.. �� ; �t.i ii<._✓•. � I�� �j � � �;��+�jf��,� STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF WSCO At its recent meeting the Voice Board of Directors voted unanimously to support West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) in its request to be the representative group for the West Side. The Voice and WSCO both began in 1973 . Since that time both organizations have grown in numbers, acceptance, influence and recognition. The Voice and WSCO have worked as compatible organizations all along. W�CO has initiated much of the news which has appeared in the Voice and issues uncovered in the Voice have been acted upon by WSCO. W5C0 is a non-exclusive organization and it welcomes and encourages new members to attend its meetings and join its task forces. Its members have provided great leadership to our area. WSCO has been the spearhead for pursuing West Side improvements such as the Douglas Park, home rehabilitation, street repa�r and the proposed development of People' s Park. It has initiated the West Side Drug and Alcohol Program as well as surveyed the needs of the West Side to determine the scope of programs needed on the West Side. When the Highway Department, the Community Development office, the HRA, the UFW, local developers, the Association of St . Paul Communities, state legislators and others have wanted to get West Side reaction or support for programs and ideas , WSCO is the organization they've come to. And WSCO has worked hard to keep on top of issues, informing people of proposed changes and holding public hearings on controversial issues. WSCO has provided great leadership to the West Side in seeking ut a slice of the CDRS pie. It has been a real key in putting he West Side on the map. t is for these reasons that the Voice Board of Directors holeheartedly supports WSCO and requests that WSCO be fficially recognized as the representative organization or the West Side. . . �.'�,���: :�. ����.��� � 179 EAST ROBIE STREET • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55107 PHONE 227-9291 BOARU OF Dt ECTORS Marvin J.Pertz k,President John A.Marvi 1 st Vice President Jean M.West, nd Vice President March 23, 1976 Mary Ann Barr ws,Secretary Neal R.Lindbe g,Treasurer Deborah Banc ft W.Andrew Bo Charles Bugg Mr. David Hozza Henry T.Capiz President, City Council Dionisa E.Coa s Elizabeth S.Dri co�� C3ty Hall RonaldT.Finn an St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Stanley Fishma John R.Flores PeggyFoster Re: Statement for Public Hearing on Fernando Fuent s R.James Gesel Citizen Participation for District 3 Virginia G.Gre man Kenneth P.Gris old James A.Harris Dear Mr. Ho z za i James E.Henly John T.Hernan ez,Jr. Sally O.Irvine We were present at the birth of the West Side Citizens Leigh D.Lerner Organization (WSCO) and have seen it mature into an Drake J.LigMn Rolf G.Ljungkull active and responsible body. Lawrence E.Lu io Eileen T.McMa n Benjamin Mintz We believe that WSCO is capable of helping to make Raymond G.Mo so�� long range plans for the West Side and urge that Mamie Morgan Eileen Quinn this body be recognized as the instrumentality Benjamin Ouinte o fOr this u ose in OIIY' nei hborhood. Vera P.Reyes P � g Joseph F.Ruiz James A.Scheib I Harvey R.Senec i S incerely yours, Gordon Shepard � Russell J.Sudeit ,Jr. ' y7 , -, � '"]`� G.Craig Woolley ./; �Q 1...�tti, (`+- � `t• i..(.c_.4�,.c�1.� HONORARY �IFE MEMBERS � Linda B.Ames Franklin A. Hi�ikata Charles J.Birt Vicenta C.Donnel y Margaret W.Drisc II Margaret L.Harm n F'��tb Elsa Heller William Hoffman Margaret J.Wesc cke E.Irving Whyatt Mary P.Zimmerm n EXECUTIVE DIRE ,TOR Franklin A.Hijikata ACSW � . . ,������ � ST TEMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING 3��3,�� MA CH 23, 1976 �; � ���� THE WEST SIDE TEAM POLICE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO QUEST OF THIS COUNCIL, THAT THE WEST SIDE CITIZENS ORGANIZATION BE COGNIZED AS THE REPRESENTATIVE GROUP FOR THE WEST SIDE. SINCE THE INCEPTION OF THE TEAM POLICE CONCEPT ON ST. PAUL'S WEST SIDE, THE WEST SIDE CITIZEN'S ORGANIZATION HAS FUNCTIONED AS OUR ADVISORY AND HAS GREATLY CONTRIBUTED TO ANY SUCCESS OUR TEAM MAY HAVE ACH EVED. IT HAS BEEN OUR EXPERIENCE THAT THE WEST SIDE CITIZEN'S ORG NIZATION IS AND HAS BEEN THE ONE DOMINANT ORGANIZATION THAT HA5 PROVIDED LEADERSHIP AND PLANNING FOR ST. PAUL'S WEST SIDE CO NITY. IN DITION TO THEIR OTHER WORK, THE WEST SIDE CITIZEN'S ORGANIZATION HAS APPOINTED A POLICE-COMMUNITY RELATIONS TA5K FORCE THAT MEETS ON N "AS NEED" BASIS TO HELP RESOLVE ANY CRITICAL SITUATIONS THAT MAY ARISE BETWEEN THE POLICE AND THE WEST SIDE COMMUNITY. IT HAS ONL BEEN NECESSARY FOR THIS TASK FORCE TO MEET ONCE IN THIS PAST YEA , BUT THESE MEETINGS RESULTED IN THE EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO AN OTH RWISE POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE 5ITUATION . WE GAIN REQUEST THAT THIS COUNCIL TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE MANY ACH EVEMENTS OF THE WEST SIDE CITIZEN'S ORGANIZATION AND APPOINT THE AS THE WEST SIDE REPRESENTATIVE GROUP. RES ECTFULLY SUBMITTED, LIE TENANT G. HUTTON �O NDER WES SIDE TEAM POLICE ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT , . �A,� �� , -t, fa r,...�"L�f,J'�. March 23, 1976 Due to prior commitments to family group sessions on Tu sday evenings, I have asked to address yo in my behalf. The West Side Citizens Organization is seeking authority an financial assistance as the planning organization for this co unity. I have seen the West Side Citizens Organization take an ac ive role in the Health Clinic, initiate and sponsor Prescott Ho se-a family centered drug and alcohol center, and in general se k services for the needs of West Side residents. More specifically, West Side Citizens Organization, not on y has a representative on our Advisory Board, but was in- st umental in getting Community t�evelopment money allocated to th Youth Service Bureau as a West Side priority. This stand un oubtedly had some weight resulting in a Block Grant city wi e for Youth Service Bureau. I propose that the West Side Citizens Organization not on y receive recognition as the planning and citizen partic- ip tion organization on the West Side, but that the organization re eive the authority and f�nancial assistance necessary to fu ction in a productive manner. Sincerely, � Thomas Oswald, Supervisor WEST SIDE YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU TO amh r ������7 E1 a ne S�line 2�4 >i�3.nev ti�Qst Sicie �itizen� �r�;a.nizat i on � � , ril en Mcl'�a,h�n ?.� ��n�;rPSS '�1e�t side Voice �� � ���� P� �- Benson :-'est Side Team Police D�n Shulman �ivPrviA�a N��;nit�l Bd, or Dir. Jir� HP�l�r Lee parlcs ��� E . B�,�.er �►�er�ica.l �Ar.pn�enc,y �rivis�ry ��i. F�2 w � c� Pas �r H�,rvev SenPca,l �9� �ti�i nnPwa, �1.VP�"V1°!.�1 Eci1r*►�nic�.l CoUY?Cil Llv� ra �eves (5 Del�s i'�einhh�rh��ci Fi�izse p C—t,o �s �lsu���-�m �� � �� Gixb�s� w r""f"`,��d� t r7ar e ��� ss o�,� n�ul�s Guacial�anP Area, Pr�,jPct Bd. I'�ar e L�z�i�?en 1'h�enix �es�_cience , Inc . �ar �onnev ti•�est `;;_r�P C�m�,.anit�✓ �linic Minn�s�ta. La�in°/C�^ica.no Citi�ens -� Voter �e�istra.tion C��?-�1t±AA Gar, Gor*�an 1'�7 ���. ��hiP J�z�l s h�.���'h n e s s v f�;L L u� � X�- �I"-",`y°,�� J�.���z.,,�""�" �' U � r 1 , mim l'�c1'��ni�al ��� �-�J �� ��,�.,t.�ir3e ���a h �ervice B�zre�u -ys�"�°'�` � )� O,�c� 1'�' � ��1a1 ace i'�artin �� �. ����i�mi�� ��est Si�i? Citizens �r�an . Pas or Gaa.rd`' ��olv Trinit�► Lut?��ran �hurch � � ` �� � � ������� . _ —�.----� _ � �.>�°s.;..�°� _. �-�--�-�,.-,�.. . . pr , , �- , .. � , March 19, 1976 Ms. Elaine Saline President West Side Citizens Organization 179 E. Robie St.Paul, Minnesota 55107 Dear Ms. Saline: It has been brought to my attention that the St.Paul City Council is looking for a group or organization to represent the various view points of the West Side. With my rather limited knowledge of the prospective organizations that might be competing for this job, it would seem to me that the West Side Citizens Organization would best carry out the expected duties. It seems to me that this group is the best organized with a broad representation of the citizens in this area. My best wishes for a successful bid. � , Sincerely, ``�-1�`'' A G �' , ,fC� f'".��;, 1,�, ,.'!-'�.''G-��'� '� ��'R. James Gesell Pre�ident _,- RJG:gv �T��• ,,- _ `�f��9'� - �: , . � March 23, 1976 To whom this may concern: I would like to voice our support for the W.S.C.O. as a good choice for the representative Community Organization for district 3 in St. Paul. This organization is actively involved in improving the living cond- itions on the West Side. W.S.C.O. has demonstrated a competency in working with local leaders and community people in formulating and taking action toward common goals for this neighborhood. The WSCO strives for a broad representation from the community and would be an excellent choice to represent the concerns of the West Side. Thank you, 4������� Sara Boddy, Administrator West Side Community Clinic .- 6 e�a ?�� "�,�� �,`�►� � i,.�:�x'l�'!.J'�•.J V RIVERVIEW ORIAL H OSPITAL, I NC. -�~ 225 PrescoH Street,St. Paul,Minnesofa 55107 �`'' ' Telephone 227-7001 March 22, 1976 Elaine Saline, President West Side Citizens Organization Neighborhood Honse 197 East Robie Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 Dear Ms. Salines At the Febrnary ilth meeting of the West Side Citizens Organization, it was approved that WSCO make application to the City Council as the Citizena Participation Gronp representing St. Paul's West Side. On behalf of Riverview Memorial Hospital, I ezpresa our support of this proposal. Since WSCO was originally organized, we have recognized a�nd worked with yon on local issues as the only representative body addressing the various problems and speaking for the com�nnity. The chemical program at Prescott Houae with WSCO performing as the corporate entity for that activity is one eaample of your poaition as the moving force for com�unitp progress. I want to thank yon and your organization for what pou are doing for the area and stand behind pour efforts to assuming the Citizens Participation role. We reco�end favorable consideration by our Citp Council. Yonrs trulp, Earl E. Iil�jenberg Administrator R.IV�tvIEW I�ffirIORIAL HOSPITAL EII,�b BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLF G.LJUNGKULL,Pres. FRANKLIN A.HIJIKATA GEORGE A.STOVEN WILLIAM M.GYDESEN,Vice-Pres. EARL E.LILLJENBERG DON STUHLMAN FLORENCE C.SPELTZ,Sec. ROBERT W.McKENZIE BURT E.SWANSON DYER J.BROGMUS,Treas. DR.CHARLES H.MANLOVE,JR. HERBERT G.SWANSON ROLLIN H.CRAWFORD WILLIAM E.MEARS,SR. OR.RALPH H.SWANSON HOMAS J.DOYLE DR.RALPH M.RAMLOW DR.WAYNE E.TATE RS.ROBERT ELLIOTT,JR. MRS.ROBERT L.RHODES MAURICE H.TELANDER .JAMESGESELL AIBERTA.SCHULTZ DAVIDF.THOMAS � HRIS B.HANSEN HAROLD C.SODERMAN JOSEPH J.ZAINE AMES E.HENLY J.ROBERTSTASSEN The Saint Paul Urban Coalition 6:���I�h��'� . �,� 264 Metro Square - Saint Paul, Minn. 55101 Telephone 227-7287 March 24, 1976 Mr. David Hozza, President Saint Paul City Council City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Hozza: This letter is to inform you that the Minnesota Latino/Chicano Citizens for Voter Re�istration Committee supports the request of the West Side Citizens Organization to be the offical repre- sentative organization for the West Side community of Saint Paul. Because of the many activities West Side Citizens Organization has been involved with in the West Side and their dedicated efforts to assist all people, the Minnesota Latino/Chicano Citizens for Voter Registration Committee believes that the� are capable of handling matters relatin� to the West Side citizen. i�cerel,y, „ � ,�l � �,�: ��:i ��'"�' f�___ � " � Jose P. Gamez JPG:lhp " • . � � � ^ " � �� � , � ���� � (] ;° � ��7� , • ���' r � � � � �� __ .'; .�, _. . . _ ' - �,��e� ; �s�. � _. . _ . � ; _ _ � , . . , � _ , � , . .� . i� � �•�- .�s �i�G► ; _ _ _ . . ��� � _ � � � i � �� � . . I , . . _ i _ �/ , rv�. , , _ __: . � ; _ � � w--�- _ _ � r'l�✓.s�� • ;' � � � JA . /�-� ,i�'l�-� '••u�..� ,�►�j'�;"' °i�� � a�.�.�c. �.v..�-.- � � � .�``� ��� . j � --,� � _ . ; _ _ - ; � � _ , _ � � _ . ! � . . � . , _ • �� r I /� • . � I 1 /��.ir .��► ~ � i ; _ i . _ _. , ; . � _ _ _ _ . _ i - � � � � _ . . ; � � i � . , , , � � . ; _ ; I , � _ � ! ; .; . � _ _ _ :.