01-635�R1GiNAL Presented by Rererred To Council File # O �.. G 3S Green Sheet # J� l l y_ �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / _ . +� Committee, Date Resolution Endorsing Enhancing the Accessibiliry of City Libraries by use of a one-for-one grant offered by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, & Learning Whereas the Hayden Heights, Lexington, and Sun Ray branch Public Library buildings and public library services should be accessible to all residents; and Whereas, the City of Saint Paul has title to the sites and buildings where these branch Publlc Libraries are located; and Whereas them City of Saint Paul has deterrnined that various modifications are necessary within these branch Public Library buildings to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act and Minnesota State Building Code Accessibility Standards; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul has determined that such modifications will cost approximately $26,500.00; and Whereas the Director of the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) has identified $13,250.00 in matching funds for the grant match from the State of Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning, Library Development and Services grant: and Whereas the City of Saint Paul has determined that it wiU need a matching grant from the Department of Children, Families & Learnina to pay for such modifications; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul shall provide matching funds for expenditures relating to the public library accessibility project in an amount equal to the amount of the grant from non-state sources and that such match shall be dollar-for-dollar and not matched by in-kind contributions; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul understands and agrees to adhere to the list of assurances as stated in the grant application (see attached); ORI�i�v�L o+-�35 Now, therefore be it resolved that the City of Saint Paul authorizes the manager of the 7MS Real Estate Division, on behalf of the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) Department director, to submit a grant application totaling �13,250.00 to make accessibility related modifications at these branch Public Library buildings; a�d Be it further resolved that the director o1 the Department of TMS and the manager of the TMS Real Estate Division, on behali of the SPPL Department director, is authorized to sign and submit all applicabie contracts, documents, and agreements associated with the application or grant agreement on behalT ot the City oY Saint Paul for the work herein contemp4ated. Requested by Department of: �:'���i� B : (� `� `'����/��'���`� � / VV Form Approved City Attor�ey Bv: Adoption Certitied by Council cretary Approved y ayor tor Su mission to Council Bv;�_ a � Bv: t ������ Approved by Mayor: Date �� �� 8 : Passed and adopted by on (date) attachment H:�SHARED�DESIGN\PROJECSSOt0204\COR�RESOLUTION b/1/01 1�53PM Adopted by Council: Date °� �. o\ ol-�3s Accessibility Grant Application from: 5 t. P a u 1 P u b 1 i c L i b r a r y ASSURANCES Tfie appllcant hereby assures tha totlowing: The applicant owna or holds title to the building and site to be modiFled. 2. The locel share of the cost of the proJect will be not less than 60% (up to $750,000) of the totai cost of the project for removal of architeMural barclers and wiil be paid for with non-state funde not matched by in-kind contributbns and; 3. 1'he loCal share of the cost of the project Is available or will be avallable by ttie project initlatlon date. 4. The pro)ect initiaGon dete witl be not more than 180 days aftar recelpt of the sfgned grant contract. 5. The applicant wiil not advertise for bids or execute any constrvdion contracts prior to receiving the signed grant contract. 6. Grant funds wiil be used only for pu�poses for which granted as speclfied in the approved appllcation. 7. The library is in compliancs with Minnesota 2000 with Mlnnesota Lawa 2000, Chapter 489, Article 8, SecNon 27 Sectlon (a) so thet ail pubifc ilbrary computers with access to the Internet available Sor use by ch4ldren undet the age of 17 restrict, including by uae of avaUabte softwere fittering technology or other effective methods, eil access by children to materiat that is reasonabiy believed to be obscene or child pornogrephy or meterial harmful to minors under federal or atate law. and section (c) so that the 1lbrary prohfbits, Inciuding through the use of available software flltering technology or other effective methods, adult eccess to material thet undar federal or state law is reasonabiy believed to be obacene or chiid pornogrephy. 8. The Ilbrary is in compliance wlYh Mlnnesota Laws 2000, Chapter 492, Artida 1, Section 49, Subd. 5A end has adopted a policy to prohfbit Ilbrary users from uslnA the Ilbrary's Intamet access to view, print, or distribute materiel that is obsCene within the meaning of Minnesota Statutas 1998, Chepter 617, Article 241 _ 9. The grant agreement wfll be reviewed and signed by appropriate officlal(s) within 90 days of raceipt or risk losing approval of the grant funding. � 10. If the bulidinp has benefited from a previous stete-funded iibrary accessibility grant(s), the totai of the previous g�ant(s) and the current grant request does not exceed $150,Q00. 11. Documentetlon as stipulated in the grant agreement for reimbursement will be submittad to Llbrary Development and Servicea no late� than 90 days atter the projed Is deemed Gompleted. 01-`3S Accessibility Grtant AppliCation from: St. Paul Publ ic Library we, the undersiAned, certify that the data given in this applicatlon are true and correct to the best of ou� knowledge and bellef. Carole Williams (Typed Neme) Librarv Director (TiUe) �-� �.��%��� � l —�/ (Slgnature) (Date} Lee Williamson (T� ed Name) � ° ��� ( Ignature) Facility Manaqer (Titte) ����o � �oe�a� BE ON Wl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DA"f� iIUYBER FOR ROUTING OR9ER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � GREEN SHEET No � �� Ol -49S 111142 � CTYATiOR1EY � CIIY4UK � � RIRIICNI.aFl1Y1CFS0Yt ❑ HIIYitlLLiER1il11ttT0 � w,���,�,r� _� 6 ur {CLiP ALL LOCATIONS �OR SIGNATURE) v�lC�IU6�L� �'� t��iE�l� -�F'oR -,a CoUrC/c/L 1����,CITIOJV �Jj�/�"l� ?�£ T�ciNS{�R �' �UNOS �2„ vTI�1�N C?� .�1 oNF'- fo� -oNE �67'G/l/�G, ciRANf �pM •i E 5�*FE �F 1Y}G1J� .�"oR -�E �/Y}PI�VE/116DU7' �>F -N�AI�ID/Cy4� y�GCES'S1F�1L1t'1' Z1T xN� �y47�1�EN �£�G�T�� L�1S�itlliYD11/� �AI� 5v�1RAY ,SR�lNC�i' �lC3Ry4R1�.5. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .�� Has thi� personffimi e�er vrorked under a contraG for Nis departmeM? YES NO Has Mis Pe�n/firtn e�er bren a cilY emPbYee7 VES NO Does fhis persoMfirm possess a skill not normallypossessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Is this perwn/firm a targeted veMOY1 YES NO -�J�SE � U/L.O//L�S lX' �sT' �4YL �GQ �'G'.e� . -1�i �' �vr�os kE✓n,a��'fnki eN Tf�f� .,4x�s/B�r..tZ"Y �AccQt7rc�f'�E lN�uf�t�1 , �. -� c..,�,►E2 -�'� �s�'° � �r e�.�. Coix� -,4cc�ca<u� �r�� Bvir,arN�s r.c�`u, � t��v�- - �vND �,aros�'F�S�-wrr,�,��N �Fa� �l�riNC� cl s7 �t�Ac�r t.IStLG �e �Ovf� .A�W cs�/Nca � 4�BrQ,4�Y 7o ci8'�1IN fY�,4?�N/NGv R��k����� 5� � i�� s -- � t�tt6LG. Na� � ASYsZ`�'v -fir �5E' Cs'�1�iNG r _� � . � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S _ � """""_"'__ COST/REVENUE BUDGETW (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER YES NO (IXPWN) �R1GiNAL Presented by Rererred To Council File # O �.. G 3S Green Sheet # J� l l y_ �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / _ . +� Committee, Date Resolution Endorsing Enhancing the Accessibiliry of City Libraries by use of a one-for-one grant offered by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, & Learning Whereas the Hayden Heights, Lexington, and Sun Ray branch Public Library buildings and public library services should be accessible to all residents; and Whereas, the City of Saint Paul has title to the sites and buildings where these branch Publlc Libraries are located; and Whereas them City of Saint Paul has deterrnined that various modifications are necessary within these branch Public Library buildings to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act and Minnesota State Building Code Accessibility Standards; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul has determined that such modifications will cost approximately $26,500.00; and Whereas the Director of the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) has identified $13,250.00 in matching funds for the grant match from the State of Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning, Library Development and Services grant: and Whereas the City of Saint Paul has determined that it wiU need a matching grant from the Department of Children, Families & Learnina to pay for such modifications; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul shall provide matching funds for expenditures relating to the public library accessibility project in an amount equal to the amount of the grant from non-state sources and that such match shall be dollar-for-dollar and not matched by in-kind contributions; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul understands and agrees to adhere to the list of assurances as stated in the grant application (see attached); ORI�i�v�L o+-�35 Now, therefore be it resolved that the City of Saint Paul authorizes the manager of the 7MS Real Estate Division, on behalf of the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) Department director, to submit a grant application totaling �13,250.00 to make accessibility related modifications at these branch Public Library buildings; a�d Be it further resolved that the director o1 the Department of TMS and the manager of the TMS Real Estate Division, on behali of the SPPL Department director, is authorized to sign and submit all applicabie contracts, documents, and agreements associated with the application or grant agreement on behalT ot the City oY Saint Paul for the work herein contemp4ated. Requested by Department of: �:'���i� B : (� `� `'����/��'���`� � / VV Form Approved City Attor�ey Bv: Adoption Certitied by Council cretary Approved y ayor tor Su mission to Council Bv;�_ a � Bv: t ������ Approved by Mayor: Date �� �� 8 : Passed and adopted by on (date) attachment H:�SHARED�DESIGN\PROJECSSOt0204\COR�RESOLUTION b/1/01 1�53PM Adopted by Council: Date °� �. o\ ol-�3s Accessibility Grant Application from: 5 t. P a u 1 P u b 1 i c L i b r a r y ASSURANCES Tfie appllcant hereby assures tha totlowing: The applicant owna or holds title to the building and site to be modiFled. 2. The locel share of the cost of the proJect will be not less than 60% (up to $750,000) of the totai cost of the project for removal of architeMural barclers and wiil be paid for with non-state funde not matched by in-kind contributbns and; 3. 1'he loCal share of the cost of the project Is available or will be avallable by ttie project initlatlon date. 4. The pro)ect initiaGon dete witl be not more than 180 days aftar recelpt of the sfgned grant contract. 5. The applicant wiil not advertise for bids or execute any constrvdion contracts prior to receiving the signed grant contract. 6. Grant funds wiil be used only for pu�poses for which granted as speclfied in the approved appllcation. 7. The library is in compliancs with Minnesota 2000 with Mlnnesota Lawa 2000, Chapter 489, Article 8, SecNon 27 Sectlon (a) so thet ail pubifc ilbrary computers with access to the Internet available Sor use by ch4ldren undet the age of 17 restrict, including by uae of avaUabte softwere fittering technology or other effective methods, eil access by children to materiat that is reasonabiy believed to be obscene or child pornogrephy or meterial harmful to minors under federal or atate law. and section (c) so that the 1lbrary prohfbits, Inciuding through the use of available software flltering technology or other effective methods, adult eccess to material thet undar federal or state law is reasonabiy believed to be obacene or chiid pornogrephy. 8. The Ilbrary is in compliance wlYh Mlnnesota Laws 2000, Chapter 492, Artida 1, Section 49, Subd. 5A end has adopted a policy to prohfbit Ilbrary users from uslnA the Ilbrary's Intamet access to view, print, or distribute materiel that is obsCene within the meaning of Minnesota Statutas 1998, Chepter 617, Article 241 _ 9. The grant agreement wfll be reviewed and signed by appropriate officlal(s) within 90 days of raceipt or risk losing approval of the grant funding. � 10. If the bulidinp has benefited from a previous stete-funded iibrary accessibility grant(s), the totai of the previous g�ant(s) and the current grant request does not exceed $150,Q00. 11. Documentetlon as stipulated in the grant agreement for reimbursement will be submittad to Llbrary Development and Servicea no late� than 90 days atter the projed Is deemed Gompleted. 01-`3S Accessibility Grtant AppliCation from: St. Paul Publ ic Library we, the undersiAned, certify that the data given in this applicatlon are true and correct to the best of ou� knowledge and bellef. Carole Williams (Typed Neme) Librarv Director (TiUe) �-� �.��%��� � l —�/ (Slgnature) (Date} Lee Williamson (T� ed Name) � ° ��� ( Ignature) Facility Manaqer (Titte) ����o � �oe�a� BE ON Wl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DA"f� iIUYBER FOR ROUTING OR9ER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � GREEN SHEET No � �� Ol -49S 111142 � CTYATiOR1EY � CIIY4UK � � RIRIICNI.aFl1Y1CFS0Yt ❑ HIIYitlLLiER1il11ttT0 � w,���,�,r� _� 6 ur {CLiP ALL LOCATIONS �OR SIGNATURE) v�lC�IU6�L� �'� t��iE�l� -�F'oR -,a CoUrC/c/L 1����,CITIOJV �Jj�/�"l� ?�£ T�ciNS{�R �' �UNOS �2„ vTI�1�N C?� .�1 oNF'- fo� -oNE �67'G/l/�G, ciRANf �pM •i E 5�*FE �F 1Y}G1J� .�"oR -�E �/Y}PI�VE/116DU7' �>F -N�AI�ID/Cy4� y�GCES'S1F�1L1t'1' Z1T xN� �y47�1�EN �£�G�T�� L�1S�itlliYD11/� �AI� 5v�1RAY ,SR�lNC�i' �lC3Ry4R1�.5. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .�� Has thi� personffimi e�er vrorked under a contraG for Nis departmeM? YES NO Has Mis Pe�n/firtn e�er bren a cilY emPbYee7 VES NO Does fhis persoMfirm possess a skill not normallypossessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Is this perwn/firm a targeted veMOY1 YES NO -�J�SE � U/L.O//L�S lX' �sT' �4YL �GQ �'G'.e� . -1�i �' �vr�os kE✓n,a��'fnki eN Tf�f� .,4x�s/B�r..tZ"Y �AccQt7rc�f'�E lN�uf�t�1 , �. -� c..,�,►E2 -�'� �s�'° � �r e�.�. Coix� -,4cc�ca<u� �r�� Bvir,arN�s r.c�`u, � t��v�- - �vND �,aros�'F�S�-wrr,�,��N �Fa� �l�riNC� cl s7 �t�Ac�r t.IStLG �e �Ovf� .A�W cs�/Nca � 4�BrQ,4�Y 7o ci8'�1IN fY�,4?�N/NGv R��k����� 5� � i�� s -- � t�tt6LG. Na� � ASYsZ`�'v -fir �5E' Cs'�1�iNG r _� � . � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S _ � """""_"'__ COST/REVENUE BUDGETW (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER YES NO (IXPWN) �R1GiNAL Presented by Rererred To Council File # O �.. G 3S Green Sheet # J� l l y_ �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / _ . +� Committee, Date Resolution Endorsing Enhancing the Accessibiliry of City Libraries by use of a one-for-one grant offered by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, & Learning Whereas the Hayden Heights, Lexington, and Sun Ray branch Public Library buildings and public library services should be accessible to all residents; and Whereas, the City of Saint Paul has title to the sites and buildings where these branch Publlc Libraries are located; and Whereas them City of Saint Paul has deterrnined that various modifications are necessary within these branch Public Library buildings to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act and Minnesota State Building Code Accessibility Standards; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul has determined that such modifications will cost approximately $26,500.00; and Whereas the Director of the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) has identified $13,250.00 in matching funds for the grant match from the State of Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning, Library Development and Services grant: and Whereas the City of Saint Paul has determined that it wiU need a matching grant from the Department of Children, Families & Learnina to pay for such modifications; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul shall provide matching funds for expenditures relating to the public library accessibility project in an amount equal to the amount of the grant from non-state sources and that such match shall be dollar-for-dollar and not matched by in-kind contributions; and Whereas the Ciry of Saint Paul understands and agrees to adhere to the list of assurances as stated in the grant application (see attached); ORI�i�v�L o+-�35 Now, therefore be it resolved that the City of Saint Paul authorizes the manager of the 7MS Real Estate Division, on behalf of the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) Department director, to submit a grant application totaling �13,250.00 to make accessibility related modifications at these branch Public Library buildings; a�d Be it further resolved that the director o1 the Department of TMS and the manager of the TMS Real Estate Division, on behali of the SPPL Department director, is authorized to sign and submit all applicabie contracts, documents, and agreements associated with the application or grant agreement on behalT ot the City oY Saint Paul for the work herein contemp4ated. Requested by Department of: �:'���i� B : (� `� `'����/��'���`� � / VV Form Approved City Attor�ey Bv: Adoption Certitied by Council cretary Approved y ayor tor Su mission to Council Bv;�_ a � Bv: t ������ Approved by Mayor: Date �� �� 8 : Passed and adopted by on (date) attachment H:�SHARED�DESIGN\PROJECSSOt0204\COR�RESOLUTION b/1/01 1�53PM Adopted by Council: Date °� �. o\ ol-�3s Accessibility Grant Application from: 5 t. P a u 1 P u b 1 i c L i b r a r y ASSURANCES Tfie appllcant hereby assures tha totlowing: The applicant owna or holds title to the building and site to be modiFled. 2. The locel share of the cost of the proJect will be not less than 60% (up to $750,000) of the totai cost of the project for removal of architeMural barclers and wiil be paid for with non-state funde not matched by in-kind contributbns and; 3. 1'he loCal share of the cost of the project Is available or will be avallable by ttie project initlatlon date. 4. The pro)ect initiaGon dete witl be not more than 180 days aftar recelpt of the sfgned grant contract. 5. The applicant wiil not advertise for bids or execute any constrvdion contracts prior to receiving the signed grant contract. 6. Grant funds wiil be used only for pu�poses for which granted as speclfied in the approved appllcation. 7. The library is in compliancs with Minnesota 2000 with Mlnnesota Lawa 2000, Chapter 489, Article 8, SecNon 27 Sectlon (a) so thet ail pubifc ilbrary computers with access to the Internet available Sor use by ch4ldren undet the age of 17 restrict, including by uae of avaUabte softwere fittering technology or other effective methods, eil access by children to materiat that is reasonabiy believed to be obscene or child pornogrephy or meterial harmful to minors under federal or atate law. and section (c) so that the 1lbrary prohfbits, Inciuding through the use of available software flltering technology or other effective methods, adult eccess to material thet undar federal or state law is reasonabiy believed to be obacene or chiid pornogrephy. 8. The Ilbrary is in compliance wlYh Mlnnesota Laws 2000, Chapter 492, Artida 1, Section 49, Subd. 5A end has adopted a policy to prohfbit Ilbrary users from uslnA the Ilbrary's Intamet access to view, print, or distribute materiel that is obsCene within the meaning of Minnesota Statutas 1998, Chepter 617, Article 241 _ 9. The grant agreement wfll be reviewed and signed by appropriate officlal(s) within 90 days of raceipt or risk losing approval of the grant funding. � 10. If the bulidinp has benefited from a previous stete-funded iibrary accessibility grant(s), the totai of the previous g�ant(s) and the current grant request does not exceed $150,Q00. 11. Documentetlon as stipulated in the grant agreement for reimbursement will be submittad to Llbrary Development and Servicea no late� than 90 days atter the projed Is deemed Gompleted. 01-`3S Accessibility Grtant AppliCation from: St. Paul Publ ic Library we, the undersiAned, certify that the data given in this applicatlon are true and correct to the best of ou� knowledge and bellef. Carole Williams (Typed Neme) Librarv Director (TiUe) �-� �.��%��� � l —�/ (Slgnature) (Date} Lee Williamson (T� ed Name) � ° ��� ( Ignature) Facility Manaqer (Titte) ����o � �oe�a� BE ON Wl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DA"f� iIUYBER FOR ROUTING OR9ER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � GREEN SHEET No � �� Ol -49S 111142 � CTYATiOR1EY � CIIY4UK � � RIRIICNI.aFl1Y1CFS0Yt ❑ HIIYitlLLiER1il11ttT0 � w,���,�,r� _� 6 ur {CLiP ALL LOCATIONS �OR SIGNATURE) v�lC�IU6�L� �'� t��iE�l� -�F'oR -,a CoUrC/c/L 1����,CITIOJV �Jj�/�"l� ?�£ T�ciNS{�R �' �UNOS �2„ vTI�1�N C?� .�1 oNF'- fo� -oNE �67'G/l/�G, ciRANf �pM •i E 5�*FE �F 1Y}G1J� .�"oR -�E �/Y}PI�VE/116DU7' �>F -N�AI�ID/Cy4� y�GCES'S1F�1L1t'1' Z1T xN� �y47�1�EN �£�G�T�� L�1S�itlliYD11/� �AI� 5v�1RAY ,SR�lNC�i' �lC3Ry4R1�.5. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .�� Has thi� personffimi e�er vrorked under a contraG for Nis departmeM? YES NO Has Mis Pe�n/firtn e�er bren a cilY emPbYee7 VES NO Does fhis persoMfirm possess a skill not normallypossessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Is this perwn/firm a targeted veMOY1 YES NO -�J�SE � U/L.O//L�S lX' �sT' �4YL �GQ �'G'.e� . -1�i �' �vr�os kE✓n,a��'fnki eN Tf�f� .,4x�s/B�r..tZ"Y �AccQt7rc�f'�E lN�uf�t�1 , �. -� c..,�,►E2 -�'� �s�'° � �r e�.�. Coix� -,4cc�ca<u� �r�� Bvir,arN�s r.c�`u, � t��v�- - �vND �,aros�'F�S�-wrr,�,��N �Fa� �l�riNC� cl s7 �t�Ac�r t.IStLG �e �Ovf� .A�W cs�/Nca � 4�BrQ,4�Y 7o ci8'�1IN fY�,4?�N/NGv R��k����� 5� � i�� s -- � t�tt6LG. Na� � ASYsZ`�'v -fir �5E' Cs'�1�iNG r _� � . � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S _ � """""_"'__ COST/REVENUE BUDGETW (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER YES NO (IXPWN)