266988 WHITE - CIT � ERK ��66988� PINK - FIN NCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � CANARY - DEP RTMENT � BLUE - MAY R� File NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented B LICENSE CONIMIZTEE Re rred To Committee: Date Ou of Committee By Date RE.SOLVED: t licenses applied �or by the followin� persons at the addres�es stated by and the s axe hereby granted. Mi way IInbers, Inc. 1661+ University Ave. Rest. C-2 App.528$ Renew Fi her Nut Co. 2327 Wycliff Foods NIDPw 53$�+ " t, f� 5 Veh f� ,� R ald Kelly 2520 No. Clarence Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh. 5407 " ald Edstrom 214 Sherrie Lane Tree Tri�ner & 1 Veh. 5599 �� Ri hard A. Moga 60 W. Co. Rd. J Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh. 5649 " H' hland Inn� Inc. 1870 Old Hudson Rd. Rest. C-2 5799 �� " +' Hotel 131 R. ,� '� " " Tavern " '� " " Cigarette " �� S . Paul Athletic Club, Ine. 340 Cedar Bowling 4A. 6199 �� " " Rest. C-2 6243 " „ �► Confect. B ,� �� " " Barber " '� " " Cigaxette +' " rge J. Haines 1141 E. Cook Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh. 6399 �� ald Phillips & R nd Cook 410 Pleasant Ave. Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh. 6400 �� ° �� 2 Add'l. VEl1. '� �r A soc. Hosts of Minn. 111 E. Kellogg Blvd. Rest. C-2 6430 " , " " Tavern „ '► " „ Cigaxette �T " R'chaxd Klawitter 3211 W. Owasso Blvd. Tree Tr3immer & 1 Veh. 6505 " " " 4 Add'l. Veh. " �� chael Pohl 1340 No. Weatern #9 Tree Tri�ner & 1 Veh. 6506 " '� �� 1 Add'1.. Ve�l.. �� �t W'lliam K�lm 1872 Bohland Tree Tri�ner & 1 V�h. 6507 " " " 3 Add'1. Veh.' " " P axson Candy Co. 2140 W. 7th St. Foods NIDPW 65�+5 " R nd K. Anderson 541 DeSoto Tree Trimoner & 1 Veh. 6548 " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Chris ensen Hur►,t [n Favor Lev' e Rced er U Against BY Sylv ter Pres' ent}�bX HOZZa. � 3 0 i9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by cil: Date Cert' ' d Pa e Council Secretary ' BY Y Approve ayor: te � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY RUBLISHED APR 3 6