01-627ORIGIN i z a e s 6 � e 9 t0 n iz 13 ia is �6 1] �s +a m zi a v za 25 26 zv � a 3a ai 32 � x ss 38 az x � w at az � u u m a � 69 PreseMed By: Referred TO: CffY OF�$'AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cauneil File # � � � � � • GreenSheat# 703779 CAmmittee: Date VJHEREAS, the City Cauncil atlopted Ortlinance #00-973 on Novem6er'I5, 2000 and published November 24, 2000, pertaining to advertising signs; and WHEREAS, new §66.402(� specifies that the zoning administrator shall maintain an inventory of all bill6oartls in Ne city, mu5nely inspect ttiem and take enforcement action against violabons of the sign ordinance and new §66.402(g) specifies fhat the City Coundl shall set a fee for the new billboard regisuation, inspeclion and enforcement program; and WHEREAS, there are approximately fi20 billboaM sign faces in the City; and WHEREAS. ffie Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion estimates ffiat the program's startup costs will be approximately $120,7 �8 and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.0'I of the ciiy charter, certifies that there are available for appropriations $720,118 in funds in excess of those esamated in the 2001 budget; now therefore, be it RESOLVED that tfie City Councit approves the Followi�g changes to the 2001 budgeY. FINANCING PLAN: Department of Ezecu6ve Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protec6on GL 320 33354 2800 Permits G4 320 33351 9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other AcUvity Financing SPENDING PLAN: Departmen[ of Executive Administrafion Division - License, Inspections, antl Enviro�mental Protection CuRent Amended Budget Change Budget 0 89,900 89,900 126,400 30,2'18 156,618 0 0 0 126 400 720,1'18 246,578 GL 320 33354 011'IFull Time Permanent 0 GL 320 33354 0439 Fringe Benefits 0 GL 320 33354 0219 Professional Services 0 GL 320 33354 0235 Type II - Reg mileage 0 GL 320 33354 0256 RegisVation Fees - Local 0 GL 320 33354 0282 Rental of Bldg and O�ce 0 GL 320 33354 0290 CenVal Service Costs 0 - GL 320 33354 0356 Safety Supplies 0 GL 320 33354 0368 Office Supplies Purch Stor 0 GL 320 33354 0370 Computer Equipment & Supp 0 GL 320 33354 0350 Communication Equipment 0 GL 320 33354 0393 Sofhvare under $5,000 0 GL 320 33354 0394 Office Fumiture 0 All Other Activity Spending 0 0 Adoption Certfied by Council By: - •. _ �i �i i�r �1//�� ��,. � j 56.578 15J00 4,800 7,015 4,000 1.568 1.824 200 175 19,000 1,358 9,500 5,000 0 120,118 56,578 15,100 4,800 1,015 4,000 1,568 1.824 200 175 �9,000 1,358 9,500 5,000 0 120.1'18 Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections, and E ' ntal Prote '�^n By: � Approvafft�m nded by FS - Director. I i1 By: `� �, FormApp�OVedby�ityAttomey:n � � Sec ary: tA , _ �� Approved to a5 I Adopted by Council: Date neenxrmee+rroflnc&couucu. DATEPIf11ATE0 �f �`�,� EXecua�e minichatiOII-LIEP 05/18i01 GREEN SHEET NO. 1�3779 /, � uuua� / oam ou� / oare COMAClPERSONffiPHONE ❑1 DtPA[t1TffNIDIREClOA �T/' ❑5 CRYCOUNCII. RogerCtiutis 266-9013 � mvnrrox�r____-�� � anccEa�c MIISfBEONLOUNCLLACFNDABY(DA'IE) ❑2 t]NANCLLLSERNCESDOt a F6t5ERVICE50FF/ACCIG ASAP O MAYOR(ORA5515fANt) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wciwH e.�Qu�fu Approval to amend 2001 spending and 5nancing for LIEP Special F�md 320 - adding Acavity 33354 to establish a budget for ffie billboazd sign pm rtECO�mwnoHS n�po.«n7 «a�..a(rz) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PLANNPIG COAA9SSION I. Has Uds pecsodSrtu wawo�ked mder a conhaM for this depazlwent? CmcoMmmse YES NO CIVLL SERVICECOMMISSION 2. Has tlils persodfi�m eva been a ciry employce? n stnr'e YES NO 3. Does this persodEum possess a sldll not mrmally possesseA by any cu�rent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is ttis petson / firm a targeted vrndoR YES NO (Eaplain all yu answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet) P'ITIATING PROBLEM, I5511$OPPORTUNIfY (Who. WhN, Who4 Whae, W6y): � Qn Novemter 15, 2000, the CiTy Council dixected the City's zoning staff in maintain an inventory of all billboazds in Saint Paul (Council File #00-97 On May 09, 2001 a resoluaon was passed establislilng the annual fee for each billboard sign. This fee is to cover the cost of implementing the new billboazd regshation, inspection, and enforcement program. The LffiP Special Fund 320 spending and financing must be amended for 2001 in order to account for the fees and costs associated with tfus progam. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Adding Activiry 33354 to Fund 320 will provide the budget necessary to implement and maintain.ihe ne}y�billboazd registration program. � �S��PC33 ��#3�� �:�.`.'' , � �,<,� DISADVANiAGE51FAPPAOVED� None R � � � � i I �AY � (� 26� i �l�f'( �4TTO�NEY DISADVANTAGFSOFNOTMPROVED� The City of Saint Paul woutd be unable to implement the new biliboazd sign registration, inspection and enforcement progam. iar.�.nmourcrovrawsncnox_$ 120.118 cosrmevsnueeanceren�cuic�.eo�e� O ro �����R� Billboard Sign Fees .�N��a GL - 320-33354-2800 FINANC W. LYFORMATION: (E].PLAQJ) V ORIGIN i z a e s 6 � e 9 t0 n iz 13 ia is �6 1] �s +a m zi a v za 25 26 zv � a 3a ai 32 � x ss 38 az x � w at az � u u m a � 69 PreseMed By: Referred TO: CffY OF�$'AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cauneil File # � � � � � • GreenSheat# 703779 CAmmittee: Date VJHEREAS, the City Cauncil atlopted Ortlinance #00-973 on Novem6er'I5, 2000 and published November 24, 2000, pertaining to advertising signs; and WHEREAS, new §66.402(� specifies that the zoning administrator shall maintain an inventory of all bill6oartls in Ne city, mu5nely inspect ttiem and take enforcement action against violabons of the sign ordinance and new §66.402(g) specifies fhat the City Coundl shall set a fee for the new billboard regisuation, inspeclion and enforcement program; and WHEREAS, there are approximately fi20 billboaM sign faces in the City; and WHEREAS. ffie Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion estimates ffiat the program's startup costs will be approximately $120,7 �8 and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.0'I of the ciiy charter, certifies that there are available for appropriations $720,118 in funds in excess of those esamated in the 2001 budget; now therefore, be it RESOLVED that tfie City Councit approves the Followi�g changes to the 2001 budgeY. FINANCING PLAN: Department of Ezecu6ve Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protec6on GL 320 33354 2800 Permits G4 320 33351 9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other AcUvity Financing SPENDING PLAN: Departmen[ of Executive Administrafion Division - License, Inspections, antl Enviro�mental Protection CuRent Amended Budget Change Budget 0 89,900 89,900 126,400 30,2'18 156,618 0 0 0 126 400 720,1'18 246,578 GL 320 33354 011'IFull Time Permanent 0 GL 320 33354 0439 Fringe Benefits 0 GL 320 33354 0219 Professional Services 0 GL 320 33354 0235 Type II - Reg mileage 0 GL 320 33354 0256 RegisVation Fees - Local 0 GL 320 33354 0282 Rental of Bldg and O�ce 0 GL 320 33354 0290 CenVal Service Costs 0 - GL 320 33354 0356 Safety Supplies 0 GL 320 33354 0368 Office Supplies Purch Stor 0 GL 320 33354 0370 Computer Equipment & Supp 0 GL 320 33354 0350 Communication Equipment 0 GL 320 33354 0393 Sofhvare under $5,000 0 GL 320 33354 0394 Office Fumiture 0 All Other Activity Spending 0 0 Adoption Certfied by Council By: - •. _ �i �i i�r �1//�� ��,. � j 56.578 15J00 4,800 7,015 4,000 1.568 1.824 200 175 19,000 1,358 9,500 5,000 0 120,118 56,578 15,100 4,800 1,015 4,000 1,568 1.824 200 175 �9,000 1,358 9,500 5,000 0 120.1'18 Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections, and E ' ntal Prote '�^n By: � Approvafft�m nded by FS - Director. I i1 By: `� �, FormApp�OVedby�ityAttomey:n � � Sec ary: tA , _ �� Approved to a5 I Adopted by Council: Date neenxrmee+rroflnc&couucu. DATEPIf11ATE0 �f �`�,� EXecua�e minichatiOII-LIEP 05/18i01 GREEN SHEET NO. 1�3779 /, � uuua� / oam ou� / oare COMAClPERSONffiPHONE ❑1 DtPA[t1TffNIDIREClOA �T/' ❑5 CRYCOUNCII. RogerCtiutis 266-9013 � mvnrrox�r____-�� � anccEa�c MIISfBEONLOUNCLLACFNDABY(DA'IE) ❑2 t]NANCLLLSERNCESDOt a F6t5ERVICE50FF/ACCIG ASAP O MAYOR(ORA5515fANt) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wciwH e.�Qu�fu Approval to amend 2001 spending and 5nancing for LIEP Special F�md 320 - adding Acavity 33354 to establish a budget for ffie billboazd sign pm rtECO�mwnoHS n�po.«n7 «a�..a(rz) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PLANNPIG COAA9SSION I. Has Uds pecsodSrtu wawo�ked mder a conhaM for this depazlwent? CmcoMmmse YES NO CIVLL SERVICECOMMISSION 2. Has tlils persodfi�m eva been a ciry employce? n stnr'e YES NO 3. Does this persodEum possess a sldll not mrmally possesseA by any cu�rent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is ttis petson / firm a targeted vrndoR YES NO (Eaplain all yu answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet) P'ITIATING PROBLEM, I5511$OPPORTUNIfY (Who. WhN, Who4 Whae, W6y): � Qn Novemter 15, 2000, the CiTy Council dixected the City's zoning staff in maintain an inventory of all billboazds in Saint Paul (Council File #00-97 On May 09, 2001 a resoluaon was passed establislilng the annual fee for each billboard sign. This fee is to cover the cost of implementing the new billboazd regshation, inspection, and enforcement program. The LffiP Special Fund 320 spending and financing must be amended for 2001 in order to account for the fees and costs associated with tfus progam. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Adding Activiry 33354 to Fund 320 will provide the budget necessary to implement and maintain.ihe ne}y�billboazd registration program. � �S��PC33 ��#3�� �:�.`.'' , � �,<,� DISADVANiAGE51FAPPAOVED� None R � � � � i I �AY � (� 26� i �l�f'( �4TTO�NEY DISADVANTAGFSOFNOTMPROVED� The City of Saint Paul woutd be unable to implement the new biliboazd sign registration, inspection and enforcement progam. iar.�.nmourcrovrawsncnox_$ 120.118 cosrmevsnueeanceren�cuic�.eo�e� O ro �����R� Billboard Sign Fees .�N��a GL - 320-33354-2800 FINANC W. LYFORMATION: (E].PLAQJ) V ORIGIN i z a e s 6 � e 9 t0 n iz 13 ia is �6 1] �s +a m zi a v za 25 26 zv � a 3a ai 32 � x ss 38 az x � w at az � u u m a � 69 PreseMed By: Referred TO: CffY OF�$'AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cauneil File # � � � � � • GreenSheat# 703779 CAmmittee: Date VJHEREAS, the City Cauncil atlopted Ortlinance #00-973 on Novem6er'I5, 2000 and published November 24, 2000, pertaining to advertising signs; and WHEREAS, new §66.402(� specifies that the zoning administrator shall maintain an inventory of all bill6oartls in Ne city, mu5nely inspect ttiem and take enforcement action against violabons of the sign ordinance and new §66.402(g) specifies fhat the City Coundl shall set a fee for the new billboard regisuation, inspeclion and enforcement program; and WHEREAS, there are approximately fi20 billboaM sign faces in the City; and WHEREAS. ffie Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion estimates ffiat the program's startup costs will be approximately $120,7 �8 and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.0'I of the ciiy charter, certifies that there are available for appropriations $720,118 in funds in excess of those esamated in the 2001 budget; now therefore, be it RESOLVED that tfie City Councit approves the Followi�g changes to the 2001 budgeY. FINANCING PLAN: Department of Ezecu6ve Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protec6on GL 320 33354 2800 Permits G4 320 33351 9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other AcUvity Financing SPENDING PLAN: Departmen[ of Executive Administrafion Division - License, Inspections, antl Enviro�mental Protection CuRent Amended Budget Change Budget 0 89,900 89,900 126,400 30,2'18 156,618 0 0 0 126 400 720,1'18 246,578 GL 320 33354 011'IFull Time Permanent 0 GL 320 33354 0439 Fringe Benefits 0 GL 320 33354 0219 Professional Services 0 GL 320 33354 0235 Type II - Reg mileage 0 GL 320 33354 0256 RegisVation Fees - Local 0 GL 320 33354 0282 Rental of Bldg and O�ce 0 GL 320 33354 0290 CenVal Service Costs 0 - GL 320 33354 0356 Safety Supplies 0 GL 320 33354 0368 Office Supplies Purch Stor 0 GL 320 33354 0370 Computer Equipment & Supp 0 GL 320 33354 0350 Communication Equipment 0 GL 320 33354 0393 Sofhvare under $5,000 0 GL 320 33354 0394 Office Fumiture 0 All Other Activity Spending 0 0 Adoption Certfied by Council By: - •. _ �i �i i�r �1//�� ��,. � j 56.578 15J00 4,800 7,015 4,000 1.568 1.824 200 175 19,000 1,358 9,500 5,000 0 120,118 56,578 15,100 4,800 1,015 4,000 1,568 1.824 200 175 �9,000 1,358 9,500 5,000 0 120.1'18 Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections, and E ' ntal Prote '�^n By: � Approvafft�m nded by FS - Director. I i1 By: `� �, FormApp�OVedby�ityAttomey:n � � Sec ary: tA , _ �� Approved to a5 I Adopted by Council: Date neenxrmee+rroflnc&couucu. DATEPIf11ATE0 �f �`�,� EXecua�e minichatiOII-LIEP 05/18i01 GREEN SHEET NO. 1�3779 /, � uuua� / oam ou� / oare COMAClPERSONffiPHONE ❑1 DtPA[t1TffNIDIREClOA �T/' ❑5 CRYCOUNCII. RogerCtiutis 266-9013 � mvnrrox�r____-�� � anccEa�c MIISfBEONLOUNCLLACFNDABY(DA'IE) ❑2 t]NANCLLLSERNCESDOt a F6t5ERVICE50FF/ACCIG ASAP O MAYOR(ORA5515fANt) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wciwH e.�Qu�fu Approval to amend 2001 spending and 5nancing for LIEP Special F�md 320 - adding Acavity 33354 to establish a budget for ffie billboazd sign pm rtECO�mwnoHS n�po.«n7 «a�..a(rz) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PLANNPIG COAA9SSION I. Has Uds pecsodSrtu wawo�ked mder a conhaM for this depazlwent? CmcoMmmse YES NO CIVLL SERVICECOMMISSION 2. Has tlils persodfi�m eva been a ciry employce? n stnr'e YES NO 3. Does this persodEum possess a sldll not mrmally possesseA by any cu�rent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is ttis petson / firm a targeted vrndoR YES NO (Eaplain all yu answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet) P'ITIATING PROBLEM, I5511$OPPORTUNIfY (Who. WhN, Who4 Whae, W6y): � Qn Novemter 15, 2000, the CiTy Council dixected the City's zoning staff in maintain an inventory of all billboazds in Saint Paul (Council File #00-97 On May 09, 2001 a resoluaon was passed establislilng the annual fee for each billboard sign. This fee is to cover the cost of implementing the new billboazd regshation, inspection, and enforcement program. The LffiP Special Fund 320 spending and financing must be amended for 2001 in order to account for the fees and costs associated with tfus progam. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Adding Activiry 33354 to Fund 320 will provide the budget necessary to implement and maintain.ihe ne}y�billboazd registration program. � �S��PC33 ��#3�� �:�.`.'' , � �,<,� DISADVANiAGE51FAPPAOVED� None R � � � � i I �AY � (� 26� i �l�f'( �4TTO�NEY DISADVANTAGFSOFNOTMPROVED� The City of Saint Paul woutd be unable to implement the new biliboazd sign registration, inspection and enforcement progam. iar.�.nmourcrovrawsncnox_$ 120.118 cosrmevsnueeanceren�cuic�.eo�e� O ro �����R� Billboard Sign Fees .�N��a GL - 320-33354-2800 FINANC W. LYFORMATION: (E].PLAQJ) V