01-626Council File # ��� �s�V Resolution # Green sheet # 111094 RESOLUTfON CITY OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �� 2 4 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SUMMARY OF THE FRANKLIN-EMERALD AREA PLAN AS AN ADDENDUM TO THE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462353, to carry on comprehensive municipal planning activities for guiding the future development and improvement of the city; and 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 S3 �4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as a local government unit within the metropolitan azea, is required under Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.858, to prepare a comprehensive p1an; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355, to adopt or amend a comprehensive pian or portion thereof after a recommendarion by the Planning Comxnission; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted, by Councii File 98-1133 on March 3, 1999, the Land Use Plan as a chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and WI3EREAS, the Land Use Plan provided for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to the comprehensive plan; and WI3EREAS, the Pranklin-Emerald Area Plan was prepared by a community-based task force appointed by the St. Anthony Park Community Council, including members from study area businesses and residents, the Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Pmspect Park neighborhood of Minneapolis; and VJHEREAS, a sumuiary of the Franklin-Emerald Area Ptan was presented to the Plaiming Commission for its review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after a public hearing on April 27, 2001, and consideration of public testimony, recommended, by its Resolution O1-34 approved on May 11, 2001, adopfion of the summary by the City Councii; C�-�.�-6 39 40 NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the snmmary of the Franktin-Emerald Area Plan is adopted 41 as an azea plan addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan contingent upon review by the Metropolitan Council ofthe Twin Cifies. Requested by Department oE: Plannin & Ecoaomic Develo ment S �- BY. , . Form Approved by City Attor¢ey By: � 1 SEI. �7 , � ( L� Adoption Cextified by Council Secretary �� �� by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �_ Approved by Mayor: Date � V� �( �/ BY� — By: _ ��� ��W�Y( � Adopted by Council: Date ��p p` � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC7L: PED - West Team CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: Donna Druuuuond (6-6556) MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (AATE) Do not schedule for June 27th TOTAL # OF SIGNA'PURE PAGES DATE IIVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 11109A O���i.� � OS(30/01 � INITTASJDATE IN117ALlDATE � 2 DEPAR'CMEN1' DIR 5 CITX COUNCIL ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY_ � _ CI1'Y CLERK NUMBER �7�LIAI- SII2V DIR. _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 4 MAI'OR (OR ASST.)� _ CIVIL SERVICE COMNIISSION ROUTING _I_SEANKERSHAW ORDER f ALL acnoN xEQUES�n: Approval of a City Council resolution adopting a summary of the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan as part the City's Comprehensive Plan. A public heuing is not necessary, as one was held at the Planning Commission. RECOM[v1ENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING CONIIvIISSION CB CANA�Il"ITEE CIV[L SERVICE COMIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACI'S M[IST ANSWER 1'HE BOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has ihis person/fvm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has ihis persoNfum evu been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffitm possess a skill not nom�ally possessed by any cumnt city employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to greeu sheet INITIA7TNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT(JNITY (Who, W6ay When, Where, Why): A community-based task force was appointed by the St. Anthony Park Community Council to study the area bounded by University Ave., Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald St. (border with Minneapolis). The task force developed the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan, which includes recommendations for future land use and redevelopment in this area. The plan was reviewed and approved by the St. Anthony Park Community Council. A summary of the area plan has been recommended by the Planning Commission, after public hearing, for adoprion as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: The City will have a plan to guide future redevelopment in this azea. DISADVAN'1'AGES IF.4PPROVED: None. �iQl3�3i ��c����f�.?� v5S?'i2i � u i'� � �D ���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to respond to or guide proposals for redevelopment. TOTAL AMOi7N'C OF 1'RANSACTION: $ O FUNDING SOURCE: COST(REVENUE BUDGETED: AC'1'IVPI'Y NUMBER: JUN 0� ��ik! FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPI,AIN) �{ I� 9'1 d � O� 4 V�� o�- cs� city of saint paul p[anning commission resoIution file number 01-34 date May ��, 200� RESOLUTION RECOtiIMENDING ADOPTIOIV OF THE ST3MMARY OF THE FRANKLIN-EME'RALD AREA P.LAN AS AN ADDENDUMTO THESAINTPAUL COIl1PREHENSlYEPLAN WHEREAS the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Task Force, appointed by the St. Anfhony Park Community Council, and including members from study area businesses and residents, the Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Prospect Park neighborhood in Minneapolis, deveVoped and recommended to the St. Anthony Park Community Council the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan on December 20, 2000; and , • • � WHEREAS, the St. Anthony Parfi Community Council considered the plan and approved it with"several minor changes on February 7, 2001, and forwarded it the City for consideration by the Planning Commission; and WIIEREAS the plan includes recommendations for revitalization of this mixed-use area bounded by University Avenue, Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald Street (border with Minneapotis), including recommendations for future land use, streetscape improvements, potential new streets, design guidelines, and improved pedestrian pathways and connections; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to recommend to the Mayor and City Counci( amendments to the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS the Land Use Plan, adopted by the City Council on March 3, 1999, provides for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to Tlae Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan upon findings by the Planning Commission that the plans are consistent �vith adopted City policies; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission, on Apri127, 2001, held a public hearing on the Pranklin-Emerald Area Plan summary, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on March 29, 2001; and moved by Faricy seconded by �t� ���.��� Unanimous against o►-c.ab Ftanklin-Emerald Area Plan Suuunary Page Two of Resolution WFiEREAS, testimony received at the public hearing was uniformly supportive of the plan; NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission fmds that the Franklin-EmeraZd Area Plan is consistent with The Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the plan summary by the City Council as an addendum to the comprehensive plan. , at-�s` Area Plan Summary DRAFT 5/11/Oi Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Addendum to The Comnrehensive Plan for Saint Paul Recommended by the Planning Commission on May 11, 2001. Adopted by the City Council (date} This summary appends to the Comprekensive Plan the recommendations of the Franklin-Emerald Area Ptan for the revitalization of this mixed-use area that is south of University Avenue, behveen Highway 280 and the border with MinneapoZis. Key recommendations include: • Continue the mixed use nature ojthe area. New off ce, residential, or Zight industrial development is appropriate. • Promote new development that is high quality with attractive buiZding design, materials, and landscaping to create an improved gateway image into Sadnt Paui. • Create pedestrian pathways and connections throughout tke area, inctuding an improved pedestrian Zink to the Prospect Park neighborhood along Franklin Avenue. • • Recreate the street grid south ofFranklin Avenue if the YVeyerhaeuser Lumber properiy becomes available for redevelopment. • Maintain the Curfew Street residential area. DeveZop new housing to the west to create a Zink with the Prospect Park neighborhood. Location The Franklin-Emerald area is bounded by University Avenue, Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald Street (which is the boundary with Minneapolis). ai-cs6 vss;on The Franklin-Emerald area currently contains a mix of uses, including office, industrial, and residenrial uses. The vision for the Franklin-Emerald azea is to conrinue the mixed use character of the area, but improve this gateway into Saint Paul with high quality development that adds jobs, housing units, or services for the community and takes advantage of its location along the University Ave. transit corridor. Recommen dations and Action The plan divides the area into eight sub azeas, labeled A through H. There are guidelines that aze applicable for the entire azea. Design Guidelines Any redevelopment pro}ect proposed for the area should be designed to be consistent with the design guidelines in the plan. The guidelines emphasize the following: • create a sense of entry into St. Paul from the west along L3niversity and Franklin Avenues • create a gradual transition from the residential character of Prospect Park to the more commercial/industrial character moving east to Highway 280 • design new commercial buildings, especially along Franklin Ave. and Emerald Street, to reflect the design elements of Prospect Pazk • plant street trees and install sidewalks throughout the area where they do not exist now • place parking lots to the side and rear of buildings, and screen &om the street • construct parking ramps or underground parking when economically feasible • orient new development to the street and the rest of the community • use environmentally sustainable practices for new development, including on-site storm water retention, native plantings, and environ�nentally-sensirive design and construcrion Area A: Curfew to Emerald, North of Franklin The plan encourages a continuation of the mixed use nature of this 13.75 acre area. New office, residenrial, or llght industrial development is appropriate. Any proposed development should be high quality with attractive building design, materials, and landscaping to create an improved gateway image into Saint Paul. New development should also be pedestrian-friendly, and attempt to create pedestrian pathways and connections throughout the azea, including an improved pedestrian link to the Prospect Pazk neighborhood along Franklin Avenue. Along the University Ave. frontage, office uses, and supportive non-automobile- oriented retail uses, are most appropriate. Design of buildings along Emerald Street should be responsive to the scale and design features of the Prospect Park neighborhood. vNr 1� Franklin-Emerald Area B: 6T'est of Court International Most of Area B is surface parking that serves the Court Intemational and 2610 Office Buildings. This 235 acre area also includes two homes, one of which is a duplex with Study Area AreaA� -- > — C- LL o — Area H 2pNKLM . _, _ Area D F Acea C — -- � _ __ - w -- -- Area G Area E ° �� Area F 19 ,LyO ot-G�� some office space. Surface or structured parking, and/or additional office space is appropriate for this area. Continuafion of the residential uses on the south end, because of their proximity to the Curfew St. residential area, would not be inconsistent with office or pazldng uses. Area C: Weyerhaeuser This 13 acre area is the location of the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Co. It sepazates the Curfew St. residenrial azea (Area D) from the Prospect Park neighborhood. If the Weyerhaeuser properry is sold, the plan encourages redevelopment of this area with zesidential, office, or light industrial uses. Preference should be given to developing residential uses north of vacated Myrtle Ave. to create a connection between the Prospect Pazk neighborhood and the Curfew St. residential area. South of vacated Myrtle, preference should be given to developing residenrial uses along the Emerald St. side and office or light indushial uses slong a new Berry St. Townhouses, condominiums, and apartments will be encouraged. In accordance with the City's Housing Plan, 20% of any new housing units must be affordable to low and moderate income households. The street grid should be recreated in this area by developing new streets on the old Myrtle Ave. and Berry St. rights-of-way, with a connection on the south end of Berry St. over to Emerald St. `, Area D: Curfew Street Residential Nearly all of the residential uses in the study area are included in this 4.9 acre area. Although Gtiarfew St. has been zoned industrial for 25 years, the street is almost solidly residenrial. Currently, commercial truck traffic on Curfew creates unwanted noise and is a safety hazard for residents. The plan recommends that Curfew St. be maintained as a residential area. If Area C is redeveloped, alternarive routes for commercial traffic from the south should be developed so that the access point onto the southern end of Curfew St. can be closed. Area E: ScaffoZd Services This 7.2 acre area includes the Scaffold Services Co., which includes an industrial building and smaller office building with a variety of office tenants. The area has two accesses - to the south onto Wabash Ave. and to the north onto Curfew St. Most of the industrial iruck traffic uses Curfew St, and the office traffic uses Wabash Ave. The tight comer at the Wabash access makes it difficult for the large scaffolding trucks of Scaffold Services to use that access. The plan encourages creating an altemate access point £or commercial uaffic from Area E to Wabash Ave. so that commercial traffic on Curfew St. can be eliminated. Possibilities include: widening the existing Scaffold Services driveway onto Wabash; opening an access onto the southem end of a new Berry St.; or developing a new driveway between Area E and the Case Equipment property. If redevelopment of this area is proposed, the plan supports office or light industrial uses. Area F: Hanzell Manufttcturing This 5.0 acre azea adjacent to I-94 actually includes the Hartzell Mfg. building and another light industrial building that includes several business tenants, including Johnstone Supply, Minnesota Industrial Battery, and Reser's Foods. This area is about 15-20 feet below the level of Areas C and E. Freeway noise is high. The plan recommends light industrial or office uses in this area. Tmcks from Area F are encouraged to always use Wabash Ave. for access, rather than Emerald St., which is residenrial along the Prospect Park side. Area G: Case Bquipment Corp. This is a 10.5 acre azea that includes a large 266,000 sq. ft. warehouse distribution building for Case ot—G�G Equipment Corp. It has frontage on both Franklin Ave. and Highway 280. If redevelopment for this site is proposed, the plan encourages office or light industrial use. Rehabilitation of the building for smaller light industrial users is also a possibility, if loading dock and pazking issues can be resolved. Area K• Coun InternationaZ This 7.5 acre area includes the Court Intemational office building and parldng decks, with frontage on both University Ave. and Franldin Ave. The former Intemational Harvester building was rehabiliated for office use in the 1980s, and is a landmark building for the area. One of the parking decks is located south of Franklin Ave., and it is somerimes hazzrdous for pedestrians to cross Franklin to get to the office building. The plan suggests techniques to make the pedestrian crossing of Franklin Ave. between the parking deck and Court Internafional safer. City Action To promote should: the Saint • Encourage and support high quality redevelopment proposals for this area that include attractive building design, materials, and landscaping to create an impxoved gateway image into Saint PauL • Evaluate the need of proposed new development for City assistance, both financial and regulatory. Consider providing City assistance only if proposed new development results in significant public benefits to the area, such as an increase in jobs or housing units, additional greenspace, improved streetscapes, and higher quality buildings. • Adopt a redevelopment plan for the Franklin-Emerald area to enable the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority to undertake desired redevelopment acfivities. • Working with the St. Anthony Park Community Council, encourage new development that is consistent with the area plan's design guidelines. Encourage design of new development that is pedestrian-friendly. • Work to improve the quality of the public right-of-way in conjunction with new development by adding street trees, historic lantem lighting, and sidewalks where they do not currently exist. • Require a traffic study for any proposed new development that will significantly increase the amount of traffic in the area. Commission The Planning Commission finds that the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other adopted Caty policies. Planning Process The St. Anthony Park Community Council created the Franklin-Emerald Task Force in 7une, 2000 to develop recommendaflons for potential future land use changes and redevelopment in the azea. The fourteen member task force included representatives from study area businesses and residents, the St. Anthony Pazk Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Prospect Park neighborhood in Minneapolis. Creation of the task force was spurred by the Community Council and City of St. PauPs recognition of the potenfial for redevelopment here given the area's locarion, current market condirions, and developer interest. The task force met seven times from June through December, 2000 to develop its recommendarions. The planning consulting firm of LHB Engineers & Architects assisted the task force in its work by completing an analysis of existing conditions, a building condition survey, preliminary design guidelines, and potential redevelopment concepts. Copies of the FrankZin-Emerald Area Plan can be obtained by calling Donna Drummond at 651-266-6556. UN m � m � D oi•��c. ' �!!F Franklin-Emerald Area Offtce/Retait RS/�-� Land Use Recommendations ELU S �-- - �--r_-� : . OffcelResidential! Light Industrial � ui �� �, U � --- FRANKLfiV - ----- f ! Residentia(t Office/ y Residential Light Ind. 1 �, � � ���. new Myrt1e Ave. � Residential/ Office/ Light lnd. I� Office � ............. � t-= � Officel � Light industriai . w OfficelLight lndustrial �� -- -- --- OfficelLight Industrial -_-� - I . . � Ag ASH_ ::_ . . - - - -,- .._ ..... . � g4_... � . 100 0 100200300400500 Feet °� � �— � 1.9 Y � [� Parcels Council File # ��� �s�V Resolution # Green sheet # 111094 RESOLUTfON CITY OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �� 2 4 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SUMMARY OF THE FRANKLIN-EMERALD AREA PLAN AS AN ADDENDUM TO THE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462353, to carry on comprehensive municipal planning activities for guiding the future development and improvement of the city; and 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 S3 �4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as a local government unit within the metropolitan azea, is required under Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.858, to prepare a comprehensive p1an; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355, to adopt or amend a comprehensive pian or portion thereof after a recommendarion by the Planning Comxnission; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted, by Councii File 98-1133 on March 3, 1999, the Land Use Plan as a chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and WI3EREAS, the Land Use Plan provided for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to the comprehensive plan; and WI3EREAS, the Pranklin-Emerald Area Plan was prepared by a community-based task force appointed by the St. Anthony Park Community Council, including members from study area businesses and residents, the Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Pmspect Park neighborhood of Minneapolis; and VJHEREAS, a sumuiary of the Franklin-Emerald Area Ptan was presented to the Plaiming Commission for its review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after a public hearing on April 27, 2001, and consideration of public testimony, recommended, by its Resolution O1-34 approved on May 11, 2001, adopfion of the summary by the City Councii; C�-�.�-6 39 40 NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the snmmary of the Franktin-Emerald Area Plan is adopted 41 as an azea plan addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan contingent upon review by the Metropolitan Council ofthe Twin Cifies. Requested by Department oE: Plannin & Ecoaomic Develo ment S �- BY. , . Form Approved by City Attor¢ey By: � 1 SEI. �7 , � ( L� Adoption Cextified by Council Secretary �� �� by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �_ Approved by Mayor: Date � V� �( �/ BY� — By: _ ��� ��W�Y( � Adopted by Council: Date ��p p` � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC7L: PED - West Team CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: Donna Druuuuond (6-6556) MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (AATE) Do not schedule for June 27th TOTAL # OF SIGNA'PURE PAGES DATE IIVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 11109A O���i.� � OS(30/01 � INITTASJDATE IN117ALlDATE � 2 DEPAR'CMEN1' DIR 5 CITX COUNCIL ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY_ � _ CI1'Y CLERK NUMBER �7�LIAI- SII2V DIR. _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 4 MAI'OR (OR ASST.)� _ CIVIL SERVICE COMNIISSION ROUTING _I_SEANKERSHAW ORDER f ALL acnoN xEQUES�n: Approval of a City Council resolution adopting a summary of the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan as part the City's Comprehensive Plan. A public heuing is not necessary, as one was held at the Planning Commission. RECOM[v1ENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING CONIIvIISSION CB CANA�Il"ITEE CIV[L SERVICE COMIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACI'S M[IST ANSWER 1'HE BOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has ihis person/fvm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has ihis persoNfum evu been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffitm possess a skill not nom�ally possessed by any cumnt city employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to greeu sheet INITIA7TNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT(JNITY (Who, W6ay When, Where, Why): A community-based task force was appointed by the St. Anthony Park Community Council to study the area bounded by University Ave., Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald St. (border with Minneapolis). The task force developed the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan, which includes recommendations for future land use and redevelopment in this area. The plan was reviewed and approved by the St. Anthony Park Community Council. A summary of the area plan has been recommended by the Planning Commission, after public hearing, for adoprion as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: The City will have a plan to guide future redevelopment in this azea. DISADVAN'1'AGES IF.4PPROVED: None. �iQl3�3i ��c����f�.?� v5S?'i2i � u i'� � �D ���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to respond to or guide proposals for redevelopment. TOTAL AMOi7N'C OF 1'RANSACTION: $ O FUNDING SOURCE: COST(REVENUE BUDGETED: AC'1'IVPI'Y NUMBER: JUN 0� ��ik! FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPI,AIN) �{ I� 9'1 d � O� 4 V�� o�- cs� city of saint paul p[anning commission resoIution file number 01-34 date May ��, 200� RESOLUTION RECOtiIMENDING ADOPTIOIV OF THE ST3MMARY OF THE FRANKLIN-EME'RALD AREA P.LAN AS AN ADDENDUMTO THESAINTPAUL COIl1PREHENSlYEPLAN WHEREAS the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Task Force, appointed by the St. Anfhony Park Community Council, and including members from study area businesses and residents, the Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Prospect Park neighborhood in Minneapolis, deveVoped and recommended to the St. Anthony Park Community Council the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan on December 20, 2000; and , • • � WHEREAS, the St. Anthony Parfi Community Council considered the plan and approved it with"several minor changes on February 7, 2001, and forwarded it the City for consideration by the Planning Commission; and WIIEREAS the plan includes recommendations for revitalization of this mixed-use area bounded by University Avenue, Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald Street (border with Minneapotis), including recommendations for future land use, streetscape improvements, potential new streets, design guidelines, and improved pedestrian pathways and connections; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to recommend to the Mayor and City Counci( amendments to the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS the Land Use Plan, adopted by the City Council on March 3, 1999, provides for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to Tlae Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan upon findings by the Planning Commission that the plans are consistent �vith adopted City policies; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission, on Apri127, 2001, held a public hearing on the Pranklin-Emerald Area Plan summary, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on March 29, 2001; and moved by Faricy seconded by �t� ���.��� Unanimous against o►-c.ab Ftanklin-Emerald Area Plan Suuunary Page Two of Resolution WFiEREAS, testimony received at the public hearing was uniformly supportive of the plan; NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission fmds that the Franklin-EmeraZd Area Plan is consistent with The Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the plan summary by the City Council as an addendum to the comprehensive plan. , at-�s` Area Plan Summary DRAFT 5/11/Oi Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Addendum to The Comnrehensive Plan for Saint Paul Recommended by the Planning Commission on May 11, 2001. Adopted by the City Council (date} This summary appends to the Comprekensive Plan the recommendations of the Franklin-Emerald Area Ptan for the revitalization of this mixed-use area that is south of University Avenue, behveen Highway 280 and the border with MinneapoZis. Key recommendations include: • Continue the mixed use nature ojthe area. New off ce, residential, or Zight industrial development is appropriate. • Promote new development that is high quality with attractive buiZding design, materials, and landscaping to create an improved gateway image into Sadnt Paui. • Create pedestrian pathways and connections throughout tke area, inctuding an improved pedestrian Zink to the Prospect Park neighborhood along Franklin Avenue. • • Recreate the street grid south ofFranklin Avenue if the YVeyerhaeuser Lumber properiy becomes available for redevelopment. • Maintain the Curfew Street residential area. DeveZop new housing to the west to create a Zink with the Prospect Park neighborhood. Location The Franklin-Emerald area is bounded by University Avenue, Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald Street (which is the boundary with Minneapolis). ai-cs6 vss;on The Franklin-Emerald area currently contains a mix of uses, including office, industrial, and residenrial uses. The vision for the Franklin-Emerald azea is to conrinue the mixed use character of the area, but improve this gateway into Saint Paul with high quality development that adds jobs, housing units, or services for the community and takes advantage of its location along the University Ave. transit corridor. Recommen dations and Action The plan divides the area into eight sub azeas, labeled A through H. There are guidelines that aze applicable for the entire azea. Design Guidelines Any redevelopment pro}ect proposed for the area should be designed to be consistent with the design guidelines in the plan. The guidelines emphasize the following: • create a sense of entry into St. Paul from the west along L3niversity and Franklin Avenues • create a gradual transition from the residential character of Prospect Park to the more commercial/industrial character moving east to Highway 280 • design new commercial buildings, especially along Franklin Ave. and Emerald Street, to reflect the design elements of Prospect Pazk • plant street trees and install sidewalks throughout the area where they do not exist now • place parking lots to the side and rear of buildings, and screen &om the street • construct parking ramps or underground parking when economically feasible • orient new development to the street and the rest of the community • use environmentally sustainable practices for new development, including on-site storm water retention, native plantings, and environ�nentally-sensirive design and construcrion Area A: Curfew to Emerald, North of Franklin The plan encourages a continuation of the mixed use nature of this 13.75 acre area. New office, residenrial, or llght industrial development is appropriate. Any proposed development should be high quality with attractive building design, materials, and landscaping to create an improved gateway image into Saint Paul. New development should also be pedestrian-friendly, and attempt to create pedestrian pathways and connections throughout the azea, including an improved pedestrian link to the Prospect Pazk neighborhood along Franklin Avenue. Along the University Ave. frontage, office uses, and supportive non-automobile- oriented retail uses, are most appropriate. Design of buildings along Emerald Street should be responsive to the scale and design features of the Prospect Park neighborhood. vNr 1� Franklin-Emerald Area B: 6T'est of Court International Most of Area B is surface parking that serves the Court Intemational and 2610 Office Buildings. This 235 acre area also includes two homes, one of which is a duplex with Study Area AreaA� -- > — C- LL o — Area H 2pNKLM . _, _ Area D F Acea C — -- � _ __ - w -- -- Area G Area E ° �� Area F 19 ,LyO ot-G�� some office space. Surface or structured parking, and/or additional office space is appropriate for this area. Continuafion of the residential uses on the south end, because of their proximity to the Curfew St. residential area, would not be inconsistent with office or pazldng uses. Area C: Weyerhaeuser This 13 acre area is the location of the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Co. It sepazates the Curfew St. residenrial azea (Area D) from the Prospect Park neighborhood. If the Weyerhaeuser properry is sold, the plan encourages redevelopment of this area with zesidential, office, or light industrial uses. Preference should be given to developing residential uses north of vacated Myrtle Ave. to create a connection between the Prospect Pazk neighborhood and the Curfew St. residential area. South of vacated Myrtle, preference should be given to developing residenrial uses along the Emerald St. side and office or light indushial uses slong a new Berry St. Townhouses, condominiums, and apartments will be encouraged. In accordance with the City's Housing Plan, 20% of any new housing units must be affordable to low and moderate income households. The street grid should be recreated in this area by developing new streets on the old Myrtle Ave. and Berry St. rights-of-way, with a connection on the south end of Berry St. over to Emerald St. `, Area D: Curfew Street Residential Nearly all of the residential uses in the study area are included in this 4.9 acre area. Although Gtiarfew St. has been zoned industrial for 25 years, the street is almost solidly residenrial. Currently, commercial truck traffic on Curfew creates unwanted noise and is a safety hazard for residents. The plan recommends that Curfew St. be maintained as a residential area. If Area C is redeveloped, alternarive routes for commercial traffic from the south should be developed so that the access point onto the southern end of Curfew St. can be closed. Area E: ScaffoZd Services This 7.2 acre area includes the Scaffold Services Co., which includes an industrial building and smaller office building with a variety of office tenants. The area has two accesses - to the south onto Wabash Ave. and to the north onto Curfew St. Most of the industrial iruck traffic uses Curfew St, and the office traffic uses Wabash Ave. The tight comer at the Wabash access makes it difficult for the large scaffolding trucks of Scaffold Services to use that access. The plan encourages creating an altemate access point £or commercial uaffic from Area E to Wabash Ave. so that commercial traffic on Curfew St. can be eliminated. Possibilities include: widening the existing Scaffold Services driveway onto Wabash; opening an access onto the southem end of a new Berry St.; or developing a new driveway between Area E and the Case Equipment property. If redevelopment of this area is proposed, the plan supports office or light industrial uses. Area F: Hanzell Manufttcturing This 5.0 acre azea adjacent to I-94 actually includes the Hartzell Mfg. building and another light industrial building that includes several business tenants, including Johnstone Supply, Minnesota Industrial Battery, and Reser's Foods. This area is about 15-20 feet below the level of Areas C and E. Freeway noise is high. The plan recommends light industrial or office uses in this area. Tmcks from Area F are encouraged to always use Wabash Ave. for access, rather than Emerald St., which is residenrial along the Prospect Park side. Area G: Case Bquipment Corp. This is a 10.5 acre azea that includes a large 266,000 sq. ft. warehouse distribution building for Case ot—G�G Equipment Corp. It has frontage on both Franklin Ave. and Highway 280. If redevelopment for this site is proposed, the plan encourages office or light industrial use. Rehabilitation of the building for smaller light industrial users is also a possibility, if loading dock and pazking issues can be resolved. Area K• Coun InternationaZ This 7.5 acre area includes the Court Intemational office building and parldng decks, with frontage on both University Ave. and Franldin Ave. The former Intemational Harvester building was rehabiliated for office use in the 1980s, and is a landmark building for the area. One of the parking decks is located south of Franklin Ave., and it is somerimes hazzrdous for pedestrians to cross Franklin to get to the office building. The plan suggests techniques to make the pedestrian crossing of Franklin Ave. between the parking deck and Court Internafional safer. City Action To promote should: the Saint • Encourage and support high quality redevelopment proposals for this area that include attractive building design, materials, and landscaping to create an impxoved gateway image into Saint PauL • Evaluate the need of proposed new development for City assistance, both financial and regulatory. Consider providing City assistance only if proposed new development results in significant public benefits to the area, such as an increase in jobs or housing units, additional greenspace, improved streetscapes, and higher quality buildings. • Adopt a redevelopment plan for the Franklin-Emerald area to enable the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority to undertake desired redevelopment acfivities. • Working with the St. Anthony Park Community Council, encourage new development that is consistent with the area plan's design guidelines. Encourage design of new development that is pedestrian-friendly. • Work to improve the quality of the public right-of-way in conjunction with new development by adding street trees, historic lantem lighting, and sidewalks where they do not currently exist. • Require a traffic study for any proposed new development that will significantly increase the amount of traffic in the area. Commission The Planning Commission finds that the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other adopted Caty policies. Planning Process The St. Anthony Park Community Council created the Franklin-Emerald Task Force in 7une, 2000 to develop recommendaflons for potential future land use changes and redevelopment in the azea. The fourteen member task force included representatives from study area businesses and residents, the St. Anthony Pazk Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Prospect Park neighborhood in Minneapolis. Creation of the task force was spurred by the Community Council and City of St. PauPs recognition of the potenfial for redevelopment here given the area's locarion, current market condirions, and developer interest. The task force met seven times from June through December, 2000 to develop its recommendarions. The planning consulting firm of LHB Engineers & Architects assisted the task force in its work by completing an analysis of existing conditions, a building condition survey, preliminary design guidelines, and potential redevelopment concepts. Copies of the FrankZin-Emerald Area Plan can be obtained by calling Donna Drummond at 651-266-6556. UN m � m � D oi•��c. ' �!!F Franklin-Emerald Area Offtce/Retait RS/�-� Land Use Recommendations ELU S �-- - �--r_-� : . OffcelResidential! Light Industrial � ui �� �, U � --- FRANKLfiV - ----- f ! Residentia(t Office/ y Residential Light Ind. 1 �, � � ���. new Myrt1e Ave. � Residential/ Office/ Light lnd. I� Office � ............. � t-= � Officel � Light industriai . w OfficelLight lndustrial �� -- -- --- OfficelLight Industrial -_-� - I . . � Ag ASH_ ::_ . . - - - -,- .._ ..... . � g4_... � . 100 0 100200300400500 Feet °� � �— � 1.9 Y � [� Parcels Council File # ��� �s�V Resolution # Green sheet # 111094 RESOLUTfON CITY OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �� 2 4 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SUMMARY OF THE FRANKLIN-EMERALD AREA PLAN AS AN ADDENDUM TO THE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462353, to carry on comprehensive municipal planning activities for guiding the future development and improvement of the city; and 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 S3 �4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as a local government unit within the metropolitan azea, is required under Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.858, to prepare a comprehensive p1an; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355, to adopt or amend a comprehensive pian or portion thereof after a recommendarion by the Planning Comxnission; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted, by Councii File 98-1133 on March 3, 1999, the Land Use Plan as a chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and WI3EREAS, the Land Use Plan provided for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to the comprehensive plan; and WI3EREAS, the Pranklin-Emerald Area Plan was prepared by a community-based task force appointed by the St. Anthony Park Community Council, including members from study area businesses and residents, the Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Pmspect Park neighborhood of Minneapolis; and VJHEREAS, a sumuiary of the Franklin-Emerald Area Ptan was presented to the Plaiming Commission for its review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after a public hearing on April 27, 2001, and consideration of public testimony, recommended, by its Resolution O1-34 approved on May 11, 2001, adopfion of the summary by the City Councii; C�-�.�-6 39 40 NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the snmmary of the Franktin-Emerald Area Plan is adopted 41 as an azea plan addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan contingent upon review by the Metropolitan Council ofthe Twin Cifies. Requested by Department oE: Plannin & Ecoaomic Develo ment S �- BY. , . Form Approved by City Attor¢ey By: � 1 SEI. �7 , � ( L� Adoption Cextified by Council Secretary �� �� by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �_ Approved by Mayor: Date � V� �( �/ BY� — By: _ ��� ��W�Y( � Adopted by Council: Date ��p p` � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC7L: PED - West Team CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: Donna Druuuuond (6-6556) MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (AATE) Do not schedule for June 27th TOTAL # OF SIGNA'PURE PAGES DATE IIVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 11109A O���i.� � OS(30/01 � INITTASJDATE IN117ALlDATE � 2 DEPAR'CMEN1' DIR 5 CITX COUNCIL ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY_ � _ CI1'Y CLERK NUMBER �7�LIAI- SII2V DIR. _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 4 MAI'OR (OR ASST.)� _ CIVIL SERVICE COMNIISSION ROUTING _I_SEANKERSHAW ORDER f ALL acnoN xEQUES�n: Approval of a City Council resolution adopting a summary of the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan as part the City's Comprehensive Plan. A public heuing is not necessary, as one was held at the Planning Commission. RECOM[v1ENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING CONIIvIISSION CB CANA�Il"ITEE CIV[L SERVICE COMIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACI'S M[IST ANSWER 1'HE BOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has ihis person/fvm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has ihis persoNfum evu been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffitm possess a skill not nom�ally possessed by any cumnt city employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to greeu sheet INITIA7TNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT(JNITY (Who, W6ay When, Where, Why): A community-based task force was appointed by the St. Anthony Park Community Council to study the area bounded by University Ave., Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald St. (border with Minneapolis). The task force developed the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan, which includes recommendations for future land use and redevelopment in this area. The plan was reviewed and approved by the St. Anthony Park Community Council. A summary of the area plan has been recommended by the Planning Commission, after public hearing, for adoprion as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: The City will have a plan to guide future redevelopment in this azea. DISADVAN'1'AGES IF.4PPROVED: None. �iQl3�3i ��c����f�.?� v5S?'i2i � u i'� � �D ���� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to respond to or guide proposals for redevelopment. TOTAL AMOi7N'C OF 1'RANSACTION: $ O FUNDING SOURCE: COST(REVENUE BUDGETED: AC'1'IVPI'Y NUMBER: JUN 0� ��ik! FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPI,AIN) �{ I� 9'1 d � O� 4 V�� o�- cs� city of saint paul p[anning commission resoIution file number 01-34 date May ��, 200� RESOLUTION RECOtiIMENDING ADOPTIOIV OF THE ST3MMARY OF THE FRANKLIN-EME'RALD AREA P.LAN AS AN ADDENDUMTO THESAINTPAUL COIl1PREHENSlYEPLAN WHEREAS the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Task Force, appointed by the St. Anfhony Park Community Council, and including members from study area businesses and residents, the Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Prospect Park neighborhood in Minneapolis, deveVoped and recommended to the St. Anthony Park Community Council the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan on December 20, 2000; and , • • � WHEREAS, the St. Anthony Parfi Community Council considered the plan and approved it with"several minor changes on February 7, 2001, and forwarded it the City for consideration by the Planning Commission; and WIIEREAS the plan includes recommendations for revitalization of this mixed-use area bounded by University Avenue, Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald Street (border with Minneapotis), including recommendations for future land use, streetscape improvements, potential new streets, design guidelines, and improved pedestrian pathways and connections; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to recommend to the Mayor and City Counci( amendments to the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS the Land Use Plan, adopted by the City Council on March 3, 1999, provides for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to Tlae Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan upon findings by the Planning Commission that the plans are consistent �vith adopted City policies; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission, on Apri127, 2001, held a public hearing on the Pranklin-Emerald Area Plan summary, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on March 29, 2001; and moved by Faricy seconded by �t� ���.��� Unanimous against o►-c.ab Ftanklin-Emerald Area Plan Suuunary Page Two of Resolution WFiEREAS, testimony received at the public hearing was uniformly supportive of the plan; NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission fmds that the Franklin-EmeraZd Area Plan is consistent with The Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the plan summary by the City Council as an addendum to the comprehensive plan. , at-�s` Area Plan Summary DRAFT 5/11/Oi Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Addendum to The Comnrehensive Plan for Saint Paul Recommended by the Planning Commission on May 11, 2001. Adopted by the City Council (date} This summary appends to the Comprekensive Plan the recommendations of the Franklin-Emerald Area Ptan for the revitalization of this mixed-use area that is south of University Avenue, behveen Highway 280 and the border with MinneapoZis. Key recommendations include: • Continue the mixed use nature ojthe area. New off ce, residential, or Zight industrial development is appropriate. • Promote new development that is high quality with attractive buiZding design, materials, and landscaping to create an improved gateway image into Sadnt Paui. • Create pedestrian pathways and connections throughout tke area, inctuding an improved pedestrian Zink to the Prospect Park neighborhood along Franklin Avenue. • • Recreate the street grid south ofFranklin Avenue if the YVeyerhaeuser Lumber properiy becomes available for redevelopment. • Maintain the Curfew Street residential area. DeveZop new housing to the west to create a Zink with the Prospect Park neighborhood. Location The Franklin-Emerald area is bounded by University Avenue, Highway 280, Interstate 94, and Emerald Street (which is the boundary with Minneapolis). ai-cs6 vss;on The Franklin-Emerald area currently contains a mix of uses, including office, industrial, and residenrial uses. The vision for the Franklin-Emerald azea is to conrinue the mixed use character of the area, but improve this gateway into Saint Paul with high quality development that adds jobs, housing units, or services for the community and takes advantage of its location along the University Ave. transit corridor. Recommen dations and Action The plan divides the area into eight sub azeas, labeled A through H. There are guidelines that aze applicable for the entire azea. Design Guidelines Any redevelopment pro}ect proposed for the area should be designed to be consistent with the design guidelines in the plan. The guidelines emphasize the following: • create a sense of entry into St. Paul from the west along L3niversity and Franklin Avenues • create a gradual transition from the residential character of Prospect Park to the more commercial/industrial character moving east to Highway 280 • design new commercial buildings, especially along Franklin Ave. and Emerald Street, to reflect the design elements of Prospect Pazk • plant street trees and install sidewalks throughout the area where they do not exist now • place parking lots to the side and rear of buildings, and screen &om the street • construct parking ramps or underground parking when economically feasible • orient new development to the street and the rest of the community • use environmentally sustainable practices for new development, including on-site storm water retention, native plantings, and environ�nentally-sensirive design and construcrion Area A: Curfew to Emerald, North of Franklin The plan encourages a continuation of the mixed use nature of this 13.75 acre area. New office, residenrial, or llght industrial development is appropriate. Any proposed development should be high quality with attractive building design, materials, and landscaping to create an improved gateway image into Saint Paul. New development should also be pedestrian-friendly, and attempt to create pedestrian pathways and connections throughout the azea, including an improved pedestrian link to the Prospect Pazk neighborhood along Franklin Avenue. Along the University Ave. frontage, office uses, and supportive non-automobile- oriented retail uses, are most appropriate. Design of buildings along Emerald Street should be responsive to the scale and design features of the Prospect Park neighborhood. vNr 1� Franklin-Emerald Area B: 6T'est of Court International Most of Area B is surface parking that serves the Court Intemational and 2610 Office Buildings. This 235 acre area also includes two homes, one of which is a duplex with Study Area AreaA� -- > — C- LL o — Area H 2pNKLM . _, _ Area D F Acea C — -- � _ __ - w -- -- Area G Area E ° �� Area F 19 ,LyO ot-G�� some office space. Surface or structured parking, and/or additional office space is appropriate for this area. Continuafion of the residential uses on the south end, because of their proximity to the Curfew St. residential area, would not be inconsistent with office or pazldng uses. Area C: Weyerhaeuser This 13 acre area is the location of the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Co. It sepazates the Curfew St. residenrial azea (Area D) from the Prospect Park neighborhood. If the Weyerhaeuser properry is sold, the plan encourages redevelopment of this area with zesidential, office, or light industrial uses. Preference should be given to developing residential uses north of vacated Myrtle Ave. to create a connection between the Prospect Pazk neighborhood and the Curfew St. residential area. South of vacated Myrtle, preference should be given to developing residenrial uses along the Emerald St. side and office or light indushial uses slong a new Berry St. Townhouses, condominiums, and apartments will be encouraged. In accordance with the City's Housing Plan, 20% of any new housing units must be affordable to low and moderate income households. The street grid should be recreated in this area by developing new streets on the old Myrtle Ave. and Berry St. rights-of-way, with a connection on the south end of Berry St. over to Emerald St. `, Area D: Curfew Street Residential Nearly all of the residential uses in the study area are included in this 4.9 acre area. Although Gtiarfew St. has been zoned industrial for 25 years, the street is almost solidly residenrial. Currently, commercial truck traffic on Curfew creates unwanted noise and is a safety hazard for residents. The plan recommends that Curfew St. be maintained as a residential area. If Area C is redeveloped, alternarive routes for commercial traffic from the south should be developed so that the access point onto the southern end of Curfew St. can be closed. Area E: ScaffoZd Services This 7.2 acre area includes the Scaffold Services Co., which includes an industrial building and smaller office building with a variety of office tenants. The area has two accesses - to the south onto Wabash Ave. and to the north onto Curfew St. Most of the industrial iruck traffic uses Curfew St, and the office traffic uses Wabash Ave. The tight comer at the Wabash access makes it difficult for the large scaffolding trucks of Scaffold Services to use that access. The plan encourages creating an altemate access point £or commercial uaffic from Area E to Wabash Ave. so that commercial traffic on Curfew St. can be eliminated. Possibilities include: widening the existing Scaffold Services driveway onto Wabash; opening an access onto the southem end of a new Berry St.; or developing a new driveway between Area E and the Case Equipment property. If redevelopment of this area is proposed, the plan supports office or light industrial uses. Area F: Hanzell Manufttcturing This 5.0 acre azea adjacent to I-94 actually includes the Hartzell Mfg. building and another light industrial building that includes several business tenants, including Johnstone Supply, Minnesota Industrial Battery, and Reser's Foods. This area is about 15-20 feet below the level of Areas C and E. Freeway noise is high. The plan recommends light industrial or office uses in this area. Tmcks from Area F are encouraged to always use Wabash Ave. for access, rather than Emerald St., which is residenrial along the Prospect Park side. Area G: Case Bquipment Corp. This is a 10.5 acre azea that includes a large 266,000 sq. ft. warehouse distribution building for Case ot—G�G Equipment Corp. It has frontage on both Franklin Ave. and Highway 280. If redevelopment for this site is proposed, the plan encourages office or light industrial use. Rehabilitation of the building for smaller light industrial users is also a possibility, if loading dock and pazking issues can be resolved. Area K• Coun InternationaZ This 7.5 acre area includes the Court Intemational office building and parldng decks, with frontage on both University Ave. and Franldin Ave. The former Intemational Harvester building was rehabiliated for office use in the 1980s, and is a landmark building for the area. One of the parking decks is located south of Franklin Ave., and it is somerimes hazzrdous for pedestrians to cross Franklin to get to the office building. The plan suggests techniques to make the pedestrian crossing of Franklin Ave. between the parking deck and Court Internafional safer. City Action To promote should: the Saint • Encourage and support high quality redevelopment proposals for this area that include attractive building design, materials, and landscaping to create an impxoved gateway image into Saint PauL • Evaluate the need of proposed new development for City assistance, both financial and regulatory. Consider providing City assistance only if proposed new development results in significant public benefits to the area, such as an increase in jobs or housing units, additional greenspace, improved streetscapes, and higher quality buildings. • Adopt a redevelopment plan for the Franklin-Emerald area to enable the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority to undertake desired redevelopment acfivities. • Working with the St. Anthony Park Community Council, encourage new development that is consistent with the area plan's design guidelines. Encourage design of new development that is pedestrian-friendly. • Work to improve the quality of the public right-of-way in conjunction with new development by adding street trees, historic lantem lighting, and sidewalks where they do not currently exist. • Require a traffic study for any proposed new development that will significantly increase the amount of traffic in the area. Commission The Planning Commission finds that the Franklin-Emerald Area Plan Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other adopted Caty policies. Planning Process The St. Anthony Park Community Council created the Franklin-Emerald Task Force in 7une, 2000 to develop recommendaflons for potential future land use changes and redevelopment in the azea. The fourteen member task force included representatives from study area businesses and residents, the St. Anthony Pazk Community Council, the Midway Chamber of Commerce, and the Prospect Park neighborhood in Minneapolis. Creation of the task force was spurred by the Community Council and City of St. PauPs recognition of the potenfial for redevelopment here given the area's locarion, current market condirions, and developer interest. The task force met seven times from June through December, 2000 to develop its recommendarions. The planning consulting firm of LHB Engineers & Architects assisted the task force in its work by completing an analysis of existing conditions, a building condition survey, preliminary design guidelines, and potential redevelopment concepts. Copies of the FrankZin-Emerald Area Plan can be obtained by calling Donna Drummond at 651-266-6556. UN m � m � D oi•��c. ' �!!F Franklin-Emerald Area Offtce/Retait RS/�-� Land Use Recommendations ELU S �-- - �--r_-� : . OffcelResidential! Light Industrial � ui �� �, U � --- FRANKLfiV - ----- f ! Residentia(t Office/ y Residential Light Ind. 1 �, � � ���. new Myrt1e Ave. � Residential/ Office/ Light lnd. I� Office � ............. � t-= � Officel � Light industriai . w OfficelLight lndustrial �� -- -- --- OfficelLight Industrial -_-� - I . . � Ag ASH_ ::_ . . - - - -,- .._ ..... . � g4_... � . 100 0 100200300400500 Feet °� � �— � 1.9 Y � [� Parcels