01-622OR(GINAL Council File # 0� � 1�� Green Sheet # ��3� SV RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �3 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors d/b/aInternational Wines & Liquors (License ID No. 0015928), located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 far the violation ofthe sale oftobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Offiee of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection within thirty (30) days ofthe adoption ofthis resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action ofthe Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the April 18, 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the March 27, 2001 Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form. The facts were not contested by the licensee. �—��—� r � ,—� Requested by Department of: By : �.�""�!� � F �� S . Adopted by Council: Date �, at30 , Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secre[.ary g: BY � �� �- . (� Approved by Mayor: Date � o�(!J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: _ � � By: O ` �+� DEPARTMQJLOFFICHCOUNCiI oATE INIi1ATED r.�Er June �z, Zoo� GREEN SHEET No 1 13750 CONfACT PERSIXJ & PFiONE inxbuoats �nMwNab • Christine Rozek 266-9108 , a „�� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE] /�StlCrx June 20, 2001 (Consent) �� arc�rmeEr ❑cmrmnc eouru+c �� wuxu��amMCESOw. rww�tamw�crc ❑ WvOrt1���M1) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUESTED Concerning adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors, dba International Wines & Liquors, 710 Cleveland Avenue South. ECOMM NDA ION Approve (A) a Rej (R) PERSONAL SEItVICE CONTRAGfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. N361hLSpEBONTfR1EV2fVADlIlfdUfldEf9C0I1f18C�tOf1�116dE�101�111EfI17 PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMI7TEE 2. rlas mie persorJfimi erer been a dry emqoyee9 CiVILSERVICECAMMtSSION vES NO 3. Dces tM1is peisoNfirm poes�s a sbl� not �wimallypocsessetl bY am/ artrent city employee? YES NO 4. is itris µrsoMxm a tslpMed venda7 VE3 NO E�lain atl Ye%ansv�ers on sePa2te sheet antl attaM to Oreen sfieet INI7IATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION S COST/REVHNUE BU�GETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMA7IINJ (EI�LAit� o�-���- TypE" SYre Stre S[re Dire� Unit City Licensee OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUC DBA NTERNATIONAL VNNES $ LIQUORS Ucense Licensze � Lic. Types � Insurance � Bond � Requiremerds � Licensee Narne. SOPI�ENKO INTERNATIONAL W1NE5 & LIQUORS DBA. NTERNATIONAL VNNES 8 LIQUORS Salas Tax Id. 032707 Non-Profit: � Worker's Comp: OiU0N000 AA CorRxact Rec'd: O�OOrD000 AA Training Rec'd: ON�NOOD AA Fee Collected: OiY10N000 Discourit Rec'd: r �::.�;1'.�fM1-.t� �.,. :. a r: , ; u..,�„:. :q .Proqee#�es.:.�: Other agenc License� FinanCial Hold Reasons Othe�' Lice���9encYNa��1..�lSC� ,��`-`��ftf.m �.:. ��� R 3�� �_'� t�, �'" a .,i _... , Yr� w au; vv. �$� Mail Lice�se 70: — �� Mail Ta CoMact f` License Address '1592F � � '; ' � �` :..��-`k'�`'� Background Check P,equirEd j�" 16701 License # � `w` � .;�:+':�,... ..a,i� Save Changes to History -Mail Invoice To: — � � � Mail To Corrtad � �` License Address � 0 CI a � - cs�- Addre ��-`� -., - � �- ❑ � ' S ���� "� �{� � LiCensee OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUC TYpf. :. Pa Pmn.� ,'8!tart; � : 'Hnt�� SL�,mrtu�� Stre i DBA NTERNATIONAL W1NES & LIQUORS ' License Stre _ Licensee � Lic. Types l Insurance �� Bond � RequiremerRS � StCei ; C' Property f` Licensee �"' Unofficial ProjedFacilitator. ASUNCION,COPoNNE �,= 1, Dire�� � Street #: 10 Ad�erse Action CommeMs Unit i � Street Name: LEVELAND � _..__,.. _ ..___. . __.. �� , S[reetType: AVE Direction: �— , Und Ind: r� Llnd #: �— Cdy. T PAUL License Grnup CammeMs: St�te niN Zip: 55516 4N92001 To CAO far adverse ac[ion. CAR 3I27/2001 Failed tobaco compliance check. First tailure, �va.a: � �w Q_ I ��o,. n e� 200 matrix penatty. Clerk was Atexander ICopilenko Dist Council: � owner), 724 Lexington Pkwy, 55116.CAR --- . _____ .. ____ _— �3�➢2t2 Notice of Vidffiion from CAO frn sale of � Licensee� OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUt Licensee i � 4 DBA. NTER�AL VNNES' & LIQUORS � Comments: � � I S%'' Saizs iax Itl: 0327 1 Hus Phone: 651) 690-5471 �i�cei C:icense yp .: . ��� ." �� 1592f; FalseAlarms � 'R Otl01I2000 12l31 , — _..n_'�_. = FalseAlarms �R • 01N1R0�1 12731 ; -- „__�_�._ 3 Alarm Permit (Nzw) � �R � 17l21l2000 01731 , ' -- i__...._.._`..___`.._._.._._� �' _ 16701; License # 5928 Save Changes to History N . _N. . _ i _. . $20 00 _ __ _ __.__m_ - "' """' n __ „ .., .. ;. . T_ '�Start� �ECLIP5Ap.. �'�GroupGUise GroU� ise � �ECLiP �, , '�' Licen¢eE� �PJn e4ies _ �� � :;.�.... :� F� :�. � _ �" �"� � n� v.w _ `I��'�N�G��`� O t -c. a� Address 1 Licensee � Cantac[ 1 License � Cardholder i 1 _ _._ . _ .___ -._- __ _.- . Type: �` property [' Licensee �": UnoffiCial � All Street #: '10 Street Name: LEVELAND Street Type cAfb �; Direction: <All> ;� Und #. �� Crty: <All> , ,__ �F � � �:r�-. w'�:�s`a r;,.,. •_,•..��e-� a:,, r.ef_ w " ..� >me*^.a; g ,� �x'€��P,;; .�.� [�,� + 9 ' ' ,�. ._� 8t � �� ��a�. 1 15928 '11904 16701 0 � .- :-�� �:�.::,:.;':�:�; i�Start; �ECLIP�� Aiarms Active License Prirrted License Prirded � rz� n000_ o� 7101R000 1: 01 L�cense ,roup Comments TeM Licensee: KOPILENKO INTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS �BA� INTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS license #: 00'15928 04/06/2001 �,�L1� �l09200'I. To CAO foradyerse adion: CAR ��'-. 03/27%2001 Failed tobaco compliance check. First failure, $200 matrix penalty. Clerk was Alexander Kopilenko (owner), 724 Lexington Pkv,y, 551 �6.CAR 03l022001 Notice of Vola6on from CAO for sale of alcohol to an underage. 5500 fine, given to 03/12/2001 to respond. CAR 02lOSl2001 To CAO for adverse action. $500 matrix penariy recommended. CAR 01/30/2007 Failed DPS alcohol compliance check conducted by SPPD. CN 1020876. First failure after a waming has already been given. CAR 09/13/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 05/31/2000 Sent congratula6ons letter for passing aicohoi compliance check. SS 05753l2000 Passed U of M alcohol compiiance check conducted by ViceiRamstad. SS 04/18/2000 Sent congratulations letter for passing alcohol compliance Check. SS - 04/OS/2000 Passed DPS alcohol compliance check conduGed by SPPD Burke, Reiliy. SS 11/20/99 passed second alcohol compliance check-DL OSlOAI9g passed cig compfiance check; 08/16/99 ietter sent SS 4/16/99 completed required aicohol awareness training-DL 5/7 7l99 Alcohol awareness training not taken. Letter sent - must sign up for training by SN7/99 or file will be sent to CAO for adverse action. CAR Ot/74/99 Congretulations letter sent. PJW �0f29f98 Passed cigarette comptiance check. PJW 3/16/99 Failed alcohol check; "unofficial" waming-training due 4/�7/99-DL 71645 2l26/96 Per Licensee And Verification From Diane Olson, Original Container Should Be Removed From License.4/71/96 Cig Code Added Fd Id #16701--Lap-Lic �.. -i- O�-�3�- i�'ame of Clerk: �L � � Date of Birth Address: Driver's License n or State I. l.J-� i f � t�� �� 1 ���.�_�_� �� � �l� OFFIC[ OF LICEtiSE. ItiS2ECTiOtiS AND E�.�'V1AOft'�7EVTALPROTL-CTION 0 ��`� Y Roger Crsrlis. Direclor CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL h�om� Co1e���an, .tlrst'ar �r L0f1'RYPROFESSION.iLBC`ILOL4G TelepLone: 65l-?G6-9090 �SO St. Percr Sr�cct. Sui+e 300 Facsimile: 65l-?6G-9l.4 $niutPrtul. jfi�rnesa1rsJ5102-l5l0 7%eb: uvvris(pmd.nuues.7ic7 Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form Case # 1NTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS 710 CLEVELAND AVE S S7 PAUL, MN 55116-1319 License Type: License # Cigaretteliobacco 0015928 For OGce Use Only PostOrdinance Business Type: � Com�znience � Com�enience ! Gas � Gas � Dmg Store / Phammcy � Tobacco / Smoke Shoo � Supemiarket / Grocery � General Merchant � Liquor Store / Bar Restaurant � Other (pm•aic Nuh, bmehng, r.c) Date: `�"� � � / � Time: 3 � � a.m. p.n M �I D D Y 1' ��'as purctiase attempteJ' (`—� Y25 �:t0 � Bu}'er � � � Use 3 initiais A�e 15 16 17 R' Sale made? Yes or I�o If \O, check rcason: � Does not sell [obacco � Unsatisfactory/unsafe conditions � Out of business � Other � After business hours � Not applicable Ses Adult ��� Did adult or otficcr ci v transaction? emale Use 3 initials Yes or .�o ae R'as age as ' D requested.' Yes or N Y or ro T�'pe of purcl�ase: _�S Sen�ice i�C:lerk assisted �'endine tinachine - Unlocked Location of machine _V ending machine - Locked Location of machine CIer1�InCorznation: �Female �Sale �Y ID sltqrsn? Yes or \o Amount spenh $ ❑ � T}'pe of product: � 'r� ✓Ciearettes /��y�J��.�:, _Smokeless Odier (cigaretie papers, Li�htu, Civil Prnalry S Licensze: Civil Penalry S For O(f ce Use Only Comoliance Check 6usiness I.D. n � � approaimateAge: �Unde:13 Criminal Penairy S Suspension:_lU �la}�s or Iess _i? dcys to 1 year Actual age if knoo'n � and � e. _I 1 to 31 da;�s _Ocer 1 )esr o � -��a- 0 � _ a � d � � a r 0 a d � c 0 R £ � J w � � � � c � cn � o� � y U � � v. � � 6) y � yJ O O)f� ` � � N � C �� OV c w l7 � J d� Q �� N v c� O . � c� a� y J � .rdca�U �a O a� a '�o� �c U ( L j � N' � 0 - C (6 J V U� CY N > V � O l4 NO N :-. 6 � >L � OLL (6 ... _ � U C lL - O U °" ° 'v 3 c3 a �'c c�� O OL�mN Cc6 �00_ U UU�C4= Nm3 (6�J O pN O.� NQa �? N L .� GU c ��� '=Q'� O O (B+-� O�U N d0 U' I� �O (6 QNN� �� O >m � �n a E L a�< �n� c �-o� rn�-c�na���`n o�� ao� �-a>.a�i��3���mrn� a�i�� Y� N tL � U N N"O� �— C() (0'6L N�-p ��@K N N N � C��N V ti�� � c�d rnrn°-o�ocvio �� � �pYmmEc».�=omr �ca � p � o_o_oQ ` mUO- c o i n a� .0 a a i Om0)� V w ��o�— �N �O)�6) p_ � (D � O �OdNOID� 3 Nr� N�� C N_ CO��� UO��O V'�fJ��N0�11�NOU o�-c��- � � O a o x � W O ,y o r '� o d U � a J M �o O Q � C O R � L w C d N C V J � 0 v � �N i7 N y N > I V U J Q — O U a � FF � � y � � U f6 J � _U N a � � Z y N N � U �-- J O " W �M � W a 0 Z N I W � IW a IJ QU� �O �r � � W Z > > l a � i� m � F- z,Z DIW IF- _'z Q Z K w �H y 'Z �'� Z Y Z O J a o ^ Y iU' C ' �� UI V i I, N I !O � i I I I,o I d X W � INi Cj � I� I�� I Z , T, �U' �°, a� ;� U' c ��' � I,� _ � ,� Z, �+ � � Q E , 0 V U G N j �� N �I 7 Z I N C �,r- o:� a'!� y�o �'I� c � ��in m i� I o �'�o ^ ~ 'M I� _JM �, I , I I ' IN �m I 'iU y � Y � Z c� ''v, W w = J > Im a ¢ � � � Y Z Q � J w O > X U W J L—Q I� N � �C� �°I i �, � yI C im i�i IU I, i N � � C � @ 4 N N � Q �p >. U T p... C � N N Q N� �Q � 7� � � � pU O �- N (6 LOU j^ UUy 'O�p � U � N� in �`') m �(n C .� C (p ,a Q. � y U y V c �QQc yr 3 0�� s�m � m M �"�6 wU'J_ C N i� Nfl.(6 U� (n � U O� oco oa�.�°�a°- 'u_o m�E mc Y• �'�n c � o a m` a� .Y N o c �E � w � m 3 a� �n o... _ c� U rn� Y c a7 m c m O o... �U� m o mQ � y `o o a� m .� a @ n � a� � `� t'> vi �� a� �- c� 3 � ��� m°o�c000���c�io � �@ �o � o C i U�� � (JNO dN �� O Y �m� ` m.c�'a.-oQ���ca� `� E� `- � � � j� U �ND���N p��� �th� UN �tn L cn O C Q � N O��� N N O � O�� p� N '��(6 U O @ O U t �� o o �� c c o-�o �QQ m c �� � m m ��� dm�a���3o"mc°�mUp�m m� @� � � � fl.� TO_� �� TOU 0� 3�>'rno �LL o�� � �tn �°'mQ Qa�i� c a� am o dp ���n o aip�p� .o o��� o� O'6=Q�>+OCO-aR� NUNU �.'��.. ? O VU �N�f�CNN(6 CN z � ��?�a�in¢ �' >z �FIl�YZ�F�— Nli�UdCn U� �'in � o$°000�oo��0000� oom00 \1 V �NNNMNN TON\NN x �N �N EN '�NN �N NN � N U::.O. CN �CJ EO� �c- O_M U_W Q. V p��llJti] �llJV N UM7VM � NM UM a NWI,n Oln?�a' O 0.....6000'OOOLQO000 EJO 70 �pfnII00 U090 U o�-cs� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debbie A. Saldivar, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 27th day of April, 2001, at the City of Saint Paul, counry and state aforemention, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Saint Paul, a true conect copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the foilowing individual: Alexander Kopilenk International Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55116 ___�/Cl��� � �'c�r.�/r�i Debbie A. Saldivar Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of April 2001 `�� �i- ���.�.� Notary Public - - - t_e.�....__.�_.���� _.; �� 4� °~�:�' Ri"�;:�,v7. vCiSSARD � �; .�' nCT.tstYtil�r�C-hiliYNESOT;. �,� 2 Si7 �_ C:p;•'diYSSIQi�i � L,,,,,^,;:' -'�t'- _S.:a.ii. ,��R'S >..�- _�..,,e�„ ...-=..-..� Page 2 AlexanderKopilenko � ���� April 18, 2001 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before fhe Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a le#ter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, Apri130, 2001. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. Tf you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be abfe to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's wifnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangbom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, April 30, 2001, w� will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule fhis matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allorved and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being charged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a separate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, � 2 �c.. � �, (��� V Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Gayle Summers, Community Organizer, Highland District Council, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN 55116 OFFICE OF THE CIlY ATTORNEY Clayran K Sinrort. Jr.. City Auorney OF SAINT PAUL r lemnn, Mayor W� Civil Division 400 City Hnll /S iYest Kellogg BPoA. Srsinf Prsul, Minnuatn SSIO2 Telepl�orte: 65! 166-87/0 Fnaimife: 651 298-56l9 �1�L7y April 18, 2001 Alexander Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 i6 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors d/b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located ai 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul License ID #: 15928 Dear Mr. Kopilenko: The Office of License Inspections and Environmenta] Protection has recommended adverse action against the cigarette/tobacco license held by Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors d(b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On March 27, 2001, tabacco compliance check was conducted at the premises of International tiYines & Liquors, 710 Cieveland Avenue, Saint Paul. A sixteen year old female entered the premises and asked to purchase cigarettes. She was asked for identification, which she showed. Although vt correctly stated her date of birth, she was sold a package of Newport cigarettes. Sale of tobacco to an underage person is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.85 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07 Since this is a first violation, the licensing office will recommend a�200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. o � -c1�- UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors, d/b/a International Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Wednesday, June 27, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation Place: Presumptive Penalty: March 27, 2001 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 5, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[on M. Robinson, Jr., City Attorney 0 � �`,� CivilDivision 400CityNn!! Telephone:65/266-8710 ISWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minaesola 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Alexander Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 RE: Cigazette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors d/b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul License ID #: 15928 Dear Mr. Kopilenko: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 27, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Fioor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawfui sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � � u�y�P% Virgini . Paimer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Gayle Summers, Community Organizer, Highland District Council, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN SSll6 OR(GINAL Council File # 0� � 1�� Green Sheet # ��3� SV RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �3 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors d/b/aInternational Wines & Liquors (License ID No. 0015928), located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 far the violation ofthe sale oftobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Offiee of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection within thirty (30) days ofthe adoption ofthis resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action ofthe Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the April 18, 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the March 27, 2001 Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form. The facts were not contested by the licensee. �—��—� r � ,—� Requested by Department of: By : �.�""�!� � F �� S . Adopted by Council: Date �, at30 , Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secre[.ary g: BY � �� �- . (� Approved by Mayor: Date � o�(!J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: _ � � By: O ` �+� DEPARTMQJLOFFICHCOUNCiI oATE INIi1ATED r.�Er June �z, Zoo� GREEN SHEET No 1 13750 CONfACT PERSIXJ & PFiONE inxbuoats �nMwNab • Christine Rozek 266-9108 , a „�� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE] /�StlCrx June 20, 2001 (Consent) �� arc�rmeEr ❑cmrmnc eouru+c �� wuxu��amMCESOw. rww�tamw�crc ❑ WvOrt1���M1) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUESTED Concerning adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors, dba International Wines & Liquors, 710 Cleveland Avenue South. ECOMM NDA ION Approve (A) a Rej (R) PERSONAL SEItVICE CONTRAGfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. N361hLSpEBONTfR1EV2fVADlIlfdUfldEf9C0I1f18C�tOf1�116dE�101�111EfI17 PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMI7TEE 2. rlas mie persorJfimi erer been a dry emqoyee9 CiVILSERVICECAMMtSSION vES NO 3. Dces tM1is peisoNfirm poes�s a sbl� not �wimallypocsessetl bY am/ artrent city employee? YES NO 4. is itris µrsoMxm a tslpMed venda7 VE3 NO E�lain atl Ye%ansv�ers on sePa2te sheet antl attaM to Oreen sfieet INI7IATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION S COST/REVHNUE BU�GETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMA7IINJ (EI�LAit� o�-���- TypE" SYre Stre S[re Dire� Unit City Licensee OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUC DBA NTERNATIONAL VNNES $ LIQUORS Ucense Licensze � Lic. Types � Insurance � Bond � Requiremerds � Licensee Narne. SOPI�ENKO INTERNATIONAL W1NE5 & LIQUORS DBA. NTERNATIONAL VNNES 8 LIQUORS Salas Tax Id. 032707 Non-Profit: � Worker's Comp: OiU0N000 AA CorRxact Rec'd: O�OOrD000 AA Training Rec'd: ON�NOOD AA Fee Collected: OiY10N000 Discourit Rec'd: r �::.�;1'.�fM1-.t� �.,. :. a r: , ; u..,�„:. :q .Proqee#�es.:.�: Other agenc License� FinanCial Hold Reasons Othe�' Lice���9encYNa��1..�lSC� ,��`-`��ftf.m �.:. ��� R 3�� �_'� t�, �'" a .,i _... , Yr� w au; vv. �$� Mail Lice�se 70: — �� Mail Ta CoMact f` License Address '1592F � � '; ' � �` :..��-`k'�`'� Background Check P,equirEd j�" 16701 License # � `w` � .;�:+':�,... ..a,i� Save Changes to History -Mail Invoice To: — � � � Mail To Corrtad � �` License Address � 0 CI a � - cs�- Addre ��-`� -., - � �- ❑ � ' S ���� "� �{� � LiCensee OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUC TYpf. :. Pa Pmn.� ,'8!tart; � : 'Hnt�� SL�,mrtu�� Stre i DBA NTERNATIONAL W1NES & LIQUORS ' License Stre _ Licensee � Lic. Types l Insurance �� Bond � RequiremerRS � StCei ; C' Property f` Licensee �"' Unofficial ProjedFacilitator. ASUNCION,COPoNNE �,= 1, Dire�� � Street #: 10 Ad�erse Action CommeMs Unit i � Street Name: LEVELAND � _..__,.. _ ..___. . __.. �� , S[reetType: AVE Direction: �— , Und Ind: r� Llnd #: �— Cdy. T PAUL License Grnup CammeMs: St�te niN Zip: 55516 4N92001 To CAO far adverse ac[ion. CAR 3I27/2001 Failed tobaco compliance check. First tailure, �va.a: � �w Q_ I ��o,. n e� 200 matrix penatty. Clerk was Atexander ICopilenko Dist Council: � owner), 724 Lexington Pkwy, 55116.CAR --- . _____ .. ____ _— �3�➢2t2 Notice of Vidffiion from CAO frn sale of � Licensee� OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUt Licensee i � 4 DBA. NTER�AL VNNES' & LIQUORS � Comments: � � I S%'' Saizs iax Itl: 0327 1 Hus Phone: 651) 690-5471 �i�cei C:icense yp .: . ��� ." �� 1592f; FalseAlarms � 'R Otl01I2000 12l31 , — _..n_'�_. = FalseAlarms �R • 01N1R0�1 12731 ; -- „__�_�._ 3 Alarm Permit (Nzw) � �R � 17l21l2000 01731 , ' -- i__...._.._`..___`.._._.._._� �' _ 16701; License # 5928 Save Changes to History N . _N. . _ i _. . $20 00 _ __ _ __.__m_ - "' """' n __ „ .., .. ;. . T_ '�Start� �ECLIP5Ap.. �'�GroupGUise GroU� ise � �ECLiP �, , '�' Licen¢eE� �PJn e4ies _ �� � :;.�.... :� F� :�. � _ �" �"� � n� v.w _ `I��'�N�G��`� O t -c. a� Address 1 Licensee � Cantac[ 1 License � Cardholder i 1 _ _._ . _ .___ -._- __ _.- . Type: �` property [' Licensee �": UnoffiCial � All Street #: '10 Street Name: LEVELAND Street Type cAfb �; Direction: <All> ;� Und #. �� Crty: <All> , ,__ �F � � �:r�-. w'�:�s`a r;,.,. •_,•..��e-� a:,, r.ef_ w " ..� >me*^.a; g ,� �x'€��P,;; .�.� [�,� + 9 ' ' ,�. ._� 8t � �� ��a�. 1 15928 '11904 16701 0 � .- :-�� �:�.::,:.;':�:�; i�Start; �ECLIP�� Aiarms Active License Prirrted License Prirded � rz� n000_ o� 7101R000 1: 01 L�cense ,roup Comments TeM Licensee: KOPILENKO INTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS �BA� INTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS license #: 00'15928 04/06/2001 �,�L1� �l09200'I. To CAO foradyerse adion: CAR ��'-. 03/27%2001 Failed tobaco compliance check. First failure, $200 matrix penalty. Clerk was Alexander Kopilenko (owner), 724 Lexington Pkv,y, 551 �6.CAR 03l022001 Notice of Vola6on from CAO for sale of alcohol to an underage. 5500 fine, given to 03/12/2001 to respond. CAR 02lOSl2001 To CAO for adverse action. $500 matrix penariy recommended. CAR 01/30/2007 Failed DPS alcohol compliance check conducted by SPPD. CN 1020876. First failure after a waming has already been given. CAR 09/13/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 05/31/2000 Sent congratula6ons letter for passing aicohoi compliance check. SS 05753l2000 Passed U of M alcohol compiiance check conducted by ViceiRamstad. SS 04/18/2000 Sent congratulations letter for passing alcohol compliance Check. SS - 04/OS/2000 Passed DPS alcohol compliance check conduGed by SPPD Burke, Reiliy. SS 11/20/99 passed second alcohol compliance check-DL OSlOAI9g passed cig compfiance check; 08/16/99 ietter sent SS 4/16/99 completed required aicohol awareness training-DL 5/7 7l99 Alcohol awareness training not taken. Letter sent - must sign up for training by SN7/99 or file will be sent to CAO for adverse action. CAR Ot/74/99 Congretulations letter sent. PJW �0f29f98 Passed cigarette comptiance check. PJW 3/16/99 Failed alcohol check; "unofficial" waming-training due 4/�7/99-DL 71645 2l26/96 Per Licensee And Verification From Diane Olson, Original Container Should Be Removed From License.4/71/96 Cig Code Added Fd Id #16701--Lap-Lic �.. -i- O�-�3�- i�'ame of Clerk: �L � � Date of Birth Address: Driver's License n or State I. l.J-� i f � t�� �� 1 ���.�_�_� �� � �l� OFFIC[ OF LICEtiSE. ItiS2ECTiOtiS AND E�.�'V1AOft'�7EVTALPROTL-CTION 0 ��`� Y Roger Crsrlis. Direclor CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL h�om� Co1e���an, .tlrst'ar �r L0f1'RYPROFESSION.iLBC`ILOL4G TelepLone: 65l-?G6-9090 �SO St. Percr Sr�cct. Sui+e 300 Facsimile: 65l-?6G-9l.4 $niutPrtul. jfi�rnesa1rsJ5102-l5l0 7%eb: uvvris(pmd.nuues.7ic7 Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form Case # 1NTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS 710 CLEVELAND AVE S S7 PAUL, MN 55116-1319 License Type: License # Cigaretteliobacco 0015928 For OGce Use Only PostOrdinance Business Type: � Com�znience � Com�enience ! Gas � Gas � Dmg Store / Phammcy � Tobacco / Smoke Shoo � Supemiarket / Grocery � General Merchant � Liquor Store / Bar Restaurant � Other (pm•aic Nuh, bmehng, r.c) Date: `�"� � � / � Time: 3 � � a.m. p.n M �I D D Y 1' ��'as purctiase attempteJ' (`—� Y25 �:t0 � Bu}'er � � � Use 3 initiais A�e 15 16 17 R' Sale made? Yes or I�o If \O, check rcason: � Does not sell [obacco � Unsatisfactory/unsafe conditions � Out of business � Other � After business hours � Not applicable Ses Adult ��� Did adult or otficcr ci v transaction? emale Use 3 initials Yes or .�o ae R'as age as ' D requested.' Yes or N Y or ro T�'pe of purcl�ase: _�S Sen�ice i�C:lerk assisted �'endine tinachine - Unlocked Location of machine _V ending machine - Locked Location of machine CIer1�InCorznation: �Female �Sale �Y ID sltqrsn? Yes or \o Amount spenh $ ❑ � T}'pe of product: � 'r� ✓Ciearettes /��y�J��.�:, _Smokeless Odier (cigaretie papers, Li�htu, Civil Prnalry S Licensze: Civil Penalry S For O(f ce Use Only Comoliance Check 6usiness I.D. n � � approaimateAge: �Unde:13 Criminal Penairy S Suspension:_lU �la}�s or Iess _i? dcys to 1 year Actual age if knoo'n � and � e. _I 1 to 31 da;�s _Ocer 1 )esr o � -��a- 0 � _ a � d � � a r 0 a d � c 0 R £ � J w � � � � c � cn � o� � y U � � v. � � 6) y � yJ O O)f� ` � � N � C �� OV c w l7 � J d� Q �� N v c� O . � c� a� y J � .rdca�U �a O a� a '�o� �c U ( L j � N' � 0 - C (6 J V U� CY N > V � O l4 NO N :-. 6 � >L � OLL (6 ... _ � U C lL - O U °" ° 'v 3 c3 a �'c c�� O OL�mN Cc6 �00_ U UU�C4= Nm3 (6�J O pN O.� NQa �? N L .� GU c ��� '=Q'� O O (B+-� O�U N d0 U' I� �O (6 QNN� �� O >m � �n a E L a�< �n� c �-o� rn�-c�na���`n o�� ao� �-a>.a�i��3���mrn� a�i�� Y� N tL � U N N"O� �— C() (0'6L N�-p ��@K N N N � C��N V ti�� � c�d rnrn°-o�ocvio �� � �pYmmEc».�=omr �ca � p � o_o_oQ ` mUO- c o i n a� .0 a a i Om0)� V w ��o�— �N �O)�6) p_ � (D � O �OdNOID� 3 Nr� N�� C N_ CO��� UO��O V'�fJ��N0�11�NOU o�-c��- � � O a o x � W O ,y o r '� o d U � a J M �o O Q � C O R � L w C d N C V J � 0 v � �N i7 N y N > I V U J Q — O U a � FF � � y � � U f6 J � _U N a � � Z y N N � U �-- J O " W �M � W a 0 Z N I W � IW a IJ QU� �O �r � � W Z > > l a � i� m � F- z,Z DIW IF- _'z Q Z K w �H y 'Z �'� Z Y Z O J a o ^ Y iU' C ' �� UI V i I, N I !O � i I I I,o I d X W � INi Cj � I� I�� I Z , T, �U' �°, a� ;� U' c ��' � I,� _ � ,� Z, �+ � � Q E , 0 V U G N j �� N �I 7 Z I N C �,r- o:� a'!� y�o �'I� c � ��in m i� I o �'�o ^ ~ 'M I� _JM �, I , I I ' IN �m I 'iU y � Y � Z c� ''v, W w = J > Im a ¢ � � � Y Z Q � J w O > X U W J L—Q I� N � �C� �°I i �, � yI C im i�i IU I, i N � � C � @ 4 N N � Q �p >. U T p... C � N N Q N� �Q � 7� � � � pU O �- N (6 LOU j^ UUy 'O�p � U � N� in �`') m �(n C .� C (p ,a Q. � y U y V c �QQc yr 3 0�� s�m � m M �"�6 wU'J_ C N i� Nfl.(6 U� (n � U O� oco oa�.�°�a°- 'u_o m�E mc Y• �'�n c � o a m` a� .Y N o c �E � w � m 3 a� �n o... _ c� U rn� Y c a7 m c m O o... �U� m o mQ � y `o o a� m .� a @ n � a� � `� t'> vi �� a� �- c� 3 � ��� m°o�c000���c�io � �@ �o � o C i U�� � (JNO dN �� O Y �m� ` m.c�'a.-oQ���ca� `� E� `- � � � j� U �ND���N p��� �th� UN �tn L cn O C Q � N O��� N N O � O�� p� N '��(6 U O @ O U t �� o o �� c c o-�o �QQ m c �� � m m ��� dm�a���3o"mc°�mUp�m m� @� � � � fl.� TO_� �� TOU 0� 3�>'rno �LL o�� � �tn �°'mQ Qa�i� c a� am o dp ���n o aip�p� .o o��� o� O'6=Q�>+OCO-aR� NUNU �.'��.. ? O VU �N�f�CNN(6 CN z � ��?�a�in¢ �' >z �FIl�YZ�F�— Nli�UdCn U� �'in � o$°000�oo��0000� oom00 \1 V �NNNMNN TON\NN x �N �N EN '�NN �N NN � N U::.O. CN �CJ EO� �c- O_M U_W Q. V p��llJti] �llJV N UM7VM � NM UM a NWI,n Oln?�a' O 0.....6000'OOOLQO000 EJO 70 �pfnII00 U090 U o�-cs� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debbie A. Saldivar, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 27th day of April, 2001, at the City of Saint Paul, counry and state aforemention, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Saint Paul, a true conect copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the foilowing individual: Alexander Kopilenk International Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55116 ___�/Cl��� � �'c�r.�/r�i Debbie A. Saldivar Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of April 2001 `�� �i- ���.�.� Notary Public - - - t_e.�....__.�_.���� _.; �� 4� °~�:�' Ri"�;:�,v7. vCiSSARD � �; .�' nCT.tstYtil�r�C-hiliYNESOT;. �,� 2 Si7 �_ C:p;•'diYSSIQi�i � L,,,,,^,;:' -'�t'- _S.:a.ii. ,��R'S >..�- _�..,,e�„ ...-=..-..� Page 2 AlexanderKopilenko � ���� April 18, 2001 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before fhe Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a le#ter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, Apri130, 2001. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. Tf you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be abfe to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's wifnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangbom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, April 30, 2001, w� will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule fhis matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allorved and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being charged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a separate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, � 2 �c.. � �, (��� V Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Gayle Summers, Community Organizer, Highland District Council, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN 55116 OFFICE OF THE CIlY ATTORNEY Clayran K Sinrort. Jr.. City Auorney OF SAINT PAUL r lemnn, Mayor W� Civil Division 400 City Hnll /S iYest Kellogg BPoA. Srsinf Prsul, Minnuatn SSIO2 Telepl�orte: 65! 166-87/0 Fnaimife: 651 298-56l9 �1�L7y April 18, 2001 Alexander Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 i6 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors d/b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located ai 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul License ID #: 15928 Dear Mr. Kopilenko: The Office of License Inspections and Environmenta] Protection has recommended adverse action against the cigarette/tobacco license held by Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors d(b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On March 27, 2001, tabacco compliance check was conducted at the premises of International tiYines & Liquors, 710 Cieveland Avenue, Saint Paul. A sixteen year old female entered the premises and asked to purchase cigarettes. She was asked for identification, which she showed. Although vt correctly stated her date of birth, she was sold a package of Newport cigarettes. Sale of tobacco to an underage person is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.85 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07 Since this is a first violation, the licensing office will recommend a�200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. o � -c1�- UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors, d/b/a International Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Wednesday, June 27, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation Place: Presumptive Penalty: March 27, 2001 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 5, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[on M. Robinson, Jr., City Attorney 0 � �`,� CivilDivision 400CityNn!! Telephone:65/266-8710 ISWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minaesola 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Alexander Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 RE: Cigazette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors d/b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul License ID #: 15928 Dear Mr. Kopilenko: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 27, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Fioor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawfui sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � � u�y�P% Virgini . Paimer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Gayle Summers, Community Organizer, Highland District Council, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN SSll6 OR(GINAL Council File # 0� � 1�� Green Sheet # ��3� SV RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �3 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors d/b/aInternational Wines & Liquors (License ID No. 0015928), located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 far the violation ofthe sale oftobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Offiee of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection within thirty (30) days ofthe adoption ofthis resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action ofthe Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the April 18, 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the March 27, 2001 Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form. The facts were not contested by the licensee. �—��—� r � ,—� Requested by Department of: By : �.�""�!� � F �� S . Adopted by Council: Date �, at30 , Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secre[.ary g: BY � �� �- . (� Approved by Mayor: Date � o�(!J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: _ � � By: O ` �+� DEPARTMQJLOFFICHCOUNCiI oATE INIi1ATED r.�Er June �z, Zoo� GREEN SHEET No 1 13750 CONfACT PERSIXJ & PFiONE inxbuoats �nMwNab • Christine Rozek 266-9108 , a „�� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE] /�StlCrx June 20, 2001 (Consent) �� arc�rmeEr ❑cmrmnc eouru+c �� wuxu��amMCESOw. rww�tamw�crc ❑ WvOrt1���M1) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUESTED Concerning adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors, dba International Wines & Liquors, 710 Cleveland Avenue South. ECOMM NDA ION Approve (A) a Rej (R) PERSONAL SEItVICE CONTRAGfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. N361hLSpEBONTfR1EV2fVADlIlfdUfldEf9C0I1f18C�tOf1�116dE�101�111EfI17 PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMI7TEE 2. rlas mie persorJfimi erer been a dry emqoyee9 CiVILSERVICECAMMtSSION vES NO 3. Dces tM1is peisoNfirm poes�s a sbl� not �wimallypocsessetl bY am/ artrent city employee? YES NO 4. is itris µrsoMxm a tslpMed venda7 VE3 NO E�lain atl Ye%ansv�ers on sePa2te sheet antl attaM to Oreen sfieet INI7IATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION S COST/REVHNUE BU�GETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMA7IINJ (EI�LAit� o�-���- TypE" SYre Stre S[re Dire� Unit City Licensee OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUC DBA NTERNATIONAL VNNES $ LIQUORS Ucense Licensze � Lic. Types � Insurance � Bond � Requiremerds � Licensee Narne. SOPI�ENKO INTERNATIONAL W1NE5 & LIQUORS DBA. NTERNATIONAL VNNES 8 LIQUORS Salas Tax Id. 032707 Non-Profit: � Worker's Comp: OiU0N000 AA CorRxact Rec'd: O�OOrD000 AA Training Rec'd: ON�NOOD AA Fee Collected: OiY10N000 Discourit Rec'd: r �::.�;1'.�fM1-.t� �.,. :. a r: , ; u..,�„:. :q .Proqee#�es.:.�: Other agenc License� FinanCial Hold Reasons Othe�' Lice���9encYNa��1..�lSC� ,��`-`��ftf.m �.:. ��� R 3�� �_'� t�, �'" a .,i _... , Yr� w au; vv. �$� Mail Lice�se 70: — �� Mail Ta CoMact f` License Address '1592F � � '; ' � �` :..��-`k'�`'� Background Check P,equirEd j�" 16701 License # � `w` � .;�:+':�,... ..a,i� Save Changes to History -Mail Invoice To: — � � � Mail To Corrtad � �` License Address � 0 CI a � - cs�- Addre ��-`� -., - � �- ❑ � ' S ���� "� �{� � LiCensee OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUC TYpf. :. Pa Pmn.� ,'8!tart; � : 'Hnt�� SL�,mrtu�� Stre i DBA NTERNATIONAL W1NES & LIQUORS ' License Stre _ Licensee � Lic. Types l Insurance �� Bond � RequiremerRS � StCei ; C' Property f` Licensee �"' Unofficial ProjedFacilitator. ASUNCION,COPoNNE �,= 1, Dire�� � Street #: 10 Ad�erse Action CommeMs Unit i � Street Name: LEVELAND � _..__,.. _ ..___. . __.. �� , S[reetType: AVE Direction: �— , Und Ind: r� Llnd #: �— Cdy. T PAUL License Grnup CammeMs: St�te niN Zip: 55516 4N92001 To CAO far adverse ac[ion. CAR 3I27/2001 Failed tobaco compliance check. First tailure, �va.a: � �w Q_ I ��o,. n e� 200 matrix penatty. Clerk was Atexander ICopilenko Dist Council: � owner), 724 Lexington Pkwy, 55116.CAR --- . _____ .. ____ _— �3�➢2t2 Notice of Vidffiion from CAO frn sale of � Licensee� OPILENKO INTERNATIONAL VNNES & LIQUt Licensee i � 4 DBA. NTER�AL VNNES' & LIQUORS � Comments: � � I S%'' Saizs iax Itl: 0327 1 Hus Phone: 651) 690-5471 �i�cei C:icense yp .: . ��� ." �� 1592f; FalseAlarms � 'R Otl01I2000 12l31 , — _..n_'�_. = FalseAlarms �R • 01N1R0�1 12731 ; -- „__�_�._ 3 Alarm Permit (Nzw) � �R � 17l21l2000 01731 , ' -- i__...._.._`..___`.._._.._._� �' _ 16701; License # 5928 Save Changes to History N . _N. . _ i _. . $20 00 _ __ _ __.__m_ - "' """' n __ „ .., .. ;. . T_ '�Start� �ECLIP5Ap.. �'�GroupGUise GroU� ise � �ECLiP �, , '�' Licen¢eE� �PJn e4ies _ �� � :;.�.... :� F� :�. � _ �" �"� � n� v.w _ `I��'�N�G��`� O t -c. a� Address 1 Licensee � Cantac[ 1 License � Cardholder i 1 _ _._ . _ .___ -._- __ _.- . Type: �` property [' Licensee �": UnoffiCial � All Street #: '10 Street Name: LEVELAND Street Type cAfb �; Direction: <All> ;� Und #. �� Crty: <All> , ,__ �F � � �:r�-. w'�:�s`a r;,.,. •_,•..��e-� a:,, r.ef_ w " ..� >me*^.a; g ,� �x'€��P,;; .�.� [�,� + 9 ' ' ,�. ._� 8t � �� ��a�. 1 15928 '11904 16701 0 � .- :-�� �:�.::,:.;':�:�; i�Start; �ECLIP�� Aiarms Active License Prirrted License Prirded � rz� n000_ o� 7101R000 1: 01 L�cense ,roup Comments TeM Licensee: KOPILENKO INTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS �BA� INTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS license #: 00'15928 04/06/2001 �,�L1� �l09200'I. To CAO foradyerse adion: CAR ��'-. 03/27%2001 Failed tobaco compliance check. First failure, $200 matrix penalty. Clerk was Alexander Kopilenko (owner), 724 Lexington Pkv,y, 551 �6.CAR 03l022001 Notice of Vola6on from CAO for sale of alcohol to an underage. 5500 fine, given to 03/12/2001 to respond. CAR 02lOSl2001 To CAO for adverse action. $500 matrix penariy recommended. CAR 01/30/2007 Failed DPS alcohol compliance check conducted by SPPD. CN 1020876. First failure after a waming has already been given. CAR 09/13/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 05/31/2000 Sent congratula6ons letter for passing aicohoi compliance check. SS 05753l2000 Passed U of M alcohol compiiance check conducted by ViceiRamstad. SS 04/18/2000 Sent congratulations letter for passing alcohol compliance Check. SS - 04/OS/2000 Passed DPS alcohol compliance check conduGed by SPPD Burke, Reiliy. SS 11/20/99 passed second alcohol compliance check-DL OSlOAI9g passed cig compfiance check; 08/16/99 ietter sent SS 4/16/99 completed required aicohol awareness training-DL 5/7 7l99 Alcohol awareness training not taken. Letter sent - must sign up for training by SN7/99 or file will be sent to CAO for adverse action. CAR Ot/74/99 Congretulations letter sent. PJW �0f29f98 Passed cigarette comptiance check. PJW 3/16/99 Failed alcohol check; "unofficial" waming-training due 4/�7/99-DL 71645 2l26/96 Per Licensee And Verification From Diane Olson, Original Container Should Be Removed From License.4/71/96 Cig Code Added Fd Id #16701--Lap-Lic �.. -i- O�-�3�- i�'ame of Clerk: �L � � Date of Birth Address: Driver's License n or State I. l.J-� i f � t�� �� 1 ���.�_�_� �� � �l� OFFIC[ OF LICEtiSE. ItiS2ECTiOtiS AND E�.�'V1AOft'�7EVTALPROTL-CTION 0 ��`� Y Roger Crsrlis. Direclor CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL h�om� Co1e���an, .tlrst'ar �r L0f1'RYPROFESSION.iLBC`ILOL4G TelepLone: 65l-?G6-9090 �SO St. Percr Sr�cct. Sui+e 300 Facsimile: 65l-?6G-9l.4 $niutPrtul. jfi�rnesa1rsJ5102-l5l0 7%eb: uvvris(pmd.nuues.7ic7 Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form Case # 1NTERNATIONAL WINES & LIQUORS 710 CLEVELAND AVE S S7 PAUL, MN 55116-1319 License Type: License # Cigaretteliobacco 0015928 For OGce Use Only PostOrdinance Business Type: � Com�znience � Com�enience ! Gas � Gas � Dmg Store / Phammcy � Tobacco / Smoke Shoo � Supemiarket / Grocery � General Merchant � Liquor Store / Bar Restaurant � Other (pm•aic Nuh, bmehng, r.c) Date: `�"� � � / � Time: 3 � � a.m. p.n M �I D D Y 1' ��'as purctiase attempteJ' (`—� Y25 �:t0 � Bu}'er � � � Use 3 initiais A�e 15 16 17 R' Sale made? Yes or I�o If \O, check rcason: � Does not sell [obacco � Unsatisfactory/unsafe conditions � Out of business � Other � After business hours � Not applicable Ses Adult ��� Did adult or otficcr ci v transaction? emale Use 3 initials Yes or .�o ae R'as age as ' D requested.' Yes or N Y or ro T�'pe of purcl�ase: _�S Sen�ice i�C:lerk assisted �'endine tinachine - Unlocked Location of machine _V ending machine - Locked Location of machine CIer1�InCorznation: �Female �Sale �Y ID sltqrsn? Yes or \o Amount spenh $ ❑ � T}'pe of product: � 'r� ✓Ciearettes /��y�J��.�:, _Smokeless Odier (cigaretie papers, Li�htu, Civil Prnalry S Licensze: Civil Penalry S For O(f ce Use Only Comoliance Check 6usiness I.D. n � � approaimateAge: �Unde:13 Criminal Penairy S Suspension:_lU �la}�s or Iess _i? dcys to 1 year Actual age if knoo'n � and � e. _I 1 to 31 da;�s _Ocer 1 )esr o � -��a- 0 � _ a � d � � a r 0 a d � c 0 R £ � J w � � � � c � cn � o� � y U � � v. � � 6) y � yJ O O)f� ` � � N � C �� OV c w l7 � J d� Q �� N v c� O . � c� a� y J � .rdca�U �a O a� a '�o� �c U ( L j � N' � 0 - C (6 J V U� CY N > V � O l4 NO N :-. 6 � >L � OLL (6 ... _ � U C lL - O U °" ° 'v 3 c3 a �'c c�� O OL�mN Cc6 �00_ U UU�C4= Nm3 (6�J O pN O.� NQa �? N L .� GU c ��� '=Q'� O O (B+-� O�U N d0 U' I� �O (6 QNN� �� O >m � �n a E L a�< �n� c �-o� rn�-c�na���`n o�� ao� �-a>.a�i��3���mrn� a�i�� Y� N tL � U N N"O� �— C() (0'6L N�-p ��@K N N N � C��N V ti�� � c�d rnrn°-o�ocvio �� � �pYmmEc».�=omr �ca � p � o_o_oQ ` mUO- c o i n a� .0 a a i Om0)� V w ��o�— �N �O)�6) p_ � (D � O �OdNOID� 3 Nr� N�� C N_ CO��� UO��O V'�fJ��N0�11�NOU o�-c��- � � O a o x � W O ,y o r '� o d U � a J M �o O Q � C O R � L w C d N C V J � 0 v � �N i7 N y N > I V U J Q — O U a � FF � � y � � U f6 J � _U N a � � Z y N N � U �-- J O " W �M � W a 0 Z N I W � IW a IJ QU� �O �r � � W Z > > l a � i� m � F- z,Z DIW IF- _'z Q Z K w �H y 'Z �'� Z Y Z O J a o ^ Y iU' C ' �� UI V i I, N I !O � i I I I,o I d X W � INi Cj � I� I�� I Z , T, �U' �°, a� ;� U' c ��' � I,� _ � ,� Z, �+ � � Q E , 0 V U G N j �� N �I 7 Z I N C �,r- o:� a'!� y�o �'I� c � ��in m i� I o �'�o ^ ~ 'M I� _JM �, I , I I ' IN �m I 'iU y � Y � Z c� ''v, W w = J > Im a ¢ � � � Y Z Q � J w O > X U W J L—Q I� N � �C� �°I i �, � yI C im i�i IU I, i N � � C � @ 4 N N � Q �p >. U T p... C � N N Q N� �Q � 7� � � � pU O �- N (6 LOU j^ UUy 'O�p � U � N� in �`') m �(n C .� C (p ,a Q. � y U y V c �QQc yr 3 0�� s�m � m M �"�6 wU'J_ C N i� Nfl.(6 U� (n � U O� oco oa�.�°�a°- 'u_o m�E mc Y• �'�n c � o a m` a� .Y N o c �E � w � m 3 a� �n o... _ c� U rn� Y c a7 m c m O o... �U� m o mQ � y `o o a� m .� a @ n � a� � `� t'> vi �� a� �- c� 3 � ��� m°o�c000���c�io � �@ �o � o C i U�� � (JNO dN �� O Y �m� ` m.c�'a.-oQ���ca� `� E� `- � � � j� U �ND���N p��� �th� UN �tn L cn O C Q � N O��� N N O � O�� p� N '��(6 U O @ O U t �� o o �� c c o-�o �QQ m c �� � m m ��� dm�a���3o"mc°�mUp�m m� @� � � � fl.� TO_� �� TOU 0� 3�>'rno �LL o�� � �tn �°'mQ Qa�i� c a� am o dp ���n o aip�p� .o o��� o� O'6=Q�>+OCO-aR� NUNU �.'��.. ? O VU �N�f�CNN(6 CN z � ��?�a�in¢ �' >z �FIl�YZ�F�— Nli�UdCn U� �'in � o$°000�oo��0000� oom00 \1 V �NNNMNN TON\NN x �N �N EN '�NN �N NN � N U::.O. CN �CJ EO� �c- O_M U_W Q. V p��llJti] �llJV N UM7VM � NM UM a NWI,n Oln?�a' O 0.....6000'OOOLQO000 EJO 70 �pfnII00 U090 U o�-cs� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debbie A. Saldivar, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 27th day of April, 2001, at the City of Saint Paul, counry and state aforemention, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Saint Paul, a true conect copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the foilowing individual: Alexander Kopilenk International Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55116 ___�/Cl��� � �'c�r.�/r�i Debbie A. Saldivar Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of April 2001 `�� �i- ���.�.� Notary Public - - - t_e.�....__.�_.���� _.; �� 4� °~�:�' Ri"�;:�,v7. vCiSSARD � �; .�' nCT.tstYtil�r�C-hiliYNESOT;. �,� 2 Si7 �_ C:p;•'diYSSIQi�i � L,,,,,^,;:' -'�t'- _S.:a.ii. ,��R'S >..�- _�..,,e�„ ...-=..-..� Page 2 AlexanderKopilenko � ���� April 18, 2001 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before fhe Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a le#ter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, Apri130, 2001. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. Tf you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be abfe to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's wifnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangbom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, April 30, 2001, w� will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule fhis matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allorved and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being charged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a separate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, � 2 �c.. � �, (��� V Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Gayle Summers, Community Organizer, Highland District Council, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN 55116 OFFICE OF THE CIlY ATTORNEY Clayran K Sinrort. Jr.. City Auorney OF SAINT PAUL r lemnn, Mayor W� Civil Division 400 City Hnll /S iYest Kellogg BPoA. Srsinf Prsul, Minnuatn SSIO2 Telepl�orte: 65! 166-87/0 Fnaimife: 651 298-56l9 �1�L7y April 18, 2001 Alexander Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 i6 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors d/b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located ai 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul License ID #: 15928 Dear Mr. Kopilenko: The Office of License Inspections and Environmenta] Protection has recommended adverse action against the cigarette/tobacco license held by Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors d(b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On March 27, 2001, tabacco compliance check was conducted at the premises of International tiYines & Liquors, 710 Cieveland Avenue, Saint Paul. A sixteen year old female entered the premises and asked to purchase cigarettes. She was asked for identification, which she showed. Although vt correctly stated her date of birth, she was sold a package of Newport cigarettes. Sale of tobacco to an underage person is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.85 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07 Since this is a first violation, the licensing office will recommend a�200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. o � -c1�- UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors, d/b/a International Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Wednesday, June 27, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation Place: Presumptive Penalty: March 27, 2001 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 5, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[on M. Robinson, Jr., City Attorney 0 � �`,� CivilDivision 400CityNn!! Telephone:65/266-8710 ISWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minaesola 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Alexander Kopilenko Intemational Wines & Liquors 710 Cleveland Avenue South Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 RE: Cigazette/Tobacco License held by Kopilenko International Wines & Liquors d/b/a Intemational Wines & Liquors for the premises located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South in Saint Paul License ID #: 15928 Dear Mr. Kopilenko: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 27, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Fioor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawfui sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � � u�y�P% Virgini . Paimer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Gayle Summers, Community Organizer, Highland District Council, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN SSll6