D00875CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �pproved Copies to: ADMINISTRA7NE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept No: Q�p �� Date: �3— /c� Rf� ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consisterrt with fhe authority granted to the Mayor in Secdon 70.07A of the City Charter and based on the request of the IXreCtor of the Olfi�e ot CiHZen Services to amend the 1995 BudgM ot the General Fund, the Wreefor of the Depardnent ot Finanee and Management Services !s authorized to amend saW budg� in the tolbwing manner. DEPARTMENT � DMSION: FUND , ACTMTY AND OBJECT: CITIZEN SERVICE City Clerk Records GL 001-00250-0285 GL 001-00250-0856 Rentai - Dupiicating Equipment Data Processing Software Pubtic Infortnation CURREN7 BUDGET 4,500 5,350 25,000 7,000 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET (3,323) 1,177 3,323 8,673 (7,303) 17,697 7,303 14,303 � L 001-00252-0299 L 001-00252-0857 Other - Misc Services Data Processing Hardware 41,850 0 41,850 ����--n--/L�-�-� �-/5�� A p ved by: Mayor Date 3P /y Date lp4og�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATEO O CITIZEN SERVICE OFEICE GREEN SHEE N_ ._3 057 CONTAG7 PERSON 8 PHONE INRIAVpATE WITIAL/�ATE � DEPAffTMENTDIRECTOfi � CT'COUNCIL ASS�GX C�7Y ATiOFNEY CRY CLERK Fran Swanson 266-8690 NuYBENFOR � � ST BE ON COUI�II A(iENOA B�' (OA'fE) pp�� � flUOGET DIREGTOR O FlN. & MGL SERVICES �Ip. rch 27, 1996 oRO�x ��pyOR(ORASSISTMIi) � T6TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACf10N REQUE$TED: Approval of the attached Administrative Order to provide sufficient funding at the major object level of the Citizen Service Office's 1995 Budget. RECAMMENOA710NS: Apqove (A) a Re�ea (Po pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION �_ CML SERVICE GOMMISSION �- Has this personAirm ever worked under a contract for this depardneM? - _ d9 COMMIT'fEE , YES Id0 —�� — 2. Has this Derson/hrm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ �is7qiG7 COUaT _ 3. Does Nis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPORTS WN�CH COUNLML OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separete sheet antl attaeh to green sheet MRIATWG PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wbo, Whet, When, WYere, Why�: To provide adequate funding at the major object levels of the Citizen Service Office's 1995 Budget. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: e Citizen Service Office's 1995 Budget will have adeqauCe funding at the major object levels. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVED. , Nane. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPHOVED: The Citizen Service Office's 1995 Budget will be overspent at the major object levels. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S -- COST/HEVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHGSOUHCE General Fund (��1.) ACTIVIiYNUMBER V2.L10uS FINANCIAL 1NFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � i ' I �V