D00874CITY OF SAINI' PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: l,,Z1U ��y � BUDGET REVISION Date: 3 � �`� � ��� ADMIPTISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with die authority granted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Superintendent oF Pazks and Recreation to amend the 1994 budget of the Capital Improvement Budget fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current � F��ANCING PLAN C- 4050 Harriet Island 1994 CIB FEMA SP�NDING PLAN C� R050 Aarriet Is]a� Public Dock Construction • FINANCING PLAN C'-�5016 Mississippi River Blvd. 1994 CIB CIB Prior Year Contingency Met. Council 1994 PIA SP NDING PLAN C Mississippi River Blvd. Construction 11 111 11 1� 111 11 :1. 111 11 :�. ��� s� :1. 111 11 1�� 111 11 �11 11 11 111 11 111 11 filQ'Fl[� � ���1 ': 111 11 1,198,000.00 Amended ('�1��4P � � 111 11 1 � � 111 11 �. ��� �1 ' � 111 11 � � 111 11 1 1 -. P�i �� '. 111 11 -. ��� �� ��'�'�G`�' � � 111 11 1. 111 11 111 11 11 t 11 111 11 •' • 111 11 • 111 11 11 111 11 I1{ 11 1,152,000.00 1,152,QQ0.00 1,152,000.00 ��-_. �--- �-�--� App ed y: Bud et Direc[or . 3r 18 �6 nece n��r'''�Z!L'7f �EPAR7MENLOFFlCE/COUNqI DATE INRIATED vv V �) p Parks and Recreation 3/14/96 G EN SHEE N_ 36154 COMACf PERSON & PHONE lN�T�PIJDASE INRIAVDATE APTMENT �IRECiOR O CfiV COUNqL John Wlrka 266-6411 A��N CT'ATfORNEY �CfTVCLERK NUYBEq f-0X 5T BE ON COUNCIL AGEWDA BY (DAl^Jc p0�� m BUDGEf DIRECTOF � FM7. & MGT. SEHYfCES DiH. A �p�� Q MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn 0 Par Re r a � �n TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIJP AI.L LOCATIONS FOR S16NATUR� ACTION flEQUESiED: Approval of Admir.istrative Order RECOMMENDA710NS: App'ove (A) a Beject (R) pEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTI�NS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personfirm ever worketl under a coMract tor Nis daparimBM? - CIB CoMMIT7EE YES NO � S7AFF _ 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ oiSiAiC7 COUai _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPORiS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answen on aeparate aheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why): Additional funding is needed to camplete the installation of safety railings on the public dock at Harriet Is'and Park. DVANTAGES IFAPPRO�EO: nstallation of railings can proceed. RECEIVEC3 NfAR 181996 ° �1TY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. None. The transfer of CIB funds from MissiSSippi River Blvd. project will not affect that work, which is fiully funded and will be completed in June. DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: ' Unable to proceed with safety railings project. TAl AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 46 � OOO . OO COSTlREVENUE BU�GETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUHCE �IB ACTIVITYNUMBER from C94-3S016 FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) t0 C94-3R050 �y� / W