267526 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMEN BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnes ta, hereby goes on record as being opposed to all acts o terrorism and hijacking, and specifically that it does c ndemn the actions of the pro-Palestinians who hijacked an Air France jetliner and kidnapped the passengers and crew, and i ther, that this City Council hereby extends its grate- fulnes and appreciation to the heroic efforts of the Airborne Israel Commandos who raided the Entebbe, Uganda, airport and freed 11 of the hostages and crew whose lives were threatened by the kidnappers. � COU[VCILM N Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: -�-I� In Favor �I-Iunt � _� Against BY �rea�iar �Sylvester �4'edesco ��� f 3 t� Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted b ouncil Date Cer ied Pas y � Secr�tary BY By Appro by Mayor: at JU�. � �o�� Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council � gy By PUBLISHED .IUL 2 4 1976