267519 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COURCII /■������ PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPART ENT I TY F SA I NT PA U L f � � BLUE - MAVO File. N�O. � � o ci solution Presented By � Referred Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul her by approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of Councilman Rob rt Sylvester to serve as a member of the Board of Water Co issioners during his present term of office. ;� COUN ILMEN Requested by Department of: Ye Nays �utler ozz In Favor �Hunt vin � Against BY Roe er Sylv ter Tede co ��� � 19't(�' Form prove y City At ne Adopted by o . Date �, Certifi�d' a se Council Secretary BY i � y� Appro d b 19avor: Date r JUL � 2 �976 Approved by Mayor for ub i�sion t ouncil By BY ` Pue�tsNE� JUl 1 ? t9�