267490 �
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FI AL ORDER BY ��<_„ t/�` l,t.,�
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i File No. 1��
In t Matter of �tldQt� �IIb1�C �t0�''r � 1O t� �0111NC�,q� il�NCi#
�� �R t�lZ�tk 4!1 � �if"C�� O� Zit11 �f� li� Wit �NV!! �Gf t�w@��ili�Zx'
p ti1 dlt+�� i�Ol'� M��!'=.
COf�tY !A� !!'aR OY�tlt t�1 1I��i+�M/at�'s #!'Mi. #�d �oat A��!•
�D. #s� ��ia Mnr. to Msr�i�l �in. �
Al�. l�:ww ��aa►tNnc Diwl. �o► �okasl� �e.
A�. l�+ow N�r�►lia AA�m. te 11�s Aow.
�i. ls+o� Maauo�i� �+rl. t.o 4�i! !t wt.
-- ATS. ls+� xo�ca�� �e. to 3#!Q !t. t
A�"li. �ir� M'Waowl,r A�. oe �vat�r i1vi.
�1 b� �a�rr � tbs �t LA�z �! �` q'�"�R �t
•ai64 :� � :
o sil 1 3976
under Adm nistrative Order approved
under Preli inary Order approved .�UN 6 ��
The ouncil of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof ha ng been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and � `
WHE EAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and as fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RES LVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, d the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FUR HER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCI MEN Adopted by t cil: Date
JUL 6 19T6
Yeas Nays
ified Pass y Council Secretary
, ,�U� � 2 1976.
BuUe� In Favor
Notza ,\
NuM ��
�� Against
�� Mayor
T�o �' pue�ts��a JUl � ? 1976
wn�s:! - ci�vciQ:k � � �I�TY OF �AI�vTT �AUp. ��Ul�
pt.�k - Fiiu�ce rJegt.
;"Canary— Dep3. .
/�n� ()I�'1�IGI; Qi•' Tlil�: �1A1'UH �'���:���
,• � %!�^ � r �
� , �� � , ��: `i� -���� �'-�
. - Date: kPR 1 1976
In Cf�e m�jtter c�f constrescting pubt ic storm sewers ir� t�e fol irz��tng streets:
Frar� an o�tlet o�t a partet af losv lying la:�d near Bea�ter LskQ speciftc�lYy prepared
to d�taln'I stor::� wat�r.
In Ra�.seyq Causlty Park fro^� outtet tb Edgew�ter g1vd. and Rs�s� Ave.
in Edges,ra�er 31 v�. f rom MacSnai i a dve. to t�laryl and �yv�. -
in t'.ag�oi��a 11v�. f�o�n Ecig�waLer S1vc�. to +�of;o�is Ave.
�n f�3alcamT� A�e. f tom Ptagr�o 1 i a Ave. to Ptise /lve. .
}�-�� , i n Ge ran i i�m Ar:.�. fr+om idokoni s �tve. to ft�0' E.
�._ ' In Jessam�ne l�vc�. fr�om tSalcar�is Ave. to 3Q0' E. ,
!n i�aryla�d Ave. f�cm Flr,ka�is Ave. ta Ed���ater L�ivd. ,
A3� to ba'''kreo�� as tt�:: Beaver Latce storr,z rc1 ief Se�:e:• S�stem.
Tr�e ��3r�r.�r�t c�f Financ� and Nlanag�m�� Services is h��eby dir��ct�d to brtng tt�Is
n�tter b�#ore tsz� City Cousci 1 �or Pr:�t ic �learinr. ,
� ' .
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Assl tant CitY P.ttorney j �7epartment.liead -
�. dr�r'IRTM£�T 0� PUi3L!C t1QRKS'— SEWERS
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r AJmiaixlrative Au.sistarit to M�yor .
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1+�arc�I 18� 1976
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Mr. k'd�.l.ter hurtley
i�ydr�u].ics Engineer
Degax�ment o�' Public t^Torks
Rocm 123�+
Dear �ir. Hu..�tley:
Pursu n� to your request, I hw�re set for�h herein info:mration pertinen�t to the
proge �y wssess�ent for the pro�osed impro-aement d�scribed as;
S-1502� Be�.ver L�ke Re�ief Sewer Sys�em
The i:b+..E.l es�i�-a.ted amount reco��ex:ble b,r assessment is �23,2OO.Q0 b�sed on the
�oll�xing es�i.m-�ted assessmen� rate:
I ". & B Re s. Praperty - �.015 per sq. ft.
P2eas� incorporate �he follo�ring addit�.onal. costs in the estiz�ted ta+..�l exnendi-
tureu'j for �his impro-re�en�:
Valu�tions E� Assess�zen� Sex•rices - �4b0.J��
, ldiscellaaeous Casts - �86�.0�
Encl��e3 �'or ;►our information �nd use is our esti�.te plan. Please return at your
Vert.l �r�3i Y�tzrs,
Roy E� Bred::�21., Jr.
L.ssis�°.ri ';:lu.�.tion �n�ineer
cc; �i1 Desch �'
. , �������
.. ,... ., ,.. _.___ _ ._
i�"���� � ,�f"h�, :
�l�ri 1 6, 197G
��lr. Roger �1. i4attson
�i rector
epartment of Finance
�and �lanagement Services
i�toom 109, Ci ty Nal 1
�t. Paul , tlinnesota 551a2
��te: PU6LIC NEAZI!!G - t3eaver Lake Storm Relief Sewer System - 5-1501
Ipear S i r:
i transmit herewith, a preliminary estimate of th� cost for ti�e construction
�f a public storm sewer to be kno�vn as the Beaver Lake Storm Relief Se�oer �
�System (S-15Q1) and as deseribed under an attached Administrative Qrder M�'
�to. D2664, dated t•tarch 23, 1 J76. ;
Project Sunm� -- /'
, � � . � . . . . . r'
Cons t ruct i on Cos t $130,flJO.J0 ,�r= �
(1 o r �
Engineering o.5i $ 1�,340.00 -
Inspection 2.Oo $ 3,600.JQ ¢�`�:�`�
� � � •i-_
1 2 .fl
�don-Contract Items $ 3
TOTAL Project Cest �' $200,220.J� � • � -�
Assassments $ �3,2��.Q� `-� -
� � .
197G 1�'ater Pol 1 ution AbaCement Fun� � �177,02�J.0� '�,
�4 public hearin� be�ore the City Council an t is matter, is requested. -
_. F
�'aurs very truly, '�G� Jj�-��� �-..�
.5�-3-�l -SD�.=_-� c�-�-c-.,_ct/
� ' �,,,� . ��
-�YCc��ts'�c. Q�
�lal ter /1. Hurtley �- ' �
piydraul ics Engineer � =._. ;�
tli�li:GS:ma` 7-
� �
� �l'�'�
�. � .
I 'nn so
ta 551t�
Z 4 it H 11 aint Pau Mi e
3 C y a , S ,
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' J '�E osas�, '�
CouncII 9 �' �:.�uby�
i 8unb- •
lYi the " nstr'n �'
storla .eewer . folb
from aa outlet arcel ,
la�td near 9earie � �
I Patl�d to def�lA _ watep ` --3 -4
le�to�i�ge ��� vd andK �j
LDGF.W�;�.�' lta;
Ave. to���ry lapd Ave. ° '` ;
I MAG1�iT�!'► AVS. 4om ��si'ter�:
Blvd,�to Nokomis Ave. ;•
NOl[O11�I3 AVE.�om M�A,v4•,
to Roee Ave.
(}�RANIUM AVE.!t'om T{�'rA'ef.'
ta,,�p !t. e �.aI�,,�i,'�.{,",�■'
�.S5AM��..��. . $O� 7TdF"'�"`.;
,Ai�ve.to 300!t:�:
)SARy�Q�;�AVS. �'om���kO�t;
v .
�ve. to �dgewatei'.� d
, � 1 to be �cn�at��
�� 3TOE�M_
approved Ap 1, 1976
� �he Council of thiE"�;it8 0� �au1
' ng received the �e
or upon tAe�aalwve'- ent�
" having �ot�siQlti'ed orL.
�by resolv�x:•
, 1. That the satd ' the
' �- same is herebp 4ppr no
alternatives,and that tM ted
cost thereo�L1-
� a. �at a �t,u� a
� on said ixnprove�tn�k 'tlie '
sth_liav �t Julr. 197 �
Chaznbers -of�t11e C1tY itd
H d1n y Y
Court outl� Hutl. B
! o! Saint Ylttit.
� 3. That not�es'of a(a}`d gitbii ing
be given_to the perso in
the man�er Provided : the
Charter, statin� �ke ti : and
I � h CeimprbV�m� �aY4d t : total
coat th�ereof�ditEIItp�ed. i
File No.17828. - �
Ado�lted by ths Councii lYne�, 1498.
� Approved lu� 10, Ipf
(June 19, 191� a
� � .