267482 WHITE - CITV C ERK COUIICII ������ PINK - FINAN E GITY OF SAINT PALTL � � CANARV - DEPAR MENT � BLUE -MAYOR File NO. � �'� � �Council Resolution Presented By Refer d To Committee: Date Out o Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City had acquired an eight foot wide sewer ea ement over the easterly eight feet of Lot 4, Block l, Ga arneault' s Addition, in approxima.tely 1924, the sewer ea ement constructed to drain rain water from the alley in sa'd block; and WHEREAS, over the past years the prope�ty has been im roved by placing a portion of a home and garage upon the se er �ase��nt; and WHEREAS, the property at this address, 1680 Scheffer, is pr sently for sale and the purchaser cannot obtain mortgage fi cing because the home and garage encroach upon the sewer eas ment; and I� WHEREAS, the City has received a re quest to release and qui claim the sewer easement upon an understanding that the pre ent sewer may rema.in in place, but if the sewer fails or if he property owner demands the discontinuance of th� sewer, tha the sewer will be relocated away from the private property at he sole expense of the City, and the present owner has off red and agreed to pay the City the sum of $2,500.00 for thi release and quit claim; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has recommended tha the City Council approve this release upon the above sta ed terms and conditions; now, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, for the consideration set forth above, does hereby approve and aut orize the release and quit claim of the public sewer easem�nt COUIVCILI�'(EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler f U�i�j p I^/�S Hozza In Favor - Hunt Levine A gai n s t Rcedler II� Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attor y Adopted by Counc 1: Date Certified Yassed Council Secretary BY 1 By Approved by i4layo I: Date Approved by Mayo r Subc� sion to Council � gy By WH17E - CITV CLERK COUflClI p�;;s�4\J� PINK - FINANCE � � CANARV - DEPARTME T GITY OF SAINT PALTL 7 � BLUE - :AVOR File NO. " � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date with n the easterly 8 feet of Lot 4, Block l, Galarneault' s Addi ion, to Frederick Strasburg and Lucia Strasburg, husband and ife, and the proper City officers are authorized to exec te and deliver a quit claim deed, in form approved by the ity Attorney, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. �I , �I �� ,I �� i1 ii i� i � . ��I d COUNCIU�MEN Yeas �I Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler i� Hozza i� [n Favor �� �I � Levine _ Against BY Roedler I Sylvester� Adopted by Cou . Date ,jV�, � �97s Form Approved by C' torn Certifie as e I C ncil Secret�ry BY � y� Appro d by 17a �or. at,e J�� 2 �g�� Approved Mayor for Submis n t ouncil B By Y , ��� �ul � a�— - �� v�. � , � ,. ��-����'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD Junl 28, 1976 � DIREC'fOR ���� � � � Ms.i Harriet Lansing ��/(J�� �_- �� Ci y Attorney � � � J9T6 Ro�lm 647 City Hall C/r su ��o i Nc � �--Y A.,.�r�R��,Y At�ention: Mr. Jerome J. Segat + � RE� Sewer Easement at 1680 Scheffer Avenue, St. Paul De�r Ms. Lansing: � i espectfully request that your office prepare the necessary document and _ Co�ncil Resolution to release all City rights to the following described sewer easement: "An easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer in, � over, across, under and through the easterly 8 feet of Lot 4, Blozk 1 , Galarneault's Addition, by virtue of warranty deed dated i November g, 1931 , recorded November 10, 1931 in "900" of Deeds on page 7 in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. �� Th!jis release should be predicated upon payment of the sum of Twenty Five Hw�dred Doilars ($2,500.00) to the City by Frederick and Lucia Strasburg, sa�iid sum to be the agreed upon payment for release of the City's easement ri!ghts. YcNur attention to this request is greatly appreciated. , . V�{r truly yours, � � D�jniel J. nford D�re ctor of Public Works �I D.�D:ddr ,� � 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �- `��` �C i� �lt�bet�ture . _..__.____..._.._.....�, .............................................. _. � � � �llade this..... � of.. ... .._. 19_....w . . . . ----, , � 'een .._..�..G1,tX....Qf..�.a�.7Q�..�.'.a13a..�_...�....Aal.iSl�]..��..�Sa.....GQ��?f��:�,��,4n.......................__.__..._..........__.............. t . -' I '� 6 � < '� �.-����. ���, 1. � ��' .� _c�cr xa,�iq�n under tlze Iuws o the State o ...............Minnesota -Pa f f •-•. ..................._._......._..., party o f the first part, and Er.e,deri k...S�xa.s.bur.g....and...Lucia.._S�trasb.ur.g.,-...hushan.d....aztd_.�a..f�...._............_.........._...._..... .........................�........................._......................._._.._.._._..__............_._......_..----..............._..............._.._.........._.�....._......_..---....._.----..._..._..._.............._.. . uf the Cou�j�tJ vf.......................RaInS.L3T.................._....._......_.....und State of-•--..._....�`1.7 U11�.�0.�,1_..._.........._......_................... partie.S,....�......of tTee second part, �dihieg�etij, TIaRt th� said par.ty of the fir.sE �:u.r�, irz consider�ction of tlie sum of Two....Thau.s.and...FiY�...Hundr.ed...ax�.d..NQ f..1QQ....$.2,.�.QO.�.Q�-.-.-.-.-..--.-..-_-----.--�OLI.ARS. ............... .... Eo it in leai�d p2id hJ tlae srcid p�n•t_.leS......of t.Tze seco�ul pa�•t, the receipt whereof ic h.creby ucknowled�ed, CZvFB ILCYC.bJj,G'rnr�z, L'Rr�a.irz., Qieitcl.nim,, and CnnLe�/ un.to tlee saicl rart..................of tlee seconcl pa��t,....._........... laeir�s and ��.s::iyn.s, Forerrer, r.:ll ihe trar,t..........:.......or paree.l..................of land lJino a�tcl Lcins in tjee CountJ of •••..--••----.�c'ZtAg83z..............................und Stutc of Jl7innesota, d.cscribccb as follows, to-wit: A p�.blic sewer easement within the easterly 8 feet of Lot 4, Block l, Galarneault' s Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and .of. record, in _the office of �he .Register of Deeds in and for the County of Rams�ey; " � State- of Minnesota . � � , -. _ ._� .� i � . , .. . . J . � . . , � . ... . i . .. . . �f ... . . .. . .,. . . . . e �"Ti�1FS �pEEO tS EXEi,tPT fP„�M STAT€ DEED � . . �U( UA�D�R !dlhN. S1A�. EE�. 23J.2Y;��'� � .� _ _ . . . �:. . , , � , , � � ,. � , . ' _ . ' , � . � , , . . . . . . �: � . . � � • , ; ;r : �..�,. . . . ,. . , _ '`� , .• , , , l . , , , . , , � � � � � � , ' • . .� ' , . . ,.} - , � . - . . . . .i..i„. . , � . . ' . .. . � . ' —, . " . . . . ' i � . . . � . . i�� � .� . . .� - . . . . .. _ . . . y � . . " . r 1 � . , � . � - ' . .' �,'J'. � .. � J . .�,.(.'. � . � � . ' . ,. � . � . . . . . , . . �.. � � . . ' � . . � . . . ' �'� � . ... � ' . . ., . .... .. . ., , . . � .- .. . �0'�abe anb to �oC� t�e �iame, Toseticer �vith alL t�ae hereilita�nents u.�ad u��purtcrarr.ccs ther�c- zr,nto bcl.on�Iny ur in, rzn�r.rise u.pperfaini»•s, to fjLP, said parE..ies....._..........of tlee seconcl �a.rt,.....their,....., Tr e�rs and assi��r s, Forcaer. ' �!n �e�timottp �i�jereof, 1'hc, said first pa:�tr� l�.as c.azcscd thcsc �reser�ts to be eLCCUted i�a its corporate �za��ie b�� its..�Q�.'.... ; City Clerk Preatie�cr�b and it.s...D.lr.,.....lJ.�....F..1�3���1 its co�•po��czte scal to •� be Tzereunto affixed tlae c1.aJ a.nd �ear fcrst a.bove uritten. ' .............���Y...Q�....�1:#�lY'�---P��--........._...._..................:......... I In Presercce I3�............................................................................................................ It s.......M..aY..�r...............................................���t. ................................................................................................................. _ �t4......C��:�- �C��e��c...................................................... . ................. ... ...............----��------.............._........._..........._ ��� . . .: . _ . ... � �.